Reminder: This theoretical outline here only concerns the plight of the American Negro from 1865 to 1964, and particularly their documented behavioral characteristics, which were clearly showing very noticeable differences to that of the white man.
Pg. 3
III. The Beginning Of Industrialization & Urbanization In America (circa 1900)
Americans create industries, elevate their standard of living and make America into a world power - Negroes founder
If one were to follow the Negro race's migration to America's urban centers past Reconstruction, past Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) and up to the beginning of the 20th century, a very noticeable, if not worrisome, situation was developing with respect to the urban Negro males - where it seem educated people should have at least begun to maybe question whether this race belongs within an urban setting. Specifically, regarding incarceration for violent crimes, the urban Negro male was represented at a significantly greater rate than white males, and this was consistent in every urban environment in which the Negro male had migrated to.1 Regarding the family unit, there was a significant difference between the American (White Christians) and the Negro in cohabitation of the sexes, with Negro families being far more likely living without an adult male in the house. Naturally, this produced greater instability for the Negro family unit.2 And regarding urban housing, Negroes simply chose to occupy dwellings built by American males ... instead of building housing for their people.3 Finally, and the most crucial of all things necessary for a people to sustain themselves and achieve self reliance within urban settings, is generating occupations. Here the Negro males had failed completely between 1865 and 1900 at producing the necessary occupational titles within the structure and confines of their own male-group.4
In fact, regarding the crucial necessity of generating occupations one can easily see that the failings here of the Negro are contributing factors for the other failings represented above. For it stands to reason, if Negro males generated the same type of jobs in urban centers as the Americans, the crime rates associated with their group should fall, the family structure would be more stable and they could afford to buy and build more suitable housing; and, theoretically anyways, they should also be building their own cities/ towns and political systems and launching their own industries.5 And lastly, if Negro males were generating enough occupations for their own male-group, they would also demonstrate to the Americans that they were not going to become their dependents - certainly a major concern for any American male watching the woeful plight of the urban Negro manifest during our time frame here (1865 to 1900).
The first four citations below are referenced from W.E.B. Du Bois' book, The Philadelphia Negro (1896) - available FREE on the Internet as a google book ),
1. Du Bois Quote: "In the city of Philadelphia the increasing number of bold and daring crimes committed by Negroes [since 1890] has focused the city on this subject. There is a widespread feeling that something is wrong with a race that is responsible for so much crime, and that strong remedies are called for. One has to but visit the corridors of the public buildings, when the courts are in session, to realize the part played in law-breaking by the Negro." (pg. 241)
2. Du Bois gives very startling facts about the black family situation in urban Philadelphia in the late 1890s. For instance, 73% of all black females over the age of 40 are living without a man. For White women, it was under 16%. He also tells us that for the black female who marries in Philadelphia, 56% of them are either separated, abandoned, divorced or widowed. (pg.70). Du Bois also holds no punches on the "sexual looseness" of the Negro, which he calls the "sin of the Negro population". (pg. 72)
3. Du Bois states that the vast majority of blacks were either living in, or juxtaposed to, the Seventh Ward in Philadelphia in 1896, This ward was the oldest section of the city and, not surprisingly, the poorest section of the city.(pg. 305) Blacks had been in the city of Philadelphia, according to Du Bois, stretching all the way back to the 1700s. So the fact that so very few - if any - housing in the city was built by black males, seems to indicate an acutely obvious, if not potentially serious, difference manifesting between the two races in the city. Further, even stretching our parameter years from 1865 to 1964, I still could not find ANY urban area in America where a section of housing was built by black males.
4. Du Bois breaks down the jobs found among Philadelphia's Negro males age 10 to 20. His breakdown indicates over 80% of Negro males appear to be making their daily wage in the service sector e.g as a porter, servant, errand boy or common laborer... for the American population (white people); or providing services where the predominant clientèle is American. (pg. 99).
For Negro men over the age the age of 21, Du Bois tells us that in 1896, approx. 79% of the adult Negro males are either laborers or servants. This also suggests that here again we see the Negro male-group engaged in occupations where the incomes are most likely derived from the white population.(pg. 99)
As for the Negro female, Du Bois tells us that a peculiarly high percent (43%) are the family breadwinner in Philadelphia, compared to 16% for White women. The vast majority of Negro women work as domestic servants.(pg.111) Further, according to Du Bois, there were approx. 42,000 domestic servants in Philadelphia, However, blacks represented only 25% of these servants. This fact clearly indicates White people could have easily filled the ranks of this job classification with their own race. And the point here is? White people were giving these jobs to blacks ... clearly desiring to help them, likely keenly aware what hardship blacks were enduring in the city.
On pg 123, Mr. Du Bois offers us an accounting of Negro business and employment activities within Philadelphia, particularly how blacks tend to gravitate to the White race when seeking economic opportunities, instead of seeking opportunities among their own race.
On pg. 135, Du Bois describes how organizers of labor groups use the vast numbers of Negroes, with such limited opportunities known to be available to them, to drive down wages for white males.
5. Black males in America by 1900 still have yet to create an urban center independent of the White males; nor have they establish a single industry - created by and run by Negroes - in any part of the country.
Below are four examples where male-groups in America prior to 1900 sought and achieved separation from America's Dominant Male-Group (White Christian males) and created their own self-sustaining and self-reliant living arrangements.
Example 1 : In 1847, in Nauvoo, Illinois, a few thousands Mormons, persecuted and reviled by many of their fellow Americans because of their “peculiar” religious beliefs (comparatively, people of African descent were, generally speaking, not hated, nor were they persecuted, for their racial difference by America's DMG - the DMG only desired Negroes live separately), and even suffering the murder of their spiritual leader, John Smith, decide to head West. They marched through the desert and eventually wound up in the unsettled territory of Utah. There they set up their community in this virtual desert wasteland and proceeded to build irrigation systems, the city of Salt Lake and, eventually, other towns as well. They even had their own currency.
Example 2 : Every American Indian tribe demanded their separation and distinctness. Not one Indian tribe in America - out of 100s - is known to have ever marched before another Indian tribe for integration rights. Nor did they ever protest for integration rights in white male society. They all achieved self-reliance and wanted nothing to do with "the way of the white man."
Example 1 : In 1847, in Nauvoo, Illinois, a few thousands Mormons, persecuted and reviled by many of their fellow Americans because of their “peculiar” religious beliefs (comparatively, people of African descent were, generally speaking, not hated, nor were they persecuted, for their racial difference by America's DMG - the DMG only desired Negroes live separately), and even suffering the murder of their spiritual leader, John Smith, decide to head West. They marched through the desert and eventually wound up in the unsettled territory of Utah. There they set up their community in this virtual desert wasteland and proceeded to build irrigation systems, the city of Salt Lake and, eventually, other towns as well. They even had their own currency.
Example 2 : Every American Indian tribe demanded their separation and distinctness. Not one Indian tribe in America - out of 100s - is known to have ever marched before another Indian tribe for integration rights. Nor did they ever protest for integration rights in white male society. They all achieved self-reliance and wanted nothing to do with "the way of the white man."
Example 3 : Chinese-Americans began arriving in the late 1880s and they were essentially required to live separately, which they did without complaint. They also created their own living arrangements within the confines of their own male-group. Further, there is no recorded example of any Chinese-American ever claiming his dignity, freedom or manhood, or that of his people, could only be obtained within White male society.
Example 4 : The Amish
Example 4 : The Amish
pg. 4
IV. The Emerging Differences Between White & Black
So we have another question here that begs to be asked at this point in American history (1900): Why were enough occupational titles capable of being generated in American communities to sustain their urban population, in contrast to the Negro communities that were all consistently failing in this regard?
The question above is of monumental importance concerning the plight of the urban Negro in America. Indeed, related to their very survival as a people. Remember, since the American and the Negro lived separately, the concomitant expectation was that each male-group was required to be self-reliant; and this self-reliance - in capitalist urban centers - is directly linked to the creation of occupational titles within one's own male-group. In other words, if a male-group fails to produce enough occupations, there is no adequate means for distribution of the currency among its people, and without this necessary distribution system there is no effective commerce. And without commerce the urban environment has no basis for which to sustain itself. Nevertheless, the question regarding why Negro men failed to produce occupations is never directly asked, either by members of the U.S. gov't (who were all white males in 1900), or members of academia - at least I could find no renowned member of academia raising this issue. Curious indeed!
In attempting to answer this question though, let's first address the four most popular arguments used to explain the Negro's failure in American urban centers::
1. Legacy of Slavery:: The notion that slavery was at the root cause for every socio-economic problem that plagued the Negro male-group in 1900, though it seems to have a modicum of truth to it (i.e. those of African descents had no culture to fall back on to instruct themselves on how to create a societal structure based on their own historical past). However, simple common sense tells us slavery could not possibly be the reason for all the economic hardships in every urban center in which they clustered. Negroes did have all the necessary resources to create equivalent living arrangements with that of the white race; plus, they had 100s of wealthy white philanthropists (Link) to aid them.
2. The "conspiring to oppress" theory:; This theory implies that the American population in every urban area in which the Negro male migrated collectively conspired and schemed to oppressed him. This is not only false but obviously completely ludicrous. Coast to coast 'hidden' oppression?! And for the entire history of the Negro's presence in urban America? Logically, if white people were this obsessed with oppressing the Negro, and since the Negro people were entirely FREE - after 1865 - to colonize a place in America, one would expect, to escape all this brutal oppression, the Negro people would have done this e.g. the Mormons. Or, they would have built their own cities and towns. Remember, white males were not legally or morally required to give the black man integration rights into their status envirnornment. That had never occured in America history or in human histroy. BOTTOM LINE:: There was no coordinated scheme on the part of white people to oppress the black race in America after 1865. There was, however, historical 'group' separation. And, a completely normal/ innate human 'grouping' characteristic used to protect male-group's status environments: Historical Group Recognition (HGR).6 Blacks in 1900, and prior, were required to live separately so as to achieve a sense of self-reliance.
Self-reliance is a necessary condition for all human 'groups'. There was nothing mean-spirited about making Negroes achieve this. And nothing immoral, illegal, or inconsistent with human history - and human nature - to see America's Dominate Male Group (white Christian males) practicing HGR. The Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson basically agreed with the 'unrecognized' HGR formula by stating (1896)::
"The object of the [Fourteenth] Amendment was undoubtedly to enforce the absolute equality of the two races before the law, but in the nature of things, it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either."
Intellectual superiority: This doesn't need to be addressed as it is simply too divisive to consider. We'll simply accept that it has no factual merit i.e. there are no people intellectually superior to another people.
Now let's take a cursory look at the plight of the American Negro from 1900 to 1930, and also keeping in mind the above observations i.e. slavery cannot possibly be the cause for all the Negro's consistent urban desolation; no conspiracy to oppress; there is no intellectually superior race. And taking further note that the Negro male-group between 1865 and 1900 had essentially been given access to the same educational training as American males,7 and this male-group had also only been exposed to the way of life of the Dominant Male-Group (White Christian males) in America.
In 1900, according to the U.S. Census, the Negro population was 8,833,994, and 87% of the Negroes still lived in the South. The total urban black population in America was 11%.
Between 1900 and 1930, America experienced its greatest prosperity, fueled by its industrial growth and advancements in technology. As of 1930:
--total number of cities built by Negro males : None
--total number of industries built by Negro males: None
--total number of tax bases created by Negro males capable of sustaining gov't services: None
--total number of technological advances that came from the Negro: None
-- number of white males & females employed by a Negro man and supporting a family: None (could not find one case)
-- total number of residential housing structures built by Negro males in major metropolitan centers: Number so minute it is statistically immeasurable
-- over 800 automotive companies were created during this span of time...only one was Negro (may have employed up to ten people). Countless suppliers to automotive companies, none were Negro.
The purpose in pointing out the above is only to demonstrate the great difference in behavioral characteristics of the two racial groups that had clearly manifested. And the main result from these differing behavioral characteristics produced an immense chasm in the two respective male-groups standard of living. While the Americans built a way of life and a standard of living not just for the civilized world to marvel at, but also the likes of which had never been achieved in human history, the American Negro did not just founder, he failed completely. Putting it another way, the American Negro simply failed at producing 'wealth'.8
Then there were the Crime statistics that were demonstrating great concern among white people in America''s urban centers.
By 1930, of the 11.9 million Negroes (about 10% of the US population), 78% (9.2. million) live in the South and 32% were urban. Almost 2.5 million Negroes lived outside the South by 1930. Of the Northern Negroes, 88% were urban (living in northern cities the Negro did not build). source: Chronological History Of the Negro
Note: When WWI ended (1919) many Negroes decided to stay in the Anglo-built urban environments they were released into.
I don't think I really need to dwell on the fact that the Negro at this time in American history (1900 to 1930) represented a known crime problem. In fact, no people in human history had to endure what white people are enduring in this time frame - persistent attacks on their children to rape them, attacks on their wives to rape them, family massacres, lying in wait crimes...a persistent menace. These unprovoked crimes by the Negro created staggering to the imagination riots, thousands of lynchings and even burning at the stake.
(For those who want more evidence, and particularly how Negro crimes were deliberately directed at white people ... and how this race consistently terrorized white people, here is a link. )
Clearly, it is not the fault of one people that another people exhibited demonstrably different behavioral characteristics (i.e. specifically within America's urban centers). This is not an intelligence issue. Nor is it a conspiracy to oppress issue; or a lingering legacy of a GREAT wrong committed by one people against another. Like the polar bear and black bear, Euro honey bee and Africanized honey bee, the lion, the leopard and tiger, though these species are part of the same family (the bear family; the bee family; the cat family), yet each is separated from the other by their innate behavioral characteristics.
It's important to point out, again, that the American Negro had been exposed to only one culture, that of the white males i.e. America's Dominate Male-Group. So, theoretically, they should have produced an urban way of life and a standard of living very similar to that of the white males. Their failure to exhibit the same behavioral characteristics as the white mles within the urban centers ... and produce the way of life and the standard of living of this male group i.e. to produce 'wealth' ... as I have demonstrated with the facts and statistics above, leaves us with really only one remaining consideration: some innate factors exist within the human species which allows for a grouping behavior conducive to creating "wealth" and thereby sustaining urban living arrangements; and these innate characterists are not present in every species of human males. 9
Now let's take a cursory look at the plight of the American Negro from 1900 to 1930, and also keeping in mind the above observations i.e. slavery cannot possibly be the cause for all the Negro's consistent urban desolation; no conspiracy to oppress; there is no intellectually superior race. And taking further note that the Negro male-group between 1865 and 1900 had essentially been given access to the same educational training as American males,7 and this male-group had also only been exposed to the way of life of the Dominant Male-Group (White Christian males) in America.
In 1900, according to the U.S. Census, the Negro population was 8,833,994, and 87% of the Negroes still lived in the South. The total urban black population in America was 11%.
Between 1900 and 1930, America experienced its greatest prosperity, fueled by its industrial growth and advancements in technology. As of 1930:
--total number of cities built by Negro males : None
--total number of industries built by Negro males: None
--total number of tax bases created by Negro males capable of sustaining gov't services: None
--total number of technological advances that came from the Negro: None
-- number of white males & females employed by a Negro man and supporting a family: None (could not find one case)
--number of Negro males & females employed by a white person (household/corporation/business): Millions
-- total number of residential housing structures built by Negro males in major metropolitan centers: Number so minute it is statistically immeasurable
-- over 800 automotive companies were created during this span of time...only one was Negro (may have employed up to ten people). Countless suppliers to automotive companies, none were Negro.
The purpose in pointing out the above is only to demonstrate the great difference in behavioral characteristics of the two racial groups that had clearly manifested. And the main result from these differing behavioral characteristics produced an immense chasm in the two respective male-groups standard of living. While the Americans built a way of life and a standard of living not just for the civilized world to marvel at, but also the likes of which had never been achieved in human history, the American Negro did not just founder, he failed completely. Putting it another way, the American Negro simply failed at producing 'wealth'.8
Then there were the Crime statistics that were demonstrating great concern among white people in America''s urban centers.
By 1930, of the 11.9 million Negroes (about 10% of the US population), 78% (9.2. million) live in the South and 32% were urban. Almost 2.5 million Negroes lived outside the South by 1930. Of the Northern Negroes, 88% were urban (living in northern cities the Negro did not build). source: Chronological History Of the Negro
1904 - Blacks represent 32% of US prison population
1923 - Blacks represent 31% of US prisoners
1930 - Blacks are still at approx. 31% of US prisoners
* (1909) Life in Cairo, Ill. This article appeared after the rape and murder of a young white girl, Anna Pelley. Her rape and murder caused an epic riot in Cairo.
Newspaper Reporter:: "On the other hand, there is hardly a time when there are not forty or fifty Cairo negroes in the Southern Illinois Penitentiary, all convicted of theft or burglary. The white people of Cairo have always dealt indulgently with the negro. For years it has been the policy to keep two negroes on the small police force, and there have been negro Justices of the Peace. A negro physician once came near being elected a member of the Board of Education. While they pay but little taxes, the negroes are provided with three public schools. The Sumner was the first colored High School ever established in the United States. Yet this negro population, coddled as it is, is a constant menace to the town. No white woman dare venture outside of the house at night alone for fear of assault. Many outrages of which the world has never heard have been attempted. This is why, as Mayor Parsons says, the effect of the recent lynching will be “salutary.” Altogether it is not surprising that a lynching took place in Cairo. The only wonder is that one did not take place long ago."
W.L. CLANAHAN (Nov. 14, 1909)
* (1917) Houston (Camp Logan) Massacre - 156 Negro 'soldiers' marched out of their camp, armed with the latest issue of military rifle (designed and manufactured by white males)...then massacred innocent white people. 16 dead.

* (1919) Negro Supremacist Organization Plans to "Wipe Out All White People" link
* (1919) Epic Riot In Omaha - 36 Rapes Of White Females Over Four Months link

* (1921) Epic Riot In Tulsa - biggest one in American history...Flashpoint: gunning down two white males. source1923 - Blacks represent 31% of US prisoners
1930 - Blacks are still at approx. 31% of US prisoners
* (1909) Life in Cairo, Ill. This article appeared after the rape and murder of a young white girl, Anna Pelley. Her rape and murder caused an epic riot in Cairo.
Newspaper Reporter:: "On the other hand, there is hardly a time when there are not forty or fifty Cairo negroes in the Southern Illinois Penitentiary, all convicted of theft or burglary. The white people of Cairo have always dealt indulgently with the negro. For years it has been the policy to keep two negroes on the small police force, and there have been negro Justices of the Peace. A negro physician once came near being elected a member of the Board of Education. While they pay but little taxes, the negroes are provided with three public schools. The Sumner was the first colored High School ever established in the United States. Yet this negro population, coddled as it is, is a constant menace to the town. No white woman dare venture outside of the house at night alone for fear of assault. Many outrages of which the world has never heard have been attempted. This is why, as Mayor Parsons says, the effect of the recent lynching will be “salutary.” Altogether it is not surprising that a lynching took place in Cairo. The only wonder is that one did not take place long ago."
W.L. CLANAHAN (Nov. 14, 1909)
* (1917) Houston (Camp Logan) Massacre - 156 Negro 'soldiers' marched out of their camp, armed with the latest issue of military rifle (designed and manufactured by white males)...then massacred innocent white people. 16 dead.

* (1919) Negro Supremacist Organization Plans to "Wipe Out All White People" link
* (1919) Epic Riot In Omaha - 36 Rapes Of White Females Over Four Months link

Note: When WWI ended (1919) many Negroes decided to stay in the Anglo-built urban environments they were released into.
I don't think I really need to dwell on the fact that the Negro at this time in American history (1900 to 1930) represented a known crime problem. In fact, no people in human history had to endure what white people are enduring in this time frame - persistent attacks on their children to rape them, attacks on their wives to rape them, family massacres, lying in wait crimes...a persistent menace. These unprovoked crimes by the Negro created staggering to the imagination riots, thousands of lynchings and even burning at the stake.
(For those who want more evidence, and particularly how Negro crimes were deliberately directed at white people ... and how this race consistently terrorized white people, here is a link. )
Clearly, it is not the fault of one people that another people exhibited demonstrably different behavioral characteristics (i.e. specifically within America's urban centers). This is not an intelligence issue. Nor is it a conspiracy to oppress issue; or a lingering legacy of a GREAT wrong committed by one people against another. Like the polar bear and black bear, Euro honey bee and Africanized honey bee, the lion, the leopard and tiger, though these species are part of the same family (the bear family; the bee family; the cat family), yet each is separated from the other by their innate behavioral characteristics.
It's important to point out, again, that the American Negro had been exposed to only one culture, that of the white males i.e. America's Dominate Male-Group. So, theoretically, they should have produced an urban way of life and a standard of living very similar to that of the white males. Their failure to exhibit the same behavioral characteristics as the white mles within the urban centers ... and produce the way of life and the standard of living of this male group i.e. to produce 'wealth' ... as I have demonstrated with the facts and statistics above, leaves us with really only one remaining consideration: some innate factors exist within the human species which allows for a grouping behavior conducive to creating "wealth" and thereby sustaining urban living arrangements; and these innate characterists are not present in every species of human males. 9
6. Historical Group Recognition (HGR). Throughout human history male-groups created their own status environments and reserved entry into these environments for members of their own male-group (males racially, linguistically and religiously similar). This was done to preserve the male-groups status environments from encroachment from males outside their 'group'. Blacks also practiced HGR prior to 1964. Few examples: 1) all Negro- owned business typically only employed Blacks; 2) Negro baseball only employed Blacks; 3) Pullman Porters (96% Black); 4) Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (1925 to 1964), all Black leadership; National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), formed in 1913, was all black
NOTE: Only Western Civilization countries have abolished HGR (through civil rights laws i.e. race/ gender/ 'group' nullification laws)
7. Negroes were more than adequately supplied with schools, including higher education facilities, which were mostly supplied - funded - by the northern liberal White people. Link
8. Occupational Ranking & The Production of "Wealth"
"Occupational Ranking is an innate-culture of the male group (excluding females) that allows the male
group to achieve the necessary grouping and organizational behavior conducive to the production of "wealth."
Wealth is basically the production of marketable material items. The better the male group is at stratifying itself
under occupational titles, the more marketable wealth they will theoretically be capable of creating.
9. Failure of the Carlisle Indian School
Urban population in America in 1920:
So we now have accumulated three questions of immense importance concerning the plight of the Negro race in America from 1865 to 1930.
1) Why didn’t people of African descent in America from 1865 to 1964 demand a homeland in America, whereby they could achieve mastery over their own destiny, and create their own DMG - their own society - separate and autonomous from the American DMG?
2) Why were enough occupational titles capable of being generated in American communities to sustain their urban population, in contrast to the Negro communities that were all consistently failing in this regard?
3) Is there..."the possibility some innate factor exists within the human species which allows for a grouping behavior conducive to creating 'wealth' and thereby sustaining urban living arrangements."?
Carlisle Indian School / NAACP/ HGR/ the Great Depression and Negroes urban plight/ One-Two Punch: end of WWII and addressing "racial superiority"/ the advent of coast to coast TV
This is all racist propaganda how could you not know about the community in Tulsa Oklahoma named Black Wall Street which was decimated by racist whites in the early 1920's. Shame on America and Shame on you for your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteSo with EVERYTHING this man has painstakingly documented, you want to take an instance where, once again, black men instigated unprovoked violence, and by this point in time, over 200 years, white men and white people in general, had already suffered such unwarranted, unmitigated LOSSES because of black folk, and finally said enough is enough? No, shame on YOU for YOUR ignorance. I encounter this endlessly - ignorance, delusion, and crybaby, victim mentality. It's pathetic and long past OLD. How dare you, quite literally. I'm sure you just love devouring the jews falsified accounts of history, and I'm sure you're clueless as to why. Go haunt and troll one of your Wakanda websites or something. You're nerve-grating and clearly no nothing about intelligent debate.
DeleteThis is the same bozos that claim they’ve built ( Kemet, Europe and the rest of the world ) but forgot to built, rebuilt ancient advanced civilization’s an modern day cities in their own Sub Saharan continent with in these nations like Ghana and the Congo an a country like Haiti mirroring Wakanda because if they are and or were able to do those things than why do they always keep relying so heavily on white people to do stuff for them like clothing, food (EBT, food stamps, welfare ), shelter & free everything an stuff. a race group of people like them cant, couldn’t, shouldn’t forget how to construct civilizations no matter the terrain, climate condition’s ( Icy frozen tundra, sandy hot and or humid desert, tropical jungle) or where ever they are an go in the world again what is the excuses, justifications this time.
ReplyDeletelook how much in denial this Anonymous person is being he just can't see his or her people doing all this crime presuming he or she are black not to mention they usually are the ones that instigate the battles, fights, skirmishes around the world
I have astronomical amount of videos to prove it too.