PART IV of our black-on-white violent crime expose'.
- >>> Black Males - Abuse Of White Elderly
- Black Males - Abuse Of White Children
- >>> Black Male Sucker Punch
Part : [I], [II], [III],[ IV]
Total White victims - so far - from ALL four pages::
Dead = 2066
Seriously Injured = 478
Total = 2544
Reminder: All the unprovoked black violence against white people...the long, long history of it, is not random. Their violence is calculated to create terror and fear in the hearts and minds of white people. Violence begets fear...and fear makes one submit to another. (pre 1964 LINK ... post 1964 LINK )
Dr. Albert Schweitzer, From My African Notebook :: "I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I have must learn and know... .For whenever a White man seeks to live among [blacks] as their equals, they will destroy and devour him, and they will destroy all his work."
From The City Of Racism & Hate: Philadelphia
UPDATE: As of April 2017, still no word on the disposition to this case. Look for a plea deal in this case, where the black savages get less than 3 years.
UPDATE: Finally, justice is done... Racist black females who lynched the homeless white male get steep prison sentences.
2015 Texas

Note: Cochran, strangely, accused of being a sexual predator, yet he was not charged with rape. Only ONE reason for a black man to kidnap a pretty white female>> RAPE.
2014 Michigan
Vicious Sucker Punch - White Male Gets Broken Jaw
Time And Time Again I've Seen This Kind Of Attack -- When Will White Males Learn?
2013 New Jersey
Police Officer Sets Up White Male For A Murder -- Officer Also Lies About Racial Slurs To Justify His Murder - Jury Acquits
Here's how the murder went down - and why the black male is being tried for murder:
Joseph Walker, 40, an 18-year veteran assigned to the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, while out of uniform and driving his own car, deliberately cut off another driver when he merged onto the highway. The other driver was a white male, Joseph Harvey, 36. Mr. Harvey naturally got angry over this...and drove alongside Walker and likely had a few choice words for him. The off-duty officer, who was carrying a loaded gun, rather than just ignoring the comments, decided to give it right back to Harvey. Then the officer hatched a quick murder scheme.
The off-duty officer no doubt surmised the white male didn't have a gun. So the off-duty officer pulled his vehicle over to the side of the road...hoping or expecting the white male was going to do the same thing - which he did. THAT, my friends, is deliberate provocation. The off-duty officer was NOT going to fight it out, nor was he going to show the white guy a badge or that he had a gun. As soon as the white guy approached the off-duty officer's car...he got out his vehicle and gunned him down. When police officers arrived at the scene they immediately arrested Walker and charged him with murder.
UPDATE: Walker is acquitted of clear case of murder.
2014 Oklahoma
'Muslim' - Self-Described America/ Israel & Euro HATER ... Is Fired ... Goes Psycho And Beheads White Female At Work Who Didn't Measure Up To His 'Muslim Code' - Also Slices Up Another Female
Colleen Hufford, 54 (w/f)
Traci Johnson (survived)
2014 Croward County, FL
15 Black Adults Dash Out Of Restaurant On $300 Bill - Also Stiff Waitresses
2014 Lakeview, IL
MO: Stake Out A Home- Home Invasion Armed With A Weapon - Rape And Robbery
2014 Virgina
Hannah Graham Is Still Missing - However, Police Believe They Got Her Killer -- Motive Appears To Be Rape - Same Person Was 'STRONG' Suspect In Rape Of College Student In 2002
UPDATE: Suspect Jesse Matthew has been charged with Hannah Graham's abduction
White Male Air Marshal Attacked With Syringe In Lagos, Nigeria - Crazed Black Male Injects White Male With Unknown Element
Ocala, Fl, 2012
Robbery Foiled By Elderly White Male
A white male, Samuel Williams, 71, prevented two thugs, Davis G. Dawkins and Duwayne Henderson (both 19) from terrorizing and victimizing innocent people. Both thugs, tho wounded, survived pointblank shots.
Pedophile Abducts 14-Year-old Girl - TWICE - - Sexually Assaults Her
Mark Edwards,43, became infatuated as well as sexually obsessed with his teenage daughter's friend. He abducted her once and was caught and charged with kidnapping and sexual assault of child (rape). While out on bail...Edwards did it again - though this time it apears she was a willing participant. With an Amber alert out, Edwards was caught in just few days. This time Edwards was hit with a monster bail which he couldn't pay. Convicted of his crimes against a child, the pedophile was sentenced though to only 20 years (at taxpayers expense). He'll be eligible for parole in about 10 years.
Note: The teenage girl was best friends with Edwards' daughter. Common sense should have told the mother of the white girl victim after the first abduction ... to order her daughter stay away from the home of this pedophile.
Michaela Bruce, 14
MASSACRE Atrocity Averted
Branchburg, New Jersey (January 2010): Lloyd R. Woodson, 43, planned a massacre at Fort Drum U.S. military facility.
"Woodson was armed with a semi-automatic assault rifle and was wearing a military-grade ballistic vest at the time of his arrest. A subsequent search of his motel room uncovered a large cache of military-grade weapons and ammunition including a grenade launcher, a night vision scope, a police scanner, a Middle Eastern headdress, and a number of maps including one of the nearby Fort Drum U.S. military facility;"
SOURCE: wikipedia
(2014) San Antonio, TX
Rage Kill - Unprovoked Sucker Punch Beat Down Murder - Just Wanted TO Kill A White Person - MSM Suppress Hate Crime
Victim: Joseph Keith Richard, 56
(2014) Philadelphia, PA
Sexually Depraved Craigslist Rapist - White Teen Set Up for Rape
Kevin Cornish, 42, promised a job on Caigslist as a home-care provider. Not surprisingly, it turned out to be a con. When a white teenage girl answered teh ad, she was picked up by Cornish, then transported to his home. Cornish then shifted to what clearly looks like a prearranged plan, which was to give the girl an application that stated she was going to be an "escort" (sex for hire). He then stood behind the young girl and made her fill out the application and sign it. Cornish then made the white female strip down naked and took photos (I'm sure she was required to smile). After the photos, the white female was led to the bedroom and there she was raped by the black man. NOTE: Case yet to be prosecuted (Sept 2014). Charges:: rape by forcible compulsion, rape by threat of forcible compulsion, indecent assault, sexual assault, involuntary sexual assault, human trafficking, kidnapping, prostitution, false imprisonment and unlawful restraint.
NOTE: Drexel Hill is almost 90% White - about 5% Black.
Also, this one will be very tough to prosecute. Don't be surprised if the black male predator - who lived in his mommy's home - is acquitted. Facts: 1) white female voluntarily went to the black man's residence and also voluntarily went inside; 2) white female signed a sex-for-hire contract - tho she claimed it was signed under duress, no proof ; 3) white female will be seen in naked photos smiling; 4) black man will claim the sex was consensual. The only thing weighing in favor of the white female is that she reported her attack immediately to her mother.
Read more:
1978 Carol City, FL
Civil Rights Atrocities!
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John Ferguson |
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Brian Glenfeld and Belinda Worley, both 17, were kidnapped at gunpoint by Ferguson. Brenda was raped, both were then gunned down. 1/08/78 |
"John Ferguson, posing as a Florida Power and Light employee, was let into a home by Margaret Wooden to check the electrical outlets. After looking in several rooms, Ferguson drew a gun, then bound and blindfolded Wooden. Ferguson let two men, Marvin Francois and Beauford White, into the home to continue searching for drugs and money - There were no drugs and no large cache of money
Two hours later, the owner of the home, Livingston Stocker, and five friends returned home and were bound, blindfolded, and searched by Ferguson, Francois, and White. The seven bound and blindfolded people were then moved from the living room to a bedroom.
Later, Wooden’s boyfriend, Michael Miller, entered the house and was bound, blindfolded, and searched. Miller and Wooden were moved to another bedroom together and the other six men were moved to the living room.
At some point in the evening, Marvin Francois’ mask fell off and his face was revealed to the others. Wooden heard shots coming from the living room, where Francois was shooting the men. Ferguson placed a pillow over Wooden’s head and then shot her. Not fatally wounded, Wooden saw Miller being shot and heard Ferguson run from the room. "
Black Males Arrested in home invasion:: John Errol Ferguson, 29 (convicted of rape and murder of two teens - convicted of home invasion and 6 counts of murder), Marvin Francois (convicted of 6 counts of murder), Beauford White (convicted of 6 counts of murder), Adolphus Archie (drove get-away car)
Died in home invasion:
Livingston Stocker, 33 (w/m)
Michael Miller, 24 (w/m )
Henry Clayton, 35 (w/m)
John Holmes, 26 (w/m)
Gilbert Williams , 37 (w/m)
Charles Cesar Stinson, 35 (w/m)
**Johnnie Hall, (w/m -- survived a shotgun blast to the face - testified against the black monsters)
Died in public abduction/ rape and murder by Ferguson:
Brian Glenfeldt, 17 (kidnapped, gunned down)
Belinda Worley, 17 (kidnapped with her boyfriend - raped then gunned down)
2014 Seattle , WA
Black Males Rude, Racist & Often Violent Behavior Towards White People Continue To Make Headlines Across America
What blacks are being taught today: "My skin color says you owe me white person! Pay up, or you gonna get it!"
When a black male, Mahamed Abdi, 24, ordered a white male to give him a bite of his burrito, and, naturally, the white male refused, the black male gave him a sock in the face then fled.
2014 Detroit, MI
'Fair Housing Act' Atrocity
Home Invasion - White Family Massacred - Father & His Two Sons Tortured For Hours - Knifed To Death (One By One) Bodies Burned
"“The nature of the wounds were horrific, all three victims were stabbed multiple times,” said Detroit Police Sgt. Michael Woody in a news release. “In addition, the fire had been obviously set to cover up what turned out to be a brutal murder in an attempt to destroy potential evidence.”
Woody said the victims were tortured."
NOTE: Case yet to be prosecuted. Also, there is no death penalty in Michigan. Max these racists blacks can get is life.
Arrested For Mass Murder:
Tenisha Jackson,19
Rashawn Johnson,19
Keeshon Lake, 19
Larry Johnson, 20
Lawrence Bowman, 51 (w/m -- tortured, stabbed multiple times, shot in the head - burned)
Nicholas Bowman, 26 (w/m -- tortured, stabbed multiple times, burned)
Michael Hoots, 24 (w/m -- tortured, stabbed multiple times, burned)
Waco, TX 2014
AGAIN In Texas ... Lone Female Child Gang Raped
Racial identity of child not reported, only that she was 15-years-old.
2014 Hollywood,Fl
Mind-Numbing Despicable Behavior
Black 19,18 & 17-Years-old Enlist 15 & 16 Year-old White Girls To Beat Another 16-Year-Old White Girl Until She Has Sex With The 19-Year-Old Black Male
Note: Case yet to be prosecuted. Four of the above are accused of holding down a 16-year-old white female... while Woolfork raped her. No other race of people are perpetrating these types of depraved crimes... At least that's what I'm seeing. These two girls (Montes, Avery) will now likely have felony prison records for the rest of their lives.
UPDATE: The black male rapist, Jayvon Woolfork, received a 30 year prison sentence from a white female judge. Note: The ding-a-ling white females, and their dim wit black boyfriends each got 4 years in prison. Where were the white female's parents?! They had to know their daughters hooked up with blacks? And they had to know the likely consequences!
2013 Seattle, WA
Black Females Gang Up On Lone White Female And Beat Her
2013 Danvers, Mass.
Young School Teacher Brutally Murdered By 14-Year-Old
UPDATE: School Teacher was first RAPED..
A 24-year-old school teacher was beaten and knife (slashed) to death inside the high school where she taught. 14-year-old Philip Chism was was arrested for the brutal attack a short time later. NOTE: The ultra liberal state of Massachusetts, this teen very likely will be out of prison when he hits 21-years-old.. You think he was aware of THAT?
Colleen Ritzer, 24
2013 Lakewood, WA
Another Racist HATE Attack - Another White Person Is Dead (stabbed to death on a public street)
Police Insists "race not the issue"... But, it seems, they ALWAYS say that when the perp is black and the victim is white.
Spc. Tevin Geike, 20, of Summerville, S.C., was walking with two other soldiers early Saturday when words were exchanged with someone in a car. The car stopped and five people confronted the three, police said.
The groups were separating after realizing they were all active duty soldiers when Geike was fatally stabbed [by Jeremiah Hill].
Arrested For Murder:
Jeremiah Hill , 23
Tevin Geike, 20
2013 Greenville, NC
Racist Black Male With "100s Of Rounds Of Ammo" Guns Down Four In a Planned Massacre Of White People
Faust, who is black, picked out his victims based on their race, according to the indictments. The documents didn't specify why Faust wanted to shoot white people, and police have not talked about why he picked out his targets. Earlier reports had indicated that Faust was shooting 'indiscriminately.'
Arrested For Attempted Murder:
Lakim Faust, 23
NOTE: Three of four injured victims are reported to have permanent disabilities.
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder - Male Beats 99-Year-Old Woman To Death In A Home Invasion
Black Male Arrested For Murder:
Javon Tyrek Rogers, 20
White Female Victim:
Fannie Gumbinger, 99
2013 New York Times Square
Another Person Targeted By Black Male Sucker Puncher - Racially Motivated Attack
"He said ‘the next white person who walks by I’m going to [expletive],’” one woman said. “His fist went in and the man’s head bobbed and he hit the ground and you could hear his skull hitting the ground.”"
2013 - Anderson, Ind.
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Strangulation -
Beating Of Elderly Woman
A black male, Iquise V. Taylor, 17, was so desperate to rape a helpless 93-year-old woman (his neighbor), he literally kicked her door down. He then raced upstairs to her bedroom. Once in the bedroom, the sexually depraved youth jumped on top of the elderly woman and began beating her, strangling her, then raping her. Miraculously, the helpless elderly woman survived. Police claim there was no burglary, or any items of value taken i.e. it was ALL about rape.
Innocent Victim:
Amelia Rudolf, 93 (w/f)
"Let's Kill Someone"
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James Edwards, 15 |
"There's a young man," Ms Smith tells the operator.
"He's just fell over in a ditch and he's got blood on him."
Two black males, James Edwards, 15, Chancey Luna, 16, and a white male, Michael Jones, 17, bored, decided to kill someone ... just for the fun of it. The trio got into a car, drove up to a white male jogger and then shot him in the back. The white male was the driver. The triggerman was Edwards.
Chris Lane, 22 (deceased)
2013 - Spokane, Wash
Beat-Down Rampage In Chicago -- White People ... LOOK OUT! Protect Yourselves!
Black Teens Now Attacking White People With Hammers - WATCH OUT!
Hammer Attack In Oakland
Hammer Attack In NY City
Hammer Attack In Sanford, FL, (April 2012)
Julius Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Israel, 19, forced their way into a 50-year-old white man's car, beat him with a hammer , then robbed him. After the beating, the two blacks, eyewitnesses told police, dragged the elderly man into nearby woods and there continued to beat him in the head with a hammer. The white male is currently on life support at a community hospital. Both vicious blacks are charged with attempted homicide, burglary with assault & battery, and armed burglary. Not yet prosecuted.
Victim's name not released
Note: The Orlando Sentinel censored the race of the perpetrators in a previous article, even though they were still at large when it was published.
2013 Philadelphia, PA
Black Boys Ambush White Boy At School - White Boy Dies
More Philadelphia Racism
"The Philadelphia sixth-grader was hospitalized with seizures after he was badly beaten by two [black] boys at his school."
Jan. 2013 Cleveland, OH
Three Black Males Walk up on White Adults Posing As TV News Crew - Then Pull Stun Gun - Robbery
Solomon Herbert,19, and Derek Rowell, 25
Beware of black males walking up on you with, "Yo man. I got a question for ya. Yo man..." It seems to always be a set-up for a brutal attack.
Read more:
2013 Baton Rouge, LA,
More Random Hate
Three blacks walk up to white male and then sucker punch him. Then the beat-down...
"The defendant (Dickerson) approached the white male victim," the police report stated.
It went on to read, "the defendant told him he was in the wrong neighborhood and he was not going to make it out." The victim said that's when he "was punched and knocked to the ground."
The white male was beaten into unconsciousness and awoke in a hospital. In other words, the racists blacks tried to kill him.
"The [white] victim suffered "a broken eye socket, broken nose, and several lacerations to the face," and his wife was knocked unconscious."
Arrested for murder:
Donald Dickerson, 41
Devin Bessye, 24
Ashley Simmons, 22
2013 Middletown, New Jersey
Another Random HATE Attack - Female Singled Out And Stabbed Multiple Times Inside A Store
"The alleged assailant, 19-year-old Tyrik Haynes, is accused of repeatedly plunging a knife into Dalton around 4 p.m., puncturing both her lungs in an apparent random attack."
White Victim:
Kerri Dalton, 29 (as of Jan. 20 in critical cond.)
It's Now "Catch Me If You Can - And If You Do , I GOT MY CIVIL RIGHTS!"
Dec. 2012 Chicago, IL,
New Way To Humiliate A White Female - A Poop Attack
The unidentified black man above must be feeling awfully proud of himself for discovering a never-before used method to attack someone: load a sock full of your poop, then smack a person in the face with it.
"The guy got on with me at [the] Oak Park [station]," she said. "I wasn’t really paying attention. ... "Next stop [at Austin], he throws something in my face."
"I don’t know why he did it," she said, adding, "I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have done that to a guy."
2011 Canada
School Boy Chased By Thugs - Knifed To Death - THRILL KILL
TOP LEFT: Lamarr Gordon, left, and Dale Green both received life sentences for the stabbing, with Gordon's tariff being a minimum 14 years and Green's 15 years; Terell Clement, 10 years
White Mle Victim:
* Nicolas Pearton, 16
White Female Marries A Black Male Thug --
She Produces "A Posse" Of Nine Black Children Who Grow Up To Terrorize Memphis
"The self-proclaimed posse and their kin have passed their legacy of violence down through generations and "turned crime into an art""
Solano County , CA Jan. 31, 2013
13 -Year-Old Kidnapped- Raped - Murdered
Anthony Lamar Jones, 32, was arrested less than a week after the child was found naked and dead in a park in Solano County , CA. He is being charged with suspicion of murder, kidnapping to commit rape, rape and lewd and lascivious acts on a child
Genelle Renee Conway-Allen, 13
University of Maryland, Feb. 2013
White Roommates Ambushed- House Set On Fire They're Gunned Down As The Flee
Stephen Alex Rane, 22, thought it would be a neat-o idea to have a black male, Dayvon Maurice Green, as a house-mate. It ended up costing him his life.
"Police said Rane, of Silver Spring, died Tuesday after one of his housemates, Dayvon Maurice Green, set several small fires in the basement of their rented home and ambushed Rane and another housemate when they ran outside."
Dec. 6. 2012 Arkadelphia, Ark.
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Massacre
Home Invasion -- Husband & Children Murdered
A career criminal, Riakos Lizana, broke into a family's home and murdered everyone (father, two young children), expect a baby, inside the home. The mother escaped a certain death by being out of the home running an errand.
Bobby Jean Galbraith, 40, (stepfather)
Adiele Crutchfield, 6
Marley Crutchfield,4
Jan. 2013 Los Angeles, CA,
TERRORIZING >>> Take-Over Robbery At Clothing Store - Two Females Raped- Another Stabbed In The Neck
Black accomplices:
Monique Sherman, 33 (sister of sadistic ringleader - accessory after the fact)
Paula Roneshia Bradley, 29 (accessory after the fact)
Troy Marsay Hammock, 29
Everett Oneal Allen, 24
Race of rape victims unknown
2013 Seattle, WA
UNAWARE Of The Infamous Sucker Punch ... He Pays The Price
A White Male Got Out Of His Car To Apologize For Almost Hitting A Black Male's Car While Backing Out Of A Parking Space - RESULT? Black Male Sucker Punches Him - Then The Beatdown
Ozark, Ala. 1999
Note: Police arrested black male Coley McCraney, 45 (25 at the time of the crime) for the murders. Strangely, police claim neither of these two pretty white girls were raped by McCraney. Apparently black male McCraney was asked directions by the girls, who became lost heading home from a birthday party. He obvious led them to a secluded location. Why? Rape is the only possible motive!
Columbus, OH, March 15, 1991
A black male, Marvin Lee Smith, 35, ...abducted a girl at a bus stop, took her to a cemetery then raped and brutally murdered her by beating her to death with a headstone.
* Jessica Lyn Keen, 15
1808. Columbus, GA, Sept. 2008
Brutal Ambush - Elderly Rape(?) - Murder
He couldn't pay his rent - so he murders his landlord
(I've seen more than a few of these cases)
A black male (career criminal), Rickey Powell , 40... was deep in debt (unemployed) and past due on his rent. Powell decided to solve his back rent problem by murdering his elderly landlord. Powell likely told the elderly lady he had her back rent when he came to her office (she was the only one in the office), then , when her guard was down, Powell attacked her and brutally beat then strangled her to death. Powell then dumped her body in the trunk of her car and doused it with acid, which ate away all of her skin. Note: The dousing with acid could very well have been an attempt to cover up a rape.
* Herta Bailey , 70
1809. Kingston, N. Carolina, June 17, 2011
Ambush - Murder
A black male,Antwajaune Jerome McNeil, 17, the early morning hours ambushed an elderly male who was arriving for work. The male, at gunpoint, apparently was marched to a secluded location, forced to surrender his wallet then gunned down. No update (2014) on this black murder.
* Elwood O. Hill, 63 (w/m)
1810. Memphis, TN, July 21, 2007
Armed Robbery - Murder
Five black males,
Princeton Price, 20
Jeremy Young, 21,
Talandus McCoy, 20
Jamal Williams, 21
Rashanda Clark, 18
...during an armed robbery of a business, after they received the money, executed the business owner's wife. They then mercilessly beat the business owner and left him for dead.
* Chianne Gast, 32 (w/f -- deceased)
* Michael Gast (w/m -- beaten, robbed...left for dead - survived)
1811. Trenton, NJ, Aug. 2011
Public Abduction - Racially Motivated Gang Attack
"The man was only able to describe the suspects as three black males ages 18 to 20"
The 35-year-old white West Ward resident was on a bus around 2:45 p.m. when he got into a confrontation, police said.
“He said while he was on the bus he was being harassed by three black males, they were yelling racial slurs at him,” said Sgt. Tom McDonough, a police spokesman."
Three young black males racially harassed a lone 35-year-old white male on a commuter bus. When he existed the bus the same three followed him then jump him, beating, pummeling and stomping on him ... until he was unconscious. The white male was then dragged into a waiting car, taken to another location, and dumped off. Note: Bizarre kidnapping. Anyone can make up a story. But this attack does fit the MO for racial attack by blacks today.
1812. Knoxville, TN, October 11, 1980
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
Two black males, Reginald Watkins, Walter Caruthers,...picked up two young hitchers (brother & sister) in Ohio who wanted a ride to Georgia. Naturally, the rape opportunity was there ... and these black males were certainly not going to pass that up. The female and male were taken to a secluded area where:
"George Stahl testified that when they reached Knoxville that night, Caruthers drove to a vacant lot. Watkins pulled a small silver pistol, told the Stahls that it was a robbery, and took George's wallet and Wilhelmina's purse. Caruthers opened the trunk of the automobile, and at gunpoint Watkins told the Stahls to get in. The automobile was driven to another location where Watkins and Caruthers took Wilhelmina out of the trunk. When Wilhelmina was put back into the trunk ten to fifteen minutes later, she was hysterical and crying.
The car was driven to a gas station, then down a rough, bumpy road. After the car was/b stopped, /bWilhelmina was told by Watkins to get out of the trunk. Caruthers was standing by Watkins. The men said they were going to tie the Stahls up. George was left in the trunk. He heard water splashing and Wilhelmina say, "Please, don't." George was then taken out of the trunk. Watkins hit him in the head and knocked him to the ground. Then George said, he felt pressure as if someone had thrown a rock on his head. He jumped up, ran into the lake which was near/bby, and swam out into the water. When the defendants' car left, George swam back to shore only to be found hiding in brush along the shoreline by Caruthers and Watkins, who had returned to search for him. Caruthers held George by the shoulders and told Watkins, "Cut his throat. He won't say nothing." Watkins repeatedly stabbed George in the throat with a knife. Both men then held him under the water until they thought he was dead. After they left, George made his way to a nearby road, where he was found and taken to the hospital. At the hospital, in addition to the stab wounds, doctors discovered George had been shot behind the left ear."
* Wilhelmina Stahl (w/f - deceased)
* George Stahl (w/m - survived)
1813. Brooksville, FL, May 19, 2000
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Murder
A group of feral black youths, including John Walter Smith III, 19, Michael Lee, 16, (six other black youths whose names are not avail.) attacked a lone young male and beat, stomped on and , finally, to finish him off, was beaten in the head with a board. It was clearly a racially motivated attack...but the MSM never referred to it as that, instead always referring to its as "racially charged". Black male Smith was the one who rounded up his feral black buddies to initiate the racist attack. He received only 15 years for the organized lynching.
Russell Coats , 19 (deceased)
1814. Columbus, Ind., May 2003
Black Male Ambush - Murder
A black male, Undray Knighten, 39...unemployed and being supported by his white girlfriend, turned on her and brutally beat her then strangled her to death in her home.
* Pamela McKee, 32
Note: I could not find out if unemployed and penniless Knighten was actually charged with the white female's murder.
1815. Butler County , OH, 2011
White Female's EX-Black Boyfriend Returns To...
James Terry V , 43, acquired a white female as a girlfriend. He then moved into her home. Also living there was her younger brother. The relationship didn't work...and the white female told Terry to LEAVE (he had just recently been fired and was apparently forcing her to provide for him - another black male MOOCH). Well, Terry didn't want to just "LEAVE". He came back to the his former girlfriend's home, located her and then beat and stabbed her multiple times. Her brother was also stabbed multiple times. Both are very lucky to be alive.
Kelly O’Keefe
Danny O'Keefe
July 3, 1996
Raped And Murdered In Bermuda - Never Get Into A Taxi Driven By A Black Male
Rebecca Middleton was 21... She was alone on the night of her abduction and took a taxi. The black male who picked her up never delivered her to her destination. |
Black Male Murderer:
Justis Smith
Note This could have been a vicious black male gang rape. Another black male was implicated in the rape and murder of Rebecca: Jamaican-born Kirk Mundy.
UPDATE: Perps get away with rape and murder. Prosecutor claims not enough evidence to convict.
1816. Wilmington, DE, June 11, 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
Pernell Stroman, 24, ...broke into a female's apartment, slashed her throat, then burglarized her place.
* Julie Gricol, 23
1817. Lauderdale County, Florida 1998
Acquaintance Murder - White Female
Allowed The Black Male In Her Car
- Just A Ride To A Friend's House, He Said
- - RESULT? It Was A RAPE Ruse - She
Was Found Sexually Violated & Murdered
Rapist/ Murderer: Corey Johnson
Shelaine Maxwell, 18
1818. Philadelphia, PA, 2007
Ambush - Walk-Up Murder
Juan Covington, 43, simply waked up to a female on a public street and shot her in the head.
"I've seen shootings incidents on video before," Peterman said, "but the suddenness, and that he did it for no reason at all, was really scary."
* Patricia McDermott, 48 (deceased)
1819. Marion County, FL, June 2004
Home Invasion - Murder
"As Harris was being fingerprinted by Sheriff's deputies Wednesday, he told his inquiring lawyers that he broke into the home by prying the window open with a screwdriver."
Convicted Of Murder:
Frederick L. Harris, 37
Debra Rawls, 46
2014 Detroit
White Male Falls Victim - Racist Gang Attack - Staged Accident - 5 Arrested
Victim of Savage Attack:
Steven Utash, 54 ( w/m - left for dead -survived - in rehab)
Note: Case Yet to be prosecuted. Wait and see if these blacks actually get convicted in all black Detroit
AGAIN, The Whole Idea Behind The Black Male Sucker Punch Mr. White Male...Is That He Makes You Believe It's Not Coming...THEN POW!
1820. Sandusky, OH 2012
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
NOTE: Before the above incident, Clinton raped an 18-year-old white female and murdered her. Before that, he raped an 13-year-old white female.
Rapist/Murderer: Curtis Clinton, 41
Victims: Heather Jackson, 23
Celina, 3 (deceased)
Wayne, 18 months (deceased)
Victims of Clinton: Misty Keckler , 18 (w/f)
13-year-old unidentified (survived)
1821. New York City, NY, 2007
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Torture - Attempted Murder
Robert Williams, 31 ..broke into the apartment of a young white Columbia University college student. For 19 hours Williams raped, sodomized and tortured her. Williams then decided to murder her - by torture. Miraculously, the female survived.
* Victim's Name Withheld
If you want more details of Williams' assault on this female, and you have the stomach, you can click the link below.
Nothing to compare to this prior to 1964.
1822. Atlanta, GA, April 12, 1976
Public Abduction - Torture - Murder
Two black males, Ivon Ray Stanley, 20, Joseph Thomas…planned for days the murder of a insurance agent. When the agent came to Stanley’s home, Stanley and his partner produced a gun and then robbed him. After the robbery Stanley and Thomas marched the insurance agent out to a wooded area and there they proceeded to torture him by:
“ [striking] his head with a hammer, tied him to a tree, made him lie in a shallow grave, beat and jabbed him with a shovel in the head, throat and chest, shot him in the head and buried him alive while he was still pleading with Stanley and Thomas to stop.”
* Clifford Floyd
1823. Missouri, April 14, 1994
Armed Robbery - Murder
Three blacks, Leon Vincent Taylor, 36, Willie Owens, Tina Owens, robbed a gas station where a white male and his 8-year-old step-daughter were present. After receiving money form the safe, Taylor gunned down the white male. He then aimed his gun at the head of the little girl, however, the gun misfired. He then marched the little girl to a back room and locked her in it. Taylor's two accomplices waited in the car. When Taylor reached his car, he begged to get another gun from one of the two occupants. Both refused. All three fled the scene.
Robert Newton, 53
1824. Shererville, IN 2012
Fair Housing Act Atrocity
24-Year-Old White Female Murdered - They Were Hoping To Find Pocket Change
Total take in mastermind robbery/murder scheme? $70.00.
"Craig told police he, Blasingame and Henderson waited for Gardner to come home Saturday night, court records state.".
"Gardner was returning home from her shift at a Merrillville restaurant with about $85 in tip money."Read more:
Blacks Arrested & Charged With Murder:
Michael A. Craig, 22
William Blasingame III, 30
Stephen Lee Henderson, 25
Note: UPDATE: As of 2018, all three black males are still out on bail! No trial date has been set for the murder, a murder in which one of the black males (Craig) has already given a detailed confession.
Victim: Jacqueline Gardner, 24
1825. Kentwood, Mich., 2014
Brutal & Senseless Ambush Murder - Stabbed On The School Playground - The Kid Never Had A Chance
1826. Hamilton County, OH Oct. 31, 2005
Vicious Black Teens Pose As Tricker-or Treaters On Halloween - At Gunpoint Barge Into Elderly Couple's Home - Elderly White Male Shot
Black Teens Arrested For Attempted Murder/ Home Invasion: Terrance Davis, 18, Deondre Berryman, 16, Otis Clark Jr. 18
Charles Hess, 84
Atlanta, GA 2014
"Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Grandmother Brutally Attacked - Hog Tied And Murdered
Note: Case yet to be prosecuted.
Black Male Arrested:
Odes Dupree, 53
Florene Duke, 75
Tallahassee, FL, 2010
College Grad Student Abducted By Three Escape Convicts - Knifed To Death
Arrested & Convicted:
Peter Hughes, 26
Quentin Truehill, 26
Kentrell Johnson, 43
Vincent Binder, 29
Cabarrus County, N. Carolina 2014
Homewood, AL 2008
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male,Joacquas Haywood, 25..., according to police, kidnapped a white female from her place of work. Her whereabouts are unknown and she is presumed dead. This is most likely a rape and murder deal. Case has yet to be prosecuted.
Nadia Kersh, 27
Note: As of 2014, still cannot find a final resolution to this case. Haywood pled not guilty to kidnapping and murder charges in 2010
1827. Southaven, MS, Sept. 26, 2005
Sucker Punch - Attempted Kidnapping - Rape
A black male, Andre Davis, 40...walked up on a female (whom he was acquainted) while she was heading to her car, then, for no apparent reason, sucker punched her in the face. When she hit the ground Davis grabbed her by her hair and attempted to drag her into his car. When that failed, Davis beat her mercilessly with the butt end of his gun. After the beating Davis shot the female pointblank in the chest ... then calmly got into his car and drove off.
UPDATE: Davis gets retired...Life in prison.
Victim: :
* Angela Boyle, 20 (deceased)
* Malaika Tamu Griffin, Naomi Rolon...moved to page 1.