This pic, taken prior to 1964, was used, among others, to create the illusion of a Happy Human Family --if only white people would agree to integrate. Well, compulsory integration didn't turn out quite the way the above pic implied it would, did it?
Dr. Albert Schweitzer, From My African Notebook.: "I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I have must learn and know... For whenever a White man seeks to live among [blacks] as their equal, they will destroy and devour him, and they will destroy all his work." 1939 (winner of Nobel Peace Prize)
The Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Fair Housing Act (1968) were specifically designed by the federal government (i.e. white males) to give black males the freedoms in the white communities that Martin Luther King and the NAACP insisted were necessary for the economic advancement of the black race. However, many in the white community in the 60s certainly had to be concerned. Would the black man, using his new freedoms, victimize innocent white people? This concern did in fact seem to have validity. Between 1956 and 1964, according to the Statistical Abstract of the United States for these years, black males were arrested for 50% or more in the categories of Rape, Robbery and Homicide. Then there were ALL these attacks to also consider >>> LINK
Dr. Albert Schweitzer, From My African Notebook.: "I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I have must learn and know... For whenever a White man seeks to live among [blacks] as their equal, they will destroy and devour him, and they will destroy all his work." 1939 (winner of Nobel Peace Prize)
The elderly, along with women and children, are, of course, the most easily victimized and therefore the most vulnerable in society. In this supplement to Black on White Violence, the following is a small sample of some of the white elderly victims of inter-racial violence (raped, beaten, and/ or murdered).
(Main Menu Page For All Blogs Related To Black-on-White Violence)
“The Stocking Strangler”
African-American Serial Rapist - sociopath - and Killer of Elderly White Females 
Gary’s MO: “On the night of September 15, 1977, she awoke to find an intruder in her bedroom. He wrapped a nylon stocking around her neck and choked the life out of her.”
White Female Victims Who Were Deliberately Targeted Because Of Their Race:
* Jean Frost, 55 (brutally beaten, strangled into unconsciousness but survived)
* Unidentified White Female, 59 (survived a strangulation attempt)
* Janet Cofer, 61 (strangled to death in her bed)
* Gertrude Miller , 64 (strangled to death)
* Mary Willis "Ferne" Jackson, 50 (strangled to death)
* Jean Dimenstien, 71 (punched in the face, raped, strangled to death)
* Florence Sheible, 89 (punched in the face, dragged to the bedroom, raped, strangled to death)
* Martha Thurmond, 69 (strangled to death in her bedroom)
* Ruth Schwob, 79 (?) (survived - stocking still wrapped tightly around her neck when police arrived)
* Mildred Dismukes Borom, 78 (strangled to death)
* Kathleen Woodruff, 77 (strangled in her bed)
Note: When Gary was finally caught (1984), he quickly pointed his finger at another black male career criminal, Malvin Alamichael Crittenden , blaming all the rapes and murders on him. Pics of all Gary's victims can be found on the link below.
Wichita, KS 2014
Martha Schell, 100
1. Arkansas, April 2, 2001
'Fair Housing Act' Abuse Of Elderly - Torture - Rape - Murder
Black male Kenneth Isom, 34, was arrested for murder and rape. According to court testimony, on April 2, 2001 this is how it went down:
“Dorothy Lawson [white female] testified that she had been assisting Bill Burton, age 79 [white male], her deceased husband's brother-in-law, in his rehabilitation following hip surgery. Mrs. Lawson was at Mr. Burton's trailer home the night of April 2, 2001, and was watching television with Mr. Burton when she heard someone knock on the door. It was about 7:45 p.m. but still light outside. She opened the front door, and a man pushed passed her. She recognized the man as the person she had seen next door. She later identified that person as Mr. Isom [a black man]. He walked over to Mr. Burton and, standing near him, said, "I want some money."
“Mr. Burton replied that he currently had no money but that his social security check was coming tomorrow. [Black male] ... Isom pulled a pair of broken scissors from his pants' back pocket and threatened Mr. Burton. Mr. Burton gave him two $100 bills and another forty dollars. Mr. Isom became angry and said he wanted more. He made Mr. Burton stand up and walk towards the bedroom. He then made Mr. Burton lie down on the floor in the hallway. Mr. Isom next grabbed Mrs. Lawson and told her to remove her pants and underwear and lie down in the hallway near Mr. Burton. [Black male] ... Isom raped her vaginally, forced her to have oral sex with him, and raped her anally. During the rapes, Mrs. Lawson testified that she could clearly see his face. When she complained about the pain, Mr. Isom said: "It's going to be worse than this before the night's over." There was a knock at the back door, and Mr. Isom said: "Don't say a word. If you do, I'll kill you. I'll kill you now."
“Whoever was at the back door apparently left. Mr. Isom forced Mrs. Lawson into a closet. When she later looked out and told Mr. Isom to stop standing on Mr. Burton's head because he was old, Mr. Isom forced her back into the closet and said: "I know he's old. That's why I want to hurt him." She next saw Mr. Isom lying on top of Mr. Burton. She [tried to push] Mr. Isom [off of Mr. Burton] and in the process cut her hand on his scissors. She bled on Mr. Isom, which enraged him, and he said: "You're going to get it now." He [then] demanded the diamond rings worn by Mr. Burton. Mrs. Lawson gave Mr. Isom her ring instead. Mr. Isom took her into the bedroom and knocked her unconscious. When she awoke, Mr. Isom was choking her. Mrs. Lawson testified that she could plainly see his face. She passed out again, and when she awoke some time later, she was alone. There was warm blood on the back of her head and rattling in her chest due to internal bleeding. She discovered that she was paralyzed on one side. On April 3, 2001, Erma Shook, a neighbor and relative of Bill Burton's, entered the side door of his trailer home after 8:00 a.m. and heard Mrs. Lawson crying for help. Ms. Shook dialed 9-1-1 from Mr. Burton's trailer home. Donald King, a patrol sergeant with the Monticello Police Department, was the first to arrive at the scene. He testified that he found Mr. Burton dead, lying on the floor in the hallway, and Mrs. Lawson lying on the floor in the master bedroom. The cause of death of Mr. Burton was later determined by associate medical examiner, Dr. Charles Kokes, to be multiple sharp and blunt force injuries. Mrs. Lawson told Sergeant King that a black male who lived next door was the assailant.”
2. Pearl, Miss. April 22, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Racially Motivated Murder
A black male racist , Vincent McGee, 22,…invaded the home of a white male for the sole purpose to commit murder. Once inside the home the black male knifed and beat the elderly white male to death. The white male employed McGee to do odd jobs around his home.
* Richard Barrett, 67 (member of a white nationalist movement)
3. Anaheim, CA, Jan. 10, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Rape - Torture - Murder
“The horror that she went through haunts me…”

A black male, Anthony Wade, 25,…broke into the home of an elderly white female, where he raped, beat, tortured and then knifed the elderly woman to death. Wade then ransacked the home, took what valuables he could carry, stole the woman's credit card and then stole her car.

A black male, Anthony Wade, 25,…broke into the home of an elderly white female, where he raped, beat, tortured and then knifed the elderly woman to death. Wade then ransacked the home, took what valuables he could carry, stole the woman's credit card and then stole her car.
*Bessie Mae Whyman, 84
4. Shelby, N. Carolina (summer and fall) 2003
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male (and career criminal), Donald Eugene Borders, 43 …MO was targeting elderly white females’ homes to burglarize. Once inside his victim's home Border's first objective was to attack the elderly woman. His attacks would all involve rape and torture ... before he murdered his victim. Obviously, Borders would spend considerable time in the white community looking for suitable home to invade.
* Margaret Tessneer, 79 (raped)
* Lottie Ledford, 85 (terrorized to death)
* Lillian Mullinax, 87 (terrorized to death - heart attack)
5. Palatka, Fl, Dec., 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Three black males, Charles Edward Coring III, 24, Johnny Lutrell Jones, 24, Lamont Antonio Riley, 24, …were in the process of a burglary of a white female‘s home when the white female’s father unexpectedly walked through the door. When the black males saw him they immediately gunned him down. The innocent white male victim is:
* Cecil Mills, 65
6. Tacoma, Wash. March 18, 2008
Public Ambush - Murder
A black man, Joseph Njonge, 24,…murdered an elderly white female so he could rob her of her purse contents.
* Jane Britt, 75
7. Houston, TX, Nov. 13, 1980
Armed Robbery - Murder
Four black male,
Charlotte Parker (waited in get -away car),
Evelyn Harvey (waited in get -away car),
Joseph Bennard Nichols, 19,
Willie R. Williams, 24,
..robbed a convenience store and in the process gunned down an elderly white male employee.
* Claude Shaffer Jr., 70
8. Durham, N. Carolina, 2004
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Four Thugs Gang Up On Elderly Woman And Murder Her
Elderly white female: "Please send someone down to 3810 Valleydale Drive. There's somebody in my house." (gunshot)"
Five black males,
Michael Sullivan, 16 (triggerman),
Ricky Morris, 19
Greg Lee Jr , 18
Little Freeman , 25
...broke into an elderly white woman's home and when they spotted her on the phone, believing she was talking to the police (she was), Sullivan gunned her down. Note:Triggerman Sullivan got life in prison.
* Lois Cannady, 89
9. Newport News, VA, April 18, 2000
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Torture- Murder
Two black males, Joseph M. Dorsett, Kent Jermaine Jackson, …broke into the home of an elderly white female and during the course of their burglary they decided to beat and torture the elderly woman to death.
Medical Examiner: Mrs. Kaiser died from a combination of a stab wound to her jugular vein, a fractured skull, and asphyxia caused by blockage of her airway by her tongue. Any one of these injuries could have been fatal. In addition to these injuries, Mrs. Kaiser suffered two black eyes, a broken nose, and multiple abrasions, lacerations, and bruises. She had five stab wounds to her head and neck, including the wound to her jugular vein. The medical examiner also testified that Mrs. Kaiser had been sodomized with her walking cane and that the cane then had been driven into her mouth with such violence that it knocked out most of her teeth, tore her tongue and forced it into her airway, fractured her jaw, and penetrated the left side of her face.
The innocent white female victim is:
* Beulah Mae Kaiser, 79
10. Jefferson County, Alabama, Feb. 24, 1997
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
"Evidence showed she had been knocked to the floor with a blunt object in the living room and she moved to the hallway before receiving the fatal blow."
"The house had been ransacked, and the killer had taken time to eat some lunch meat, drink a beer and smoke a cigarette inside."
A black male, Alfonso Morris, 36,…broke into the home of an elderly white female. Once inside black male Morris beat elderly female to death, then eat some dinner. After dinner, Morris casually ransacked the house looking for valuables. DNA was used to link Morris to the crime.
* Miriam Rochester, 85
11. Kent County, Delaware, Nov. 7, 2004
Carjacking- Rape - Murder
A black male, Ambrose Sykes, 32 …was found guilty of kidnapping, carjacking, rape and murder of an elderly white female. Black male Sykes carjacked the elderly woman then tied her hands and feet, gagged her, raped her, strangling her with a scarf, stuffing her body into a suitcase and then drove her car for two days with her body in the trunk.
”* Virginia Trimnell, 68
12. Riverside County, CA, 1998
Robbery Scheme Results In Two Elderly Women Burned Alive
A black male,Michael Cook, 26,… deliberately set fires to two mobile homes as part of ill-conceived robbery schemes. Two elderly white females died as a result of these fires. The two innocent white victims - burned alive - are:
* Florence Mash, 84
* Lucille Quigley, 86
13. May 13, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Public Abduction -- Murder
A black male, Gary Lynn Sterling, 20, broke into a home, abducted a white male and female and took them to a secluded area, then murdered them.
* John W. Carty, 72
* Deloris June Smith, 52
14. Dallas, TX, Aug, 30, 1986
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Murder
A black male Brian Keith Roberson, 22, broke into a home, abducted a white male and female and took them to a secluded area, then murdered them.
* James Louis Boots, 79
* Lillian Boots, 75
15. Dec. 2, 1983
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion- Mother And Daughter Murdered
A black male Pernell Ford, 18, broke into the home of an elderly white woman and stabbed her to death and her daughter. Motive was burglary
* * Willie C. Griffith,74
* Linda Gail Griffith, 42
16. Dallas, TX, May 20, 1987
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male Cornelius Alan Goss, broke into the home of an elderly white male and beat and stabbed him to death. Motive was burglary.
* Carl Leevy, 66
17. Oklahoma City, OK, Jan. 16, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Michael Donald Roberts, broke into an elderly white female’s home, sexually assaulted her, then murdered her. The black male then burglarized the home.
* Lula Mae Brooks, 80
18. Oklahoma City, OK, Oct. 27, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Malcolm Rent Johnson, 23, invaded the home of an elderly white female where he raped, then murdered her. The black male then burglarized the home.
* Ura Alma Thompson
19. Ohio, Jan. 20, 1982
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male Lewis Williams, Jr. 24, barged into the home of an elderly white female and murdered her.
* Leoma Chmielewski
20. March 3, 1992
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Murder
Desmond Keith Carter, 24, demanded an elderly white female give him money. When she refused the black male knifed her to death.
* Helen Purdy, 71
21. Clarksville, TX, Nov. 29, 1993
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Willie Earl Pondexter (triggerman)
Four black males, Willie Earl Pondexter Jr. 19, Ricky Bell, Deon Williams, James Henderson, kicked in the front door to the home of a wealthy elderly white female. Once inside, and without any provocation, they executed her with a two shots to the head (Pondexter& Henderson both fired a single shot).
Pondexter: "That's how you smoke a white bitch".
* Martha W. Lennex, 85
22. Tarpon Springs, Fl. March 18, 1977
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male Amos Lee King, Jr., 48, broke into the home of an elderly white female, brutally raped then murdered her.
* Natalie "Tillie" Brady, 68
23. Oklahoma City, OK, March 2, 1993
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male Bobby Joe Fields, 29, broke into the home of an elderly white female and murdered her. The elderly white female put a helluva good fight though. And though she died, her fighting back very likely saved her from having to endure a rape before her murder.
* Louise J. Schem, 77
Note: AFDC money also involved in this murder.
24. Houston, TX, Aug. 23, 1976
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male teen, Billy Wayne White, 18 ,armed with a gun, barged into a white-owned business and demanded money. He then, without cause or provocation, gunned down an elderly white female (owner’s wife).
* Martha Spinks, 65
Note: Information is currently lacking on this murderer. He was executed for his crime(s) in 1992.
25. Tulsa County, Oklahoma, August 31, 1999
Public Abduction - Carjacking - Two Murdered
Two black males, Victor Cornell Miller, 36, George John Hanson…carjacked an elderly white female and took her to a secluded location to kill her, but was spotted by another white male. The two blacks decided to kill the white male and female.
* Mary Agnes Bowles, 77
* Jerald Thurman, 44
26. Charlotte, N.C. April, 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A career criminal, Gordon Franklin McMullen, 47,…broke into an elderly white woman's home to commit burglary. When the elderly white female confronted him, McMullen beat her then stabbed her to death.
* Mildred Clontz, 92
27. Memphis, TN, April 24, 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Beaten & Left For Dead
"She never really got well. She never walked again,"
A black male, Alex House, 26..during the course of a home invasion , beat an elderly white woman until she was unconscious (or assumed dead). Note: House pleaded guilty and received a "light" 20 years for the attack. With good behavior, House should be back on the streets by 2017.
* Cenetta Qualls, 87 (survived the attack but traumatized for the rest of her life)
28. Wichita, Kansas, Jan 7, 2008
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male, Benjamin Fish, 47,… had made a regular habit of demanding money ($200 at a time) from an elderly white female. Apparently, she had had enough and told him so. That when Fish attacked the elderly woman and beat her to death.
* Evelyn Middlestadt, 77 (deceased)
29. Indianapolis, Ind. 1974, paroled in 1985, rearrested in 1987
Serial Killer Of White Females
A black male, Howard Arthur Allen, 25…was a serial murderer of elderly white females. He would invade their homes, brutally beat them then murder them. Of course, Allen never passed up the opportunity to also burglarize the victim's premises.
Victim list is:
* Opal Cooper, 85
* Ernestine Griffin, 73
* Laverne Hale, 87
* Beaten elderly white female left for dead, but survived
30. Louisa, VA , May 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Torture- Left For Dead
A black male, Ramone Houchenes, 19…savagely beat a five-foot, 90 lbs woman during a home invasion / robbery. During the attack, Houchenes groped the elderly woman's genitals and breast, then threatened to strip her down and rape her, this while he was licking her face.
* Lois Rossen, 87 (survived)
31. Portage and Gary Ind. December 13 & 15, 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
Serial Murderer Of White People
A black male, Christian Peterson, 21,…liked to rob businesses where white people were known to be working. Once he robbed his victim(s), he killed them with a saw-off shot gun.
* George Balovsky, 66
* Eli Balovsky, 60
* Marie Meitzler, 48
32. Dec. 24, 1980
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
Two black teens, Darrell B. Grayson, 19, Victor Kennedy, 18,... broke into the home of an elderly white female. Once inside they tied her up and then each took turns raping her. After they are through with the rape they beat her to death, then helped themselves to household items.
* Annie Laura Orr, 86
33. Tyler, TX, May 30, 2001
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Gregory Lynn Russeau, 31,…murdered an elderly white male then took his wallet.
* James Syvertson, 75
34. Prince George County, Maryland, 1995
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Two Murdered
A black male, Heath William Burch, 25,…invaded the home of a elderly white couple for the purpose of committing a burglary. Once inside, black male Burch attacked the elderly white couple with a knife and beat them. The elderly white couple died as a result of the beating and knife wounds. T
* Robert Davis, 72
* Cleo Davis, 78
35. Baltimore County, Maryland, May 19, 1983
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Two Murdered
Two black males, John Booth - el, 28, unidentified,…brutally slaughtered an elderly white couple during a home invasion.
* Irvin Bronstein, 78
* Rose Bronstein, 75
36. Pikesville, Maryland, Sept. 9, 1980
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Murder
A black male,Eugene Colvin-el, 39,...murdered an elderly white female during a home invasion / burglary.
* Lena Buckman, 82
37. Baltimore County, Maryland, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Murder
A black male, Kevin Wiggins, 28… invaded the home of the elderly white female. Wiggins took the elderly white female to the bathroom, forced her to strip naked, and get into the bathtub, where he forced her head under water until she drowned. He then ransacked her apartment. The police caught up with Wiggins driving the elderly white lady’s car and in possession of her credit card.
* Florence G. Lacs, 77
38. Mocksville, NC, March 6, 1998
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Kerry Moore, walked into a small grocery store and up to the owner (white male), pulled a knife then stabbed him in the chest. The white male died a few days later. Motive was robbery.
* Simon Wilford Brown, Jr., 71
Note: This black male murderer, like so many of them, changed his name to an Arabic one.
39. Tyler, TX, July 9, 2005
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Clifton Lamar Williams, 22,… invaded the home of and elderly white female. Once inside the black male attacked her. The white female was beaten, knifed repeatedly, then set afire. Williams then stole her purse and car.
* Cecilia Schneider, 93
40. Mecklenburg County, VA May 8, 1997
Armed Robbery - Torture - Murder
Two black teens, Robert Stacy Yarbrough, 18, Dominic Rainey, 17...barged into a business owned by an elderly white male. They tied him up then Yarbrough took his knife and slowly dragged it across the elderly white male’s neck ... while he pleaded with him to stop. Note: Rainey received 25 years for testifying against Yarbrough - who murdered teh elderly man.
* Cyril Hugh Hamby, 77
41. Aug. 27, 1984
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Torture -Murder
A Elderly White Male Lends Help To A Black Male...
Black Male Murderer: Perrie Dyon Simpson, 21...
“When [the elderly white male] said he had no money, [black male] Simpson choked him on the bed. When the [elderly 92-year-old] Reverend said that if he was killed, he knew he was going to heaven, Simpson grabbed a belt, put it around his neck, then looped the other end around the bedpost and tightened it, all the while demanding money. Simpson called for [his female accomplice] to come and hold the belt while he went in the kitchen to look for a weapon. He returned with an empty pop bottle, and beat the [elderly white male] with it. He then went into the bathroom and got a double-edged razor blade, slicing the [the elderly white male] arms from the biceps all of the way down the under side of the forearms to the wrist.”
* Reverend Jean Ernest Darter, 92
42. The Most Cowardly Sucker Punch
On Elderly White Male -
'McDonanld's Knockout Punch'
43. 77-Year-Old White Male Sucker Punched
44. Marshall, MO, June, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Robbery - Torture - Murder
Three black teenagers, uidentified 16-year-old juvenile (w/m), Spencer Tromont Anderson, 18,
Lyndale Devor Henderson, 17,…planned for days the home invasion, burglary and murder of an elderly white couple. Once the black teens gained entry to the white couple’s home, they tied them up, tortured them, then murdered them. Total take in this black male slaughter was $70.00.
* Richard “R.D.” Shepard
* Jessie M. “Tiny” Shepard
45. Tarrant County, TX, April 28, 2004
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Robbery - Murder
A black male and a black female, Tilon Carter, 24, LeKetha Allen, 25… the two blacks forced their way into a residence they knew to be occupied by an elderly white male. The two black intruders located the elderly man then wrapped duct tape around his head. He died a slow death by suffocation. The blacks then ransacked the home looking for valuables.
Victim :
* James Tomlin, 89
46. Pasadena, TX, Oct., 28, 2005
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Murder
"It appears that those that she tried to help were the ones that murdered her," said Pasadena Police Department spokesman Vance Mitchell.
Good Samaritan Murder
A black male and two of mix-race , Roosevelt Smith Jr., 43, Jimmy Hoang Le, 18,
Stephanie Jacobo, 18,…invaded a home to commit a burglary and in the process murdered an elderly white female.
* Betty Blair, 77
47. Beverly Hills, CA, June 27, 1998
Frank Sinatra’s Widow Mugged
Barbara Sinatra and her son, along with another couple, were out for an evening walk when a car stopped alongside the group. Three black males then leaped out, demanding all their cash and valuables. The group surrendered all their valuables then fled.
48. Mt. Vernon, Ill., July 1 , 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males and a white female, Demetrius Cole, 28, Christopher Watkins, 21,
Krysta Donoho, 21,…intended to commit burglary of a white male’s home. When all three were inside the house the black males started beating on the white male. After the black males were convinced they had all the cash that was in the white male’s home, the white male was shot to death. The innocent white male is:
* Randy Farrar, 63
49. Trenton, NJ, Nov. 2002
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male and a black female, Thomas Briggs, 37, Milagros Maldonado, 42,…broke into the home of an elderly white male to commit murder and burglary. The police found the elderly white male with his throat slit.
* Ralph DeQuinzio, 79
50. West Knox County, Tenn., Aug. 20, 2001
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Torture - Murder
A black male (and ex-con), Roger Eric Broadway, 23, …was given a job as a door to door salesman. When Broadway knocked on the door of an elderly white female, she answered, but inquired whether Broadway had a license to be going door-to-door. At this moment Broadway barged in and began to beat on her. He then dragged her upstairs to a bedroom where he sexually assaulted her. After that was over, the female was dragged downstairs where Broadway retrieved a knife then plunged it into it into her throat, so hard that it went through her throat and actually pinned the elderly white female to the floor. Broadway then searched the house for items to steal. When he completed his search he helped himself to a coke and a cigarette. When Broadway finished his cigarette … he put it out by smashing it in the face of the dead white female. The innocent elderly white female is:
* Eskalene De Borde, 66
Note: Rodger Eric Broadway, a resident of New York City, admitted to the crime and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Yes, he retired now...
51. June 9, 2004, New Jersey
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Azriel Rashad Bridge, 17 (door-to-door salesman)…asked an elderly white female if he could use her bathroom. Unfortunately, she let the black male into her home. Once inside, Bridge tried to steal the elderly woman’s checkbook but was caught. That’s when the teen attacked and beat the elderly white female (with a fireplace poker iron) and killed her.
* Shirley Reuter, 77
52. Philadelphia, PA, January 3, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Two Murdered
A black male, Brandon Foster, 23,…went over to a white female's home, whom he and acquainted with, and stabbed her to death. Foster also stabbed to death the white female's great grandmother. Apparently, the white female did not want to date the black male and he became angry.
* Samantha Zenszer, 21,
* Violet McCall, 79,
53. Des Moines, IA, 1997
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Rosemary Pascente, a 64-year-old white female, was found dead January 5th, 1997, stabbed multiple times and her throat slit. Robbery appeared to be the motive.
A 29-year-old black male, Charlie Jones, was later prosecuted and convicted for the murder/robbery
Rosemary was a school teacher.
Note: Charlie Jones was also linked to another killing (and rape) by DNA. The innocent white female victim was Patricia Lange.
54. Crestwood, VA, May 24, 2007
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly
A black male, Clayton Vines, 43 … broke into the home of an elderly white female and repeatedly sodomized her. The black male then burglarized the elderly female’s home. Identity of female unknown.
55. Long Island, NY, 2002
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly
A black male (ex-con), Jonathan Uzzell, 39,…posed as a female and got a job as a home health care aid inside the home of an elderly white female, who was recovering from a major surgery. Five weeks into the job, the black male (still posing as a female) ransacked the elderly lady’s place and stole her bank card. The elderly victim is:
* Clara Migden, 84
56. Houston, TX, Nov. 8, 1988
Public Assault - Robbery - Murder
A black male, Roy G. Smith, 30,…walked up to elderly white male on a public street, pulled out a gun and, without provocation, pumped five shots into him, killing him. Smith then went through the white male’s pants pockets looking for money. He found $4.00 and some coins.
* James Whitmire, 67
57. Anderson County, TX, Jan. 26, 2000
'Fair Housing Act' Inhumane Torture - Murder
Danielle Simpson |
Black Male Murderers:
Danielle Simpson, 20 (male)
Jennifer Simpson (wife), 16
Lionel Simpson (brother), 15
Edward McCoy, 13
* Geraldine Davidson, 84
Note: This is yet another of many, many examples of urban black teenagers with the attitude that they're going to do whatever the hell they want to do, and whenever they want to to do it. And, unfortunately for those in the white community, under the current forced integration system, there is absolute no way to protect yourself. Black males have been given the right to strike at you.
59. St. Petersburg, FL, Sept. 17, 1976
Abuse Of The Elderly - Rape - Murder
For more than 30 years, the rape and gruesome murder of Mary Jane Barth (a white female) remained unsolved, until DNA evidence finally nailed her killer.
Black Male Rapist and Murderer:
Alfonzo Austin, 58
* Mary Jane Barth, 85
60. Hennepin, MN, April 16 1998
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Murder
A black male, Brian K. Hooper, 27…somehow gained entry into an elderly white female's apartment. Once inside, he murdered the elderly woman, stuffed her in a cardboard box, then put her in a closet. For months Hooper occupied the woman's apartment, primarily using the premises to conduct his illegal drug trade.
* Ann Prazniak, 77 (described by friends as “kindly”)
61. Williamsburg, VA, Aug. 25, 2001
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Murder
Jerry T. Jackson, 21,…broke into the apartment of an elderly white female, raped then murdered her. Jackson then burglarized her place.
Ruth Phillips, 88
62. Lewisville, TX, Oct. 6, 2000
"Fair Housing Act' Racially Motivated Ambush Murder - THRILL KILL
A black male, Justin C. Anderson, 19,…observed an elderly white female doing some gardening ... and decided she needed to die. The black male calmly walked up to the elderly white female and then gunned her down. The innocent white female is:
* Clara Creech, 85
Note: This black male was out hunting for white people to kill. He also shot and wounded a white male truck driver, Rodger Slovey.
* There n is no I can think of way anyone in the white community could protect themselves (or their children) from this type of racist crime.
63. Lynchburg, VA, Sept. 3, 2010
Racially Motivated Sucker Punch - Results In Murder
“A witness dining at the Hash House saw a young black male kick the victim in the face after he had already been knocked to the ground,” the affidavit states.
Three black male teens, Kenneth Davis, Two black teens (unidentified due to their age),...observed an elderly white male approaching and decided he would be a ripe victim for the infamous sucker punch. Police claim that it was Davis who threw the sucker punch, then the other two kicked the elderly white male in the face while he was down and presumably unconscious.
* George Leroy Baker III, 81
Note: Once again, I feel obliged to remind people that under the rules of this forced integration system, there is absolute nothing a white male / female can do to prevent this kind of attack. The black male gets to strike first.
64. Hampton, VA, Oct. 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Abuse of The Elderly - Murder
Four blacks,
Anthony Darius Odella, Jr., 20
Torian Marquise Gaither, 18
Robin Nadean Gaither, 22,
Ashley Michelle Odellas, 19,
...invaded the home of a white couple intent on committing burglary and murder. Once the blacks forced their way into the home, they located the white couple then began to beat and torture them:
"The suspects punched and strangled the victims, then stole both of the victims’ vehicles and fled the scene."
The white male died as a result of the beating, the female survived. The innocent white victims are:
* Robert J. Broyles, 60 (deceased)
* White female, 62 (survived)
65. Oklahoma City, OK, Oct. 27, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly Rape - Murder
A black male, Malcolm Rent Johnson, 23,…broke into an elderly white female’s apartment to commit rape, murder and burglary.
* Ura Alma Thompson, 76
66. West Palm Beach FL. Sept. 16, 1999
Racial Attack - Elderly Woman Beat Up - Dies From Injuries - Black female Perp Get 3 Moths
A black female, Joelle O'Neill, 41,… greeted a elderly white female who failed to return the greeting. As a result, the black female “went ghetto” on the elderly white female, sucker-punching her and knocking her to the ground. The then elderly white female suffered a heart attack. As she was dying on the ground, the black female mooned her and berated her with racial slurs.
* Julia Osmun, 65
67. OK, March 1983
Abuse Of The Elderly - Rape - Torture - Murder
Good Samaritan Murder
Two black males, Cornel Cooks, 27, Rodney Madson Masters,…entered the home of a kindly elderly white female. Once inside Cooks brutally raped her then tied gauze around her face so she could not breathe (the medical examiner indicated it must have taken more than two hours for her to die). The black males then burglarized the home.
Elderly Female:
* Jennie Ridling, 87 (also disabled)
Note: Mrs. Riding and Mr. Cooks were neighbors and she employed Cooks to cut her lawn. Apparently, no black man was willing to employ Mr. Cooks.
68. Lancaster, TX, July 21, 1997
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
A male and a black female,
Kimberly Lagayle McCarthy, 36
Unidentified black male,
…broke into the home of an elderly white female intending to commit burglary. When the black female was confronted by the elderly white female the black female murdered her.
Innocent Elderly White Female:
* Dr. Dorothy Booth, 70
69. Raleigh, North Carolina, May, 12, 1998
Abuse of the Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
A black female,
Carlette Elizabeth Parker, 34,
…was a home Health Care worker who took advantage of an elderly white female by stealing money from her bank account and also items from her home. The black female then decided the best way to get away with her crime (over $44,000 was looted from the elderly white female’s bank acct.) was to murder the elderly white female. Black female Parker pepper sprayed the elderly white female, used a stun gun on her then wrestled her to the bathroom, where she placed the elderly white female in the bathtub and drowned her. The innocent white female is:
* Catherine Stevenson, 80
70. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 1993
Abuse Of The Elderly
Home Invasion - Murder
A male and a black female,
Bradley Martin, 21
Carolyn Ann King, 28
…burglarized the home of an elderly white male. When the elderly white male confronted the two blacks in his house the white male was viciously beat. After the beating a plastic bag was put over his head, which caused him to suffocated. After this murder, the two black criminals car-jacked a white female and dumped her in the trunk. The white female stayed tied up for five days in the trunk, traveling from North Carolina to Nevada, where she was shot to death and then thrown on the side of the road.
Innocent White Male
* Guy Goodman, 74
* White female victim unknown
71. Lock Haven, Penn., April 19, 2005
Abuse Of The Elderly - - Torture - Murder
A black female,
Shonda Dee Walter, 23
...wanted to become a gang member. In order to qualify she needed to commit a crime - an verifiable and dastardly one. She decided her crime would be to kill her next door neighbor, an elderly white male. With a hatchet in hand, the black female walked over to the elderly white male’s home, proceeded inside and then hacked him to death (an autopsy showed over 60 wounds). She then went over to a black female friend's home with the bloody gloves she wore during the attack and bragged about the killing.
Innocent Elderly White Male:
* James Sementelli, 83
72. Grandview, Missouri, Nov. 21, 1988
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Black Male Massacre
Home Invasion
Two Black males (brothers),
Roy Ramsey, 34
Billy Ramsey,
…went to the home of an elderly white couple to rob and then murder them. Both elderly white people were shot in the head.
Innocent Elderly Victims:
* Garnett Ledford, 65
* Betty Ledford, 63
Note: Apparently, the Ramsey family is nothing but a pack of criminals. There are 10 Ramsey males, of which 9 have criminal records.
73. Sacramento, CA, 1980
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
A black male,
Manuel Pina Babbitt, 26
…invaded the home of an elderly white female for the purpose of rape and burglary. Babbitt had become a career thief by 1980.
Innocent White Female:
* Leah Schendel, 78
74. Beaumont, TX, April 8, 1982
Abuse Of The Elderly
Black Male Massacre
Business Invasion
Two black males,
Elliot Rod Johnson,
Maurice Andrews
…invaded a jewelry store and in the process gunned down two people (White, Hispanic) in what police describe as execution style slaying.
Innocent Victims:
* Joseph Granado, 67, (owner of Jewelry store)
* Arturo Melindez, (h/m)
75. Tallahassee, Fl, Dec. 2010
Abuse Of The Elderly
Sucker Punch
A black male (ex-con & careeer criminal),
Kevin Johnson,
...charged up to a 92-year-old white female, sucker punched her, then beat her some more until she was unconscious. Black male Johnson then took her car keys and stole her car.
Innocent White Female:
* Eunice "Sunny" Lester, 92 (in hospital in a coma)
76. Houston, TX, Feb. 11, 1988
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
A black male (ex-con),
Willis Barnes, 40
…broke into an elderly white female’s home, brutally beat her then strangled her to death. Black male Barnes then helped himself to the elderly woman’s TV and two guns she kept - ironically - for her protection. Even though black male Barnes was caught red-handed with Mrs. Greb’s property, and admitted he was in her place and burglarized it, he maintained - incredibly - he was completely innocent of murdering the elderly white female. Sure thing Willie…
* Helen Greb, 84
77. Longview, TX, Feb. 2, 1994
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Three black male teens and a black female,
Edgar Fletcher, 19,
T.J. Jones, 17,
Sanford Ray Jimerson, 18,
Laticha Howard, 17,
… charged up to an elderly white male, pulled a gun and demanded he give up his cash and his car. When the elderly white male refused he was gunned down by black male Jones.
Innocent White Male:
* Willard Lewis Davis, 75
78. Omaha, Neb., July, 2007
Abuse Of The Elderly
Infamous Black Male Sucker Punch
White Male Survives Two Separate Attacks By Blacks
"I saw pictures of what I looked like when I first went in," Clark said. "It was really something. My wife says she didn't recognize me."
Three black males,
James Branch, 21
Paul Miller,
…walked into an antique car business and were warmly greeted by an elderly white male. Then, black male Branch landed a sucker punch right in the face of the elderly white male, causing drop to the ground, where he was then kicked and stomped until he was unconscious. The black males then picked up the elderly white male and tossed him into the trunk of one of his cars, though not before lifting his credit card. Evidently, the whole assault and attempted murder scheme was to get what was in the white male’s wallet: cash or credit cards. Police found the elderly white male later that day with a cord wrapped around his neck..
Innocent White Male:
* James Clark, 65 (survived, but now must walk with a walker)
Note: James Clark was also attacked by another black male, Arthur Lee Gales, 35, in a robbery scheme a few years back.
79. Holiday Lakes, TX, 2007
Abuse Of The Elderly - Robbery
Home Invasion
Three black males,
Eddie Jermaine Johnson, 18,
Vincent Goree, 22,
Woodard, 22,
...invaded an 85-year-old white female's home. The sadistic black males grabbed the elderly white woman and dragged her around the home demanding to know where her valuables were. They then beat her in the head and all over her body until she was unconscious. After they were done beating on the elderly woman they then dragged her to a chair, threw her in it and tied her hands behind her. They then took her car keys and fled with her car. Miraculously, the elderly white female was able to survive the black males' vicious beating.
Innocent White Female:
* Tillie Black, 85
80. Summerfield, LA, Dec. 16, 2010
Business Invasion - Murder
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male teen,
Donte Fielding , 19,
...walked into a small grocery store and approached the elderly white male owner. Black male Donte Fielding then drew a gun and demanded the white male fork over money from the cash register. When the black teen received the money he then gunned down the elderly white male.
Innocent White Male:
* Brian Butch Hays, 72
Note: Police believe more black males were likely involved in this despicable & craven murder.
81. Louisa, VA, 2010
Abuse Of the Elderly
Black Racism
Home Invasion
Three blacks,
Remone J. Houchens,
Rontray L. Houchens,
Linda D. Houchens,
... invaded the home of an elderly white female and before robbing her of her valuables, beat the elderly lady until she was unconscious. The attack left her with the loss of sight in one of her eyes. Her family says the vicious black attack has changed her, and "she was robbed of her happy go-lucky spirit".
* Remone Houchens, 87
82. Lowndes County, Miss., August 3, 1980
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
Two black male,
Mack Arthur King , 21,
...broke into the home of an elderly white female and then beat and strangled her. Just to make sure she was dead, he dumped the elderly white female into her bathtub face first and filled it with water. Black male King then helped himself to whatever valuables he could carry out of home.
Innocent White Female:
* Lela Patterson , 84
83. Milwaukee, Wis., June 17, 2009
Abuse Of The Elderly
Business Invasion - Murder
A black male,
Joevone Martell Jordan, 23,
...unemployed and living with mom, decided he needed money - and candy. Black male Jordan took a sawed-off shot gun into the small convenience "candy" store owned by an elderly white male and demanded cash. When he received the cash black male Jordan then gunned down the elderly man. Black male Jordan then helped himself to all the candy he could carry.
Innocent White Male:
Roland Haefner, 77
84. Columbus, Miss., Feb. 2, 1992
Abuse Of The Elderly
Home Invasion - Rape
A black male,
Eddie Lee Howard,
...invaded the home of an elderly white female to commit burglary, rape and murder (she was bludgeoned to death with a knife) .
Innocent White Female:
* Georgia Kemp, 84
85. Lafayette, CA, Dec. 10, 2005
Abuse Of The Elderly
Home Invasion - Rape -Murder
A black male (ex-con)
Richard Craig McNew, 34,
...barged into a elderly white female's home, raped then murdered her. Innocent White Female:
* Anna Elizabeth Vuori , 90
86. Bolivar, County, Miss., Nov. 15, 1995
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males,
Kevin Scott,
Leroy Lyroy Lynch,
... approached an elderly white male while he was in his front yard. They demanded the key to his car and his wallet. When the elderly white male gave them those items, black male Scott gunned him down and then fled in his car.
* Richard Lee, 74
87. Alexandria, LA, Oct. 24, 1994
Abuse Of The Elderly
10 Black Men-Pack Attack - Elderly White Female
A gand of black males, including,
Frederick Gradley
Cedric Howard ,16
8 others unidentified, part of a street gang initiation invaded the home of an elderly white female. While the other black hoodlums went around the home picking items to steal, black males Howard and Gradley beat and then stabbed the elderly woman to death.
* Rita Rabalais, 82
88. Centre, Ala., March 6, 1998,
Black Male Ambush - Armed robbery - Murder
A black male,
Keith Gavin,
…calmly strolled up to a white male money courier sitting in a company van, drew a gun and then shot him twice.
* William Clinton Clayton, Jr. 68 (deceased)
89. Orange County, CA, April, 2010
Abuse Of The Elderly
Home Invasion - Rape - Torture - Murder
"The horror that she went through haunts me..."
A black male,
Anthony Wade, 25,
...broke into the home of an elderly white female, where he proceeded to rape, beat, torture and then knife her to death. When he was through with his treatment of the white female, he ransacked the home, stole her credit card and then stole her car.
*Bessie Mae Whyman, 84
90. Montgomery County, Ala., May 21, 1990
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Good Samaritan Murder
Home Invasion
Two black males,
Willie McNair, 25
Olin Grimsley,
…went to the home of an elderly white female - who often employed the unemployable McNair with yard work - and asked to borrow money. When she said she had none to lend him, McNair took out a knife and stabbed her in the neck. The other black male retrieved a knife from the kitchen and also stabbed the elderly female in the neck. They then watched her bleed to death. After this, the blacks went rummaging through the house looking for valuable.
* Ella Foy Riley, 68
91. Newton County, Miss., August 15, 1994
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Rodney Gray, went to the home of an elderly white female armed with a shotgun. He kidnapped the woman, then forced her to drive to her bank to withdraw money. After the money was withdrawn Gray directed the woman to drive to a secluded area … where she was beat then shot twice in the face.
* Grace Blackwell, 79
92. Buffalo, NY, 2006
Abuse Of The Elderly
Good Samaritan Murder
A black male (ex-con),
Craig Lynch ,36
…was living in a halfway way house for paroled criminals. Supervising the property was a white nun. When she caught Lynch stealing her cell phone and confronted him, he killed her.
* Sister Karen Klimczak, 62
93. Hinds County, Miss., Oct. 24, 1984
Abuse Of The Elderly
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male,
Pinkney, Bobby Joe
…while in the course of a home invasion brutally murdered the elderly white female homeowner.
* Tracy Hickman, 77
94. Du Page County, IL, 2007
Abuse Of The Elderly
Black Male Rage - Murder
A black male,
Hubert D. Thompson, 28,
…manufactured a belief that a white male who lived upstairs from him was, somehow, poisoning him. Black male Thompson went up to the apartment of the elderly white male and knocked. When the white male answered, Thompson (6’3” and almost 300 lbs) grabbed him and then dragged him over to his third floor balcony and threw him to the ground. The elderly white male died hitting the pavement.
* James Malone, 66
95. Virginia, Sept. 23, 1989
Abuse Of The Elderly
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males,
Ronald Yeatts
Charles Michael Vernon,
…decided to do a home invasion of an elderly white female's home. The white female had allowed black male Yeatts into her home in the past to do some plumbing, so Yeatts knew the likelihood of the white female letting her guard down and allowing him inside again was very good. When the white female opened the door, Yeatts gave her a yarn about car trouble and needed to use her phone. Once inside, black male Yezatts pounced. He pulled and knife and stabbed the elderly white female repeatedly, then slit her throat. The home was then burglarized.
Innocent White female:
* Ruby Meeks Dodson, 70
96. Circleville, OH , July 21, 1990
Abuse of The Elderly - Rape- Murder
Home Invasion
A black male,
James J. Hollis, 20
…invaded the home of an elderly white female. When black male Hollis located the elderly white female he beat, raped and then strangled her to death.
Innocent White Female:
* Mary Cook, 83
97. Marrero, LA, Oct. 31, 1996
'Fair Housing Act' Double Murder (Mother & Son)
A black male, Roy Bridgewater,17…during a home invasion burglary murdered an elderly white female and her son.
* Nelson Beaugh, 45
* Della Beaugh, 70 (mother)
98. * Crimes That Shake Our Conscience *
61-Year-Old White Teacher Sucker Punched
99. Holmes County, Miss. Nov. 2010
Good Samaritan Murder
Two black males, Erik Ellis, 28, Malcolm Melton, 22,…had car trouble and an elderly white male pulled over and offered assistance. When the white male exited his car, and the black males were sure no one was around as a witness, they pulled a gun and gunned him down. They then threw him in the trunk of his car and took him to a remote location. The white male was then tossed on the ground (likely still alive), drenched with gasoline, then set on fire.
Naturally, had the white male NOT stopped to offer help, he would still be alive today.
* Jimmy Sanders, 65
100. Monterey Park, CA, Oct. 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
A black male, John Wesley Ewell, 53…broke into the home of a white couple, murdered them, then burglarized the home.
* Leamond Turnage, 69
* Robyn Turnage, 57
101. Chadbourn , N. Carolina, Nov. 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
Two blacks, Tiffany Louise Faulk, 27, Kenneth Harold Gore Jr., 26,…were illegal squatters in an apartment complex for elderly people. The two blacks decided to score some easy money by burglarizing and robbing an elderly white female who lived next door to them. The crime would require they murder their victim, but that didn’t seem to be a big problem for the two blacks. The blacks also stole the white female’s car.
* Jeannette Fowler, 77 (stabbed to death)
102. Alton, IL, Dec. 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Murder
"an especially brutal crime against a beloved member of this community."
A black male (registered sex offender), Perry L. Henderson, 50,…broke into the home of an elderly white female, beat her, dragged her to her bedroom, raped her, then straggled her to death. Henderson then helped himself to the white female’s personal items.
* Sandra Wood, 73
103. Lafayette Parish, LA, Sept. 13, 1981
Home Invasion - Rape Murder
A black male, Willie Celestine, 24, ... broke into the home of an elderly white female, beat her, raped her, then strangled her to death. Black male Celestine then burglarized the home.
* Marceliane Richard, 81
104. Tampa, FL, Oct. 10, 1986
'Fair Housing Act' Double Murder
A black male, Alfonso Green, 24,…apparently couldn’t pay his rent and was told to vacate the premises. Angry at his white landlord, Green went over to their home (husband & wife), likely telling them he had their back rent. When the white couple opened their door, Green barged in then bludgeoned both to death with a knife.
* Robert J. Nichols, 70
* Dora V. Nichols, 71
105. York, S.C., Oct. 10, 2006
Armed Robbery - Murder
"My father did not deserve to die..."
Five black males,
Davorius Mack, 21,
Dontavious Mack, 20,
Terrell Addison ,
Ben Stewart,
…robbed a convenience store, then gunned down the elderly white male clerk.
* Ned "Pie" Marshall, 69

Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male,Michael Pruitt, 35…broke into the home of an elderly white woman for the purpose of rape and murder. After black male Pruitt finished with his rape he strangled the elderly white woman to death. black male Pruitt then burglarized the home.
* Greta Gougler, 69 (Sunday school teacher)
107. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 2, 1985
'Fair Housing Act' Torture -Murder
A black male, Etheria Jackson, 25,…ambushed and murdered a white male who came to his girlfriend's residence to pick up a payment for a rented wash machine. This, however, was no quick murder. Jackson took his time murdering the elderly white male. He was beat, gagged, choked, then stabbed to death. Apparently Jackson was having fun finishing him off. Oh, his girlfriend, Linda Riley, according to police, was also an active participant in the murder. Evidently, Jackson became aware that the elderly white male had a large amount of cash on him, just coming from the bank where he cashed a $4,000 dollar check for business purposes.
* Linton Moody, 64
108. Florida, Oct. 4, 1988
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Emanuel Johnson, 25,… uneducated and chronically unemployed, was allowed to do menial yard work for a white female to earn some money. Johnson repaid that generosity by attacking the elderly woman, raping her, then brutally murdering her.
* Iris White, 73 (w/f)
Also convicted of murder:
* Jackie McMahon (race and age unknown)
Note: Waiting for racial confirmation on this one. However, in my research on black crime, every time I see an attack by a black male on an elderly female, and the elderly person has previously employed the black male for menial yard work, it is a white person. Apparently, black males don’t even bother to approach fellow blacks for such services - obviously knowing what the response would be.
109. Alton, IL, December 3, 2010
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Perry L. Henderson, 50,…broke into the home of an elderly white female to rape her, then murder her. Henerson then burglarized the home.
* Sandra L. "Sandy" Wood, 73
110. Pennsylvania, June 21, 1985
Public Abduction - Torture - Murder
A black male, Roland William Steele,…convinced three elderly white females that there was a problem with their car and he would help them (remember what I've repeated many times in this blog series? BEWARE! Black males who offer to be Good Samaritans are usually predators).
The three ladies were driven to a secluded location where black male Steele, who was a black belt in karate, decided to use the elderly white females as practice for his karate kicks and punches. All three died from their inhumane beating and torture.
* Lucille Horner, 88
* Minnie Warrick, 86
* Sarah Kuntz, 85
111. Plano, TX, May 2011
Home Invasion - Murder
(Sledge Hammer Attack)
Two black females, Lakeisha Jean McWay, 19, Shaniqua Shuntay Shelton, 18...decided to get some quick money. Armed with a sledgehammer, the black female attacked a Good Samaritan white male (who would often help down and out people). It's likely these to black females gained entry to the white male's apartment by conning him into believing they were hungry and just wanted a meal. The females have been arrested but details are still lacking.
* Paul Halperin , 67
112. Macon, GA, December 7, 1974
'Fair Housing Act' Torture - Three Murdered
A black male, John Young,...decided the best way to make easy money was to invade elderly white homes (black male Young now had his civil rights). In the course of the burglary black male Young would beat the white people into unconsciousness. Three elderly white people died as a result of his beatings.
* Coleman Brice,
* Gladys Brice,
* Katie Davis
* Three Elderly White People severely beaten
113. Charlotte, N. Carolina, Dec. 7 1997
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Elderly
A black male, Terrance Clovis, 45…approached the home of an elderly white female and knocked on the door. When the elderly lady answered Clovis forced his way in and immediately began beating on her. He then dragged her to the bedroom where he raped her. After the brutal rape, Clovis went around the house pocketing several household items, and then walked out the front door. The elderly white female immediately rushed to the front door to lock it - and it was a good thing that she did. Clovis got to the end of the driveway when he suddenly decided he needed to return and finish what he started (to kill the white female). When Clovis discovered the front door locked he began to beat and kick at it, which alerted the neighbors, who then called the police. Some neighbors also went outside to see what was happening. By this time black male Clovis had succeeded in kicking the door down and was again beating on the elderly white female. Her neighbors rushed to help her, which prevented black male Clovis from beating her to death.
* Identity of white female unknown
114. Ocala, FL, July 21, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
Three black males,
Renaldo McGirth, 18
Theodore C. Huston, 17,
Jarrord M. Roberts, 20,
...broke into the home of an elderly white couple and gunned both down (shooting them in the head). Motive was burglary/robbery.
* Diana Miller, 63 (deceased)
* James Miller, 71 (survived)
115. Sumter County, GA, Oct. 2004
Armed Robbery - Brutal Beatdowns On Two Elderly Women
Four black males,
Lakedrick Johnson, 25
Anthony Bridges, 30
Bobby Williams, 24
Trevor Hart, 28,
…after robbing a convenience store, brutally and savagely beat two elderly white females store clerks. The savage beating was all caught on video surveillance tape.
* Emma Wainwrigh, 64
* Unknown
116. Tampa, FL, Sept. 2003
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
Abuse OF The Elderly
A black male (homeless),
Michael Lord Owens, 47
…broke into the home of an elderly white female, brutally beat her, raped her, then rage-killed her. She was discovered by her daughter covered in blood.
Innocent White Female:
* Dorothy Mink, 71
117. Port Author, TX, 2005
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
A black male,
Gary Sinegal, 40,
…was a serial killer of elderly white females. He would break into their homes, murder them, then burglarize the premises.
White Victims:
* Dorothy Barrett, 82
* Louise Tamplin, 81
* Margie Gafford, 86
* Brenda Choate (survived)
* Benie Miller, 61 (survived)
118. Maimi, FL, 2010
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Home Invasion
A black male,
Matthew Guzman, 21,
…murdered two white males. One was his next door neighbor, whose home he invaded to burglarize. The other was the owner of a tire store who was shot as part of a robbery scheme.
Innocent White Males:
* Harry Ray, 64 (murdered Nov. 18, 2010)
* Paul Barrow, 46 (murdered Dec. 16, 2010)
119. Plainview, TX, 1993
Attempted Black Male Massacre
Business Invasion - Murder
Three black males,
Joe Lee Guy, 21,
Ronald Springer
Thomas Howard
…thought they could score some easy money by robbing an elderly white male’s grocery store. During the course of the robbery, black males Springer and Howard, after they received money from the cash drawer, gunned down the white male and his elderly mother.
* Larry Howell, 62 (deceased)
* French Howell, 81 ( survived)
120. Leavenworth, Kansas, Nov. 19, 2010
Home Invasion - Rape
A black male,
Andre R. Connally, 19,
...broke into a 75-year-old white female's home and demanded money. When the elderly woman said she had none, black male Connnally grabbed her and threw her on the bed, then raped and sodomized her.
Innocent Victim;
* Identity of victim withheld
Note: Levenworth is about 78% white. My gut instinct tells me this victim is white.
121. Buffalo, NY, April 6, 1984
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male (career criminal),
Edward Richardson , 31,
...invaded the home of an elderly white female, raped then murdered her.
Innocent White Female:
* Alma Strasner, 89
122. Los Angles County, mid 1970s to late 1980s
Massive Serial Rapist & Murder Of Elderly White Women
Home Invasion
A black male,
John Floyd Thomas Jr.,
...who was never employed in the black community, nor was he ever employed by a black male, used his jobs in the white community to prey on elderly white females. Black male Thomas would drive around white communities looking for a elderly white female who was living alone.
"The Westside Rapist would rape the seniors and then squeeze their necks. They would be found with blankets and/or pillows on their heads. 20 victims managed to survive. But, as police would find out, 20 survivors can have just as many eye witness accounts of their attacker. There was also no DNA tests back then like there is now. 17 victims would be attributed to the Westside Rapist in the mid-70's. "
Police finally caught up with the black male racist serial rapist/murderer in 2004, when his DNA was matched in four unsolved murders. Black male Thomas, 72 years-old, was sentenced in Los Angeles, CA, on April 1, 2010 to life in prison. Yes, too little, too late.
123. Longview, TX, Feb. 2, 1994
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male,
T. J. Jones,17,
"...around 1:00 p.m., 75-year-old Willard Davis was found lying in the street in front of his home in Longview. Davis had been shot once in the head and his car had been stolen. The police arrested T.J. Jones several blocks from the crime scene after he abandoned the victim's car. When apprehended, Jones had the murder weapon, a .357 revolver, in his sweatshirt pocket. The weapon was fully loaded, except for one round, cocked, and ready to fire. Jones confessed to the police that he and three friends had been drinking at a friend's house around 12:15 p.m. Jones asked his friends if they were "down for a jack," meaning did they want to steal a car. He claimed that the he was not aware that he had shot Davis, and that he did not intend to kill him, only to scare him. The medical examiner testified that Davis died of a single gunshot wound to the head, which entered near the center of his forehead next to his left eyebrow. A firearm expert testified that the gun did not go off accidentally; it could not have been fired unless the trigger was pulled. Forensic evidence showed that Jones was two to three feet from Davis when the gun was fired."
Innocent White Male:
* Willard Lewis Davis, 75
124. Gainesville, FL, Nov. 9, 1977
Home Invasion - Rape- Murder
A black male,
Stephen Todd Booker,24,
...broke into an elderly white female's apartment and raped her. After the rape, black male Booker took a knife and bludgeoned the elderly woman to death. Booker then ransacked the elderly woman's apartment looking for items to steal.
Innocent White Female:
* Lorine Demoss Harmon , 94
Note: Four reasons make me 99.9% sure victim is white. 1) Gainesville in 1977 would have been about 80% white; 2) Raping elderly women is - my exhaustive research has shown - almost exclusively the domain of the black male; 3) A challenge was made by defense in the appeals stage contending racial bias of the prosecutor for excluding a jury person because she was African-American. These challenges are almost always done by blacks when the victim is white; 4)The victim's great niece's name is 'Page McKean Zyromski.'
125. Racine, WI, Oct. 2010
Black Male Ambush - Rape Murder
Public Abduction
A black male (career sex offender),
Wilbert L. Thomas, 65
… ambushed an elderly white female [Good Samaritan], beat her, raped her, struck her repeatedly with a wooden cane, then finally broke her neck.
Innocent White female:
* Sandra L. Teichow, 67
126. Alameda County , CA, Aug. 1987
Black Male Serial Murderer - White Elderly
“The Day Stalker”
A black male,
Franklin Lynch,32,
…preyed on elderly white women for the purpose of rape, torture and murder.
Innocent White Females:
* Pearl Larson, 76
* Adeline Figuerido, 89
* Anna Constantine, 73
127. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Feb., 2008
Home Invasion - Murder
Three black male teenagers (all under 18, so identities were not released) forced their way into the home of an elderly white female for the purpose of a home invasion and murder. Once inside, the black teens attacked the elderly female, beating then bludgeoning her to death. They then searched for items to steal.
The innocent white female is:
* Pirkko Gaultney, 71
Black Male Beats 77-Year-Old Store Clerk
(Very Brutal)
129. Columbia , S. Carolina, 2004
Black Male Ambush - Murder
A black male (career criminal),
Tobias "Toby" Lee, 28,
... was in the process of stealing a vehicle when he was approached by an elderly white male. Rather than simply flee, black male Lee pulled a gun and gunned down the elderly man.
Innocent White Male;
* James Hammond , 74
Note : Black male Lee was arrested and charged with two murders, one in S.C & one in Georgia.
130. Mead Valley, CA, Dec. 13, 1993
Black Male Slaughters Two
Home Invasion
Two Black Males,
Albert Jones, 29
Unidentified 15-year-old,
...broke into the home of an elderly white couple, located the elderly couple, hogtied them, then proceeded to bludgeoned them to death with pocket knives.
Innocent White Victims:
* James Florville, 82
* Madalynne Florville, 72
131. El Monte CA, April 24, 1987
Home Invasion – Rape – torture – Murder
A black male,
Mario Lewis Gray,
…was convicted and sentenced to death in the rape/murder of an elderly white female.
The medical examiner testified that the elderly white female, "had suffered blunt trauma to her face, both sides of her head, her neck, and her chest. Her jaw was broken on both sides of her head, and she had two broken ribs on her left side and one broken rib on her right side. These injuries were consistent with her having been kicked, punched, or thrown into a blunt object. She had severe bruising around her eyes, suggesting she had been hit around the eyes. She had injuries to her scalp and bleeding on her brain. Her neck had been compressed for four or five minutes, causing facial swelling and, eventually, death by asphyxiation. Dr. Riley suggested the assailant had pressed his elbow, knee, or forearm on the victim’s neck, or had possibly placed a two-by-four piece of wood on her neck and then pressed on it, breaking the hyoid bone at the base of her tongue in the process."
Innocent White Female:
* Ruby Reed, 87
Note: El Monte, Ca, was less than 1% black in 1987.
132. Los Angeles, CA, early 1980s
Black Male Serial Killers
Home Invasion – Rape – Torture – Murder
Two black males (brothers, serial murders/rapists),
Kevin Haley, 20,
Reginald Haley, 24,
…would drive around white neighborhoods looking for victims. Their total victim count is 9 (8 dead). most of their targets were home invasion of the white elderly.
Innocent White Victims:
* Jodie Samuels, 15 (white community)
* Willa Gerber,(survived – white community)
* Olga B. , 58 (survived – white community)
* Isabel Burton, 90 (white community?)
* D. Robinoff , 78 (white community)
* Elizabeth Burns, 87 (white community?)
* Laverne Stolzy, 58, (white community ?)
* Elizibeth Karp, 89 (white community?)
* Dolores Clement, 55 (white community)
Public Abduction/ Rape Of A White Female: Los Angeles, CA, April 13, 1984
A white couple was strolling on the beach in El Segundo when they were accosted by the Haley brothers at gunpoint . The white female was then sodomized and raped vaginally by both black males. The black male Haley brothers seemed to enjoy all the things they could do when they put a gun to someone’s face.
133. San Diego, CA, June 23, 1995
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
The Black Male BULLY
A black male,
Brandon Arnae Taylor, 22,
...broke into the home of an elderly white female while she was sitting in her living room conversing with her sister, who was visiting from out of state. Black bully Taylor simply sat down right between the two elderly women. When one elderly woman got up and angrily demanded to know what he was doing, black male bully Taylor sprang into action. He forced both woman into a bedroom, where then began raping one of them. However, while the other ran outside and summoned help. Black male bully Taylor was apprehended coming out of the house.
* Rosa Mae Dixon, 80 (deceased)
Note: I believe the victims here to be white.
134. Charlotte, N. Carolina, April 6, 2008
Black Male Ambush - Murder
A black male,
Gordon Franklin McMullen, 47,
…ambushed - stabbing her to death - an elderly white female as she returned home from church. Motive was robbery.
* Mildred Clontz, 91
135. Mendenhall, MS, April 17, 2004
Home Invasion Of The Elderly
"He took my head and slammed it against the concrete walk and kicked my face," said Everett.
A black male,unknown identity, forced his way into a elderly white female's home, beat her mercilessly while demanding money.
Innocent White female:
* Kristine Everett , 81 (survived)
136. Pinellas Park, FL, Aug. 17, 1989
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Anthony Neil Washington , 33,...broke into the home of an elderly white female, then "He beat her mercilessly, broke her glasses, knocked out her hearing aid, ripped out her false teeth, raped her [sodomized her]and strangled her. He broke 14 of her ribs and crushed the bones and cartilage in her neck."
Innocent White Female:
* Alice Berdat, 92
137. Oxnard, CA, Dec. 222, 1995
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Kenneth McKinzie, 35,...observed an elderly white female in her garage, charged up to her and beat her in the head, then stuffed her in the trunk of her car. Black male McKinzie then drove her out to a remote irrigation ditch and strangled her to death. He then dumped her body into the ditch.
Innocent White Female:
* Ruth Avril , 73
138. Emerson, Ark., Nov. 12, 2009
Home Invasion Ambush - Murder
Three black males, Jamaria Dontray "Trey" Crew, 20 (triggerman), Jeremy Laderrick Crew, 21
Kevin T. Easter, 21...ambushed a white male at his home. Motive was robbery.
* Donnie Joe Waller, 73
139. Memphis , TN, Oct. 27, 2007
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Dexter Cox, 18,... walked up to an elderly white male sitting on his front porch, pulled a gun and then gunned him down. When the elderly white male's wife came to the door to investigate, black male Cox then gunned her down. Motive , according to police, was robbery. About 3 months later, black male Cox struck again. He somehow got invited into a white male's home and, once inside, he gunned him down.
* Herbert Wooten, 71
* Barbara Wooten, 56 (survived - paralyzed and in wheel chair for rest of life)
* Ed Vidulich, 51
Note: Cox is also waiting trial for murdering Gwendolyn Cherry, 45, in October 2007 (race unknown).
140. Fulton County, GA, May 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
"the suspect claimed his car broke down."
![]() |
Black Male Cowardly Murderer |
A black male, unknown identity ...knocked on the door of an elderly white male. Unfortunately, the elderly person did not first look to see who it was at his front door (do NOT open the door to a black male!). When he opened his door, the black male first gave him a story about his car breaking down, undoubtedly checking the residence to see if anyone else was at home. The black male then barged inside and beat the elderly white male to death with a hammer. And the total take in this beating death? $20.00 from the white male's wallet ..
Innocent White Male:
* Lennon Parrott , 83
141. Jacksonville, FL, Dec. 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
A black male, Cecil Shyron King, 41,...broke into the home of an elderly white female and mercilessly beat her - with a hammer - until she was dead. The coroner indicated the elderly woman received over 17 strikes to the head.
* Renie Telzer-Bain, 82 (deceased)
142. Los Angeles County, CA, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Murder
A black male, Karl F. Stewart, 24, broke into the home of an elderly white female, located her in her upstairs bedroom, beat her mercilessly, brutally raped her, then murdered her. Stewart then burglarized the home and, as a finale insult, stole the elderly woman’s prized bicycle.
* Enid C. Whittlesey, 86
* *Featured on the TV show LA Forensics.
143. Williamsburg, VA, Aug. 26, 2001
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Murder
Slips In Through Open bathroom Window
A black male,Jerry Terrell Jackson, 20,...while prowling around a white neighborhood, discovered a partially open bathroom window. Black male Jackson knew this was a golden opportunity to invade the home - and rape if a female happened to be inside. An elderly white female, unfortunately, was home. Black male Jackosn beat her, raped her repeatedly, then brutally murdered her. Naturally, black male jackson then burglarized the home. Jackson then stole her car and fled.
* Ruth Phillips , 88
144. Polk County, FL, Nov. 17, 1997
Home Invasion - Rape - Torture - Murder
Yet Another ... 'climbed in through the bathroom window'
A black male, Micah Louis Nelson , 21,...climbed in through a bathroom window, raped a 78-year-old white female then threw her into the trunk of her car where he drove to a secluded area and "...choke her but she would not pass out. He sprayed the fire extinguisher into her mouth two or three times, but did not hit her with it. She coughed for awhile but did not try to scream. He killed her with a tire iron by pushing it through her mouth into her neck and out the other side."
* Virginia Brace, 78
145. Garland, TX, 1992
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
911: "911."
MELANIA: "Oh please come help. Please!"
911: "What's the problem?"
MELANIA: "There's some guys that just came in my house and they shot all of us."
911: "They've shot you?"
MELANIA: "Yeah, they shot my grandmother in the head. I'm shot in the arm. In the very top of it. God help."
A black male,
Clarence Bailey, 21,
Dedrick Jones
...broke into the home an elderly white female when her three grandkids were visiting. The elderly white female was immediately gunned down with a shot to the head. The two blacks then went after the children.
Innocent White Victim:
* Alma Mae Adkins, 79 (deceased)
* Mark Tyler, 8 (survived)
* Melinda Tyler, 12 (survived)
* Third child unidentified ( survived)
146. Philadelphia , PA, Aug. 18, 2010
Ambush - Murder
He"did not move fast enough," police said
Two vicious black teens, India Spellman, 17, Von Combs, 14,...charged up to an elderly white male mowing his lawn and pulled a gun on him. The vicious black teen thugs then demanded he give them (surprise) money. When the elderly white male, a distinguished WWII veteran, didn't move fast enough, the black teen thugs gunned him down.
* George Greaves, 87
Note: many other neighborhood robberies have been attributed to these two black thugs.
Brutal Black Gang Attack
On White Elderly
A group of feral black youth gang up on two white males, one 73, the other 51, and brutally beat them.
147. Burlington County , NJ, Feb. 11, 2010
Squatter Told To GET OUT...Murders Elderly Homeowner
A black male, Richard H. Still, 24, targeted an unattractive white female ... for a place to live and free food. Unfortunately, the place where the unemployed and broke black man wound up, belonged not to the dopy white female but to her 73-year-old innocent grandfather. When the elderly man told the black male squatter to get out ... the black male temperament set in and he attacked the elderly white male, beating him and then straggling him to death.
* Louis Berger, Jr. , 73
148. San Francisco, CA, 1999
Racially Motivated Murder
A black male, Lavonne Adams, 42,…pushed to the ground an elderly white female using a walker, then kicked her when she was on the ground. She later died because of the injuries related to the attack. Adams was arrested and charged with manslaughter. White female is unidentified.
149. Sacramento County, CA, Dec. 21, 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Rape Murder
A black male, Sylvester Griffin, 42, ...was given a job in a white community to transport seniors for medical appointments. When black male griffin arrived at the elderly white female's home, instead of transporting her, he viciously attacked her, raping, beating, then murdering her by beating her to death. Naturally, the elderly white female's home was also burglarized.
* Alice Murphy, 64
150. LORIS, S.C, May 2010
Ambush - Elderly Beat-down
"Yo man. Yeah man, you gotz some change." POW! Black Male Sucker Punch
Two black male teens, 17 years old, Travis Jones, and the other 15-year-old juvenile, waited for a 73-year-old white female at her handicap spot and then ambushed her. While one engaged the elderly lady, the other cowardly black male crept up from behind and sucker punched her, knocking her unconscious.
* Rose Powell , 73 (survived)
Note: In the black male "hood" the sucker punch is suppose to be a knockout punch. If it ain't, well, you ain't a man... Life in hood. Very SICK STUFF
151. Jackson County, Missouri, Oct. 20th, 2004
Ambush & Murder Of Elderly Bible School Couple
A black male, Kellen McKinney,27, ...barged into an elderly white couple's bible/musical business and without cause or provocation, murdered - beaten and stabbed to death - both of them.
* Mildred Caylor, 76
* John Caylor, 79 ( pic of both. What a GREAT looking couple. How could any human simply murder them?!)
152. Rowan County, N.. Carolina, June 2, 2010
Ambush Murder - Elderly
A black male, Frederick Sylvester Hedgepeth, 25, ...called up a white couple claiming he was interested in their 2009 Honda (yes, this is a very typical black male ambush scenario). They were asked to meet the black man with their car at a business, which - incredibly! - they did. Hedgepeth (who was homeless) also told the couple that he had $17,000 to give them for their car -which they believed. When the white couple arrived at the meeting place, they were lured inside then ambushed - both shot in the head.
* Jerry Wayne Bullin, 72
* Jody Bullin, 70
153. Albany, GA, July 3, 2010
Armed Robbery - Murder
Four black males,
Jordan Harris, 21 (LWOP)
Ezekiel James,19 (three years - already out)
Jamon Carter, 21 (probation)
Ryan Richardson, 18, (12 year prison sentence)
...barged into a white male's business and in the course of an armed robbery, without cause or provocation, gunned him down. Note: Because of a long long list of armed robberies and terrorizing people (mainly white people), Harris was already serving a life sentence before the judge sentence him on this murder.
Innocent White Male:
* Walter Phelps, 67
154. Columbus, GA, Sept. 2008

Ambush & Murder
He couldn't pay his rent - so he murders the landlord
((I've seen quite a few of these cases. Landlords, WATCH OUT!))
A black male (career criminal), Rickey Powell , 40 ... deep in debt (unemployed) and past due on his rent , decided to pay off his debts by murdering his elderly white landlord. Powell likely told the elderly lady he had her back rent when he came to her office (she was the only one in the office), then , when her guard was down, attacked and brutally beat then strangled the white woman to death. Powell then dumped her body in the trunk of her car and dosed it with acid, which ate away all of her skin. This could very well have been an attempt to cover up a rape.
* Herta Bailey , 70
155. Belleville , MD, March 2, 2005
Massacre - Business Invasion
Two black males brutally murdered three elderly white people in a business invasion/robbery. Police believe black male Darrell Lane, 16, was definitely involved, since he was driving a vehicle stolen from the one of the dead white victims. Police also believe black male Samuel Johnson, 40, was also involved. No convictions yet in this barbaric ATROCITY against three innocent white elderly people.
* Michael Cooney, 62
* Dorothy Bone, 82
* Doris Fischer, 79
156. Mobile, AL, June 28, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Carlos Kennedy, 23,...broke into an elderly white females home to commit burglary. When the white female came home unexpectedly, black male Kennedy attacked her with a blunt object and beat her until she was dead. Innocent White Female:
* Zoa White, 69
Note: Black male Kennedy is trying to take the "I'm retarded " defense to be removed from a capital murder (death sentence) conviction possibility. Evidence against black male Kennedy appears to be ironclad.
157. Onandaga County , NY 2011
Black Male " Teen" BULLY
Sucker Punch On Elderly
Two black male thugs, armed with a BB gun, but made to look like real guns, first sucker punched a 73-year-old elderly male (race kept secret by MSM) knocking him to the ground. Then the black male bullies started doing what they do best: threatening his life (remember, the elderly male believed the gun was real). The total take for these black male BULLIES? 7-cents! The victim of the black BULLIES was unidentified.
Black Male BULLIES:
Anthony Stewart, 15 (got 2 to 6 years! - GOOD!)
Skyler Ninham, 16
158. Dade County, FL, Dec. 19, 1990
Employee Murders His Employer & Wife In Robbery Scheme
Good Samaritan Murder
A black male,Victor T. Jones, 29,…offering little in the way of job skills, nevertheless, an elderly white male, trying to be a Good Samaritan, hired him to do menial tasks around the office. It was the worst decision the white male ever made - and he and his wife would pay for it with their lives. In a robbery attempt black male Jones knifed both to death inside their business. However, there is some good news here. Before the elderly white male died he got off a few rounds from his .22 pistol and hit black male Jones right between the eyes. Unfortunately, black male Jones had already did his work on the elderly people - he also survived the shot to the head.
* Matilda Nestor, 66
* Jacob Nestor, 67
159. Palm Bay, Fl. 1992
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Robbery - Murder
Dorothy Berger, a kindhearted 80-year-old white female, felt sympathy and pity toward her neighbor, a black male, Johnny Hoskins, 28
Hoskins, a chronically unemployed black male, was allowed to do odd jobs for the elderly white female. Evidently Hoskins was just “playing” the elderly woman, slowly working on her so she would let her guard down and invite him into her home. Eventually, she did, and that’s when Hoskins attacked her. He first raped the 80 year-old woman then, for reasons that were never made clear, he tied her up, put her in the trunk of her car and drove 250 miles to Georgia, where he strangled her. He then dumped her in a field and buried her.
160. Richmond County, GA, May 7 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Four black males,
Artavious Feazell, 18,
Rufus Khalid-Durand Van, 16,
Tracy Lamont Lindsey Jr,15,
Joseph Lashun Jordan, 18,
...walked up to an elderly white male's home, peered in the window, then, according to police:
"As he was sitting on the couch with an oxygen mask they shot him and then then went inside and shot him again." However, the dope it seems didn't find one thing of value in the home.
Capt. Peebles:: "They did not leave with anything of value...just papers"
* Johnny Luckey, 81
Note: Since black male Feasel lived across the street from the elderly man, he knew exactly who he was murdering.
161. Evansville, IN, October 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Pharoah Newton, 17,(already a career criminal) ...broke into the home of an elderly white female, beat her, then stabbed her repeatedly ... until she was dead. Newton then ransacked the home looking for valuables.
* Frances Wolf , 79
162. Fayetteville, N. Carolina , July 25, 2011
Good Samaritan Murder
Three people,
LaQuin "Shorty" Lamar Corbin, 27, (b/m)
Amy Yarboro Collins, 35 (w/f),
Joseph "Joe" Luther Lewis, 22 (half&half black),
...were arrested for the murder of an elderly white male. Police suspect robbery as the motive.
* Allen "Augie" Hosack, 71
163. Detroit, MI 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Attempted Murder
Gregory N. Wayne, invaded the home of an elderly white couple. once inside, and believing they got all the cash they could ($40.00) they decided to have some "black fun." The elderly white male was tied to a chair then tossed down the stairs. The two brave blacks then set upon the elderly white female, beating her and stomping on her. Both white victims miraculously survived , tho seriously traumatized.
164. Chicago, Ill, March 28, 2011
Abuse Of White Elderly - Murder
A black male, Prince Watson, 17, …enjoyed stealing females' cell phones, and if it meant murdering to get one, he was more than willing to do that. An elderly white woman who was in the way when Watson was fleeing after a cell phone theft , was deliberately shoved down a flight of stairs. She died the next day from her injuries.
* Sally Katona-King, 68
165. Denton, TX, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Attempted Murder
A black male, Glenn Darrell Darden ,...broke into an assisted-living home for the elderly, mounted a 90-year-old white female, then placed a pillow over her head attempting to smother her while demanding to know where she kept her household money. Fortunately, the elderly woman survived.
* Elaine Truitt, 90
166. SOCORRO, TX, Nov. 2011
Elderly White Male Raped
"Four black men sought in what police call a hate crime "
A white male, out for an early morning walk, was attacked by young black males. When the elderly man told them he had no money for them the sex fiend blacks abducted him, took him to a secluded area, then raped him. The blacks were driving around the predominately white community looking for a white person to victimize.
167. Seattle, WA, Aug. 2011
Beat-Down On Elderly White Male
A group of black male thugs brutally beat 68-year-old Matt Hale (white male). Motive appears to be robbery. Black thugs still on the loose.
“He was rushed to Harborview Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.”
168. LEESBURG, Fla. Dec. 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Dennis Scott, 24 , Carvin Robinson 17, …beat an elderly white female to death during a home invasion.
White Female:
* Maxine Myers, 82
169. Waynesboro , Ga. June 2010
Home Invasion - Double Murder
A black male (career criminal), Tony O'Neal Grubbs…invaded the home of a white couple and brutally murdered them. He then ransacked the home collecting whatever valuables he could carry and then fled. Police nabbed him when he pawned the white female’s wedding ring.
* Ralph Gordon, 82
* Trudi Gordon , 82
170. Oklahoma City, OK, Aug. 2011
Good Samaritan Home Invasion
“When Robert Jett answered the door, a man said he had been in a car wreck and needed to use the phone. The man pushed his way into the house and put a handgun in Robert Jett's mouth, authorities said. Six more people came inside the house and started asking where the couple kept their money.”
The couple were beaten , the male kicked in the groin and punched in the face and repeatedly threatened with being killed if they didn’t reveal where the household money was kept.
Seven feral black youths arrested are,
Trevion Moten, 16
Jemarcus Davis, 16
Kevin Mitchell, 15;
Jamarionte Bruner, 15
Damion Gilbreath, 17
Robert Miller, 14
Fayzzon Davis, 15
Innocent White Victims:
* Robert Jett, 78 (survived)
* Joan Jett, 74 (survived)
171. Amarillo , TX, May 8, 2008
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Deshawnqee Williams, 17 …invaded the home of an elderly white male, located him them murdered him. After the murder the black teen ransacked the white male’s home looking for valuables.
Max Stanhope, 77
172. Modesto , CA 1976
Home Invasion - Torture - Murder
A black male, Buddy Ray Gary, 33(?) …invaded the home of an elderly white female, tied her up, raped her, then beat her mercilessly until she was dead. Gary then calmly helped himself to whatever valuables he could carry and fled. DNA nailed the black male 35 years later.
Deputy District Attorney : "Her hands tied, her entire body beaten," Deputy District Attorney Annette Rees said in court earlier this week as she spoke to a jury about the 81-year-old woman. "So black and blue, she was almost unrecognizable. Her hands swollen from being tied."
* Florence Millard, 81
173. Evansville, IN, Oct. 1, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Another white person dies because he/she agreed to rent property to a black male.
A black male, Pharoah Newton, 17, …in a robbery scheme murdered an elderly white - who was the black teens landlord.
Frances Wolf, 79
174. Aiken, S. Carolina, August 11, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Double Murder
A black male, Franklin Wright, 55, ...apparently, police believe, with a young white female accomplice, broke into an elderly lady's home to commit burglary. While the two were in the home , black male Wright decided he was going to kill not only the elderly white female but his accomplice as well. Both were murdered ... then set on fire. Note: Franklin pleaded guilty to both murders and received life in prison.
* Shalamar Nicole Byrd, 24
* Mrs. Yana Schenker, 75
175. Austin, TX , Sept. 15, 1978
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Murder
A black male (serial rapist), Lester Ray Guy, 26,...on the night of Sept. 25, 1978, decided to rape his elderly white neighbor. At midnight the black man knocked on the door of the elderly white female, told her it was her neighbor and he had an emergency. When she opened her door ...
"Officials ruled her death a homicide by asphyxiation during intercourse. "
* Hazel Ivy, 66
176. DeKalb County, IL, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Torture
Black male strikes at former employer...
A black male (career criminal, rapist),...Donald "Donnie" Bess , 54...barged into a 70-year-old white female's home - who had employed him in the past to do yard work - and forced the wheelchair-bound woman to service him sexually (she was raped, sodomized and and forced to give him oral sex). Police also claim the woman was vicious punched and chocked.
Unidentified white victim survived
Note: I believe the victim to be white here. I have never come across a situation where an elderly black female was naive (or dumb) enough to employ a black man to do work around her house.
177. Volusia county, Fl., December 30, 1979
Abuse Of White Elderly - Brutal Sexual Assault - Murder
Black male strikes at former employer
A black male, Kenneth Quincey,20,... broke into the home of an elderly white female, who had previously employed him to mow her lawn and do yard work, brutally attacked the elderly woman, raped her, beat her mercilessly, then strangled her to death. Quincey , currently residing on death row , has changed his name to an Arabic one.
* Frances Bowdoin, 82
178. Orrum, N.Carolina, Feb. 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Attempted Murder
Two black males,
Montrexe Daytoria Blue, 16,
unidentified 14,
...broke into the home of an elderly white woman and beat her mercilessly. Miraculously, the elderly lady survived, however, she has already accumulated over $100,000 in medical bills related to the black males' vicious attack. She also refuses to live alone any longer.
* Lola Nye, 80
179. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 6, 2007
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
A black male, James William Tolbert , 42, ...while incarcerated for the murder of his wife, was befriended by an elderly white female, who worked for a church ministry along with her husband and did volunteer work at the prison. When black male Tolbert was released, he somehow found out where the white female lived and decided to pay her a visit. Apparently the white female continued her Good Samaritan work with Tolbert after he was released (bad idea!). Tolbert barged into her home then strangled her to death.
* Ann Poulson, 68
180. Arlington , TX, March 3, 2011
Two Elderly People Viciously Beaten - One Dead
"The women said they were watching television with the pair [ of black murders ] when a news story about the pastor's death aired, and the men began laughing inappropriately."
Two black males, Steven Lawayne Nelson, 24, Anthony Gregory.... barged into a church and viciously beat a pastor and a female (both white). To finish off the white male pastor, a plastic bag was placed over his head and the blacks waited for him to suffocate. The white female, apparently, was presumed dead. Both blacks then searched the church for valuable they could carry out. They wound up with some pocket change and the white female's credit card. Note: Both blacks yet to be prosecuted.
* Pastor Clint Dobson, 29 (deceased)
* Judy Elliot, 67 (miraculously survived her horrible and inhumane beating)
181. Albany, GA, May 3, 2009
Black Female Home Invasion - Murder
A black female, Tiffany Wise, 34,...buddied up to an elderly white female at a bible school. Once the black female found out where the elderly white female lived she drove over to her house, barged in, then beat the elderly white woman mercilessly demanding know where all the household valuable were. The elderly white female died form her beating injuries.
*Mattie Mabel Berry, 88
182. Chicago, IL, December 1983
Armed Robbery - Rape - Murder --Elderly Rape
A black male and serial white female rapist, Joseph Walker, 21 (at time rape)...walked into an elderly white female's bookstore (white community) brutally raped the helpless elderly woman , then murdered her.
* Frieda Stein Fenster, 77
Note: Walker was already in prison for the rape of a white female in Utah when DNA evidence linked him to this crime.
183. Cohoes, N.Y. Dec. 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
A black male (career criminal an homeless), Mark Richardson,, 53...knocked on the door of an elderly white male. When the white male opened the door Richardson beat him to death. Black male Richardson then went to another door and knocked. When an elderly white female answered she was severely beaten.
* John Siakala, 67
* Elderly woman - survived
184. Moore County , N. Carolina, June 2010
Armed Robbery - Murder
Four black males,
Leroy Richard Medley, 20,
Randy Joel Williams, 17,
Paris Yusef Mack, 17,
Demarcus James Dennison, 18,
...barged into a white-owned convenience store and gunned down two elderly white people before they left.
* Grace Kelly, 75 (survived)
* Angus Kelly, 78 (deceased)
185. NEW BRITAIN, CT, March of 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Rape - Murder
A vicious black male, Leslie Williams, 31,...broke into a home occupied by two elderly white females, shot one of them in the head then kidnapped, raped and murdered the other.
:* Mary Ellen Welsh, 62 (deceased)
* Carol Larese, 65 (survived)
186. Lansing, Mich. 2004
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
Serial Murder/Rapist Of White Females
A black male (and career criminal), Matthew Emmanuel Macon, 27 … in just about one month period of time, stalked, raped then bludgeoned to death six white females. None of Macon's known victims were black.
* Ruth Hallman, 76,
* Deborah Cooke, 36,
* Debra Renfors, 46,
* Sandra Eichorn, 64,
* Karen Yates, 41
* Barbara Jean Tuttle, 45
187. E. Toledo, OH, April 2012
Racially Motivated Beat-down - Robbery
"While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, "[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon ... Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man]," according to a police report."
"One boy, he said, put his foot on the back of the victim's neck, with another shouting, "Kill him."
Six black males, including an 11-year-old, and all younger than 18, attacked an elderly white male as he was walking home. First came the sucker punch. When the elderly white male was on the ground the blacks began kicking and stomping on this head.
* Dallas Watts, 78
188. Marshall, TX, Sept. 20, 2009
Home Invasion - Kidnapping - Murder
Elderly white female escapes certain death...strands DOPEY black males in the woods as they look for a place to execute and bury her.
"They weren't looking for any home. They were looking for a house that was occupied. They were looking for a home invasion."
Three Black males, Cortne' Mareese Robinson, 17 (triggerman), Travion Dondrell Young, 16,
Bradney Randall Smith, ... barged onto an elder couple's home, murdered the elderly white male, then began beating on the elderly white female demanding money and valuables. Then the rape of the 82-year-old... The white female was then thrown in the trunk of her car and taken to a remote area. When the black youths parked the car and exited to go look for a suitable place to execute the woman, she was able to find the release latch for the trunk on the inside. The black males had, fortunately for woman, left the car running, so she got in and drove away, leaving the three DOPES stranded in the woods. Police picked all three up walking on the highway. Note: Robinson received the death penalty.
Frank Zabokrtsky, 82
Arnola Zabokrtsky, 82 (injured but survived)
189. Campbell County, VA May 2008
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black Males. Alphonso Destin, 23, Renauldo Oliver, ...walked up to an elderly white male's home and knocked on the front door. When the elderly man answered the door the blacks charged inside, beat the white male, cracked his skull and then shot him in the head. It seems the two blacks needed gas money. Total take? $25.00.
Innocent White Male:
* Wilbur West, 69
190. Dothan, Alabama, Dec. 31, 1999
Home Invasion - Elderly White Woman Savagely Beat To Death
"[A black male] Antonio Jones [18-years-old] went to Mrs. Kirkland's house, turned off the circuit breakers outside, and went inside. From the evidence, the police were unable to determine whether Jones broke into the house or whether Mrs. Kirkland opened the door to investigate the power failure, allowing Jones to enter unimpeded."
"Upon gaining entry to the house, Jones beat and kicked Mrs. Kirkland as she attempted to defend herself. Jones broke Mrs. Kirkland's wrists as she attempted to ward off his blows. In addition to using his hands and feet to assault Mrs. Kirkland, Jones also used one of Mrs. Kirkland's walking canes and a broken chair leg to savagely beat Mrs. Kirkland."
Innocent White Female:
* Ruth Kirkland, 80
191. Elizabeth, New Jersey, Aug. 2008
Home Invasion -Attempted Murder Beaten With A Hammer
Three blacks, Ronald Cherry, 19, Shevon Ricks, 27, (b/f)
Robert Harris, 26...broke into the home of an elderly white male, then...
"He was naked and tied to a chair inside his West Eighth Street home. He had been beaten with a hammer, stabbed, doused with chemicals and burned."
"I will not forget you ... A constant ringing in my right ear reminds me of you," he wrote. "You left me unconscious, bleeding profusely from two egg-sized swellings on my head, not caring whether I was alive or dead. I survived thanks to hard bones and regular exercise. No thanks to you."
Innocent White Male:
Kenneth Athey, 82
Rome, Ga, 1986
Home Invasion - Rape By Foreign Object -Brutal Beating - Murder
Black male Timothy Foster, 18, ...
“He broke her jaw, coated her face with talcum powder, sexually molested her with a salad dressing bottle, and strangled her to death, all before taking items from her home,” the Georgia brief states, deploying the kind of graphic detail often used by states defending a death sentence."
Foster was convicted and received the death penalty. (Note: Still on death row in 2016)
White Female Victim:
Queen Madge White, a 79
192. Broward County, FL, March 2011
Home Invasion - Brutal Attack
A black male knocked on the door of an elderly white female's home and when she opened it, the black male barged inside. Once inside the black male began to beat the elderly white female and drag her around the house, demanding money. The black male eventually left with $3.00.
*Pearl Patrinos , 88
Home Invasion - Brutal Attack
A black male knocked on the door of an elderly white female's home and when she opened it, the black male barged inside. Once inside the black male began to beat the elderly white female and drag her around the house, demanding money. The black male eventually left with $3.00.
*Pearl Patrinos , 88