[ (Main Menu Page For All Blogs Related To Black-on-White Violence)
Part Three
FOUR Part Series
>>>Part ::[I], [II],[III], [IV]
PART IV added March 2014
Total White victims - so far - from ALL four pages::
Dead = 2062
Seriously Injured = 478
Total = 2540
NOTE: According to a the U.S. gov't crime report in 2005, Black males had committed over 580,000 acts of violence against White people. For White males, it was somewhere around 25,000 (this might be on the high side--the statistics did not separate out White and Hispanic who committed violent acts that crossed racial lines).
Putting it another way, about 1 out of every 10 Black males between the ages of 15 and 32 committed a violent act against a White person in 2005.
Dec. 2011
Cowardly Sucker Punch - Xavier "gangster"
Cowardly sucker puncher received a 2 game suspension -Big Deal.
He also got to show the whole country how easy it BE to sucker punch a
white male. Also, note the head stomp when the white player is on the ground.
Prison incarceration rates for 2006:
Whites: 409 per 100,000
Latinos: 1,038 per 100,000
Blacks: 2,468 per 100,000
White Male
Set Afire By Unknown Black Male - Unprovoked
White Male
Set Afire By Unknown Black Male - Unprovoked
When Will YOU Mr. White Male/Female Get Your Racially Motivated Black Male ATTACK?
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DeShaun James Swanger |
Scott Ranstrom, 69 (critical cond.)
UPDATE: See what the black male did to this elderly white male, which was clearly a racially motivated attack. LINK
More Black Racism In Philadelphia (2014)
Forced integration with this race NEVER should have happened.
1338. Detroit, MI, August 1, 2009
'Child' Ambushes Adult White Female - Murder
A black male, Demarco Harris, 12, decided he wanted to get some quick cash. Since Harris had a gun he figured he would walk up to a white female he saw sitting in her car and demand her purse. When the white female refused to hand over her purse to the boy, he shot her in the chest, then grabbed her purse and fled. Harris was eventually caught with the female's personal belongings. Even if this kid is convicted, he will not be required to serve prison time that exceeds his 21st birthday. UPDATE: Demarco Harris was found guilty ...and then sentenced to juvenile detention until he turns 21.
* Trisha Babcock, 24 (deceased)
* Trisha Babcock, 24 (deceased)
Grand Rapid, MI 2012
'Fair Housing Act'
Home Invasion Atrocity!
White Male Allows Black Males Into His Home -- RESULT? Black Males BEAT - RAPE Young White Female ...And Make White Male Boyfriend Watch As She Screams For Help“Zachary Nedow teared up in court today as he recounted how armed robbers held a gun to his head, then raped his female friend in the same room of his Veto Street NW home. ‘She’s just screaming,’ Nedow testified today in court, choking up as he spoke. ‘She’s saying ‘no, no.’ They were just beating us senseless if we tried to move or struggle,’ he said.”
Convicted of home invasion, rape, armed robbery:
Rederick Melton, 20 (minimum 43 years)
Dorian Jacqwell Jones, 20 (minimum 43 years)
Brandon Tyrell Towns, 25 (rapist - minimum 62 years)
White victims survived.
1339. Deltona, FL, August 6, 2004
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal
Rape & Massacre
Over an X-Box?!
Home Invasion - Sadistic Murder
Four black males (left to right),
Troy Victorino, 29, (sadistic ringleader)
Robert Cannon, 19 (might be non-black),
Jerone Hunter, 20 (murdered Michelle Nathan & Jonathan Gleason),
Michael Salas, 20,
… purchased baseball bats for the purpose of committing murder - and burglary. At about 1 am, the crew of thugs broke into the home of a young white female, where her and four friends were spending the night. Each person there was systematically attacked- beaten , bashing their skulls in, leaving some of their faces pummeled beyond recognition. When the thugs were finished with their murderous rampage they retrieved what they came for : an X-Box. Yes, this massacre of five innocent people was over an X-Box. WOW!
Note: Victorino also sexually assaulted one of the dead - or dying - females (Erin Belanger). He then stomped her dog 'George' to death.
* Michelle Nathan (w/f), 19
* Francisco Ayo-Roman, 30
* Anthony Vega, 34
* Jonathan Gleason (w/m), 17
* Erin Belanger (w/f), 22 - Raped while she was dying or dead
The 'Knockout' Game
Teen Knocks Out White Male Adult - Just For Kicks
More Racism From African Americans...
Elderly White Male Bus Driver Gets A Racist Sucker Punch
1340. Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008
The Infamous Black Male Sucker Punch
"Hey, excuse me. You gotta cigarette?" LOOK OUT!
(I've seen a lot of these cases)
14 Months In Jail For Destroying Her Life
A black male thug, Derrick King, 49,…at a a public shopping center, walked up to a white female and asked if she had a cigarette. When she replied she didn't ... King slammed a sucker punch to the side her of head, rendering her unconscious. The white female woke up in the hospital. Motive was robbery.
"I woke up bald -- no teeth, 85 staples in my head -- out of a drug-induced coma."
Effect: “…her jaw still falls out of joint, she still has seizures, and nerve damage prevents full use and feeling in her left foot.”
* Jennifer Hall , 36
Another White Male Gets The Infamous Sucker
Mr. White Male/Female- REMINDER:
If you do either one, and a black male is within punching range, you will be a ripe and ready target for the sucker punch
Mr. White Male/Female- REMINDER:
If you do either one, and a black male is within punching range, you will be a ripe and ready target for the sucker punch

1341. Columbus, OH, March 8, 2004
Public Abduction - Rape -Murder
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Andrea |
Two black male (perhaps more), Marcus C. Sellers, 17, Andre Conley, …kidnapped a young female, then tried to rob her ATM but that failed (she had no money). She was then taken to a secluded area, beaten (yeah, you guessed it) and raped. After the rape, Sellers threw the female into the trunk of her car and left her there overnight (March in Columbus can get cold). Sellers returned to the car the following day with some gasoline, dumped it on the car and then set it on fire.
* Andrea Nance, 24
Columbus, OH, Aug. 2013
'Fair Housing Act' - Rape -
Attempted Murder
At Knife Point He Orders Her Upstairs - Rapes Her- Tortures Her - Beats Her- Stabs Her Multiple Times - Smothers Her -- White Female Miraculously Survived
"Whitlock told police Hudson walked into her home and forced her to perform oral sex on him while he threatened her with a knife.
"When he came in, he told me he killed my husband, and my husband was already dead," Whitlock said. "He asked me if I wanted to be dead with him."
Whitlock claims Hudson then ordered him to an upstairs bedroom, where he once again forced her to perform oral sex, then stabbed and cut her on the head, neck, and torso. Whitlock told police Hudson also punched her and stomped on her before attempting to suffocate her with a pillow"
David Hudson
Leanna Whitlock (miraculously survived)
1342. Mahoning County, OH, 1985
Public Abduction –Rape - Murder
A black male, Bennie Adams, 28,… kidnapped, raped then brutally murdered a white female college student.
* Gina Tenney, 19
Kentwood , MI, Jan. 2013
'Fair Housing Act' Takes Down TWO Elderly White People
Javonte Higgins, 22, has been arrested for the brutal home invasion murders of an elderly white couple.
* David Bouwman, 81
* Vivian Bouwman, 80
1343. Oakland county, MI, Oct. 15, 2008
Ambush - Murder
Three black males,Brandon Davis, 20, Deandre Sturges, 19, Jerome Hamilton, 15,... had attempted a number of robberies that night before targeting a restaurant after closing time. The black males saw a white female sitting in her car at Rib Rack restaurant in Lathrup Village ... and apparently figured, since it was the last car to leave the parking lot that night, she would have keys to the restaurant - and access to the night’s receipts. Hamilton exited his car and walked up on the young female ... and simply shot her in the head. She died instantly. UPDATE: Hamilton, who was ratted out by his crime buddies as the triggerman, was acquitted of all charges in this brazen ambush.
* Catherine Solinski-Blain, 21 (pregnant at the time of death)
1344. New Orleans, LA, Apr. 18, 2005
Ambush - Murder
Three black teens, Marcus Pleasant, 16, (waited in a stolen Jeep), Darnell Gilmore, 16, (triggerman) Ahmad Hill, 16,...were looking to commit armed robbery on a public street. They spotted two white females. The black youths ran up to the girls and at gunpoint demanded their purses. One of the white females, however, had the temerity to resist. That was enough to cause Gilmore to gun her down.
The defense attorney for Ahmad Hill, whose client admitted he was right there during the robbery (an active participant who was going to share in the spoils of the robbery), nevertheless, had the advantage of having his client before a less than stellar judge (black male Darryl Derbigny), and immediately requested a trial by judge. Result : After a ONE day trial the defense asked for an immediate acquittal ... and got it.
* Alyssa Kovash, 20
1345. Marianna, Ark., Nov. 26, 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Rape & Murder
A black male, Curtis Lavell Vance, 28, … staked out a white female’s home for the purpose of a rape, burglary/robbery and murder. Vance had later been determined - thru DNA evidence - to have broke into the home of another white female and raped her.
Victims :
* Kristen Edwards (raped)
* Anne Pressly, 26 (raped, sodomized and murdered) Anne was a popular TV anchor woman.
1346. Atlanta, GA, July 11, 1988
Public Abduction – Rape – Torture - Murder
Two black males,Emmanuel Hammond, 24, W. Maurice Porter, 20
…abducted a white female preschool fitness teacher. She was later found bound with a coat hanger, raped and shot with a shotgun blast to the head in a wooded area outside Atlanta.
* Julie Love, 27
1347. Osceola County, FL, Nov. 24, 1995
Ambush - Thrill Kill
A black male, Jermaine “Bugsy” Lebron, 20,
…lured a young - and naïve - white male into his home telling him he had some parts for sale for the white male's customized truck. Inside the house there were no car parts, just a sawed-off shotgun waiting for him. The victim was forced to lie face down ... then executed with a blast to the head. Two other people were there (race unknown) and witnessed the execution - and did nothing. Motive for killing the 22-year-old? Lebron wanted his wallet and to experience (he believed) the thrill of pulling the trigger and murdering someone.
* Larry Neal Oliver, 22
1348. . Penfield, NY, Feb. 22, 2010
Former Employee Returns To Commit Armed Robbery
Two blacks (brother & sister), LaQuan Crimm, Shayla Fulton,... invaded a Popeye's restaurant, where black female Fulton had been recently fired, and without any warning or provocation, whacked a white male in the head with a six iron (golf club), then hit him again and again in the head area demanding the combination to the safe. The young white male lost his eye in the attack.
Benjamin Overmyer, 24 (survived)
1349. Brazoria County, TX, Jan. 21, 1998
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Brutal Rape & Murder
“Oh my God. Help me!”
Two male teens (one black /other half black / Hispanic ) at gunpoint invaded the home of a white female and, while her two young children were locked in a room, the two males raped the mother, then shot her in the head.
Arrested & Convicted Of Rape And Murderer:
Kenneth Parr, 18 (b/m - triggerman)
Michael Jiminez, 18 (b/m - half brother to murderer/rapist Parr)
* Linda “Suzie” Malek, 28 (deceased)
1350. San Angelo, TX, Feb. 18, 1995
Public Abduction – Rape –
Torture – Murder
A black male, Louis Jones, 45…staked out a laundromat and waited for an opportunity to abduct at a young white female. When Jones saw the opportunity he was waiting for ...he charged into the laundromat and up to the white female, pulled a gun then forced her outside and into the trunk of his car. Jones then sped away… back to his home (an awaiting chamber of horrors). For three days (maybe more) Jones, in the most depraved and sadistic ways imaginable, raped, beat, tortured, abused and humiliated the young white girl. When Jones was finally finished with the young female ... he retrieved a tire iron from his car, then beat her over the head with it until she was dead.
* Tracy McBride, 19
Ohio State University, March 1994
White Female Abducted By As She Walked Back To Her Dorm Room - Beaten - Raped - Murdered
No one knows knows how many days and hours sexual predator Jonathan J. Gravely, 23, staked out places around the Ohio State Univ. campus waiting for his opportunity to score a rape.
..."18, was a freshman at The Ohio State University. She was with friends in her dorm room on a Saturday night in March 1994 when they decided to go to another apartment. [She] and her friends separated along the way and she was last seen walking through Pearl Alley near campus. Her partially nude body was found in a field more than three miles away near railroad tracks.
Sexual predator Gravely was nailed by DNA evidence 12 years later.
Stephanie Hummer, 18
1477. St. Petersburg, FL, March 21, 1983
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Derrick Johnson , Derrick Tyrone Smith, ... summoned a taxi for the sole purpose of committing an armed robbery and murder. The taxi driver (white male) was directed to a secluded area, then murdered.
* Jeffery Songer
1478. Compton, Ca, Feb. 22, 1991
Two Police Officers Ambushed - Murdered
A black male, Regis Thomas, ...was pulled over in Compton, Ca. When both officer got out of their squad car, black male Thomas leaped out of his car and began firing at both officers. Incredibly, he hit both , but only wounding them. Black male Thomas then went up to the white officer, stood over him and executed him. He then went to the the officer and did the same thing.
* Officer K. Burrell, 39 (b/m)
* Reserve Officer Jimmy MacDonald, 23 (w/m)
1479. Fulton County , Georgia, Dec. 27, 2010
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
A black male (career criminal just released from jail), Gregory Favors, 30,..was being pulled over by a white male state trooper, however, Favors sped away, eventually crashing into a wall. The white officer likely believed the driver was seriously injured - a mistake that would cost him his life. When the white male got up to the car (gun still in his holster), Favors leaped out and gunned down the officer.
* Chadwick Thomas LeCroy , 38
1480. Woodland Hills CA, Feb. 8, 1999
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Kirell Taylor, 25, Boris George ``Booney'' Graham, 27,
...followed a white male home (he was driving a Bentley) and when the white male pulled into his garage, the black males charged up to him and at gunpoint forced him into the trunk of his car. They then went through his home looking for valuables. The white male's wife was home at the time with their three children and was able to spot the intruders undetected. She and the children hid out on the roof (the black males had brought duct tape for her and anyone else in the house). While on the roof, she used her cell phone to summoned police. The white male was abducted and died when while the black males, attempting to flee pursuing police, crashed the car.
* Christopher Rawlings, 30 (deceased)
1481. Dallas, TX, July 1991
Military Dishonored - Armed Robbery - Murder
Three black males, including, Pvt. Kevin Bivins, 22, two others unidentified,...were in the process of robbing two young women by beating their heads into the ground and punching them. Two people came to their rescue (one white and one black). The three black robbers fled, two to a waiting car, the other went the opposite way down the street and was chased by the good Samaritans. When the two caught up with the black male robber, the car with the other black males returned. Bivins then exited the car and shot both men. The good Samaritans survived the shooting; however, the white male was left a cripple for life, taking a bullet that hit his spinal cord.
* Steve Palermo, 41 (w/m)
* Terrence Mann (b/m)
http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2009/may/11/umpire-tuspan style=rned-hero/
1482. San Diego, CA, June 23, 1995
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Brandon Arnae Taylor, 22,...broke into the home of an elderly white female while she was sitting in her living room conversing with her sister, who was visiting from out of state. Taylor simply sat down right between the two elderly women. When one elderly woman go/font-family: span/spant up and angrily demanded to know what he was doing, Taylor sprang into action. He forced both woman into a bedroom. where he began raping one of them. However, the other female ran outside and summoned help. Black male bully Taylor was apprehended coming out of the house.
* Rosa Mae Dixon, 80 (deceased)
1483. Bessemer, Ala, March 5, 1983
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male Harry Nicks, ...robbed a pawn store at gunpoint then instructed two white people lie face down on the ground. Black male Nicks then shot both of them in the head.
* Robert Back (deceased)
* Debra Lynn Love (survived a bullet to the head)
1484. Wilson, N.C, July, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
Wendy (victim): "He managed to pick me up and throw me to the ground and do what he did," said Wendy.
A black male, Robert Tyler Wilson,…spent 13 years in prison for the rape of a white female. The black male rapist was released (2005) and less than a year later raped another white female - in the same park he raped a white female 25 years earlier.
1484. Chesterfield County , VA, Aug. 22, 2007
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Detavis J. King, 17,...pulled a gun and gunned down a young white male. The first bullet , however, struck the white male youth in the back and didn't kill him, it just paralyzed him from the waste down. As the young kid was trying to crawl away, sadist King ran up to the kid and put a final bullet in his head.
* Ryan Matko, 16
1485. Arizona, Aug. 2005 to June 2006
The “Baseline Killer”
Single Black Male Terrorizes an Entire City - Rape and Murder
A black male (ex-con), Mark Goudeau,…raped, murdered and terrorized the city of Phoenix between 2005 and 2006.
Note: I am more than a bit incredulous that Groudeau can be responsible for all the crimes police attribute to him.
1486. Dade City, Florida, 2006
Teen Murders An Adult
Argue with a 16-year-old black boy can get you killed - even if you happen to be an adult. Well, that’s exactly what 48-year-old Felipe DeJesus-Reyes did. The angry 16-year-old black boy, Walter Vickers, raced home, retrieved his .357 handgun, then raced back to where he had argued with Mr. Reyes. Vickers then shot the 48-year-old pointblank in the face, killing him instantly. Vickers then went home and took a nap.
1487. Jacksonville, FL, Dec. 25, 1999
Very Determined Black Man Gets His RAPE
A black male , Luther Douglas, 25, had been waiting most of the afternoon and well past midnight the following day for his opportunity to rape a young white female that had unexpectedly wound up in his car earlier that day. The white female was a friend of a black female he was acquainted with and she brought along the white female. The white female had no choice but to tag along with Luther Douglas, as he had the car. After midnight, black male Douglas dropped off the black female acquaintance first , then took the white female out to a seclude area ...
"She was positioned on her back in a shrub line with her legs stretched out in front of her. {Her] body was nude from the waist down, except for her black socks. Her knit top and black bra were torn and pushed up to her shoulders, exposing her breasts. A few feet from [her} body, the police found a tire lug wrench, a rubber car part and a blood soaked maroon jacket." The autopsy "...noted that [she] had suffered extensive injury, particularly to her head. Dr. Areford concluded that she died of blunt head trauma. Dr. Areford testified that while [she] was alive she received at least ten separate blows to her face, seven blows to the back of her head and seven to ten blows to her hands and arms. Her -5- jaw and nose were broken, several of her teeth had been knocked out and her right shoulder was dislocated."
Note: Black male Luther Douglas remain on Florida death row (2018).
* Mary Ann Hobgood, 18
1488. Mobile, AL, June 1, 2007
Infamous Sucker Punch On Elderly School Teacher
Two black males (teenagers), Dominick Harris, 16, Randolph Parker, 16…planned an attack on an elderly white school teacher. Black male Harris recorded the attack (so he could show his buddies), while the other black teen waited for the elderly white female to walk out of the classroom. When she did, Parker sucker punched her in the face.
Here is another black male attacking a white school teacher.
1489. Grand Blanc, MI, March 10, 2011
Home Invasion - Ambush (In A White Community)
Two black male, Lorenzo D. Releford and Dantoine M. Brown, both 26, barged into a white female's apartment (in her presumably safe white community) with a loaded BB-gun and, once inside, proceeded to strangled her to death. Both black males were later arrested while driving the dead white female's car. Also taken from the innocent white female was a DVD player, TV and laptop.
Jeanne Hank, 47
1490. Pontiac, MI, July 5, 2005
Carjacking - Robbery - Murder
Two black teens , Christopher Eugene Jackson, 17, Cordero Landrum, 18,… at gunpoint carjacked a white male, robbed him of his wallet then ordered him in the trunk. At this point the white male fled. However, the black males were not going to let him get away. They took off after him and eventually cornered him inside a gas station ...where black male Jackson gunned him down.
* David Lee Bingham, 38 (deceased)
1491. England, 2004
* Crimes That Shake Our Conscience *
It’s Happening In Britain Too ... Black male Rapes A White School Teacher
A black boy, Dwayne Best, 15,...simply decided he wanted to rape the white 28-year-old school teacher, and no one was going to prevent him. The black boy was forced to settle for oral sex.
Note: The black boy was given life in prison for the attack on the white female, which means in England he'll eligible for parole in 4 ½ years.
1492. Nashville, TN, July 14, 2005
White Police Officer Gunned Down
Officer Daniel Alford (white male), 33, was gunned down by MarShawn L. Lytie, (black male), 21, while attempting to arrest him for a drug related crime.
Despite being shot twice, miraculously, officer Alford survived the black male‘s attempted murder .
1493. Philadelphia, PA., July 15, 2006
(Temple University)
Home Invasion - Terrorizing - Attempted Murder - Rape
"The boy was beat unmerciful, I mean he couldn't even open up his eyes, it's sad."
Two black males (identities unknown) staked out an off-campus apartment occupied by two white females. When the white females arrived home late at night, along with a white male, and as the three walked into the apartment the black males raced up to them and forced them inside at gunpoint. The white male was set upon first. He was beaten, kicked and pistol whipped until he was unconscious. The black males then went to work on the white females, raping and beating them for hours. After the black males were done, they stole personal property and then fled in the white male’s car.
Note: In the link below, note how the race of the perps has been removed.
1494. Akron, OH, July 4, 2009
Public Racism - The Infamous Sucker Punch
A white family of four and a couple friends of theirs (male and female) were leaving a stadium after a fireworks display, when they came face to face with a pack (twenty or more) of racist black teenagers. A white male (middle-age) was immediately subjected to the infamous black male sucker punch, which knocked him to the ground. The blacks then started to kick him relentlessly and mercilessly. The white male’s adult friend tried to intercede but he too was set upon by the feral and hate-filled black youths, also being punched and kicked. According to one of the adult white males:
''My thing is,'' Marshall [middle-age white male] said, ''I didn't want this, but I was in fear for my wife, my kids and my friends. I felt I had to stay out there to protect them, because those guys were just jumping, swinging fists and everything"
''I'm lucky. They didn't break my ribs or bruise my ribs. I thank God, they concentrated on my thick head because I do have one. They were trying to take my head off my spine, basically.''
Note: None of the white victims who've been fortunate to survive a predatory attack by racist black males ... have received one dollar in compensation from the federal gov’t for their pain and suffering. Nor have white family members of the dead received one dollar of compensation for their loss(es).
1495. City of Shreveport, LA, Dec. 23, 2000
Public Abduction - Carjacking - Rape - Torture - Murder
When white female, Vickie Lynn McGraw, 48, drove into her apartment complex , she had no idea five black males had just spotted her... The black males were waiting for a white female who was alone and Vickie fit the plan. Vickie was carjacked, ATM robbed, kidnapped, beaten, raped, sodomized, humiliated, tortured and then shot in the head.
The black male predators are:
Derrick D. Bouya, 21
Aaron C. Wilson, 17 (rape/ triggerman...sentenced to death)
Leon "Fat" Bagley III, 22
Kevin D. Dodson, 19
Torius Scroggins, 19
One of Vickie’s close friends described her as “full of love, life and laughter. She was so contagious. You couldn’t be around her without feeling the love and laughter."
1496. Terre Haute, Ind. March, 1981
Sucker Punch ... With a Baseball Bat
In a dorm cafeteria at Indiana State University, a group of young white males, who were members of the University's wrestlers’ were eating dinner when a black male made his way toward the table carrying a baseball bat. When the black male reached his intended target, he cocked his bat and, with all the strength he could muster, slammed it into the back of the head of an unsuspecting white male. The wrestler’s head collapsed into his plate of food. The black male then pulled a knife to threaten the one person who got up to confront him ... and headed for the door and made his escape.
(Identify of victim and perpetrator unknown, as well as any subsequent information regarding condition of victim or apprehension of the perpetrator. Also unknown is the motive for this black male attempted murder).
1497. Santa Monica, CA, Dec. 18, 1968
*A Sign Of Times To Come *
A young elementary school teacher named Caroline Olsen and her husband, Kenneth, were approached by two black males on a Santa Monica tennis court. One of the black males pulled a gun (.45 caliber) and then ordered the white couple to give up their cash and jewelry, which they did. They were then ordered to lie down face-down on the ground. The black male with the gun then emptied his .45 caliber into their prone bodies. Caroline died of her wounds while Kenneth, miraculously, survived. Kenneth Olsen picked Geronimo Pratt out of a line-up and he was charged with the murder; and ultimately convicted despite the efforts of Johnnie Cochran, then an unknown young attorney on the make.
1498. Palm Bay, Fl. 1992
Home Invasion - Robbery - Murder - Abuse of the Elderly
Dorothy Berger, a kindhearted 80-year-old white female, felt sympathy and pity toward her neighbor, a black male, Johnny Hoskins, 28.
Hoskins was seemingly always unemployed and consequently in need of money. Ms. Berger allowed Hoskins to do odd jobs for her and paid him generously. It seems Hoskins was just “playing” the elderly white female, slowly working on her so she would let her guard down and invite him into her home. Eventually, she did. And that’s when Hoskins attacked her. He first raped the 80-year-old woman, then, for reasons that were never made clear, he tied her up, put her in the trunk of her car and drove 250 miles to Georgia, where he strangled her to death. He then dumped Mrs. Berger in a field and buried her.
1499. Apple Valley, CA. March 3, 2006
Armed Robbery - Murder
William Gould (a white male) was at work at a 7-11, supporting his wife and 4 children and paying for college.
On March 3rd, 2006, two black male (identities unknown) entered his store to commit a robbery. The cooperative Gould was killed after the black males completed their robbery- total take was less than $100. The black males are still being sought by police.
Serial Rapist Of White Females
Dubbed “The BP Oil Rapist” of Louisville
A black male predator, Daniel Gene Cummings, 23, …pleaded guilty in March, 2003, to attacking 14 women from 1998 to 2002 in south central Jefferson County. Ten of the females were sexually assaulted. He received 470 years. He preyed on white and black females.
1501. Trenton, NJ, Nov. 2002
Home Invasion - Murder - Abuse Of The Elderly
A black male and a black female, Thomas Briggs, 37, Milagros Maldonado, 42,…invaded the home of an elderly white male, beat him , then slit his throat. The black males then took what valuables they could carry and fled.
* Ralph DeQuinzio, 79
1502. Flint, Mich. July, 1997
*Racially Motivated Atrocity! *
Racism - Humiliation
Three young white kids jumped a train in a rural part of Michigan and wound up in a black community in Flint , Michigan. I will defer to another site (link provided below) in describing what happened next:
"The Highland Township [white] teenagers who hopped the CSX train on June 18 were far from pros. Afraid to jump off at Holly, they froze and wound up 25 miles north in a rough section of Flint. One of the boys, Michael Carter, 14, ended up dead. Another, Dustin Kaiser, 15, was beaten brutally before taking a bullet in the head. And the third, Nicole, 14, whose family asked that only her first name be used in this story, was pistol-whipped and shot in the face after being forced to perform oral sex."
The Black Male Feral Racists / Rapists / Murderers:
Christopher Darling, 18
Anthony Hollis, 23
Adrian Hollis, 20;
Terrance Reyes, 18
Tyrone Reyes, 16
Shannon Gould, 16
Note:The link below can give you all the details in this despicable black male hate crime against those innocent white kids.
1503. West Knox County, Tenn., Aug. 20, 2001
Home Invasion - Rape - Torture - Murder
A black male (and ex-con), Roger Eric Broadway, 23,…was given a job as a door to door salesman. When Broadway knocked on the door of an elderly white female, she answered, but inquired whether Broadway had a license to be going door-to-door. At this moment Broadway barged in and began to beat on her. He then dragged the woman up the staircase to a bedroom where he sexually assaulted her. After that was over, the female was dragged downstairs where Broadway retrieved a knife then plunged it into her throat, so hard that it went through her throat and actually pinned the elderly white female to the floor. Broadway then searched the house for items to steal. When he completed his search he helped himself to a coke and a cigarette. When Broadway finished his cigarette … he put it out by smashing it in the face of the dead white female.
* Eskalene De Borde, 66
Note: Rodger Eric Broadway, a resident of New York City, admitted to the crime and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Yes, he retired now...
1505. New Jersey, June 9, 2004
Home Invasion - Robbery - Murder - Abuse Of The Elderly
A black male, Azriel Rashad Bridge, 17 (door-to-door salesman)…asked an elderly white female if he could use her bathroom. Unfortunately, she let the black male into her home. Once inside, the black male tried to steal the elderly woman’s checkbook but was caught. That’s when Bridge attacked and beat the elderly white female (with a fireplace poker iron) and killed her.
* Shirley Reuter, 77
1506. Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 3, 2006
Home Invasion - Abuse Of The Elderly
A black male, Brandon Foster, 23…went over to a white female’s home (former girlfriend?) and stabbed her to death. Foster also stabbed to death the white female’s great grandmother.
* Samantha Zenszer, 21
* Violet McCall, 79
1507. Denver, CO, 1992
Home Invasion - Rape - Abuse Of A Child
A black male, LC Jackson, 21,…broke into a female’s home to commit rape and burglary. The black male, discovering two white females present, mother and daughter (daughter was 9-years-old) raped both of them , then burglarized the premises and fled.
* Identities of victims unknown.
Note: I do believe based on the MO here, that the victims are white. Anyone with evidence regarding the race of these two victims, e-mail me or leave response below.
1508. Lancaster, CA, April 2005
Sucker Punch - With A Baseball Bat
A black boy, 13 (name not revealed), became angry at a white male kid, who was fifteen, walked up to him from behind and slammed a baseball bat into his head, killing him. The black youth then lied about the white teen using a racial slur.
Jeremy Rourke, 15
"Despite the Tuesday night fight and its tragic ending, the two boys had no history of problems, said Tony Trevino, who coached the Dodgers that night."
"That's what's so shocking and so appalling," he said. "What happened? What did we miss as a community? What did we miss as parents."
1509. Houston, TX, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Charles Anderson, 47,… was walking around a white residential community when he spotted a 57-year-old white female working in her garage. Anderson charged up to the woman with a knife in his hand, demanding she get into her car. She complied and she was driven to a dingy motel where she was raped. After the back male finished with her, he made her get back in the car, intending to take her to a secluded spot and execute her. However, the white female was able to escape by leaping from the moving vehicle.
* Identity of white female unknown
Note: I believe the victim to be white. Heritage Village, where the abduction took place, is located in Northwest Houston, a small , almost entirely white collar community (83% of households). Anyone with info. regarding racial identity of this victim, please include it in the comment section below - with source.
1510. Des Moines, IA, 1997
Home Invasion - Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Rosemary Pascente, a 64-year-old white female, was found dead January 5th, 1997, stabbed multiple times and her throat slit. Robbery appeared to be the motive.
A 29-year-old black male, Charlie Jones, was later prosecuted and convicted for the murder/robbery
Rosemary was a school teacher.
Note: Black male Charlie Jones was also linked to another killing (and RAPE) by DNA. The innocent white female victim was Patricia Lange.
1511. Los Angeles, CA, 1981
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Hercules Butler, murdered a 30-year-old white female, Adriana Percono (name may be misspelled), who was a resident of Venice, California. Butler stabbed her multiple times, killing her, then he encased her in cement and buried her in his back yard (case represented on the TV program LA Forensics). The motive for this terrible crime has remained a mystery.
1512. Crestwood, VA, May 24, 2007
Home Invasion - Elderly Rape
A black male, Clayton Vines, 43 … broke into the home of an 82-year-old white female and repeatedly sodomized her. The black male then burglarized the elderly female’s home. Identity of female unknown.
1513. Long Island, NY, 2002
Home Invasion - Elderly
A black male (ex-con), Jonathan Uzzell, 39, …posed as a female and got a job as a home health care aid inside the home of an elderly white female, who was recovering from a major surgery. Five weeks into the job, the black male (still posing as a female) ransacked the elderly lady’s place and stole her bank card.
* Clara Migden, 84
1514. Houston, TX, 2007
Public Abduction - Rape Of White Males - Robbery
A black male, Keith Chester Hill, 19,… developed a liking for kidnapping young white males at gunpoint (its amazing what you can make someone do with a gun pointed at their head). Hill would drive around white communities (sometimes he would just follow his intended victim home) until he found the right profile of victim he wanted (always a young white male). He would then exit his SUV and calmly walk up to the unsuspecting young white male, where he would then pull his gun and demand the white male get in his vehicle. The black male would then duct tape his mouth, tie his hands, then drive him to a secluded location, where the black male would make his captive perform oral sex while he beat him .
* The identities of the young white male victims are not revealed.
1515. Buffalo, NY, May 16, 2006
Ambush - Murder
Justin Kelly, a 19 year-old black male, was looking for an unsuspecting white person to rob. The community where this predator was stalking was a middle-class [white] North Buffalo neighborhood.
Kelly spotted an adult white male, 47 year-old Paul J. McCabe, a married man and father of two teenage boys, out in his front yard. The black male teen approached McCabe and, displaying a knife, demanded his cell phone and his wallet. McCabe refused to surrender either to the predator, whereupon the black male attacked the unarmed white male with his knife. Paul’s wife heard the commotion from inside the house and ran outside. She attempted to help her husband, causing herself to be stabbed. Paul McCabe died from his wounds, his wife survived.
Justin Kelly was picked up by the police the following day. Faced with an eyewitness and the recovery of the knife he used in the murder, Kelly confessed.
1516. Cuyahoga County,OH, Dec. 31, 2007
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Attempted Robbery
Six black males,
Jerome Edwards, 17,
Miles Cole, 15,
Demetrius Lang, 16
Brandon Goodwin, 16
Joshua Bray, 16
Joseph Wilson , 19
….attacked a white male adult while he was out jogging. The white male described his attack as follows:
“McDermott explained that "the first kid came at [him]," and tried to hit him with his fist. Another "kid" hit him in the arm with a wooden pole, while at the same time, another was punching him in the stomach. Someone said to him, "[w]e're going to fuck you up," and someone else said, "[w]e're gonna' kill ya." When McDermott tried to run away, someone hit him with a metal rod on his right knee and "just obliterated it." He fell to the ground.
While [*5] McDermott was laying on the ground, he said that Wilson pulled out a knife and started "sticking it at me." Wilson said to him, "I'm going to cut you with the knife if you don't shut up." McDermott further testified that Wilson said, "[g]ive me your money," and McDermott replied, "asshole, I don't have any money. I'm out jogging." McDermott described the knife as having "a six-inch blade"; it was more like a "fishing" knife, not a switchblade knife.
McDermott explained that each male was involved in the attack and none of them tried to stop it. He said he was "absolutely" certain that Wilson was equally involved in the attack "because [he] thought that [Wilson] was the last person [he] was going to see on this earth." This was because he heard one of the "kids" say, "[c]lip him," and he saw a gun in another "kid's" pocket.”
* Kevin McDermott, 52
1517. Cleveland, OH, Feb. 22, 2009
Black Pack Decides Ta Have Some Fun - Attempts To THRILL KILL Two White Males
Six black males,
Ralfeal King, 17,
Cornelius King, 26,
Joaquin Hicks, 29,
Perry King, Jr., 21,
Reginald Day, 28,
Bryan Elliot, 17,
…without any provocation, ambushed two white males at a public shopping center. They were both gunned down, then their pockets riffled through searching for any valuables.
* Jory Aebly, 26 (survived a gun shot to the head “by a centimeter”)
* Jeremy Pechanec, 28
1518. Newberry County. SC, Jan., 2008
Home Invasion - Terrorizing White Family
Three black males, Austin Partlow, 27, Roy Johnson, 27, Chauncey Partlow, 27, …broke into a white male’s home to commit a burglary. The three blacks duct taped an adult male and his young daughter (who was disabled) and then beat them while demanding to know where the household valuables were.
White victims:
* Rick Cofer,
* Robin Cofer,
* Unidentified disabled daughter
Note: I believe victims to be white. Evidence to the contrary please contact me at my email address with your information, or provide it below.
1519. Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN, Jan. 1, 2008
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, identities still unknown,…(at 2 am) followed a white male and his wife back to their suburban home. When the two entered their home the two black males were right behind them, and forced their way into the home at gun point. A struggle ensued and the white male was gunned down. The two black males then searched the pockets of the victim and fled. However, they must have realized they left behind a person who could identify them, so they returned a few minutes later, but found the female had already locked the door. They tried a few times to break down the door, then fled. According to police, the MO of this crime fits another home invasion of a white couple a few weeks earlier.
* Jamis Marks, 28,
* Police are looking for 2 "dark-skinned black males," described as being in their 20's. One suspect is 5'11" to 6' tall, weighing 175 pounds. The other is described as 6'1" to 6'3", weighing 250 pounds or more.
1520. Cleveland, OH, Dec. 15, 2007
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Terrance James Feaster, 19, …broke into the home of a white male to commit a burglary. When he was confronted by a white male with a gun he shot the white male and killed him, and wounded a female house occupant. The black male intruder was also shot.
* Dustin Cline, 18
1521. Long Island, New York, Sept. 11, 2006
Racism -- Gang Attack
A 46-year-old white male, Richard Berkhout, was walking home when a car suddenly raced by far exceeding the residential speed limit. Richard yelled at the car to slow down. The car slowed down, then it stopped. Three black males leaped out and ran up to the white male. Without any words spoken, the black males began beating on him, kicking him and, when he fell to the ground, stomping on his head. When they thought he was dead, they fled. Incredibly, Richard survived the attack and was able to identify his attackers.
The three black males who attacked the innocent adult white male are:
Darrell Taylor, 28
Darian Taylor, 28
Christopher Robinson, 25
Note: The sentencing of the three “brave” black men went as follows:
“…defendants - twins Darian and Darrell Taylor, 29, were found guilty of first-degree gang assault and first-degree assault last year. Darian Taylor, of Center Moriches, was sentenced to 14 years in jail, while his brother got 12 years.
Their half brother, Christopher Robinson, 28, of Mastic, was sentenced to 20 years for the gang assault.
Robinson and Darian Taylor said nothing in the courtroom, but Darrell Taylor burst out in a rage after his sentence was given, exclaiming "I got kids!"
1522. Essex, Vermont, Aug. 24, 2006
Home Invasion - Ambush - Two Murdered
A painfully unattractive white female, Andrea Lambesis, befriended a homeless and unemployed black male, Christopher A. Williams, 27. The white female allowed Williams to stay in her house, which she shared with her mother. However, the white female not only became frustrated with constantly being forced to provide for the black male, but also putting up with his his bizarre behavior. She finally demanded he leave. The day she required Williams to be gone, the black male went over to a friends home and acquired a gun. Williams then went back to Andrea’s house to kill her mother, 57-year-old Linda Lambesis. After he shot her to death, Williams next went to Andrea’s place of work, Essex Elementary School, to kill her. When he couldn’t find her, he decided any white female would do, and walked into the classroom of 56-year-old Mary Shanks and killed her. He then shot another female, Mary Snedeker, 52. (Mary miraculously survived the black male’s attack).
1523. New York City, N.Y. Sept. 2006
Racially Motivated Murder - Elderly
An elderly white male decided to go for a walk on a Saturday afternoon in Queens. It would be the final walk of his life. As the elderly man was walking, unbeknown to him, lurking in the bushes, was a black male, William Scott, 28,… who harbored a hatred for white people. The elderly white male made for an easy target. Scott waited for the elderly man to pass then he leaped on him, knife in hand, and proceeded to stab the man repeatedly until he was dead.
* Carmine Randazzo Sr., 78
1524. Baton Rouge, LA, 2003
Serial Rapist Of White Females
Home Invasion - Robbery - Rape - Murder -Public Abduction
A black male, and serial rapist, Derrick Todd Lee, 34, … according to police, his DNA linked him to five rapes and murders.
* Carrie Yoder, 26, (w/f)
* Gina Wilson Green, 41, (w/f)
* Charlotte Murray Pace, 22, (w/f)
* Pam Kinamore, 44, (w/f)
* Charlotte Murray Pace (w/f)
* Geralyn DeSoto (w/f)
* Trineisha Dene Colomb, 23 (b/f)
1525. Mt. Morris Township, Michigan
Child Ambushed Murdered In Her Classroom
Kayla Rolland, a 6-year-old, white girl, went to school on Feb. 29, 2000. While Kayla sat in her classroom, a 6-year-old black boy walked up to her from behind and pulled a gun he'd been concealing, then shot her pointblank in the head. She died on the spot. The black boy had brought the gun for the specific purpose of murdering the white girl. He told police he did it because he "I hate that girl".
Kayla Rolland has an Internet site dedicated to her memory.
Again, we MUST take note of the complete unpredictable nature of the black temperament. Too many in the white community are dying.
1526. Wilson County, NC, June 2004
Public Abduction - Rape - Robbery - Murder
Two black teenage males, James Arthur Johnson, 18, Kenneth Maurice Meeks, 16,…abducted a white female teenager from a shopping mall to commit robbery, rape and murder. When the black males were done with the white female...they shot her in the head.
* Brittany Tyler Willis, 17 (deceased)
Note: Meeks claimed it was only he who was involved in the abduction, rape and murder.
1527. Sumter County, GA, Oct. 2004
Armed Robbery - Vicious Beating On Elderly Woman
Four black males, Lakedrick Johnson, 25, Anthony Bridges, 30, Bobby Williams, 24, Trevor Hart, 28,…after robbing a convenience store brutally and savagely beat two elderly white females. The savage beating was all caught on video surveillance tape.
* Emma Wainwrigh, 64
* Unknown
1528. Pinetta, FL,
Ambush - Murder
Postal Service carrier Immogene Rodgers,42, disappeared while in the course of her delivery. Police determined that the mail delivery stopped at the address of a black man by the name of Joe Williams, 39. when presented with DNA evidence Williams confessed. Apparently, the black man wanted sex and when the innocent white female fought back, Williams beat her then strangled her to death. (featured on the TV show ‘Forensics‘).
* Race of perp positively ID’d.
1528. Remington, Indiana, OH, Sept. 2005
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two white females were working at the Family Express store in Remington, Indiana. according to the surveillance tape, a black male, Melvin Keeling, 43 (found deceased)…entered their store, robbed it at gunpoint, then gunned down and both of the white female clerks. Keeling was eventually identified when the store’s surveillance tape was shown to the public.
Keeling was also forensically linked to the killing of a 13-year old white girl in Ohio, on Sept. 19, 2005. The three white female victims are:
* Lisa Kendall, 29,
* Kendora Furr, 38
* Katie Caudill, 13
1529. Minneapolis, MN, May 16, 2004
Armed Robbery - Murder
* Harry “Randy” Sherer, 55
1530. Miami, FL, Nov. 24, 2005
Public Abduction - Rape
Three black males, Hakim Porter, 21, Michael Simmons, 20, Jamal Harris, 23,…abducted a 22-year-old Japanese exchange student, took her to an isolated place where she was raped by all three. The black males then stole what money she had and fled.
1531. Richardson, TX, Nov. 11, 1992
Employee Commits Armed Robbery And Murders Co-Workers
The black males, Joseph Lave, 28, Tim Bates, 27, James Langston,26, ...broke into a sporting goods store with the intent to commit robbery and murder. During the course of the robbery three white people were savagely beaten with hammers and baseball bats, then each of the victims had their throat slit. Two died and one survived.
* Justine Marquart, 18
* Frederick Banzhaf, 18
* Angela King, 22 (survived)
Note: Langston was a current employee at the store. Obviously he planned the robbery and also planned not to leave any witnesses behind.
1532. Drew County, Ark, April 2001
Home Invasion -- Rape - Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Black male Kenneth Isom, 34, was arrested for murder and rape. According to court testimony, on April 2, 2001, this is how it went down:
“Dorothy Lawson [white female] testified that she had been assisting Bill Burton, age 79 [white male], her deceased husband's brother-in-law, in his rehabilitation following hip surgery. Mrs. Lawson was at Mr. Burton's trailer home the night of April 2, 2001, and was watching television with Mr. Burton when she heard someone knock on the door. It was about 7:45 p.m. but still light outside. She opened the front door, and a man pushed passed her. She recognized the man as the person she had seen next door. She later identified that person as Mr. Isom [a black man]. He walked over to Mr. Burton and, standing near him, said, "I want some money."
“Mr. Burton replied that he currently had no money but that his social security check was coming tomorrow. Mr. Isom pulled a pair of broken scissors from his pants' back pocket and threatened Mr. Burton. Mr. Burton gave him two $100 bills and another forty dollars. Mr. Isom became angry and said he wanted more. He made Mr. Burton stand up and walk towards the bedroom. He then made Mr. Burton lie down on the floor in the hallway. Mr. Isom next grabbed Mrs. Lawson and told her to remove her pants and underwear and lie down in the hallway near Mr. Burton. Mr. Isom raped her vaginally, forced her to have oral sex with him, and raped her anally. During the rapes, Mrs. Lawson testified that she could clearly see his face. When she complained about the pain, Mr. Isom said: "It's going to be worse than this before the night's over." There was a knock at the back door, and Mr. Isom said: "Don't say a word. If you do, I'll kill you. I'll kill you now."
“Whoever was at the back door apparently left. Mr. Isom forced Mrs. Lawson into a closet. When she later looked out and told Mr. Isom to stop standing on Mr. Burton's head because he was old, Mr. Isom forced her back into the closet and said: "I know he's old. That's why I want to hurt him." She next saw Mr. Isom lying on top of Mr. Burton. She [tried to push] Mr. Isom [off of Mr. Burton] and in the process cut her hand on his scissors. She bled on Mr. Isom, which enraged him, and he said: "You're going to get it now." He [t address. Williams (a black male) was found to be the killer. He strangled the white female with her mail bag. Motive for this savage crime appeared to be (surprise!) attempted rape (featured on the TV show hen] d address. Williams (a black male) was found to be the killer. He strangled the white female with her mail bag. Motive for this savage crime appeared to be (surprise!) attempted rape (featured on the TV show emanded the diamond rings worn by Mr. Burton. Mrs. Lawson gave Mr. Isom her ring instead. Mr. Isom took her into the bedroom and knocked her unconscious. When she awoke, Mr. Isom was choking her. Mrs. Lawson testified that she could plainly see his face. She passed out again, and when she awoke some time later, she was alone. There was warm blood on the back of her head and rattling in her chest due to internal bleeding. She discovered that she was paralyzed on one side. On April 3, 2001, Erma Shook, a neighbor and relative of Bill Burton's, entered the side door of his trailer home after 8:00 a.m. and heard Mrs. Lawson crying for help. Ms. Shook dialed 9-1-1 from Mr. Burton's trailer home. Donald King, a patrol sergeant with the Monticello Police Department, was the first to arrive at the scene. He testified that he found Mr. Burton dead, lying on the floor in the hallway, and Mrs. Lawson lying on the floor in the master bedroom. The cause of death of Mr. Burton was later determined by associate medical examiner, Dr. Charles Kokes, to be multiple sharp and blunt force injuries. Mrs. Lawson told Sergeant King that a black male who lived next door was the assailant.”
1533. Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 22, 2001
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Jason Thompson, 22,…carjacked a young white female college student to commit robbery and rape. When Thompson was finished with the white female he murdered her then dumped her in a park in Culver City.
* Roberta Happe, 23
1534. Palmdale, CA, Aug. 29, 2006
Like Father Like Son - Black Male Follows In Fathers Footsteps - Rapes 10-Year-Old Child
An unemployed sexual predator (whose dad was also a registered sex offender), black male Marque Clark, 31 ...staked out a bathroom in a theater complex waiting for a female to use it. A 10-year-old girl approached the bathroom and was accosted by Clark. He grabbed the little girl and then dragged her at knife point into an empty theater, then raped her. UPDATE: Child rapist Clark was sentenced to 63 years in prison. Will be eligible for parole when he's 88-years-old.
* Unidentified victim
1535. Houston, TX, July 23, 1991
Armed Robbery - Pregnant Girl Murdered
Two black males, Darell Carr, 21, Odis Hadley, 21,…walked into a convenience store intending to commit robbery and murder. Both black males went to the counter and were greeted by a 7-months pregnant white female. Carr then pulled out his gun and, without provocation, shot her in the head. The white female delivered her baby by C-section. She was taken off life support two weeks later. Total take in this robbery/murder was $30.00.
* Priscilla Rangel, 16
1537. Kansas City, MO, March 7, 2004
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Henry Lee Polk, 40 …robbed and murdered (by slitting his throat) a white male. The innocent white is:
* Stephen M. Nolte, 41
1538. St. Augustine, FL, Oct. 24, 2002
Former Employee Returns To Business To Commit Armed Robbery And Murder
A black male, Roy Lee McDuffie, 42 …walked into a convenience store - his former employer - around closing time and pulled a gun on two white female employees. After McDuffie received the cash he shot both white females. When McDuffie ran out of bullets, he pulled out a knife and stabbed both females repeatedly. Both victims McDuffie was formerly acquainted with. The two innocent white females are:
* Dawnielle Beauregard, 27 (deceased)
* Janice Schneider, 39 (deceased)
1539. Prosper, TX. Dec. 10, 1990
Four black male males,
Eric Lynn Moore, 23,
Anthony Bruce, 15,
Kenneth Bruce, 19,
Sam Andrews, 19,
… … drove out to a rural home occupied by a white male and his wife. The two Bruce brothers knocked on the front door and when a middle-age white male answered the two black boys told him they had car trouble and needed jumper cables. Unfortunately, the white male agreed to help them and invited the two black boys into his house. As the first two entered, the other two black males entered behind them and pulled their guns. They forced the white male and his wife upstairs into their bedroom and told them to lie face down. While lying face down, both were shot, the white male in the back, intentionally aiming for his spinal cord (it was clearly a shot intending to render him a permanent cripple). The female was shot in the leg. The black males then left the room and went looking for household valuables.
A few minutes later the sadistic black youths came back to finish the job. The white female was shot in the head and died instantly. The white male, however, well, there was a different plan for him. He was going to to be left alive, but shot one more time, this time in the right shoulder, attempting to leave him with only a functioning left arm (Kenneth Bruce admitted to being the triggerman, but it could very well be that it was his 15-year-old cousin and the older one took the blame). The white male did survive, but, as planned, paralyzed from the waist down.
* Helen Ayers, 55
* Richard Ayers, 58 (survived - paralyzed)
Note: Again, it was obvious by the black males' actions they wanted to render the white male a cripple. They could have easily finished him off. But they (police say it was Andrews) deliberately shot the white male in the spin, then the shoulder, desiring him to have just a single functioning arm - and no wife. The black males made sure they finished the white female off, right? A bullet to the head. Sick!
* Nothing to compare to this type of crime prior to 1964...
1540. Houston, TX, Nov. 8, 1988
Ambush - Pocket Change Murder
A black male, Roy G. Smith, 30,...walked up to elderly white male on a public street, pulled out a gun and, without provocation, shot him five times. Smith then went through the white male’s pants pockets looking for pocket change. He found $4.00 and some coins.
* James Whitmire, 67 (deceased)
1541. Amarillo, TX, April, 4, 1990
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Gregory Van Alstyne, 26, Rickie Allen, 28…were lying in wait for a pizza delivery driver. The plan was to order a pizza and wait for the unsuspecting driver to arrive, then jump him, kill him, take his money, his car and the pizza. The unfortunate driver in this predatory scheme was a white male.
* James Atkinson, Jr., 45 (deceased)
1542. Seattle, WA, February 1991
Racially Motivated Sucker Punch Beatdown Murder
During a Margi Gras celebration, a black pack-attack against innocent white people erupted. While TC cameras were rolling, a hate-filled black male, Jerell Thomas, 17, who had already attacked two innocent white people, decided to go for a third. Thomas saw Kristopher Kime, 20, a white male, who had his back to him, and charged up to Kime then socked him right in the side of the head. Kristopher fell to the ground, where Thomas then jumped on top of him and proceeded to pound his head repeatedly into the pavement - right in front of TV cameras! Kristopher Kime died from a fractured skull.
Also charged with second degree assaults on whites that day was a 20-year-old, 6 foot 3 inches tall, 260 pound black male predator named Aaron Slaughter. Aaron lived with his mommy (no father) and was unemployed at the time of his unprovoked attacks on Whites. Slaughter’s attacks were also caught on tape.
1543. Pasadena, CA, August 27, 1979
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Prentice Snow,…took a short break from his trial for robbery and walked over to a pharmacy and gunned down the owner (white male). The white male pharmacist had been a victim of black male Snow’s robbery for which he was currently on trial. Snow thought by eliminating the witness (the white male) he couldn’t be tried for robbery.
* Alfred J. Koll (w/m)
1544. Rochester, N.Y. 1993
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male, Willis Knight,…abducted New York State Assemblyman David Koon’s 18 year-old daughter from a shopping mall to rob her and commit rape. After Knight robbed and raped the young girl, he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger.
* Jennifer Koon, 18 (deceased)
1545. Rochester, NY, Oct. 6, 2009
Public Abduction - Carjacking - Rape
Two black males, Devon Davis, Dwight Fowler,…evidently took a bus into a white community for the purpose of committing a carjacking, rape and robbery. The black males abducted a pregnant white female, forced her into the back seat and made her remove her clothes. Both black males then took turns raping her - while she pleaded with them to stop, fearing for the safety of her unborn child. The two black males eventually dumped her off on the side of the road.
1546. Baltimore, Maryland, August 2001
Teenage Kids Plan Abduction, Robbery, Carjacking And Murder
First, here are the guilty black youths (that taxpayer will be forced to provide for in prison for the rest of their lives):
Jamal D. Barnes, 23
Larry Walker, 16,
Brian Wilson, 15,
Bryan McMillan, 18
And now for the description of their planned atrocity:
The black youths decided they gonna have some fun ... and also get some spending cash for the night. Here's what they cooked up: They would ram the back of a white female's car , get her to pull over and when she got out they would jump her, steal her car, then drive to an ATM where she would draw out the max. The white female would then be taken to a secluded spot and murdered. All they needed to do was find the right white female, alone, and driving a car that looked like she had money – that is, money in her ATM. The black youths drove around a white community until they finally spotted their victim. The plan worked perfectly. They got the white female’s car (silver 2001 Acura CLS), money in her bank account and they took her to a secluded area - and despite her pleading to be let go - murdered her. Fortunately, they also got caught, and rather quickly.
The innocent white female in this atrocity (that the main-stream media has kept everyone from knowing about) is:
* Yvette Adrienne Beakes, 26
"Beakes' mother, LaVerna J. Cordova, carried a single red rose and a framed photograph of her daughter into the courtroom, where she tearfully described from the witness stand how Beakes' life "was brutally and senselessly taken for $500.""
1547. Austin, TX, Nov. 17, 1983
Public Abduction - Robbery - Rape - Carjacking - Murder
Two black males, Tommy Ray Jackson, 27, James Otis Clary,...ambushed a white female college student as she was getting into her car. They kidnapped the girl, took her to an ATM and had her withdraw money. After that, the white female was taken to a secluded area where she was (surprise) raped by both black males. After the rape the girl was murdered.
* Rosalind Robison, 24 (resident of Terre Haute)
1548. Jan. 1, 1986
White Police Officer Murdered
A black male murders a white police officer.
1549. Stillwater, OK, Dec. 12, 1990
Public Abduction – Rape – Robbery – Murder
A black male Kelly Lamont Rogers , abducted a white female college student, robbed her ATM account, raped her then murdered her.
* Karen Marie Lauffenburger, 21
1550. Greenville, N.C. June 30, 2001
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male, Andre Edwards, 31,…spotted a white female and decided he was going to abduct, rape and murder her. When her husband went into a convenience store, Edwards pounced on the young white female, who was holding her baby. He forced her into his car and drove off. Edwards took the white female to a secluded area where he raped her, then beat her to death with a tire iron. Edwards then tossed the white baby into the blazing hot sun, hoping it would a die slow and painful death. The baby was miraculously rescued before it died.
* Ginger Hayes, 23
1551. Los Angeles, CA, April, 2005
Public Ambush - Murder
A young 32-year-old white male, Eric Gelman, had just finished his night shift at the Marmalade Café - a restaurant in a predominately white community in Los Angeles. As he was walking to his car he was attacked by a black male with a knife. The unsuspecting, unarmed and innocent Eric Gelman was killed, then robbed. Eric Gelman was an aspiring actor from Florida.
A black male, Kim McMurray, 44, was eventually arrested and convicted for the killing.
1552. San Diego, CA, 1998
Abuse Of Children
A black male, Advil Scott, 28,…was convicted of raping two white females (13 and 14 years-old). He was also convicted of running a prostitution ring. Most of girls were white and were forced to engage in prostitution under threat of violence. He was eventually caught and sentenced to life in prison.
1553. Lenexa, Kan. Dec. 16, 2005
Home Invasion - Murder
“No Way To Protect Yourself Against This Type Of Crime”
A black male, Charles K. Riddle, 22,…was driving around a white community when he noticed an open garage door. Riddle stopped in front of the house, got out of his car and then quickly walked into the open garage, then right into the house. The black male, armed with a knife, was immediately confronted by an adult white male. In the short struggle that followed, the white male, with dozens of knife wounds, was left to bleed to death on the floor. The black predator took the white male’s wallet, credit cards and a few dollars he had in his pockets. The innocent white male, who had a wife and two young daughters (age 6 and age 9) is:
* Nigel Marcotte, 42
Note: The black male will be eligible for parole at 42 years-old.
Killing Spree Results In 10 Dead
Two black males, Lee Boyd Malvo , John Allen Muhammad,…achieved notoriety by launching a sadistic killing spree in Sept. of 2002. It finally ended on Oct.. 13. Ten people were fatally shot in the Washington area. Four others died in various other places around the country. The majority of the victims were white. Many of the victims were gut-shot, in an obvious attempt to ensure a maximum amount of suffering before death.
1555. Nashville, AR, May 12, 2006
Public Abduction - Murder
"Arkansas State Police detectives say Lofton took them to a wooded area in Nashville, where they found Littleton dead."
A black male, Demeche Shaun Lofton, 27… abducted a young white female. Her lifeless body was later found in a field. Police determined she had died of strangulation. Motive appears to be robbery.
* Heather Littleton, 22 (college student)
1556. Clearfield, UT, Feb. 15, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
* Raechale Elton, 22
1557. Birmingham, Al, May 31, 2006
Dedrick Griham, 35, …charged up to a Lexus with a female inside (likely he'd been stalking her at her place of work). He put a gun to her head and told her to move over. She complied and the black man sped off. Many people were witness to this public abduction and called police (apparently this black man had to have this white female and didn’t care of the consequences). The white female was found alive at a motel a few hours later.
* Sandra Eubank Gregory, 34 (survived)
Note: NOTHING any white female can do about this type of crime.
1558. Beloit, WI, April, 2006
Armed Robbery- Attempted Rape- Murder
A black male, Shawn Brooks, 35…waited in the early morning hours for a white female to arrive for work. When she did Brooks pounced on her and killed her. Motive, police claim, “appeared " to be an attempted robbery.
Victim: :
* Julienne McGuire, 44
1559. Orlando, FL. May 24, 2006
Ambush - Murder
Two black Males, Kyle Keys, 20, Toris Oliver 23… charged up to a white female who had just stepped off a bus and, without provocation and without warning, gunned her down. The black males then grabbed her purse and fled.
1560. Wayne County, N.C., May, 2006
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Timothy W. Alston, 17… without cause or provocation shot to death a teenage white male.
Victim :
* John Paul Setliff, 17
1561. New Cumberland, PA, Aug. 19, 1994
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Seifullah Abdul-Salaam,…along with a black male accomplice were in the process of an armed robbery when a white male police officer arrived on the scene. Adul-Salaam gunned him down.
* Patrolman Willis Cole
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1562. Norfolk, VA, 2007
Racially Motivated Attack - White Victim Survives
Five black youths (names not released due to age) attacked an innocent white male teen, Damin O'Rourke, 13, and left him with sever bruises.
"They were kicking me and punching me in the face. They weren't aiming for nothing except my face."
Black Male Racism? You be the judge...
* At the end on the video is the infamous sucker punch
1563. Columbus, OH, July 22, 2003
Home Invasion Massacre
Three black males,
Vernon L. Spence, 30
Todd Bensonhaver, 27
Rodell Rahmaan,
…broke into a home where three young white people where living and murdered all of them in what police describe as “a robbery gone bad”.
Police: “The three victims were bound by electrical wire and shot execution-style in the back of the head.” The innocent white victims are:
* Aaron Grexa, 23,
* Erik Hlass, 22
* Kayla Hurst, 21
1564. Volusia County, FL, May 29, 1981
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male,Ted Herring,…walked into a convenience store and handed a white male clerk a note claiming this was a robbery. When the white male gave him the money from the register, black male Herring shot him in the head, then leaned over the counter so he he could shoot him two more times while he was laying on the ground.
Herring: “…now there's one less cracker."
Innocent Victim:
* Norman Dale Hoeltzel, 29
1565. Murfreesboro, TN, Sept. 25, 2007
Middle Tenn. Sate University - Sexual Assault - Attempted Murder
A black male, Kevin Sisco, 18…lured a white female into his dorm room. Paramedics arrived a short time later and found her barely breathing. A police officer described what he found in the dorm room:
“[Officer] Wortman said [the white female] had puncture wounds almost an inch deep, one ear that was almost severed from her head and a deep gash in the back of her scalp. He said it also appeared that she had been strangled.”
The innocent white female is:
* Ashley Manis, 18 (survived)
1566. Green Valley, NV, July 11, 2008
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Deonte Marshall, 28, …walked into a convenience store with a sawed-off shotgun, pointed it in the face of a white male clerk and demanded the money in the cash register. The white male complied. Once the black man received his money he pulled the trigger, blowing the face off of the white male.
Innocent white male:
* Steve Inman, 60 (survived a short time then died)
Victims daughter-in-law: "Putting [Marshall] in jail doesn't make Steve's leg work today or it doesn't get him off the ventilator, and it doesn't get rid of the double lung pneumonia or the bacterial infections, or the fact that he's been lying in a hospital bed for three months,"
1567. Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2008
Thrill Kill
A black male, Gerald Q. Davison, 16, …was in the passenger seat of his friend's car, along with three high school girls in the back seat. For reasons that aren't exactly clear, black male Davison pulled out a hand gun. The car drove by a group of four high school students (three white and one Hispanic). The driver then slowed the car and Davidson leaned out the passenger window and fired at the group four times, striking one of the white male students in the chest.
The white male teen died that evening.
Police speculate that Davidson shot at the group solely to impress the girls in the car (and the thought of going to prison for 25 to life was also, obviously, no deterrent).
* Christopher Privett, 15
1569. New York City, NY, April, 19, 1989
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Rape - Torture
Black and Hispanic youths go “wilding” and attack white people in Central Park
“One of the bicyclists, Gerald Malone, a burly 35-year-old advertising executive, said he and his fiancee, Patricia Dean, were pedaling north on the East Drive near 97th Street at about 9:20 in a tandem bicycle when a group of youths, covered to their eyes with hoods, jumped out in front of them. Fearing for his life and terrified for his fiancee behind him, Mr. Malone said he thought they would catch him and he aimed his bicycle at the youth he thought ''was the leader of the pack.''"
The black and some Hispanic racist youths who were caught are:
Raymond Santana, 15
Antron McCray 16,
Yusef Salaam, 16
“One final question remains: if the black intellectuals are correct when they tell us that a deep awareness of race is every black person’s constant companion, then wasn’t the gang rape of the white woman in the park also a racist hate crime? Or are we to believe that just as they began kicking her, stomping her, punching her, tearing her clothes off, mounting her, slashing her with a knife and smashing her face in with a rock, their hearts were miraculously swept clean of all racial consciousness. Perhaps it was just a hate crime against women. Either way it deserves to be called a lynching.”
1570. Holly Springs, ARK, June 20, 1997
Armed Robbery - Double Murder
Two black males, Ezekiel T.Harrison Jr. , Sedrice Maurice Simpson, 25,…walked into a grocery store where two white females were working . They demanded money from the cash register, which the girls complied. After the two black males received the money (about $300) both girls were gunned down with shotgun blasts to the their head.
* Wendy Pennington, 25
* Lena Sue Garner, 18
Note: The two girl victims here are believed to be white. However, in 1997 blacks made up about 75% of the Holly Spring’s population. If anyone has any information that can confirm the race of these two victims, indicate it below or e-mail me
1571. Little Rock, Ark., 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Alvin Bernal Jackson, 20,…murdered a white businessman during an armed robbery.
* Charles R. Colclasure, 47
Note: In 1995, Jackson murdered another white male, corrections officer Sgt. Scott Grimes, 41.
1572. Lexington County, S. Carolina, July 12, 1977
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Larry Gilbert, 32, and J.D. Gleaton, 22, during an armed robbery of a white-owned gas station, gunned down the owner.
* Ralph Stoudemire, 44 (shot 5 times)
1573. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016
Ambushed - Shot To Death - Four Bullets In The Head - By Black Female Acquaintance
Black Female Arrest/ convicted:
Breyiana Brown, 23 (30 year sentence - good behavior, she'll be out in 15 years))
White Female:
Michelle Verasmende , 19
1574. Memphis, TN, March 3, 2011
Ambush - Murder
Another pizza delivery driver goes down...
Two black males, Spencer Earnest , 17, unidentified... accosted a white male pizza delivery man at an apartment complex and demanded his cash. When the white male refused to hand it over, [police claim] black male Earnest gunned him down. A witness later came forward claiming that Earnest bragged about murdering the delivery driver. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted (Jan. 2012).
* Claude "Ron" Brake, 56
White Male Takes Black Male In As Roommate - MURDER
Ambush - Murder
A black male, D'Andre Michael Williams, 29,...murdered a white male who took him in as a roommate. No other details available. Note: Williams has been arrested for murder. Case has yet to be prosecuted.
John Joseph Sullivan, 53
1577. Richmond, VA, Feb. 2011
Ambush - Murder
* Barbara A. Stinnett, 26 (deceased)
* Miguel Rustin (bullet wound to the head -race unknown)
1578. Anderson County, TX, Jan. 26, 2000
Four blacks, Danielle Simpson, 20 (male) , Jennifer Simpson (wife), 16 , Lionel Simpson (brother), 15 and Edward McCoy, 13... broke into the home of an elderly white female and, while they were looking for valuables, the elderly lady had the great misfortune of returning home. The black youths abducted the elderly white female, tossed her in the trunk of her car ... and then drove around visiting various friends and acquaintances, showcasing their captive prisoner – who was still alive and pleading to be let go. The black kids then went to a bridge, took the elderly white female out of the trunk and threw her on the ground, where black male Danielle Simpson took a running start and booted her in the face. The elderly white female, still conscious, then had a large rock tied to her and was tossed from the bridge into the river.
* Geraldine Davidson, 84
Note: This is yet another of many, many examples of urban black teenagers with the attitude that they're going to do whatever the hell they want to do, and whenever they want to to do it. And, unfortunately for those in the white community, under the current forced integration system there is absolute no way to protect yourself. Black males have been given the right to strike at you whenever they to do so.
1579. Henrico County, VA, March 2011
Armed Robbery - Attempted Murder
Two unemployed black males, Khaleel H. Hamlin, 48, Christopher J. Turner, 47 (triggerman)...desperate for money robbed a bank then gunned down an innocent white male customer.
* Unidentified (survived a bullet wound to the stomach, however, he is paralyzed for life)
1580. Carlsbad, CA, Aug, 13, 2000
"Sexual Obsession" Leads to
A black male, Calvin Lamont Parker , 33, was (incredibly!) allowed to move into an apartment of a pretty white (Brazilian descent) female. There was no sexual activity and the female intended to keep it that way. However, and not surprisingly, the black male became sexually obsessed with her; and also angry that he wasn't "gettin' any" and left only to masturbate over her. "Parker wrote about his infatuation with Gallego and superimposed her face on the pictures of at least 75 of the hundreds of women in sexual positions that he had on his walls, his bed and in duffel bags." Parker began to hate her to the point that he planned her murder. Of course, before the murder, he also planned to rape her. However, this was not going to be just a rape and murder. All of Parker's sexual rage came out against the white female:: beating, hand-cuffing her to the beg, sodomy. For more than a day she had to endure the torture of Parker's sexual abuse...until he finally decided to end it by slitting her throat. Parker then dismembered the body and scattered her parts in dumpsters in various cities.
Innocent White Female:
* Patricia Gallego, 29
1581. Oxford, Alabama, Sept. 9
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Donquavious Dyvontae Russell , 18, Brandon Hawkins, 21 ...during an armed robbery of a pizza business gunned down a white female. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted.
* Barbara Exum, 56
1582. N. Carolina , July 21, 1991
Good Samaritan Murder
Two black males, Marcus Reymond Robinson , 18, Roderick Williams,
... asked a young white male for a ride and (incredibly!) the naive young white male agreed and allowed the black males into his car. "[t]he boy kept begging and pleading for us not to hurt him, because he didn't have any money." After ordering [the boy] out of the car, he was made to lie down. According to [Robinson], Williams then shot [the boy] in the face with the shotgun. [Robinson] then took [boys]'s wallet and split the money with Williams."
The prosecution presented evidence that Robinson said he wanted to kill a "whitey"...........
* Erik Tornblom, 17
1583. Middlesex County, NJ, Oct. 30, 2003
Public Ambush - Double Murder
A black male thug, Michael Ross II, 25, ...murder (ambushed and gunned down) two innocent young white males in a public parking lot in what police call a murder because of mistaken identity.
Victims (Russian immigrants):
* Alesky Bautin, 26
* Sergey Barbashov, 21
1583. Louisville, KY, Dec. 2010
Attempted Murder Of White Police Officer
A black male, Danta Watts, Jr. 20,...walked up behind a white police officer and shot him in the back.
* Officer Jody Speaks (survived)
1584. Handford, CA, August 4, 1997
Home Invasion - Abuse Of White Elderly - Murder
A black male, Thomas James Potts,...broke into the home of an elderly white couple - in their 70s - and murdered them. Motive was burglary/robbery.
* Fred Jenks
* Shirley Jenks
1585. Atlanta, GA, October 18th, 1998
Massacre At A Hotel
A black male, Timothy Carl Dawson, 38 ... barged into a hotel room and pulled a gun on three white males. Dawson then told the three to lie face down on the ground. All three were then shot in the head.
* Ronald Gutkowski, 51 (deceased)
* Philip Dover, 31 (deceased)
* Gerrold Shropshire, 50 (deceased)
1586. O'Fallon, IL, October 26, 2010
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Carey Breshers, 52,... kidnapped a white female from her place of business and took her to a secluded area where raped her repeatedly. Incredibly, the black male let the white female female go without physically harming her.
Carey Lonnell Breshers, Jr.
1587. Stationed in Germany ((Grafenwoehr) , Feb. 27, 1979
AMBUSH - Rape & Murder In The Military
A black male, Pfc. Wyatt L. Matthews, 22, waited for a military liberty to empty so he could rape a white female librarian. When the library did empty Mathews asked the white female (he had previously asked her out on a date but she flatly refused) to locate a book for him that he knew was in the back of the library. Mathews quickly locked all doors and corned the helpless white female. Armed with a pair of scissors, he attacked the white female and then raped her. After the rape, Mathews took his pair scissors and killed her - bludgeoned her 51 times.
* Phyllis Jean Villanueva, 29
1588. COLUMBUS, Ind.
Home Invasion - Child Rape - Murder
A black male, Demetrick Shepherd, 20, ... broke into a white female's apartment and when he spotted a sleeping teenager on the couch, naturally, a rape opportunity now existed and black male Shepherd wasn't going to pass it up. The teenager was raped then bludgeoned to death with a knife.
* Chelsea Porter, 14
1589. Franklin County, MO, Nov. 3, 2009
Black Male Murders Girlfriend
A black male, Vernell J. Loggins Jr.37,..when his white girlfriend tried to leave, according to her friends, black male Loggins wasn't going to allow that. "The murder in the first degree was outrageously or wantonly vile, horrible or inhuman in that it involved torture or depravity of mind . . . in that the defendant, while killing Stephanie M. Fields or immediately thereafter, purposely mutilated or grossly disfigured the body of Stephanie M. Fields by acts beyond that necessary to cause her death."
Stephanie Fields
1590. Hardin County , KY, July 2008
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Jermaine Kirkland , Jamah Harris ... barged into a white male's business and and in the course of their robbery murdered the white male business owner.
* Chuck Dole , 56
1591. Homewood, AL, 2008
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Joacquas Haywood, 25 ..., according to police, kidnapped a white female from her place of work. her whereabouts are unknown and she is presumed dead. This is most likely a rape and murder deal. Case has yet to be prosecuted.
Nadia Kersh
1592. Staten Island, NY, March 28, 2009
Home Invasion Ambush - Murder
A black male, Calvin Lawson, 28, ...ambushed and murdered a white female because - the black male believed - she told his girlfriend he (Lawson) was cheating on her.
* Caroline Wimmer, 26
1593. Gwinnett County, GA, March 2011
Armed Robbery - White Male Beat In The Head With A Hammer
Black males (unknown) in a take-over robbery of jewelry store , as one of the black males was exiting the store, without cause or provocation, slammed a hammer into the head of an innocent elderly white male, in an obvious racially motivated desire to kill him.
1594. Cleveland, OH, June 12, 2009
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Bobby King, 54 ...penniless and unemployed, demanded a white male business owner cash a stolen check. When he refused King stabbed him repeatedly...until he was dead. Note: No update yet regarding prosecution of this case (Feb. 2012).
* Maher Dayem, 39
http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2011/03/sentencings_arraignments_and_t.htmquot;Times New Romanl
1595. Volusia County , FL, Oct. 31, 2011
Black Male Knockdown Game Continues
The first white person I seez, I gonna whack um'...
Two black males, members of the California University football, Darnell Harding, 20, Michael Chambers, 23, with sucker punching thn stomping and kicking an innocent white male. Police claim it was part of a prearranged plan to beat-down "the first white person" they saw.
Name of white male victim not given
1596. Cleveland, OH, June 2 to June 18, 2009
A ONE MAN Terror Squad
A black male , Jeremiah Jackson, 27 ...was "convicted of 40 charges including aggravated murder, kidnapping and aggravated robbery stemming from a crime spree that terrorized victims in three counties, "... One of his white victims is represented below. Jackson was sentences to death and currently resides on death row in Ohio.
Innocent White Male:
Tracy Pickryl, 38
1597. Henderson, N. Carolina, 2011
Racially Motivated Attack
""At the best, they were stomping him in his throat," Angela said. "That night it was (showing with hands) this big all the way around."
She says her husband is still recovering and is no longer the same person."
When a white male , Eric Loznicka, accidentally struck a black male with his car, six feral black males raced to the white male's car and dragged him out. Then the beat-down began, stomping and kicking his head.
The six people who were arrested were charged only with misdemeanors. Yeah, you got it. All feral blacks males are to be charged with a misdemeanor.
Here be the blacks arrested for their cowardly gang attack (6 on 1) :
Lonny Hargrove,
Less Raglan,&nspan style=bsp;
Damien Trowbridge
Avon Fouch
two unidentified
1598. LA County, CA, July 17, 1990
Ambush -Thrill KILL
Two black males, Paul Sodoa Watkins, 21, (triggerman) Lucien Martin, 18, ...waited in a hotel parking lot with their car hood up, waiting for a gullible white person to come along and offer assistance. Unfortunately, a white male did come along, or was flagged down by the criminal-minded blacks, When the white male pulled up to the blacks' car, Watkins pulled a 9-mm semiautomatic handgun and demanded the white male's wallet. After the white male surrendered his wallet, Watkins gunned him down.
Innocent White Male:
* Raymond Garrett Shield, 61
1599. Lancaster County, PA, 2008
Ambush - Murders Former Girlfriend
A black male, Kenneth Brown Jr., couldn't stand the idea that a white female finally had had enough of him. The black male temperament kicked in and he wrapped his hands around the woman's neck.... and despite another person being there and trying to pry his hands from her neck, he would not let go until the white female was DEAD.
Tonya Fetrow, 28
1600. New Port Beach, CA, October 11, 1981
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, James Andrew Melton... answered an ad in a gay newspaper from a white male, who lived in the wealthy community of New Port Beach , and who was looking for a partner to settle down with. Since Melton wasn't gay, it was an obvious premeditated scheme to burglarize, rob and murder the elderly white male. The jury saw it the same way and sentenced him to death.
*Anthony DeSousa, 77
1601. Santa Barbara, CA, February 1986
Ambush - Murder
A black male , unemployed, George Herbert (Spider) Wharton , 35, ...was sentenced to death - in 1987 - for killing his [white] girlfriend, Linda L. Smith, 45, by beating her to death with a hammer. The murder appears to be an attempt by the black male to steal all of the white female's possessions and then sell them for whatever he could get, which explains the death sentence.
"Leighton Smith [former husband of Linda] contacted police when he discovered a hammer lying under a daybed. He also noticed many of the victim's possessions were missing, including coins, furs, jewelry, china, a television, a camera, a microwave oven, and a stereo."
"There was evidence that, in order to buy cocaine, defendant sold the victim's property after, and possibly before, her death."
White Victims Of Wharton:
* Robert Pierce -- murdered - UC Santa Barbara English professor in February 1975
* Rape of 61-year-old white female 1975 - she opened the door to him and he barged in with a butcher knife.
1602. Las Vegas, NV, May 10, 2006
Ambush - Murder
A black male and a Mexican male, Swuave Lopez, 17, James Carter Jr., 16, …wanted the Mustang that belonged to a young white male. They lured him out to the desert on a ruse, then gunned him down (police believe Lopez was the shooter). The white male was then dowsed with gasoline and set afire.
* Kyle Staheli, 18
1603. Akron , OH, 1972
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Charles Hunt ...was pulled over by a white male officer and when the officer reached the driver side window, Hunt shot him in the stomach. He then exited his car and shot another white male officer.
* Patrolman Stephen Ondas (deceased)
* Phil Brady (wounded--survived)
1604. Torrence, CA, July 11, 1979
Armed Robbery - Two Murdered
Two black males, Melvin Turner, 19 (triggerman), Teague Hampton Scott, 19 (a parolee given a job at the airport), ...walked up to two white people (male and female) at an airport hangar and pulled a 38-caliber handgun and demanded they lie face down on the ground, where they were then bound and gagged. After stealing the woman's car keys (they were there primarily to steal her sports car) and her cash and credit cards, and the male's wallet, both were then shot in the head.
* Dr. Joseph Hill, 35
* Joella Champion, 44
1605. Springfield, IL, March 13, 2010
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Eric Denson, 21, ... deliberately stabbed a young white male to death during a birthday party. Denson was found guilty of 1st degree murder with premeditation. However, the prosecution offered no motive for the black male's attack.
* Conor W. Reynolds , 18
1606. Waterbury, CT, Dec. 18, 1992
White Police Officer Ambush - Murder
A black male, Richard Reynolds, ...was spotted by a white male officer who believed he was likely ready to , or did, pull some criminal act ( it was 4 a.m.). When the officer got out of his car to question Reynolds, he pulled a gun and shot the officer in the head.
* Officer Walter Williams, 34 (deceased - wife, baby on the way)
1607. St. Paul MN, 2007
Former Girlfriend Is Strangled To Death
A black male, Zachery Matthews, 21, strangled his former girlfriend to death, then set her on fire.
1608. Oak Lawn, IL, May 13, 1999
Prison Escapee Guns Down Four People In Armed Robbery
A black male, Ricardo Harris, ...an escapee from Michigan Dept. of Correction, walked into a liquor store and, without cause or provocation, shot two people to death (store owner and his wife). After Harris helped himself to the cash in the register and he was heading toward the door two white females walked into the store. Both of of them were immediately shot.
Dipak Patel ( Indian descent, store owner, shot in the back)
Ambala Patel (Indian descent, deceased)
* Helen Chisnick (w/f -- miraculously survived a bullet wound to her abdomen)
* Christine Chisnick (w/f -- miraculously survived THREE bullet wounds, two to her abdomen and one to her pelvic area)
1609. Pittsburgh, PA, July 2010,
Public Abduction - Abuse Of Child - Rape- Murder
A black male (career sexual predator), Tushon Brown, 35, ...abducted a 14-year-old white girl , raped her then murdered her. Browns's wife ratted him out.
* Lauren Deis, 14
1610. Griffith Ind. April 2011
A black male Robert Lewis III , 38 AKA 'Dollar Rob' - who lived at home with his mommy and was unemployed - met a white female at a local restaurant//bar and, at around 2 am, he pleaded with her to give him a ride home (he had no car). The white female agreed. She was found the next day at a schoolyard nude, raped and murdered. Note: Lewis claims he innocent and that he never left with the white female. However, video surveillance shows him doing just that. Case yet to be prosecuted. UPDATE:: Robert Lewis was found guilt of rape and murder...and received an 88 years prison term.
* Jennifer Kocsis, 37
1611. San Bernardino County , CA, between January & March, 1992
Depravity Rape -Murder
The "Red Dragon" Rapist
A black male, Johnny Duane Miles, 25, among his many rape victims was a white female, who was also murdered after Miles finished his "deed." Miles was dubbed the Red Dragon rapist because he always wore a red hat when he committed one of his numerous rapes.
Cost of terrorizing innocent people: "The woman who was raped also wrote a letter to the judge in which she said, "I beg you please keep him away from me and my loved ones forever." The woman also said Miles appears in her nightmares. In a pre-sentencing report, she said she was unable to return to work and continues to receive counseling."
Innocent White Female:
* Nancy Willem, 35 (decease)
1612. Oak Park, IL, July 31, 2003
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Rodney Adkins, 34, was in the process of burglarizing a white female's apartment when she unexpectedly came home. Naturally, the white female had no chance... She was immediately set upon, beaten mercilessly, then stabbed repeatedly ...until she was dead.
Innocent White Female:
* Catherine McAvinchey, 44
1613. Indianapolis, IN,October of 2007
Home Invasion - Depravity Rape - Murder
A black male, Nathaniel Anderson, 21... climbed through a window of a white female's home and when she confronted him he beat her then stabbed her to death. Anderson then decided not to waste an opportunity to rape the dead corpse, which he did. Anderson then burglarized the place and fled. Anderson was nailed later through a DNA hit. If only he hadn't had sex with the dead white female.
* Jane Pepper , 44
1614. San Jose, CA 1981
Ambush - Rape - Murder
A black male, Melvin Forte,...carjacked then raped and murdered a white female.
White Victims:
* Ines Sailer, 23 (German visitor)
Other White Victims of Black Male Forte:
* Dawn O'Malley (1982 -murdered in a home invasion - fiancée to David Wallace)
* David Wallace (1982- murdered in a home invasion)
1615. Miami, FL, Dec. 2010
Ambush - Mail Carrier Gunned Down
Two black males , Mentor Pikerson and Saubnet Politasse, were arrested for the ambush and murder of a [white male] mail carrier. They then stole the mail truck. Note: Killing a federal postal worker will likely get these two cowards a death sentence. UPDATE: Both career criminals received life in prison. The walk-up murder of the white male was a scheme cooked up to steal people's identity and they needed the mail carrier's box key.
1616. San Mateo County, CA, June 2, 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male (career criminal), Tyler Hutchinson , 21 ...broke into the home of an elderly white male and in the course of his burglary mercilessly beat the white male homeowner. The elderly white male died two weeks later from his injuries.
* Albert Korn , 88
1617. DeLand, Fl, Nov. 8, 2010
It Only Took ONE Date ... And She Was DEAD
A black male ,Willie Hicks Jr., 32, unemployed, met a white female singles ad in the newspaper. She agreed to a date with Hicks ... and no one ever saw her alive again. Police found her stuffed in her car trunk. Hicks was quickly arrested and charged with her murder. He's also charged with raping another female with a knife pressed to her throat. She luckily survived. UPDATE: Hicks was found guilty and received a term of life in prison.
Danielle Santangelo, 34 (deceased)
1618. Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 2005
Stalker Finally Got His Victim
A black male , Phillip Busey, 46,...homeless and just released from prison (he was sentenced to 23-years and served only one year), had apparently been stalking a white female for at least a few days (in her predominantly white community), watching her routine, which included leaving early in morning to go to work. When the opportune time came for Busey's much anticipated rape, he armed himself with a brick and, as the white female was leaving her house in the morning, Busey grabbed her, wrestled her to the ground, raped her twice (apparently, outside her home), then bludgeoned her to death with the brick.
* Kathryn Hauser , 52
1619. Moore County , N. Carolina, June 2010
Armed Robbery - Murder
Randy Joel Williams, 17, (triggerman)
Paris Yusef Mack, 17, (charged as get-away driver)
Demarcus James Dennison, 18,
...barged into a white-owned convenience store and, before they left, gunned down two elderly white people.
* Grace Kelly, 75 (survived)
* Angus Kelly, 78 (deceased - pic)
1620. Akron, OH, May 28, 2010
Home Invasion - Elderly Rape - Murder
A black male, Devon Owens, 38, .. climbed in through a bedroom window and beat, raped and then murdered an elderly white female.
* Clara Virginia Wilfong, 73
1622. Dearborn MI, Dec. 8, 2009
Ambush - Murder
He stole her husband's life...
A black male ,
Shannon Maurice Holmes, 32, pulled a knife and bludgeoned to death an unarmed white male - stabbed 35 times! They apparently where acquainted with each other and Holmes became angry over something (details lacking).
Christopher Cser, 31
1623. Snellville, GA, April 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two black male, unidentified, barged into the home of a white couple, terrorized them and shot a white male.
"The two invaders are described as two black males....
He adds, " A third black driver might have been involved. The group all left in a red sedan passenger car".
* Mr. Marvin Tyus, 47 (deceased)
1624. Omaha, NE, April 5, 2011
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Tyrese Phillips, 23, got into an argument with a young white male, then pulled his concealed gun and shot him multiple times.
* Joseph Piper, 19 (deceased)
1625. Indianapolis, IN, September 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Murder
Robert Williams, 41, ... broke into the home of of a white female and in the course of his burglary was confronted by the white female. She ended up being knifed to death. Note: Because of forced integration (specifically the Fair Housing Act), Williams was allowed to live next door to the white female. I also find it very strange that there was no reported rape in the incident.
"He was linked to the crime by DNA evidence."
* Sandy Bartenbach, 58
1626. Jacksonville, FL, Oct. 5 , 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Lamar Desean Hayes, 22, Marvin Vincent Jenkins, 20, ... gunned down a white male in his apartment.
* Timothy J. Pemberton (college student)
1627. Jefferson County, AL, May 22, 2009
Ambush - Murder
A black male,Anthony Lane, 21 ...spotted a white male by himself washing his car at a public do-it-yourself car wash. Lane apparently couldn't resist the opportunity to ambush the white male. Land charged up to the white male and , at gunpoint, demanded his wallet. When Lane received the wallet, without cause or provocation, he gunned down him down.
* Frank Wright, 57
Read Frank's obituary.
1628. Gwinnett County , GA, Feb. 5, 2009
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Marcus Huff, 35...was loaned money by a kindhearted white male. However, Huff didn't want to (or couldn't) repay the loan, so he figured an easy way out of his "problem" would be to just murder the white male. Huff ambushed the white male and bludgeoned him to death with a knife (over 30 stab wounds). UPDATE: Huff, during his trial has claimed the white male was a homosexual and was so eager for sex with black male Huff, that Huff was forced to defend himself - with a butcher knife. No proof of this homosexuality exists. The jury also didn't buy Huff's obvious tall tail and convicted him of murder.
1629. Alameda, CA, April, 29, 2011
Ambush - Murder
Three black males, Richard Ezell, 22, , Charles Kimbrough, 29 and Christopher Donaldson Jr., 22, were booked for the murder of a white male. The charges include lying in wait to commit a robbery, and special circumstances were added for the murder of the white male during the commission of the crime.
William Adrian Falcon Sapp, 32 (deceased)
1630. Kansas City, MO, March 2012
Young White Male Set On Fire By Blacks
'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'"
A sixteen year-old white male was approached by a group of black youths, and without any provocation, doused with gasoline then while he was struggling to get into his home , a black male with bic- lighter said, 'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'" The identity of the black youths were not given.
The boy was rushed to the hospital.
1631. SPRINGFIELD, Mass, March 2010
Two black males, Anthony Moore, 23, unidentified, broke into the home of a white female and when she came home during the burglary, Moore and his accomplice fist shot the white female in the leg. Apparently, the shot in the leg was to force the female to to tell them where the household valuables were. Once the black males located all the household valuables, Moore then shot the white female in the head. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted. UPDATE: Black male Moore was found guilty. Received LWOP.
* Margaret Przewozniak, 22
1632. Pasco County , FL, July 28, 2006
Ambush - Made His Would-Be Victims BEG - Murder
Two black male, Luc Pierre-Charles Jr.18, ,Wesley Chapel,... took advantage of a naive white male who gave rides to classmates for gas money. The black males used him to cart them to drug deals and other criminal activities. When the white male was asked by a friend to take him to get some marijuana, he took his friend to see Charles. The two were never seen alive again.
"[LucPierre-Charles} He talked about how he made the victims beg for their lives.
He bragged about how he emptied his gun into their backs.
He even demonstrated how he did it"
* Derek James Pieper , 17
Raymond Veluz (Asian male)
1633. Steubenville, OH, July, 29, 2006
Ambush - Murder
Three black males, Antonio Clifford, 19, Byron Johnson, 20, Patrick Thurman, 19, murdered a white male in a parking lot. According to police, the white male was shot in the head while he sat in his car (only about 100 ft from a police station).
* Joshua Ryan Sweat, 28
1634. Shreveport. LA, October, 2007
Ambush... MURDER
A black female, Lisa Chantelle Robinson, 20, became angry at a white male (roommate?) and retrieved a knife... then stabbed him repeatedly...until he was dead. Jury convicted Robinson of 2nd degree murder.
* Richard England, 24 (member of US Air Force)
1635. Ramsey County , MN 2008
Family Massacre
Victims of Daughter's Boyfriend ::
* Jolyn Hazel Vigen, 75
* Jennifer Gail Vigen, 35 (daughter )
1636. Bronx, NY, Jan. 5 , 2011
Abuse Of Elderly - Murder
A black male, Tyrone Ragland, 50, approached an elderly white female and DEMANDED money (he was a crack addict). When the white female refused, Ragland pulled a knife and bludgeoned her to death. Black male Ragland found $80 in her purse.
Ethel Klein, 70
1637. Wilmington, DE, August 2011
Ambush - Beatdown - Attempted Murder
Pack of blacks attack a food delivery man...and literally beat him into unconsciousness.
"According to investigators, the victim told them he was making a delivery when he was met by an unknown black male. The victim said six other black males appeared and began to strike him in the head and face until he lost consciousness."
1638. Terre Haute, Ind, April 3, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Anton Grant , 43, broke into a white male's home and beat him to death with the butt of a shotgun. Motive unknown. Case yet to be prosecuted. UPDATE: Black male cops plea...and is given a whopping 10-tear sentence for the brutal murder.
Victim's wife after sentence: “I didn’t see any remorse with this person,” she said of Grant. “It was just like it was a laughing matter.”
* Raymond Hamilton, 53
1639. Snohomish County, WA, Oct. 22, 1979
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - - Murder
White female brings a black man into a white community...Result? MURDER
A black male, Gregory D. Johnson, 26, became angry at a white female who had WARNED her best friend (presumably a white female) to not see him anymore. When Johnson heard of this warning, he drove over to the white female's home, barged inside and then shot her in the head. Johnson was nailed 31 one years later.
Innocent White Female:
* Susan Schwartz, 26
1640. Houston, TX, June 2004
Public Ambush - Murder
Two black males…saw an easy target in a young white male. It was 3 am and they had a gun. The unidentified black males charged up to the white male, who had just dropped off his girlfriend, pulled their concealed gun and made him give up his wallet. When he asked for the empty wallet back, the blacks gunned him down.
* Russell Reagan, 21
NOTE: Only ONE web site remaining on this incident.
Pic of Russell and a sketch of the perps can be found on link below.
1641. Mobile, AL, October 2008
Ambush - Thrill Kill - Murder
A black male, Jarvis Williams , 14, ...was hangin' out when a young white male drove up and inquired about buying $5.00 worth of marijuana. Instead, the black youth pulled a gun on him. When the white kid surrendered all his money (the $5.00), the little black fiend gunned him down.
Cory Landrum, 19
1642. Portland, OR, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Michael Allen Nunley, …abducted a white female and took her his home where he repeatedly raped, tortured (with a blow torch and lit cigarette butts) and humiliated her by dragging her around his home naked. The white female survived by escaping when the black male left the home. She was found - nude - in the street by police.
1643. Brewton, Alabama, 1988
Ambush - Rape- Murder
A black male, Edward Russell Dubose, ...somehow obtained knowledge that a young white female worked alone in a church (she cleaned up to earn money for college) and decided a very good rape opportunity existed -- and black male Edward Russell Dubose certainly wasn't going to let that opportunity pass by. He walked into the church, located the white female, beat her mercilessly, raped and sodomized her, then strangled her to death.
* Stephanie King , 16
1644. South Bend, IN, 2009
Ambush - Murder
Two black youths, Dentrell Brown , 13, Joshua Love , 18... tried to sell fake crack cocaine to a white male crack addict, but when the white male noticed it was fake he threatened to go the police if his money wasn't returned. For black male fiend Dentrell Brown, this was now cause to murder him. So he took out his concealed handgun - that he always kept with him - and shot the white male in the head.
Gerald Wenger, 35
1645. Amarillo, TX, April 18, 2009
Home Invasion - Ambush - Double Murder
A black male, Wilbert Banks, 27, ...broke into the home of a white couple looking for a female, Natasha Coil, his ex-wife. He rounded up all three then proceeded to gun them down. However, when Banks pointed the gun at Coil, the gun jammed.
* Stephanie Beard, 24 (deceased)
* Daniel Britten, 24 (deceased)
1646. State Of Washington 1990
Sexually Depraved - Sadistic - Black Male Serial Killer Of White Females
The "Vampire Killer"
A black male, George Waterfield Russel , who liked hanging around the white community, developed a casual way that would allow white females to let their guard down to him. Little did these white females know how mentally depraved - SICK - this black man really was. Apparently, he started his sadistic killing spree [on white females] at age 32. Three white females, between June and Sept. 1990 fell victim:
1. "Mary Ann Pohlreich (WF, 27), by strangling her outside;
postmortem poised body so that legs and arms were crossed with a pinecone
underneath hands as if in coffin; also, covered her eye with a plastic top"
2. "Carol Beethe (WF, 35) by beating in the head; bit her on arms;
post-mortem: kicked, shoved gun 5.5 inches up vaginal area, wrapped head in plastic
wrap,covered with a large pillow, and posed body so legs were spread towards the door"
3. "Killed third victim, Andrea Levine (WF, 24), by stabbing 250 times; bashed back of
skull in, shoved an electric sex toy down her throat, and placed the book More Joy of
Sex in her left hand."
1647. Poteau, Oklahoma, February 2012
White Female Doused With Gasoline And Set On Fire
Black Male Arrested For Murder:
Donnie Lee Harris Jr., 29
* Kristi Ferguson, 25 (languished for days before finally succumbing to burns)
1648. Augusta, GA, Aug. 26 , 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male , Kelvin S. Johnson, 25 (ex-convict), broke into the home of an elderly white couple and then murdered them. He then helped himself to household items and fled. Note: Case is being prosecuted. UPDATE: Black male murderer admits guilt... is then sentenced to LWOP.
"Johnson shot her through the neck then stepped over her body as she lay dying to steal the couple’s television set, said District Attorney Ashley Wright."
* Martha Greene, 69 (deceased)
* T.C. Green (survived)
1649. Savannah, GA, April 2011
Ambush - Pocket Change Murder
A black male (career criminal), Pedro Walker, 41, waited for a white male insurance agent to arrive at his address. When he did, back male Walker attacked him, stabbing him multiple times ...until he was dead. Walker then rifled through his pockets for whatever change he could find.
* Christopher Shuman, 33
1650. Albany, NY, June 13, 2010
White Male Beat-Down - Left In Coma
Judge: "I've been a judge for 17 years," Herrick said. "I've never seen injuries to a victim such as the injuries to the victim in this case."
Three black male fiends, Lukee Forbes, 15, Roscoe Irving, 18, and Quayvaun Young, 20, ...decided they wanted to have some innocent fun. One of the teens had a tree branch and was dyin' to use it on any white person. The three blacks spotted an adult white male, charged up to him, then began beating him in the head...until they thought he was dead. They then rifled through his pockets looking for some spare change.
Grumblings of a psycho: "I don't think that I should be here!" Lukee Forbes, 16, told Judge Stephen Herrick, whom he accused of railroading him. "I was going to be a foreign-exchange (student) ... this is not fair."
* Louis Stelling, 31
1651. Michigan City, MI , March 2012
Sucker Punch
A black male, Shelly S. Miller, 37, who was apparently summoned by his daughter to "take care of " the white assistant coach , who was making her run laps for (surprise) fighting, walked up to the coach, then landed the infamous (and cowardly) black male sucker punch. Not surprisingly, the black male coward, once the white male was on the ground and unconscious, continued to beat him in the face and head.
Note: I'm assuming the daughter sicked her animal dad on the coach since , the way the story is written, it sounds like the black male simply walked up on the white male and punched him. Well, how did the black male know this particular coach was the one who made his daughter run the laps? Only one way::daughter called cowardly dad by cell phone.
Will this sucker puncher get a lawsuit? I hope so!
INCREDIBLY! Miller actually entered a not guilty plea, even tho many other people watched his sucker punch beat -down. Also, he broke his wrist punching the white male in the face.
1652. Bakersfield, CA, 2010
Home Invasion - Abuse Of White Elderly - MURDER
A black male and two vicious black females, Katila Nash, 15, David Moses, 17, Angelique Nash, 17, ...broke into the home of an elderly white female and literally beat her to death. Case being prosecuted. Also, 15-year-old black female is being tried as adult.
* Dorothy Pauline Session
1653. Columbia, S. Carolina, May 2007
Ambush - Murder
Five blacks,
Walter Fayall, 25, (triggerman),
Jerome Washington , 26 (accessory after fact),
Asia Prioleau, 24, (accessory after fact)
Brian Smalls, 28 (accessory after fact),
Asia Arlene O’Neil, 24,
... were pulled over by a white male constable for some in unknown traffic offense. When the officer reached the car, Fayall (police claim was the triggerman) gunned him down.
* Constable Robert Bailey, 67
1654. Brazil & Terre Haute, IN, 2000 to 2004
White Females
A black male, Kevin L. Hampton, 43, stalked , raped and murdered three women, two of them young teenage white females.
* Tanette "Toni" Dickison, 18 (kidnapped, raped and murdered in 2004 by black male Hampton)
* Diana Lehman, 18 (raped and murdered in a home invasion - in 2000)
Cassie M. Harris, 48 (b/f) - known prostitute
1655. Jefferson County, TX, March 2012
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Bartholomew Granger, 41, went on a shooting rampage at a courthouse, where his 20-year-old daughter apparently gave testimony against him , claiming he had raped her. Shot were his ex-wife, his daughter and an elderly white female.
* Minnie Ray Sebolt, 79 (deceased - gunned down for the sheer thrill of it)
1656. Allegheny County , PA, March 14, 2010
Ambush - Walk-Up MURDER
Another Pocket Change MURDER
Two black male teens ( high school dropouts & unemployed), Cordell Brown, 18 (accused triggerman), Tyrone Thomas, 17, walked up to a middle-aged white male while he was walking his dog, and simply gunned him down. Then rifled through his pockets hoping to find pocket change. Oh, Tyrone is also waiting trial for standing out front front of a house occupied with a "bunch" of people and firing into the house. (Yeah, black kid Tyrone just never got a break in racist America. He deserve PITY).
* Mark Barry, 55
Note: Two other black males were also involved but were not identified. No way for a white person to defend himself against this kind of predatory AMBUSH.
1657. Oakland, CA , Aug. 9, 1974
"Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape Of White Child - MURDER
A black male,Curtis Tucker, 23, somehow became aware of a 13-year-old white female home alone. He posed as a delivery man and knocked on the door. When the young girl confirmed she was the only one in the home, that's when black male Tucker attacked her. He first beat the little girl, then he raped her. After the vicious rape, Tucker retrieved a blunt object , and while the terrified little girl was crying and begging to be left alone, Tucker beat her to death.
Julie McElhiney, 13
Note: Tucker in 1972 posed as a delivery man in an attempt to get entry into w white female's home. Once inside, Tucker attacked the white female and tried to rape her. However, Tucker was unaware another white female was there and during the vicious attack she clocked Tucker in the head with a lamp, rendering him unconscious until police arrived.
1658. St. Louis County, MO, Aug. 29, 2000
Ambush - School Teacher Gunned Down
A black male, Derrick Luster to 27,... walked up to a white female in a parking lot and the gunned her down. Luster then stole her purse and fled. However, the black male's baseball cap fell off which police recovered.
Note: Luster was nailed in 2006 with DNA evidence. Luster took a plea deal that will allow him to get out of prison before he hits 50.
White Female:
* Joyce Belrose, 57
1659. Levittown, PA, Dec. 28, 2011
Home Invasion - Murder
Four [presumed] blacks, including a black female, Danasia Bakr, 17, who police claim was the getaway driver, were involved in a home invasion murder of a white male -- and very popular musician. The three [presumably] black males are still being sought. Police will not yet release their names to the public.
* Danny DeGennaro, 56
1660. Jacksonville, FL, December 2009
Another Pizza Driver Ambush...MURDER
Three black teens,Gregory Byrd Jr., 17, Keon Sams, 16, Jonathan Hartley, 15, (apparently the triggerman),...thought they'd figured out an easy way to get some quick pocket change and also a FREE PIZZA. They phoned in a pizza delivery and then waited to ambush the driver. Unfortunately, a white female was sent on the run and when she got to the apartment complex she was was - as planned -gunned down by the black fiends. Total take by the black mastermind teens was less than $40.00.
* Sarah Hotham, 57
1661. Cunningham, KY, March 2012
White Male Beaten To Death - Three Blacks Arrested
Arrested were black males, Kendrick Hunt, 20, Jeremy Irons, 25, and Connel Mounday, 26. They are being charged with kidnapping, robbery, and capital murder.
* Derek Moore, 30
1662. Hastings, MN, Aug. 4, 2008
Ambush - Man Brutally Beat-Down Then Stomped To Death
Hastings police::: "was the worst act of violence ever reported at the state-operated veterans home."
A black male, Randall Sears, 45, who lived at a residence home for veterans, which treats veterans with mental health issues or those involved with drug dependencies, got into an altercation with a white male and the white male was literally beat and stomped to death. Note: My keen sense for black criminal behavior tells me this was likely a robbery situation and the white male caught the black man in the act of stealing.
* Richard L. Jackson, 54
1663. Sherman Oaks, CA, March 26, 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Mother Recalls TERROR by Phone From Son...As he's dying
Three black males, Daryl Sconiers Jr.,26, Kenyon Aikens, 25, and Marquise Edwards, 22, believing there was marijuana and cash in the apartment (wasn't), and using a ridiculous ruse, barged into the apartment of a white male and beat him, then shot him in the face and back. Before he died he called his mother and pleaded for her to save him. The blacks apparently gained entry to the white male's apartment by claiming "we be police officers - workin' undercover", and the white male - obviously- bought the tall tale. It cost him his life.
* Brian Caufield, 31
1664. Kansas, City, MO, March 2012
Racially Motivated Gang Attack
A group of six black males were out hunting for a white person (male or female) to beat-down. They found a 50-year-old white male walking alone (from the store) and strolled up to him and asked if he could give them directions - classic set-up line for the infamous sucker punch. When the feral black youths got within sucker punch range, the designated sucker puncher socked the white male in the face. Then the typical beat-down and stomping and kicking in the head began. The blacks then ran off giggling. The white male was rushed to the hospital and suffered numerous injuries, including a fractured hip. No arrests have yet been made.
White male victim's name withheld
1665. Charlotte, N. Carolina, April 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Murder
A black male, Gordon Franklin McMullen, 47, (career criminal) broke into an elderly white female's home, beat her mercilessly demanding to know where all her money and valuables were, then stabbed the woman to death.
* Mildred Clontz , 92
1666. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, April 29, 2011
Ambush- Cabbie Murder
Awhite female cab driver allowed a black male Johnathan D. Mitchell, 33 , into her cab ( at night!), where she was taken to a secluded location, then shot in the head in an apparent robbery attempt. Apparently the white female, even with a gun pointed at her, refused to give up her money.
White Female:
* Cathy Stickley
1667. Baton Rouge , LA, May 2011
Ambush - Murder
"Police said Collins and another suspect, identified only as a 28-year-old man, pulled guns on eight people standing outside the home and told them to empty their pockets."
A black male, Mohammed Collins, 19, during an attempted robbery, gunned down an innocent white male.
Note: Case Yet to be prosecuted.
* Jonathan Calvert, 28
1668. Marion County, KY , May 25, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Young white male forgot to check the peep hole! It costs him his life.
Two black males, Adrian Lamont Benton, 26, Raymond Larry Wright, 24,... walked up to a house (in a white community) and knocked on the front door. Unfortunately, a young white male failed to check in the peep hole as who was at the door. The door was opened and one of the black men, apparently Raymond Wright, pulled a gun and demanded money. For unknown reasons, Wright pulled the trigger and killed the young kid.
* John Graves Mattingly III, 23 (college student)
1669. San Bernardino County, CA, April, 8, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Rayford "Hen" Newsome, 29,Lewis Wade, 38 , observed a couple of black females fighting and charged over to the scene. When two young white males tried to break up the fight, Newsome drew a gun and, for no reason what-so-ever, shot at both of them, striking one of the white males. Wade has plead guilty to his involvement in the attempted double murder and agreed to testify against Newsome.
* Michael Subacz, 19 (deceased)
* Mitchell Welsh (survived murder attempt)
1670. Sussex County, New Jersey Nov. 2009
TERROR...Elderly White Female Ambushed By Her [Black] Taxi Driver After He Dropped Her Off At Her Home - Brutal Murder
A black male taxi driver, Leslie Small, 51, picked up an elderly white female and drove her to her home. Apparently, the elderly white female needed to go inside her home to get money for the cabbie and Small followed her, then stabbed her to death.
June McCarson, 78
1671. San Fransisco, CA, Aug. 8, 2010
Gangbanger Shootout - -Murder (German Tourist)
Five black males,
Raheem Jackson, 17,
Marcus Blueford, 19,
Phillip Stewart,
Delvon Scott,
Willie Eason,
...were shooting at rival gangbangers. One of the bullets fired hit a German tourist and killed her. UPDATE: All the black criminals in this case pleaded guilty...to "lesser charges" and will receive minor prison terms ranging from 5 to 10 years.
* Mechthild Schroer, 50
1672. Carlisle, PA, Jan. 23, 2009
Public Abduction - Rape -Murder
Two black males, Richard A. Hodge, 44, George Brooks, 46, forced a white female into an alley and raped her then murdered her. However, since she was dead, and the black males the only witnesses, they told police a different story. They said the sex was consensual (in a back alley?). And somehow, well , the situation escalated and they just , well, sort of, you know(?), decided to murder the white female. Obviously, the prosecutor had little evidence to get a 1st degree murder, so he was left with only third degree murder.
White Female:
Sheila Kline, 45
1673. Las Vegas, NV, March 1, 2012
Black Male Kids Continue To Strike At White Adults - MURDER
Three black males, Daniel Jarod Goodman, 18, Jurdoun Foger Holmes, 18, Tyler John Ashley, 15, phoned an auto salvage yard telling a white male office manager they had two cars to sell him, hoping the white male would show up with cash to buy the cars. Naturally, there were no cars. And, unfortunately, the white male fell for the black ruse. When the white male showed up at the designated spot to meet the black teens, he was immediately gunned down.
* Wallace David Zarza, 44
1674. Salt Lake City, UH, Jan. 1, 2010
Good Samaritan Ambushed - Attempted Murder
A kindly elderly white woman would often allow people to live in her large house. On one occasion she allowed a homeless black male, Arthel Martin, 45, to live in her basement. Result? The black male ambushed her and beat her mercilessly, then tried to smother her. Lucky for the elderly white female, other house guest heard the screams for help and rushed to her aid. They ended up saving her life. The attack was so brutal the elderly white female has blotted it out from her memory. But she knows something very terrible happened to her. That much she knows...and will know for the rest of her days.
"Anne Smart-Pearce can't sleep at night anymore."
* Anne Smart-Pearce, 86
1675. St. Louis, MO, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Rico Paul, 18, was already a convicted burglar and apparently part of a black male burglary gang. When a white male interrupted the burglary of his neighbor's home, Paul pulled his gun and gunned him down.
* Paul Reiter, 58
1677. Dothan, AL, Sept. 26, 1981
Ambush - Murder
Nathaniel Dennis, 27, walked up to a white male, demanded cash, then , after receiving the cash, Dennis gunned down the white male. Dennis was nailed 30 years later through DNA evidence.
* Ernest Russell Douglas, 45
1678. Greenwood, LA, April 1, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Sadistic Murder
Two black males,Felton Dorsey, 35, Randy Wilson ...approached the home of an elderly white female and knocked on the door. When she answered the blacks claimed they were interested in the car in her driveway. They were actually determining if she was home alone. When Dorsey and Wilson believed she was alone in the home, at gunpoint they barged inside. In the course of the burglary elderly woman's son confronted the the black males and was then brutally pistol whipped, tied up, then, as he lay semi-conscience, Dorsey doused him with a flammable liquid and burned him to death --as his mother watched.
* Joe Prock, 52
1679. Tulsa, OK Sept. 2013
Two Black Males Ambush And Gun Down Three People In A Home Invasion
Motive, according to police, was armed robbery.Case not yet prosecuted.
Darrelle Goff, 24
Jordan Batice Mitchell, 20
Christian Dehart , 22 (pic - died from injury)
Unidentified (critically wounded)
Unidentified (treated at hospital and released)
1680. La Crosse , Wis, March 2012
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Izelia Golatt , 44, career criminal and convicted murderer, and also known crack dealer, met a white female addict telling her he could get get her some crack. Apparently, Golatt lured the white female to a secluded arena, and either he didn't have the crack or he just didn't want to give it up, and, desiring the $10.00 of cash the woman had to buy the crack, Golatt murdered the woman. UPDATE: Golatt was convicted and received LWOP.
* Kristen Tabbert Rodgers, 35
1681. Detroit, MI, March 17, 2010
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Kevin Hill, 34, got into a an argument with a [white] male valet. Hill then used his car to run over the defenseless person, which was caught on video surveillance. Hill was nailed after he produced a phony driver's license to officers at a traffic stop. UPDATE: No known disposition to this case is available on the internet..
* Jeremy Wagner
1682. West Jordan, UT, July 2009
Black Male Ambush - Murder
Black Male Murders Young White Kid Over IPod
A black male, Joshua Buie, 17, was convinced a white male stole his IPod. He decided to get even. And since he had a gun he knew the best "black" way to settle the score. He was going to gun him down. Bruie walked to to the defenseless white male, pulled a gun and shot him point blank tree times. The dopey black male received a sentence of life in prison --over a friggin IPod!
Innocent White Male:
* Stephen Lasiloo, 21
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Elderly White male beat to death for his wallet...
A black male (unkown identity) was captured on surveillance video exiting an apartment occupied by an elderly white male, who was later found viciously beat to death.
Innocent White Male:
* Joseph Sibilla, 83
1684. Decatur, IL, Aug. 24, 2009
'Knock Down' Game - Black Racism
A group of nine black male youths decided to have some "black" fun. They were gonna play the 'knock down' game. This game involves walking up to a white person (usually a middle-aged male) and then a designated black male socks him in the face. The objective is to deck him with one punch - then you a man. Another black male usually films the attack (it's often sold in the "hood"). Once the white male is on the ground, then the other black youths jump in and the head kicking and stomping begins. The objective is to kill.
Blacks Arrested For Murder
Elliott T. Murphy, 18
Deonta "Fuss" Johnson, 16
7 other black feral youths unidentified
"They were jumping on him like he was a trampoline, basically."
White Male Victims:
* Jerry Newingham, 61 (deceased)
* Kevin S. Wilson, 46 (survived with very serious injuries)
1685. Seneca, S. Carolina, March 17, 2012
Gang Attack - Racist Beat-Down
A group of six blacks men, Teryn Robinson, 18, Tray Holland, 19, Justin Alexander, 20, Derick Williams, 22, Kino Jones, 25, and Montrez Jones, 22, have been arrested and charged with a hate crime hate crime. The six are accused of ganging up on a lone white male and literally beating him into unconsciousness.
Name of injured white male not released
1686. New York, NY, Oct. 30, 2007
Ambush - Murder
housekeeper strikes at white employer...
Natavia Lowery, 27, apparently was caught stealing (10s of thousands of dollars) from her white employer and when confronted with the theft, Lowery retrieved a blunt object (a yoga stick) and began beating the white lady...until she was dead. The black female, when asked why she did it, claimed the white lady
"blew marijuana smoke in my face." Oh, and, naturally, the black female claimed the white lady
"made a racial slur". Police quickly deduced Lowery was not only a vicious murderer and thief but was also a pathological liar. She got the maximum sentence - 25 to life.
* Linda Stein , 53
1687. St. Louis, MO, August 14, 1986
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Five black males, Milton Griffin-El, Antoine Owens, three other unidentified (waited outside until murders were complete),…planned a home invasion of a white couple’s apartment ... just to obtain a free stereo and TV set. Since Griffin-El knew the victims, he had decided before the home invasion to kill the occupants. The attack on the couple was , suffice to say, extremely brutal.
* Jerome Redden, 22
* Loretta Trotter, 19 (girlfriend of Redden and mother of a four-months old child)
1688. Grandview, Missouri, Nov. 21, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Two Murdered
Two Black males (brothers), Roy Ramsey, 34, Billy Ramsey,…went to the home of an elderly white couple to commit burglary and murder the occupants of the home. The elderly couple were both shot in the head.
Elderly Victims:
* Garnett Ledford, 65 (deceased)
* Betty Ledford, 63 (deceased)
Note: Apparently, the Ramsey family is nothing but a pack of criminals. There are 10 Ramsey males, of which 9 have criminal records.
1689. Prince William County, VA, Aug. 16 1991
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Carl Chichester, 26, Sheldon Maurice McDowell…charged into a pizza business where a white manager was on duty, and demanded cash from the register. When the white male refused to give up the cash he shot twice in the head. The black male thieves left empty handed.
* Tim Rigney, 30 (deceased)
1690. Sacramento, CA, 1980
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Elderly - Murder
A black male, Manuel Pina Babbitt, 26…invaded the home of an elderly white female for the purpose of rape and burglary. Babbitt had become a career thief by 1980.
* Leah Schendel, 78
1691. Missouri, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male and career criminal, Jesse Lee Wise, 35…invaded the apartment of a white female and murdered her when she refused to give him money. This was Wise’s second murder of a white person. He was given parole for the first murder in 1984.
* Geraldine McDonald, 49
* Ralph Gianino, 39, w/m (murdered by Wise in 1971)
1692. Alabama, March 14, 1977
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
Two black males,
Brian K. Baldwin, 18
Edward Horsley, 17
…carjacked 16-year-old white female and headed to Alabama ( the two blacks had just escaped from a youth detention center). Along the way the black males decided to rape the young girl. After the rape the girl was beat to death with a hatchet.
Note: This is one of countless cases in which one black male blames the other as being the murderer.
1693. Almeda, TX, March 17, 1980
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Kenneth Dunn, 20…gunned down a young white female bank teller during an armed robbery.
* Madeline Peters, 21
1694. Dallas, TX, April 13, 1987
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Charles Boyd, 27…broke into the apartment of a white female and sexually assaulted her , then forced her into a bathtub and drowned her. Black male Boyd was responsible for two other similar rapes and murders (race of victims unknown).
* Mary Milligan, 21
1695. Houston, TX, 1981
Armed Robbery - Two Dead
A black male, Robert Anthony Carter, 17,…was already a vicious career criminal, who had no misgivings whatsoever gunning someone down, no matter how old or how young, or which race. During the course of two separate armed robberies, black teen Carter gunned down a Hispanic female and a white male.
* Sylvia Reyes, 21
* R.B Scott, 63
1696. Houston, TX, Aug. 10, 1983
Lying In Wait - Murder
A black male (ex-con on parole for attempted murder), Charles Livingston, 21,… waited at a grocery store parking lot for a white female to drive in and park. When a white female finally did come into the parking lot and park, Livingston charged up to her, pulled his gun, and demanded her purse. When the white female refused to give it up, Livingston gunned her down.
Innocent White female:
* Janet Caldwell, 38 (deceased)
1697. Houston, TX, July 1, 1986
Workplace Massacre
Fired Employee Comes Back And Murders Co-Workers
Three black males, Richard Wilkerson, 19, Kenneth Ray Ransom, 20, James Edward Randle, 16…murdered four people in an armed robbery. According to police, a former employee of an amusement park, Richard Wilkerson, came back to the business seeking revenge for being fired - and to rob the place. He brought with him two other black males - who seemly had no problem with committing mass murder…for what they had to know would probably amount to only a few hundred dollars.
* Roddy Harris, 22 (w/m)
* Arnold Pequeno, 19 (h/m)
* Anil Varughese, 18 (h/m)
* Joerene Pequeno, 18 (h/m)
1698. Seattle, WA, May 2010
Infamous Sucker Punch
A young white male was asked by a black male for a light, which the white male gave him. Then came the infamous black male sucker punch. When the white kid fell to the ground, two men (black and Asian - both unidentified) then began to stomp on him. The white kid was left unconscious, barely recognizable and barely alive.
* Shane McClellan, 16 (survived)
1699. Angleton, TX, Jan. 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Husband And Wife Murdered
A black male, James Harris, Jr., 52, desperate for money, got an elderly white couple to pity him...and they gave him some yard work to do. After the black male was finished, he approached the elderly white couple and asked if he could have more money, to pay his rent. The couple said they couldn't afford to give him what he was asking. At that point, Harris barged into the house and pulled a knife. He then stabbed both husband and wife repeatedly. The husband died. The wife was left in critical condition.
Alton Wilcox, 85
Darla Wilcox, 69
1700. Cleveland, Ohio, June 28, 1998
Racially Motivated Attack - Murder- Abuse Of A Child
A black male, Anthony Harris, 13… walked up to a white child and stabbed her in the neck, causing her death. The black kid was reported to have told police, “She got what she deserved.”
* Devon Duniver, 5
1701. Edgewater, FL, April 25, 1994
Racially Motivated Ambush & Murder
A black mob of seven racist teenagers attacked an adult white male and beat and stomped on him…until he was left unconscious. The white male died later of his injuries. There was no national media attention, though it was clearly a hate crime. Many racial epithets were said by the blacks toward their prone - and dying - white victim.
Black Male Racist/Murderers:
Carl ''Junior'' Moore, 16,
Edwin Renard ''Naughty'' Haynes, 17,
Cory McIntyre, 14,
four others unknown
* John Edward DeVoe, 37 (deceased)
1702. Bronx, NY, Dec. 19, 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two blacks, Sharell Butler (AKA Lady Red), 15, Robert Pastore, 19 a male and a female, believed a young white male was communicating to police about their illegal activities, so the two broke into his home and murdered him.
* John Hopkins Drago, 22
1703. Buffalo, NY, Oct. 2, 1998
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Murder
A group of black kids decided they were going to have some 'black' fun and pack-attack an adult white male. They spotted a white male on his property…and charged at him. He had no time to react. The white male was subsequently beaten and stomped to death.
* Gary Traska, 41
1704. Tampa, Fla., April 4, 2001
Racially Motivated Attack
Two black youths, Telly S. Warren, 14,, James Taylor, 17,… deliberately threw a brick into the windshield of a passing car ... because the occupants were white. No one was seriously injured.
"A black acquaintance stated that Taylor had said, "I'm gonna kill all White people"...
1705. Toledo, OH, 1973 to 1981
Serial Killers /Rapists - All Victims Were White...
Child Abduction - Ambush - Rape -- Torture -- Murder
Two black males, Anthony & Nathanial Cook, were serial rapists and murderers of white people --and only white people.
Cook Brother's White Victim's List:
* Todd Sabo (shot and stabbed in the neck--survived)
* Leslie Sawicki (survived)
* Peter Sawicki (deceased)
* Tom Gordon, 24 (deceased --murdered so the two black rapists could rape his girlfriend))
* Tom Gordon's Girlfriend (un-named -- raped and then stabbed repeatedly and left for dead --survived)
* Vicki Small (deceased -- Anthony posed as a Good Samaritan and offered her a ride. Result? Raped and murdered)
* Scott Moulton, 21, (deceased - murdered by Anthony so he could rape his girlfriend)
* Denise Siotkowski, 22 (deceased - raped and murdered by Anthony)
* Connie Thompson, 19 (deceased -- both brothers offered her a ride - posing as Good Samaritans. Result? Gang raped and murdered)
* Daryl Cole, 21 (deceased--murdered so Anthony could rape his girlfriend)
* Stacey Balonek, 21 (deceased -- raped and murdered)
White Child Abduction - Rape - -Torture- Murder:
* Dawn Backes, 12 (deceased)
1706. Cincinnati, OH, 2001
Racially Motivated Attack
Shouting “Kill Whitey”
Black youths went on a rampage targeting white people because a white police officer shot and killed a black male criminal. While TV cameras were rolling ... feral black youths pulled a white male from a truck and beat him mercilessly. Only ONE black teen was arrested, however, he was not - incredibly - charged with a hate crime.
1707. Annapolis, MD, July 21, 2001
Racially Motivated Attack
Three black teen-agers, Tacarra Tyler, 17, two unidentified 14-year-olds,... ran up to an adult white female (waitress) in downtown Annapolis and threw a rock in her face - intending to cause serious injury. When she fell to the ground, the black teens beat her and stomped on her.
* Tracy VanDagna, 22 (broken nose and needed plastic surgery)
1708. COLUMBUS, Ohio , Jan. 2011
'Pocket Change' Ambush - Attempted Murder
Two young black males, unidentified, after receiving help from a young white male (he helped them with some computer issues), they waited for him to leave the library and then charged up to him and slammed a brick into his head. Motive (surprise) was robbery.
* Young white male -- 17-year-old -- miraculously survived
1709. Fall River, IL 1999
Racially Motivated Attempted Murder
Three black males, Damien Gouse, 20, William Wheeler, 22, John Baker, 19,…were looking for a white person to shoot. When they spotted their target, Gouse raced up to the white male and shot him twice.
Rui Botelho, 17 (survived)
1710. New Orleans, Feb. 14, 2002
Sucker Punch - Murder
A white male, Mark Thornton, 16, was approached by three black males on school grounds. One of the black males, Omar Witt, 21, accused the young kid of harassing a black female. The kid denied the accusation then turned to rush to class. Once the white kid's back was turned, this was black male Witt's cue to sucker-punch him, which he did, right in the side of his head. The black male sucker punch caused the white kid to collapse. He died later that day.
1711. San Francisco, CA, 1999
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male, Lavonne Adams, 42,…pushed to the ground an elderly white female using a walker, then began kicking her. She later died because of the injuries related to the attack. Adams was arrested and charged with manslaughter. White female is unidentified.
1712. Edwardsville, IL, Aug. 1999 -
Racism - Murder
Nature of the black pack-attack mentality: "Defendant recalled that [black] people from the crowd were kicking and jumping on [the white guy]Richard Skelton. Defendant testified that once he entered the crowd of people attacking Richard Skelton, he swung the stick into the crowd, trying to hit Skelton, but that he did not, however, think that he hit him with the stick."
A black man, Taiwan Davis, 17,...was part of a black mob that beat a white male to death. Davis gave a statement to police in which he claimed he beat an unarmed white male to death with a broom stick. The altercation began when the white male, along with some of his family members, went into a black community in search of their stolen TV. According to police, numerous racist blacks told the white people, "You in the wrong neighborhood."
* Richard Skelton (deceased)
1713. Springfield, TN, Jan. 14, 1995
Racism - Ambush Murder
A total of seven blacks, Freddie Morrow, Damien Darden, unidentified five others,…became angry when they saw a Confederate flag on a vehicle driven by a young white male. The blacks chased the vehicle then shot into it killing the white male driver.
Michael Westerman, 19, (deceased - father of twins)
Hannah Westerman (survived)
1714. New Orleans, LA, April 7, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Terrell Simmons, 26, Kentell Simmons, 23, (relatives)), became angry at a white male over a minor traffic incident. Result? While the white male waited at a stoplight, the black males drove up to him, Kentell then leveled a shotgun at his head and then fired. UPDATE: Kintell Simmons received 40 years for manslaughter.
* Justin Lachute, 24 (deceased)
The elderly, the children, females or males, NO ONE is immune from the black male ambush -sucker punch beat-down.
BTW, anyone EVER see a white male beat-down an elderly black female like this?
1716. New York , August 19, 1977
Serial Rapist/Killer
A black male, Lemuel Smith, was known to have murdered six people (all presumably white).
* Robert Hedderman, 48 (Nov. 1976-- murdered)
* Margaret Byron, 59 ( raped & murdered Nov. 1976 )
* Joan Richburg, 24 ( raped & murdered Dec. 1976 )
* Maralie Wilson, 30 (raped & murdered July 1977 )
* Marianne Maggio, 18 (raped & murdered Aug. 1977)
* Donna Payant (w/f female prison guard May 15, 1981 --raped and murdered)
Note: Waiting for race confirmation on first five)
1717. Beaumont, TX, April 8, 1982
Armed Robbery - Double Murder
Two black males, Elliot Rod Johnson, Maurice Andrews,…while in the process of robbing a jewelry store gunned down two people (White, Hispanic), in what police describe as "execution style" murders.
* Joseph Granado, 67, (owner of Jewelry store)
* Arturo Melindez, (h/m)
1718. Portsmouth, NH , Oct. 6 ,
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males , Montarius N . Murry , 19, Kevin Stevens Jr.,19, staked out a business in a white community and waited for the store to empty. . When it did, the black youths walked in, pulled a gun and gunned down a white male (owner of the business).
* Robert V. Nelson, 51
1719. Cobb County, GA, October 1979
Armed Robbery - Torture - Murder
Two black males, Van R. Solomon, Brandon Aston Jones,…in the course of an armed robbery murdered a white male manager of a gas station/ convenience store. According to police, before the black males eventually killed the white male they decided to first beat him, then shot him in the both legs and both arms. (yeah, they be having some fun.... SICK).
* Roger Tackett, 29
1720. Concord, N. Carolina, June 13, 2008
Armed Robbery - Slaughters Two White People
"The State Highway Patrol and Concord police say the suspect is a black man in his 20s with shoulder-length dreadlocks"
An unidentified black male walked into a bottling company and pulled a gun on its employees. During the robbery, the black male gunned down two unarmed white people. .
* Donna Barnhardt, 59
* Darrell Noles, 44
1721. Columbia, SC, Jan. 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Carlos Luis Pinelas-Mejia , 20, murdered a white female in her apartment. He then fled back to the Dominican Republic. Mejie was arrest in 2011 in the Dominican Republic and extradited.
Innocent White Female:
* Amber Marie Schiavone, 23
1722. Danville, VA, Nov. 1996
Home Invasion - Abuse Of White Elderly - Three Murdered
A black male, Percy Levar Walton, 19, broke into an elderly white couple's town home and,
"Mr. Kendrick's hands were “clasped, and above his head, clinched together.” The police found the body of Mrs. Kendrick on the floor in the den. A portion of her body was covered with a sheet, and the upper portion of her body was wrapped in a “pinkish-orange material.” Mrs. Kendrick's shirt had “been rolled up, and then taped” and was loosely tied around her neck with a slipknot. She had on undergarments below her waist, her pants had been cut from her body, and her body had been dragged across the floor."
White Victim's
* Jessie Kendrick, 80 (shot in the head)
* Elizabeth Kendrick, 81 (shot in the head)
* Archie Moore, 33 (Home Invasion-- shot in the head in Greensboro, NC Nov. 1996)
1723. E. Toledo, OH, April 2012
Black Racism -- Abuse Of White Elderly - Beat-down - Robbery
"While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, "[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon ... Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man]," according to a police report."
"One boy, he said, put his foot on the back of the victim's neck, with another shouting, "Kill him."
Six black males, including an 11-year-old, and all younger than 18, attacked an elderly white male as he was walking home from the store. First came the sucker punch. Them when the elderly white male was on the ground, came the kicking and stomping on this head.
* Dallas Watts, 78
1724. Philadelphia, PA, Mach 2006
Sucker Punch - 'Knockdown Game' - MURDER
"McCall was among six African-American teens, then aged 13 to 16, who came from North Philly into the Art Museum neighborhood March 23, 2006, with the intention of beating and robbing white people, according to the teens' testimonies."
Black male Quinzell McCall, (16 at time of murder), though all of his comrades stated only he had the gun that killed ayoung white male teen, was acquitted of 1st degree murder. He was only found guilty of a weapons charge - about 5 years. Good behavior, McCall will be back on the streets in about 3 years.
Other Black Male Racists Arrested For Murder:
George Graves, 16
Dawud Thomas, 15
Malik Loper, 14
Demietrius Tadlock, 13
Brian Crosland, 15
* Robert Pierson, 17
1725. Lawton, OK, 2007
Ambush - Two People Go down Here...
Crazy Brain Boyfriend Guns Down Ex-White Girlfriend PLUS Her Girlfriend
A crazy brain black male, Xavier Adams, 19, got into a relationship with a white female, Bianca Ward, 18. She quickly broke it off. But it wasn't over according crazy brain Xavier Adams. When he spotter her talking to another guy, that was a good enough reason to murder her. He followed her to her friend's apartment, kicked the door in, then gunned down not only Bianca Ward, but also her girlfriend, Jennifer Brown, 20.
Here's a LINK to many, many more white victim's of a black male/white female relationships.
1726. Atlanta, GA, 2011
Ambush - Attempted Murder - Burning Her Alive
A black male, Morgan Yarbrough, 25, angry that his white girlfriend had had enough of him, decided to get even. He followed her to a gas station, then when she exited her car, Yarbourgh ran up to her and doused her with gasoline and then set her on fire. She sustained sever 3rd degree burns over 25% of her body.
He he couldn't have her, no one else was going to even want to look at her again...
* Rachel Brokaw, 29
1727. Allentown, PA, May 2009
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Peter Rojas, 36, a career criminal and drug dealer approached a white male, whom he apparently knew, and told him he had some drugs for sale (what kind of drugs is unknown). The white male was led to a secluded area where black male Rojas produced a knife then slashed the white male's throat. Since it was a young kid , the take in this murder/robbery was likely less then $20.00.
Note: The story of a "drug purchase" came from Rojas. There is no other evidence this white male was a drug user. Since it was very late at night, the white kid could ( I believe likely) have been looking for a prostitute.
* Mark Holdren, 23
1728. W. Palm Beach, FL, March 1995
Ambush - Murder
16 years later and he a FREE man
A black male,Neal Evans, 31, during an armed robbery gunned down a white male - who was a relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves. In 2012 Evans was released from Florida state prison.
Dave Shotkoski, 30
1729. Baltimore, MD , 2012
White Male Beaten And Stripped Naked By Blacks --
Dozens of Blacks Giggling & Laughing
The 'KNOCKDOWN GAME' Continues...
1730. Charleston, S. Carolina, 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Black Teen Rapes & Murders Adult Neighbor
"It didn’t seem to make much sense why someone would hurt this woman."
A black male, Carlton Franklin,15, decided he was going to rape his white neighbor. It didn't matter that the "quiet" female was 57-years-old. It was a rape opportunity and the black teen was not going to let it slip by. The white female lived alone so it was just a matter of getting into her place unnoticed. When neighbors became suspicious about not seeing the white female for a few days they called police. Police found her naked, raped and strangled to death (and people want to know why prior to 1964 ... white males desired to keep black males OUT of their neighborhoods?).
* Lena Triano, 57
1732. St. Petersburg, FL, May 2011
Ambush - Shot Him In The Back Of The Head
A cowardly, lazy, not very bright - and very ugly - black male , Bradley Bolden, 20, also a member of 54 Boyz" street gang (code for unemployed black youths not yet in prison), walked up behind a young white male security guard walking the grounds of an apartment complex, put his gun to the head of the white male, then pulled the trigger. Bolden then shot him a few more times at pointblank range just to make sure the white male was completely DEAD.
"There was no confrontation," the major said. "No issues between the two of them, nothing historical."
* Mathew F. Little, 26
1733. Moulton, TX, 2005
Child Ambushes School Teacher - Murders Her For Pocket Change

"He said Young's friends told him that Young said he had beaten Jester and had taken money from her."
Demetrick Young, 15, decided he wanted some money, and all he had to do was beat that 55-year-old white female school teacher to death to get it. No problem for Demetrick Young. He obviously wanted that money pretty bad -- that he hoped she had in her purse (pocket change). After the ambush attack, which left the white female comatose and fighting for her life, Young bragged to his friends about what he had done. They subsequently called police and reported what Young had told them. The white female later died from the beating.
* Judy Jester ,55
Note: Young was found guilty of capital murder, however, since he was only 15, the judge was limited to sentencing him to life & no parole.
1734. Missouri , December 12, 1985
White Male Ambushed & Gunned Down...For His Car
Two black males Roosevelt Pollard, 22 (out on parole for murder), Robert Sands, (not arrested), ...were at a rest stop along an Interstate highway in Missouri (Pollard's jalopy broke down) and a white male drove into the rest stop, parking one spot over from Pollard, exited his [brand new 1984 Pontiac] car , then went into the restroom. Then,
" [Roosevelt Pollard] told his remaining companion, Robert Sands, "I want that car. I'm going to get that car." Appellant then removed the loaded rifle from his trunk. After [the white male] had returned from the restroom, appellant stood in the space between [his] car and [the white male's] car, near the driver's window of [the white male's] car. [Pollard] shot [the white male] through the window, turned and looked at Sands, then turned back and shot Alford two more times."
* Richard Alford
UPDATE: Well, it turns out that Rosevelt Pollard, he be retarded. I don't believe it, but that's what his attorneys are saying i.e. he's too retarded to be executed. The state has removed him from death row.
1735. Boston, MA, Dec. 12, 1973
Police Crack A 40-year-old Cold Case - 'Fair housing Act' Home Invasion Rape And Murder
Possible Serial Rapist & Murder Of White Females
"Authorities say they’ve linked a convicted rapist [ black male Micheal Sumpter ] who died more than a decade ago to a near 40-year-old cold case murder, the second they believe the man committed as he allegedly tormented women on Beacon Hill and Back Bay in a murderous spree of sexual assaults in the 1970s. DNA evidence helped identify Michael Sumpter, who died of cancer in 2001, as the man responsible for raping and strangling 24-year-old Mary Lee McClain [pic] inside her Beacon Hill apartment in December 1973. Her murder is the second that police have linked to Sumpter since his death. Authorities tied him to the 1972 rape and murder of Ellen Rutchick, 23.
1736. Jacksonville, Miss., Jan. 29, 2012
Ambush Strong-Armed Robbery/ Bully Beat-Down
UPDATE: Charges have been upgraded to MURDER
Two black males, David Thomas, 25, Jontez Garvis, 29,...walked up to a white male while he was working, then beat him into unconsciousness. Motive, according to police, was robbery & possible hate crime.
* Fred Jackson, 61 (in a coma - now deceased)
1737. Clayton, NJ, Oct. 2012
Teens Ambush & Murder 12-Year -Old ... For Her Bike -- WOW!
Two black males, Justin, Robinson, 15, and his brother Dante Robinson, 17, ambushed a 12-year-old white girl and then brutally murdered her ... solely because they wanted her bicycle. Note: The two have already confessed to the crime.
* Autumn Pasquale, 12
1738. Tuscaloosa, AL, March 25, 1995
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly White Female Attacked - Raped - Sodomized- Then Executed
A black male Arrested For Home Invasion, Rape & Murder:
Eddie Powell III,
"Before sunrise, 70-year-old was brutally attacked, raped, sodomized and shot to death in her home. After the shooting and assault took place in the bedroom of her home, Mattie was able to walk across the street to the front yard of her neighbor and before collapsing told her than a black man had raped and shot her. Shortly after making this statement, Mattie Wesson died. Powell and a friend, Bobby Johnson, lived in a home across the street from Mattie Wesson. Powell borrowed Johnson's leather jacket and left the Johnson home in the early hours on the day of the murder. Powell denied knowing anything about the murder, but the physical evidence told a different story. Powell's semen was found in the victim's mouth, rectum, and vagina."
* Mattie Wesson, 70
1739. Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2012
Another Racially Motivate Attack In Baltimore By Eight Or More Racist Black Males
The white male pleaded that he didn't want to fight the eight or more black males. That didn't matter to the pack of racist blacks. They wanted a white male beat-down - sock in the face, head stomping and head kicking. In other words, the blacks wanted to murder the white male...just for for kicks.
* John Mason, 32 (currently in medically induced coma)
1740. Hamilton County , OH, Nov. 12, 1997
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - THRILL KILL
Rayshawn Johnson ... "lived so close to Marks and her husband, Norman, that he could look out his apartment window into the windows in Marks’ East Walnut Hills home."
A black male, Rayshawn Johnson, 20, who didn't pay rent and mooched off his grandmother, broke into his [white] neighbor's home for the sole purpose of murdering a white female - Johnson bludgeoned her to death with a baseball bat.
* Shannon Marks, 29
1741. Muskogee , OK, 2011
'Fair Housing act' Home Invasion - Teens Terrorize A Group Of Young White Males - Murders One Of Them - Beats Another In The Head With A Baseball Bat
Six black Males,
Martin Miller, 18,
Deandre Clark, 18,
Tommy Dean Jr., 19,
Frederick Watson, 18,
Troy Dufur, 17,
Jordan Miller, 17,
...armed with a gun and a baseball bat, barged into a home occupied by four young white males. One white male was slammed in the head with a baseball bat, while another was gunned down. Motive was burglary / robbery.
"Muskogee County District Attorney Larry Moore said the six teenagers went to the house and robbed four teenagers who were there of personal items that included billfolds and cellphones."
White Male Victim:
Unidentified victims struck in the head (apparently survived)
Ryan Satterfield, 17 (deceased)
1742. CHELSEA, Vermont, 2007
EX-White Wife Doused With Industrial Chemical - Burns Her Face Off - Survived ... But Disfigured & Blind
A black male, Herbert Rodgers, claiming he was angry over believing his [white] ex-wife was seeing another man (likely a lie since his ex-wife didn't even recognize him when he broke into her home),, mixed some industrial-strength lye with detergent and, after first beating his ex-wife with a baseball bat, then doused her with the chemical mixture. She was burned over 90% of her body. But, obviously, black male Rodgers was most interested the white female's face...as well as her eyes.
Carmen Tarleton, 40 ( 39 skin grafts and 45 total operations, including a cornea transplant)
1743. Florida, 1989
Black Male Ambushes White People In Their Homes - Firing Through Their Back Windows -
"On the evening of December 20, 1989, [black male] Louis Gaskin spotted a light in the Palm Coast home of [white couple] Robert and Georgette Sturmfels. Gaskin parked his car in the woods and, with a loaded gun, approached the Sturmfels home. He saw the Sturmfels in the den and fired two shots through the window, striking Mr. Sturmfels.
When Mrs. Sturmfels rose to leave the room, Gaskin shot her once and Mr. Sturmfels once more. Mrs. Sturmfels crawled into the hallway, and when Gaskins saw her through an outside door, he shot her again.
Gaskin then pulled out a window screen, broke a window, and entered the house. He fired one more bullet into each of the Sturmfels’ heads and covered the bodies with blankets. Gaskin then burglarized the house, taking lamps, VCRs, cash, and jewelry.
Gaskin then went to the home of Joseph and Mary Rector, whom he also found in the den of their home. While Gaskin cut their phone lines, the Rectors turned off the lights and went to bed. He threw a log and rocks at the house to rouse the Rectors, and when Mr. Rector went to investigate the disturbance, Gaskin shot him from outside the house.
The Rectors managed to escape in their car, with Gaskin firing shots at the car."
Note: Gaskin is STILL on Death Row! Why?!
1744. Dallas, TX, Oct. 28, 2008
Ambush ...For Which There Is NO DEFENSE
Elderly Woman Murdered On A Public Street For Pocket Change
A black male, Theron Lacey, Jr. 27, charged up to an elderly white female, who was of no acquaintance to him, and in broad daylight repeatedly bludgeoned her with a pocket knife - until she was dead. Lacey then rifled through her purse hoping to find some pocket change.
"When Pfeifle, the prosecutor, asked if Lacey showed any remorse, LaShaunda Johnson replied: “He said if it made me feel better, I could just think she was prejudiced.” She testified that according to her boyfriend, Reiter probably didn’t like black people, “and her family probably owned slaves.”"
Dorothy Reiter, 69
1745. Fort Sanders, TN, Oct. 13, 2011
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Devin A. Jamison, ... was arrested for the armed robbery murder of a young white male. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted.
* Sawyer Webb, 19
1746. Marshall County, Miss., Jan. 26, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Beaten Into Unconsciousness
“She [91-year-old white female] was savagely beaten,” Dickerson said. “And it was a physical assault, no weapons, they used their hands. And they rendered severe blows to her head. And as she was attempting to call for help, they struck her again with another severe blow to the head.”
Dillon Dewayne Williams, 17
1747. Edgefield County, S. Carolina, 2011
Black Female Murders White Male
Lakashia Rochelle Walker, 27, murdered a white male. According to the police report, the white male allowed the black female to live with him. Police did not reveal a motive for the murder. Nor did they reveal how she murdered him.
Barrett Scott Stephenson, 35
1748. Nanuet, NY, 1981
Brinks Heist By BLA (1981) - Three White Males Gunned Down
"The Brink's robbery of 1981 was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members; including Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), Cecilio "Chui" Ferguson, Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines); several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert (w/m), Samuel Brown (b/m), Judith Alice Clark (w/f), Kathy Boudin (w/f), and Marilyn Buck (w/f)..."
Note: The black males did all the killing.
White Victims Of Unemployed Black Males:
* Edward O'Grady (deceased)
* Peter Paige (deceased)
* Joe Trombino (shot multiple times, severely injured - miraculously survived)
1749. York County, VA, 1996
White Male Abducted - Force To Withdraw Money From His ATM - Taken To A Field AND Executed
"Around midnight on August 16, 1996, ... [black male] 18 year old Daryl Atkins and his accomplice, [black male] William Jones, walked to a nearby convenience store where they [ at gunpoint] abducted [white male] Eric Nesbitt, an airman from nearby Langley Air Force Base. Unsatisfied with the $60 they found in his wallet, Atkins and Jones drove Nesbitt in his own vehicle to a nearby ATM and forced him to withdraw a further $200. In spite of Nesbitt's pleas, the two abductors then drove him to an isolated location, where he was shot eight times, killing him."
Note: Atkins was sentences to death, however, liberal judges intervened and - based on flimsy evidence claiming Atkins is retarded - commuted his sentence to life
1750. Ball State University, IN, 2004
Another White Person Goes Down Offering To Be Good Samaritan
Three black, males, Damien Sanders, 23, (80 years in prison), Brandon L. Patterson, 18, (50 years in prison), unidentified 14, ...needed a ride home from a college house party. Then, "Sanders testified that he shot Harford during the robbery that netted Harford's attackers only $2. Harford's body was found later in an alley"
* Karl Harford, 20
1751. Detroit, MI, July 2012
Two Young White Males Kidnapped And Executed For Pocket Change & Car Parts
Two black males,Sherman Wagner, 31 Stephen Boyd, 28, were arrested by Detroit police in connection with a kidnapping and execution-like slaying of two young white males. Yet to be prosecuted.
"Autopsies revealed Jake was shot multiple times and Jourdan sustained a bullet to the back of the head."
The Negro claim: "Black lives matter" as he was being led away.
* Jourdan Bobbish, 17
* Jake Kudla, 18
1752. Reno, NV, Aug. 7, 1994 / Feb. 3, 1995
A Sexual Predator Tortures And Murders
A black male, David Middleton,33, who was convicted of rape while being a police officer in Miami (white female victim), was hired by a cable installing company in Reno, NV(obviously the black man did not tell his employer he was a convicted rapist). This job , of course, allowed Middleton to get access to white females' homes. No one should doubt that this was the main reason for the convicted rapist taking the job. A client of Middleton's cable company, who was a white female, was kidnapped by Middleton and taken to a remote storage facility, where Middleton had a special surprise waiting for her:: a modified freezer. How many days he raped and tortured the white female remains a mystery. She eventually died of suffocation by being trapped in the freezer without enough oxygen. Black male Middleton also did the same to another white female using the same MO.
White Victims:
Katherine Powell, 45,
Thelma Amparo Davila
Note:: Middleton is a suspected serial killer of white females. He had many female's underwear in a storage facility. Police, however, could only prove two murders - two being enough tho to put the black man on death row.
1753. Jacksonville, FL, 1984
'Fair Housing Act'
Rape & Murder
Child Rape & Murder Case Solved After 28 Years- It Was The Neighbor After All
* Tammy Welch, 10
1754. Mobile, Ala., 2012
Black Teen Thug Guns Down 40-Year-Old White Female - She Told The Car The Teen Was In To Slow Down - THRILL KILL
* Wendy Fisher, 40 (mother of two)
1755. Daytona Beach, FL
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
'Neighbor' Breaks Into White Female's Home And Murders Her
"On the afternoon of 09/05/90, Marlys Sather returned home from work on her lunch break and discovered her neighbor, [unemployed crack-head black male]Chadwick Willacy, burglarizing her home."
"When Willacy noticed that Sather was in the house, he struck her over the head several times with a blunt object hard enough to fracture and dislodge part of her skull. Willacy bound her hands and ankles with wire and duct tape. He then wrapped a telephone cord tightly around her neck in an effort to strangle her. When this failed to work, Willacy doused Sather with gasoline and set her on fire. Medical examiner’s reports indicate that Sather died from smoke inhalation. "
1756. 2005
Young White Female Ambushed And BEAT Into A Coma
The white female weighed under 100 lbs and stood about 5''3". The Cowardly black man stood over 6 ft. and weight over 200 lbs.
* Missy Townsend
1757. Wilmington, DE, Feb. 2013
Police Officer Ambushed - Shot In The Face
"Wilmington Police Patrolman Justin Wilkers, 34, a 3-year veteran of the force, was shot in the face at 3:50 p.m. Sunday in the 1200 block of Peach Street in the city's Southbridge section."
The officer was shot in the face after stopping a vehicle with three black males inside. Two of the black youths jumped out of the car and fled. However, unbeknown to the white police officer... a black male, ready with a loaded gun, still lurked inside the vehicle. As the officer approach the vehicle and then looked inside, he was shot him pointblank in the face. The officer, after extensive surgery to his face, is expected to survive.
1758. Buffalo, NY, Dec. 5, 2006
Officer Shot By Teen - Left Paralyzed - Has Died
A Varner Harris,19, fired multiple shots at two white police officer, striking both of them. The officers were responding to a fight outside a gas station. Note: Murder charges are now being considered against Harris.
* Patricia Parete, 48 (paralyzed - died Feb. 2013)
* Carl Andolina (wounded but survived)
http://www.wkbw.com/news/local/Remembering-Patricia-Parete-189761201.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1759. Saginaw County, MI, Jan. 31, 2013
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Torture - Murder
Lashon T. Hollman, 20, either broke into a white female's home (he was her next door neighbor) or conned his way in. Once inside Hollman brutally stabbed the white female to death - 54 stab wounds. Then, for no apparent reason, Hollman picked up a television and slammed into the head of the dead white female. Note; According to Holman's friend, Hollman showed him scratch marks he said he received form the victim. This tells me it could very likely had been a rape attempt and the white female decided to fight to the death.
* Cassandra Nelson, 27
1760. Riverside, CA, 2013
Two White Police Officers Ambushed And Gunned Down
A racist black police officer (Los Angeles PD), Christopher Dorner, was fired for lying. He then decided to go on a murdering rampage, killing four people --two were white police officers.
Michael Crain
Jeremiah McKay
1761. Maryland , May 1994
'Fair Housing Act' Double Murder
A black male, Scotland E. Williams, 31, a career burglar who had just been released from prison, broke into an upscale home of white couple, two prominent attorneys and, at gunpoint, woke them. Then, while they were still in their beds, Williams made them give up their security numbers to their ATM cards. Once Williams got the numbers, he shot the couple.
Jose Trias, 49
Julie Noel Gilbert, 48
1762. Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 28, 2010
Ambush - Murder - THRILL KILL
White Male Gunned Down In Walk-Up Murder
Ricardo Woods, 34, walked up to a white male sitting in his car and simply shot him in the head and neck. The shots, however, did not immediately kill the white victim. In the hospital, tho he was left completely paralyzed, the victim, by blinking his eyes was able to communicate and he ID'd Woods as the shooter. Note: Victim eventually died from his injuries. Woods, thru his white attorneys, says he didn't shoot nobody.
* David Chandler, 35
1763. Pensacola, Fla, March 2013
Home Invasion - Torture - Murder

White victim, Melinda Sue McCormick, 33, was beat with a crow bar - 40 whacks to the head. Intruders wanted her Social Security ID card.
“I’ve seen a lot of death in my life, I’ll tell you that,” Morgan said
during the conference. “I would describe the autopsy photos [of Melinda McCormick] as some of
the most shocking I’ve seen.”
Blacks Arrested For The Home Invasion /Torture /Murder:
Anthony L. Pressley, 26,
Gregory E. Williams, 21,
Kiesha L. Pugh, 28
1764. Smith County TX, 1990
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
Home Invasion - Rape
A black male, Rickey Lynn Lewis, 28, out on parole from a 25-year sentence for a B&E, broke into the the home of a white couple, murdered the white male, then raped his fiancee'. Note: Lewis was recently executed for this murder.
George Newman, 45
Fiancee' - survived
1765. Newport News, VA, Sept. 24, 1997
Ambush - Murder
White male invites black male over to his house to sell a car...RESULT? MURDER
A white male, Harry Kyzer ,35, wanted to sell his 1984 Porsche and put an ad in the paper. When a black male called to and asked to take a look at it, unfortunately, Mr. Kyzer agreed to meet him at his house. When the black male came over, Mr. Kyzer allowed him in his house. The black male then pulled a gun. Mr. Kyzer was tied to a chair then shot in the head.
James Gatling, 21 (b/m)
1766. Iceland Military Base Aug. 14, 2005
Did He Or Didn't He? - No REAL Doubt About It - He Did Murder Her
Airman Calvin Eugene Hill, 20, acted friendly to a white female, however, she wanted nothing to do with his sexual advances but was agreeable to being friends. Hill saw an opportunity there: he would wait for the right time to steal her credit card and ATM card. When the white female found out her credit card and ATM card were missing, she went to the base commander, and he then went to the police. Hill was caught on surveillance video pulling money from her ATM card ($2,700 - how he got her security code is a mystery). Facing a certain count-marshal, Hill thought he could eliminate the only witness against him, then claim:: "She gave it to me. Prove me wrong."
UPDATE: The 'murderer' Calvin Hill, tried in a Washington D.C. court (mostly black there) was found NOT GUILTY. However, there's ONLY one person who could have murdered the white female, only one with a motive: Calvin Hill. I wonder what the racial make-up of that jury was?
Victim: Airman 1st Class Ashley Turner, 20
North Union Township, PA 2013
Ex-Girlfriend Gets Restraining Order After Numerous Life-Threating Beatings - Angry [Black] Ex-Boyfriend Kicks Down Her Door...Then Beats And Stabs Her To Death
"Court records indicate Crawford has a lengthy history of violence toward women, including an active protection from abuse order that forbade contact with [the victim]"
A white female, Lisa Faye Tupta, 49, thought she could simply file a restraining order against a former boyfriend, Henry Clay Crawford, 56. Didn't work. Crawford simply walked up to the front door of the white female's residence and then kicked it in. Knife in hand, Crawford charged into the female home and went after her. The victim died at the scene from multiple knife wounds. Obviously, prison was no deterrent whatsoever to Crawford.
Beating Incident ONE: Beat her into unconsciousness. She awoke with a knife pressed to her throat.
Beating Incident TWO: Showed up at her place of work and waited for her to exit. Barged into her car and beat her, then dragged her out by her hair. He then began chocking her.
White females in relationships with black male LINK
1767. Harrington, DE, June 22, 1991
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
Gilbert Cannon, 41, broke into an elderly woman's home and, while she slept, stabbed her to death. There was no burglary/robbery. DNA linked Cannon to the crime scene and he eventually gave a full confession.
Victim: Dorothy Donovan, 70
1768. San Antonia, TX March 24, 2012
A black male, Leandre "Dre" Vonzell Hill, 22, broke into the home of a white male and murdered him.
Another white male was also shot. "Dre" and his [black] crew barged into the white male's home while a party was going on.
* Randall Perkins, 20
* Paul Benavides, 24 (survived)
1769. Tulsa, OK, Jan. 2012
Black Males Kick In Front Door And Murder Elderly White Male
"[A white male]and his girlfriend Sandra Lee were sorting Christmas photos in their house Jan. 16 when strangers kicked in the dining room door, took Zachary's wallet and then shot him in the head."
Arrested For Home Invasion/Murder:
Darrelle Johnson, 27 ; DeAndre Wright, 16; Montre Brown, 18; Uriah Mitchell, 18; Marquis Powell, 18
* Bill Zachary, 66
1770. Mobile County, AL 2009
Public Abduction By Teen - Murder
"A white female came skidding across the road in her car and she jumped out.
I had to slam on my brakes and throw my car into park to keep from hitting her.
She jumped in my back seat and said 'I been shot."
Spanley E. Harris, 19, was 16 year-old (2006) when he broke into a neighbor's home to rape a 12 year-old girl. He has since been convicted of capital murder in the kidnapping and murder of a white female in 2009.
* Karen Tillman, 41
1771. Nashville, TN, Aug. 2007
Ambush - Robbery - Murder
White Males Pulls A Gun As Black Male Robber is Walking Away With His Wallet - Instead Of Firing ... White Male Orders Robber To Stop - Black Male Turns And Fires His Gun ... Killing White Male
A black male pointed a gun in the face of a white male and ordered him to give up his wallet. When the black male received the wallet he turned to walk away, however, the white then pulled a concealed gun and, instead of just firing, he ordered the black male to stop. The black male then turned around and gunned down the white male. Black male perp is still (five years later) unidentified. The white male had his chance to kill the black male...but didn't.
* David Martin, 27
1772. Oakland, CA, 2013
Black Teens Ambush White Male - THRILL KILL
A white male pulled up to a stop sign and when he came to a stop he was ambushed by a gang of black teenagers, one being armed with a gun.
"The 34-year-old Boyer was stopped at the sign in the Oakland hills when a car pulled up beside his car and he was shot in the head at what was described as point-blank range."
Six black teens, 13 to 16, were arrested and charged with the white male's murder. UPDATE: State alleges the motive for the murder was a carjacking. The teens had stole another car earlier but wanted a bigger car. David McNeal, 17, the trigger-man, received 48 year prison term.
* Quinn Boyer, 34
1773. Chicago, IL, 2006
Anthony Triplett, 25, was hired to install cable TV service (Comcast). On a service call, while in the house Triplett decided it was a good opportunity to rape the female. After the rape...Triplett murdered her. No information on the MONSTER financial settlement Comcast was forced to pay out to the victim's family members.
* Urszula Sakowska, 23
1774. Houston, TX 2013
Good Samaritan White Male Gunned Down By Black Male - THRILL KILL
An elderly white male offered to help a black male, Joshua Mayfield, 33, start his car. The white male went home and and retrieved jumper cables and then went back to Mayfield's home. After the car was started, Mayfield then went into his home, found a gun, came back outside and then, for no apparent reason whatsoever, gunned down the elderly white male.
* Donald Waguespack, 70
1775. Ocala, FL 2013
Workplace MASSACRE
Three Young Bouncers Gunned Down
A black male, Andrew Lobban, 31, angered over being passed over for a promotion, that instead went to a Latino, came to work and gunned down three co-workers.
Josue Santiago, 25
Jerry Bynes Jr. ,20 (w/m)
Benjamin Howard, 23 (w/m)
Note: Lobban concocted a story about being "pranked" in a video by the three he gunned down, however, police believe the video does not exist.
1776. Minneapolis, MN, April 2012
White Male Riding His Bike Is Ambushed - Gunned Down For Pocket Change
A white male was delivering food to a neighbor when he was ambushed by a group of blacks. They first demanded - at gunpoint - his bike. When the white male got off his bike he was gunned down. Black perps still on the loose.
* Jody Lynmarvin Patzner Jr., 22
1777. Mahanoy City, PA April 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Jarvin Malik Huggins, 18, broke into the home of a white male (neighbor) for the purpose of burglary and murder.
"Investigation disclosed burglary of a laptop, cash, prescription medication and other items taken from victim which led to the arrest of Huggins, who was found in possession of the laptop, and was seen driving the victims' car after the body was found."
Note: Case yet to be prosecuted. Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Huggins is pleading not guilty.
Victim: Gene M. Slavinsky, 49
1778. New Albany, MS, 2011
Drive-By Shooting Leaves White Female Dead - Husband Wounded
Craig Baker, 20, shot at a white female and male while they were on their front porch. The white female was struck and died as a result of her injury. Baker has been charged with capital murder.
Amanda Price, 31 (w/f -- deceased)
Ron Price (survived)
UPDATE: Craig Baker, to avoid death row, pleaded guilty to murder and received a life sentence.
1779. Oklahoma City, OK Sept. 6, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - -Rape - Murder
"Cotton lives with his mother and her husband just a few houses away"
A black male, Dartangan Cotton, 20,...overcome with a sexual obsession to rape his next door neighbor, broke into her home (or made up a ruse to get in). Once inside, Cotton viciously attacked the woman, tied her hands behind her , then raped her. After the rape, Cotton beat the woman to death.
* Paula Martin, 56
1780. Aiken, S. Carolina, Dec. 2011
Teen Guns Down White Police Officer During Routine Traffic Stop
Stephon Carter, 19, when pulled over by two police officers (both white) gunned down one of the police officers and shot the other in his bullet-proof vest. Note: There is a dashboard video of the shooting, however, the judge in Carter's capital murder trail ordered it sealed-- until after the trial.
* Officer Scotty Richardson, 33 (deceased)
* Other officer unidentified - survived
1781. Albany, NY, July 3, 1994
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Double Murder
A black male with a long criminal rap sheet, Johnny Blanchard, 27, who was, and not surprisingly, homeless and unemployed, broke into an elderly white woman's home to commit murder and burglary. When he was confronted by two white people, he beat both of them to death.
Josephine Zurek,81
Walter Paszkowski ,54
1782. ATCHISON, Kan. Dec. 9, 2011
White Police Officer Ambushed And Murdered
A black male, Skyler Barbee, 26, for no apparent reason that police know of, gunned down a white police officer. Barbee then turned his gun on himself and committed suicide.
Sgt. David Enzbrenner, 46
1783. San Bernardino, Ca, Nov. 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Rape / Murder
Jerome Anthony Rogers, 55, unemployed and with a long rap sheet, discovered a home occupied by a lone elderly female and decided it would be an easy opportunity to commit rape, murder and loot the house.
* Mary Elizabeth Blaskey, 76 (deceased)
Could you just imagine being an elderly woman ... and seeing the face of THAT man in your home?! WOW!
1784. St. John Parish , LA 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Rape & Murder Of 15-Year-Old
Earnest Joseph III, 26, who lived with his mommy, evidently became aware a young white female, who lived down the street from him, was often home alone at night as her mom worked the graveyard shift. It appears Joseph knocked on the door and simply hoped the young girl would answer. When she did, Joseph barged inside. He first raped the girl, then beat her to death with a frying pan. Joseph pleaded guilty and got a mere 28 years. He'll be eligible for parole before he turns 50.
"Coroner Christy Monegut has confirmed that Adams' body showed evidence of sexual activity within a 48-hour window preceding her slaying."
* Taylor Adams, 15
1785. Jefferson County, AL, 2010
Young White Female Jogger Attacked - Raped - Sodomized- - Rapists Gets 228 Years
Black male , Nathaniel Lee Baker, 20, staked out a jogging trail and waited for a white female. When a white female jogger did pass by ... Baker grabbed her and at knife point dragged her into the nearby woods. He then began his sadistic attack, which included rape, beating, and sodomizing the young woman. For this brutal attack, Baker was given a monster 228 year prison sentence.
"The sentence is almost racial because he is black and the lady is a white female..."
White female survived the attack.
1786. Cobb County, GA July, 1, 2013
The Hate Attacks Just Keep Coming...
Pack Of Racist Teens - 'jus havin' fun' -Attack Lone White Male - Beat Him & Head-Stomp Him Into Unconsciousness And Leave Him In Middle Of The Street - Victim Is Eventually Run Over
Racist Blacks Arrested:
Jekari Oshay Strozier, 19
Antonio Shantwan Pass, 18
Johnathan Donald Anthony, 18
Kemonta Bond, 18
1787. Sanford, Fl, 2012
White Male Gets Pistol Whipped And Beaten By Racist Black Male - White Male Defends Himself and Shoots Attacker - HOWEVER, White Male Gets Arrested & Charged With 1st Degree Attempted Murder
"Witnesses said Long, who is African-American, according to police reports, called Rose, who is white, a racial slur before hitting Rose in the face with his .40 caliber Glock."
Racist gun-wielding black thug:: Brandon Long (survived)
Victim:: Corey Rose, 30, charged with attempted first degree murder
1788. Wayne County, MI 1998
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder by Burning
Tyrone Yelverton, 18, broke into a prominent white female's home, kidnapped her, raped and beat her, then murdered her. To cover up his rape, the white female was burned. NOTE: Final disposition of this case is unknown.
Mollie Ellis, 76http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/123655/
1789. Luzerne County, PA 2002
Unemployed Boyfriend Persuades His White Girlfriend To Take Him To A White Person's Home To Steal Money - Result? Murder
A black male, Larry Tooley, 46, a loser, heroin user, career criminal, mooch and unemployed, hooked up with a not too bright white female, who was a heroin user --or became a heroin user after she met looser Larry Tooley. The white female, Tina Young, 33, had knowledge (thru her girlfriend) of a 16-year-old white male who had saved $2000 for a car. Looser Larry talked the gullible white female into telling him where the young kid lived. Looser Larry t then, along with his heroin-using white female, went over to the kid's house and once Looser Larry got the money he executed the 16-year-old . Tina Young got 20 to 40 years. Looser Larry got Life.
Casey Zalenski, 16 (w/m)
1790. Mesa, AZ, March 21, 1986
Workplace Water Cooler Is Spiked With Enough Cyanide To Kill 150 People
In an effort to kill his wife, black male Lewis Allen Harry Jr., 32, went to her place of work and loaded a water cooler with cyanide. However, another office worker drank the poisoned water before Harry Jr.'s wife did and she then alerted others not to drink the water. She died later that day.
Julie Williams, 46 (w/m)
1791. Dearborn, MI, July 2013
Armed Robbery- Two Are Murdered
Lavere Bryant, 34, walked into a convenience store and pulled a gun on two employees. After Bryant robbed the cash register he gunned down the white male. As for the white female, well, Bryant had a different fate awaiting her. She was abducted and taken into nearby woods, then gunned down. Police discovered the body of white female about two miles from where she was abducted. NOTE: Police, curiously, are not reporting a rape. But there's only one reason for someone to abduct a pretty young girl : RAPE. Case yet to be prosecuted.
* Brenna K. Machus, 20
* Lavere Bryant, 34
1792. King County, WA, 1995
'Fair Housing Act' Atrocities
Predator Stakes Out Two White Females' Apartments - Invades Their Homes - Rapes Them ...Then Murders Them
A black male, Robert Parker, 27, (career criminal) discovered what he thought was a perfect scheme to rape (and murder) white females :: Parker would find an apartment complex that had an adjacent wooded area, and then hide behind trees or shrubs under the cover of night and wait for a white female to come out of her apartment carrying her laundry to the outside laundry machines. He would expect the white female would not lock her door. That's the scenario that played out perfectly against two white females. Both wound up raped and bludgeoned to death with a butcher's knife. Their places, naturally, where also burglarized. Before Parker left, he torched the bodies of the two white females. Note: Parker's girlfriend rated him out.
Renee Powell, 43
Barbara Walsh, 53
1793. Foley, AL, Dec. 1997
Two White Females Murdered In The Course Of His Armed Robberies
A black male (career criminal and unemployed),... "Calvin Stallworth, [27-years-old], was indicted for two counts of capital murder for murdering Nancy Dukes and Linda Morton during the course of a robbery. Both Dukes and Morton were employees of convenience stores off Highway 59 in Foley."
Note: Stallworth was found guilty of both murders and sentenced to death.
Nancy Dukes, 43
Linda Morton, 49
1794. Lucas County, OH, 2005
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Atrocity
Convicted Rapist Out On Parole - Kidnaps (At Knife Point) 16-Years-Old White Girl From Her Front Yard -- Rapes And Terrorizes Her
"You sit back and you think that this will never happen to your family, which I probably thought that the other day," said the victim's father. "I guess you just never know."
The victim's father believes the neighborhood should have been warned after Quinn got of prison last week because he has a violent history, including other rapes. "And, if the neighborhood would have been alerted that he was out, maybe it could have been prevented." Note: Quinn claimed he was convicted because he was black and the victim was white.
Arrested For Rape/Kidnapping:
Jeremy Quinn, Jr, 26
UPDATE: Quinn was convicted and , because he was a repeat offender, given a monster 70 year sentence
1795. Chesterfield County , VA 2013
White Female's Relationship Gets Her Mother Killed
WOW! Crazy Brain Stalks & Terrorizes Ex- Girlfriend For Four Years - Finally Murders Her ... AND HER MOTHER
>>>MUST READ<< Insight into just how crazy this man is.
Arrested For Murder::
Herbert Bland Jr , 23
Elisabeth Fassett, 42 (deceased)
Barbara Fassett, 65 (deceased)
1796. Tulsa, OK, Jan. 2013
Massacre Atrocity In Tulsa... Four Females DEAD
White Female Lived In Black Community
NOTE: This trial is still going on (as Sept. 2013).
Know facts are these: Rebeika Powell, 23, dated a black man (unknown identity) and became pregnant. She had a black baby. Not surprising, the black man did not support his kid, so Rebeika went on welfare. She also, being in poverty, lived in a run-down black community - a living decision that would play the pivotal part in this massacre. Rebeika then started dating another black man (9-years older than she was), Allen Hayes, 32. A black female, who saw "valuables" in Rebeika's apartment, reported what she saw to her boyfriend, Cedric, who invited his criminal-minded brother , James, in on a "lick".
1797. Rome, NY 2013
White Female's EX-Boyfriend Returns - Two Are Stabbed To Death...
Aaron Welch, 26
Stephanie Morrison, 22 (murdered by ex-black boyfriend)
Shawn Kessler, 31 (innocent victim of white female's ex-black boyfriend)
1798. Roseland. IL 2012
THRILL KILL - 16-Year-Old Girl Gunned Down While She Sat In A Car With Her Friends
This could be a gang initiation THRILL KILL. Case yet to be prosecuted
Arrested For 1st Degree Murder:
Deon Brandon, 18
Taylor Fitting, 16
1799. Franklin County, Ohio, 2013
16-Year-Old Attacks White Female For No Reason - THRILL KILL
A black male, Jordan T. Stewart, 16, was arrested for the unprovoked murder of a 55--year--old white female while she was walking a a public jogging trail. Steward, who had been kicked out of his grandmother's home for being too unruly, was living in a group home paid for by white taxpayers. He was apparently lying in wait for the victim.
Note: No defense against this kind of determined HATE.attack.
* Jane E. Juergens, 55
1800. Reno, NV 2013
Black Male With Criminal Rap Sheet That Stretches Back To The 1960s Murders Elderly White Male In A Bank Holdup
A black male career criminal, Van McDuffie, 66, was arrested and charged with murdering an 80-year-old white male during a bank robbery. Black male McDuffie has over 62 arrests dating back to 1967!
Charles Sperry, 80
1801. Sacramento County, CA 1993
Ambush - Murder
A black male , Glen Cornwell, 34, ... "[was]convicted of shooting [white male] 63-year-old William Reagan, a retired civil engineer and World War II veteran. Reagan was shot in the neck as he walked into his girlfriend’s 16th Street check-cashing business carrying a briefcase with $9,500 in cash."
Note: Cornwell, convicted and sentenced to death in 1995, is still on death row.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/03/31/3518978/death-row-inmates.html#storylink=cpy
Huntsville , AL 1994
Armed Robbery - Sexual Depravity Murder Of Young White Female
A black male teen (career criminal), Derrick O'Neal Mason, 19 barged into a convenience store where a lone white female worked. At gunpoint, O'Neal forced the white female to a back room, then made her strip naked. Mason then shot the white female in the face twice.
Angela Michele Cagle,25
1802. Palm Beach, Fl. 2007
Apartment Maintenance Employee Kidnaps Tenant - Beats Her - Rapes Her Repeatedly - Terrorizes Her - Robs Her ATM
Incredibly, after more than three hours of terrorizing, raping, robbing her ATM, threats to kill her with a machete, the black male left the female alive. He was arrested the next day.
Arrested For Kidnapping/Rape (convicted and sentenced to life)::
Bobby Broomfield (b/m)
Jessica Carbone (very, very fortunate to be alive today)
Note: The only reason this white female is alive is because when the black man asked her if she knew him, she claimed she'd never seen him before.
1803. Berkeley County, S.Carolina, Oct. 2013
White Female Allows Black Boyfriend To Move In ... With Her And Her 8-Year-Old Daughter - RESULT? Mother & Daughter Wind Up Dead
Jacob Philip22, got into a relationship with a gullible female, who also had an 8-year-old daughter. It didn't take long for the Philip to murder his girlfriend AND her 8-year-old daughter. NOTE: I have a sickening feeling here...that Philip went after the 8-year-old and was caught. So he murdered both. What other reason could it be?
>>> Philip was employed by the white tax base --in the US Navy. His rank is third lowest possible: Petty Officer 3rd class. His pay...only 12-thousand a year. So who paid the rent and the bills?
Victims ::
1342. Mahoning County, OH, 1985
Public Abduction –Rape - Murder
A black male, Bennie Adams, 28,… kidnapped, raped then brutally murdered a white female college student.
* Gina Tenney, 19
Kentwood , MI, Jan. 2013
'Fair Housing Act' Takes Down TWO Elderly White People
Javonte Higgins, 22, has been arrested for the brutal home invasion murders of an elderly white couple.
* David Bouwman, 81
* Vivian Bouwman, 80
1343. Oakland county, MI, Oct. 15, 2008
Ambush - Murder
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Murdered by 15-year-old |
Three black males,Brandon Davis, 20, Deandre Sturges, 19, Jerome Hamilton, 15,... had attempted a number of robberies that night before targeting a restaurant after closing time. The black males saw a white female sitting in her car at Rib Rack restaurant in Lathrup Village ... and apparently figured, since it was the last car to leave the parking lot that night, she would have keys to the restaurant - and access to the night’s receipts. Hamilton exited his car and walked up on the young female ... and simply shot her in the head. She died instantly. UPDATE: Hamilton, who was ratted out by his crime buddies as the triggerman, was acquitted of all charges in this brazen ambush.
* Catherine Solinski-Blain, 21 (pregnant at the time of death)
1344. New Orleans, LA, Apr. 18, 2005
Ambush - Murder
Three black teens, Marcus Pleasant, 16, (waited in a stolen Jeep), Darnell Gilmore, 16, (triggerman) Ahmad Hill, 16,...were looking to commit armed robbery on a public street. They spotted two white females. The black youths ran up to the girls and at gunpoint demanded their purses. One of the white females, however, had the temerity to resist. That was enough to cause Gilmore to gun her down.
The defense attorney for Ahmad Hill, whose client admitted he was right there during the robbery (an active participant who was going to share in the spoils of the robbery), nevertheless, had the advantage of having his client before a less than stellar judge (black male Darryl Derbigny), and immediately requested a trial by judge. Result : After a ONE day trial the defense asked for an immediate acquittal ... and got it.
* Alyssa Kovash, 20
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Anna Pressly |
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Rape & Murder
A black male, Curtis Lavell Vance, 28, … staked out a white female’s home for the purpose of a rape, burglary/robbery and murder. Vance had later been determined - thru DNA evidence - to have broke into the home of another white female and raped her.
Victims :
* Kristen Edwards (raped)
* Anne Pressly, 26 (raped, sodomized and murdered) Anne was a popular TV anchor woman.
1346. Atlanta, GA, July 11, 1988
Public Abduction – Rape – Torture - Murder
Two black males,Emmanuel Hammond, 24, W. Maurice Porter, 20
…abducted a white female preschool fitness teacher. She was later found bound with a coat hanger, raped and shot with a shotgun blast to the head in a wooded area outside Atlanta.
* Julie Love, 27
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Larry was very proud of his customized truck |
Ambush - Thrill Kill
A black male, Jermaine “Bugsy” Lebron, 20,
…lured a young - and naïve - white male into his home telling him he had some parts for sale for the white male's customized truck. Inside the house there were no car parts, just a sawed-off shotgun waiting for him. The victim was forced to lie face down ... then executed with a blast to the head. Two other people were there (race unknown) and witnessed the execution - and did nothing. Motive for killing the 22-year-old? Lebron wanted his wallet and to experience (he believed) the thrill of pulling the trigger and murdering someone.
* Larry Neal Oliver, 22
1348. . Penfield, NY, Feb. 22, 2010
Former Employee Returns To Commit Armed Robbery
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Benjamin |
Two blacks (brother & sister), LaQuan Crimm, Shayla Fulton,... invaded a Popeye's restaurant, where black female Fulton had been recently fired, and without any warning or provocation, whacked a white male in the head with a six iron (golf club), then hit him again and again in the head area demanding the combination to the safe. The young white male lost his eye in the attack.
Benjamin Overmyer, 24 (survived)
1349. Brazoria County, TX, Jan. 21, 1998
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Brutal Rape & Murder
“Oh my God. Help me!”
Two male teens (one black /other half black / Hispanic ) at gunpoint invaded the home of a white female and, while her two young children were locked in a room, the two males raped the mother, then shot her in the head.
Arrested & Convicted Of Rape And Murderer:
Kenneth Parr, 18 (b/m - triggerman)
Michael Jiminez, 18 (b/m - half brother to murderer/rapist Parr)
* Linda “Suzie” Malek, 28 (deceased)
1350. San Angelo, TX, Feb. 18, 1995
Public Abduction – Rape –
Torture – Murder
A black male, Louis Jones, 45…staked out a laundromat and waited for an opportunity to abduct at a young white female. When Jones saw the opportunity he was waiting for ...he charged into the laundromat and up to the white female, pulled a gun then forced her outside and into the trunk of his car. Jones then sped away… back to his home (an awaiting chamber of horrors). For three days (maybe more) Jones, in the most depraved and sadistic ways imaginable, raped, beat, tortured, abused and humiliated the young white girl. When Jones was finally finished with the young female ... he retrieved a tire iron from his car, then beat her over the head with it until she was dead.
* Tracy McBride, 19
Ohio State University, March 1994
White Female Abducted By As She Walked Back To Her Dorm Room - Beaten - Raped - Murdered
No one knows knows how many days and hours sexual predator Jonathan J. Gravely, 23, staked out places around the Ohio State Univ. campus waiting for his opportunity to score a rape.
..."18, was a freshman at The Ohio State University. She was with friends in her dorm room on a Saturday night in March 1994 when they decided to go to another apartment. [She] and her friends separated along the way and she was last seen walking through Pearl Alley near campus. Her partially nude body was found in a field more than three miles away near railroad tracks.
Sexual predator Gravely was nailed by DNA evidence 12 years later.
Stephanie Hummer, 18
1351. Rural Area, N. Carolina, Sept. 21, 2007
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Brutal Murder -
Abuse Of A Child
Five black youths,
Van Roger Smith, 16,
Sherrod Nicholas Harrison,19,
Michael Graham Currie, 18,
Perry Ross Schiro, 19,
Ryan Jermar White, 18,
…broke into the home of a white family and discovered a 12-year-old child home from school. All five black teens ganged up on her, forced her mouth open, stuck a gun in then pulled the trigger. Of course, there is no way to know what this child was made to do before the black males murdered her.
* Emily Elizabeth Haddock, 12 (deceased)
** Emily is really a beautiful and sweet looking girl. There should have been a national media coverage of this black on white child murder (Rape? They ain’t sayin’).
1352. Knoxville, Tenn. 2007
Racially Motivated Public Abduction Atrocity - Rape - Torture - Murder
Four black males and a black female, Eric DeWayne Boyd, 34 Demaricus Davidson, 25, George Geovonni Thomas, 27, Letalvis Cobbins, 24, Vanessa Coleman (accessory after the fact),…were involved in the kidnapping, rape (both were raped) and torture – over two days – and then murdered of the two young people.
* Christopher Newsom, 23 (Deceased)
* Channon Christian, 21 (Deceased)
If you have the stomach and would like to know the gruesome details of how these black males made these two innocent white people suffer, here is the link to the details:
1353. Statesville, N.C., Dec. 16, 2007
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Andrew Ramseur, 21,... barged into a white male-owned Shell gas station and during the course of an armed robbery murdered two white people (male and female). Video surveillance shows the white female on her hands and knees when she was shot - twice.
* Jennifer Vincek, 28 (pictured - married and mother of two small children, ages 4 and 2)
* Jeffrey Peck, 52
http://jenny.hurleymultimedia.com/index.html (you can donate to help Jennifer's family if you wish)
1354. Marion, County, IN, Jan. 23, 2011
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Thomas Hardy, 60,...ambushed/ gunned down a white male police officer during a traffic stop. The officer was looking for a black male in his 50s, same model car, who had just robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. Note: It was Hardy that police were looking for. ...
* Officer David Moore, 29 (deceased)
1355. Egg Harbor City, NJ, Oct. 17, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Two black males , Mario Adams, 27, (triggerman),Dontay Matthews, 21,...ambushed a young white female and murdered her. Police believe a third black male, Rafael Olmo, 27, was also involved in the murder.
"A year earlier, family members said, Deanna Downs, 29, witnessed a murder in the same apartment complex and may have helped finger the trigger man, Rafael Olmo. Getting shot in the face was payback, they said."
* Deanna Downs, 29 (mother of two)
1356. Palm Beach, FL, Feb. 1, 2005
Public Ambush - 'Pocket Change' Murder
A black male (murderer out on parole), Steven Hayward, 35,...walked up to a white male and simply gunned him down. Hayward then rifled thru his pockets hoping to find pocket change.
* Daniel DeStefano, 32
1357. Spokane County , WA, April 27, 1996
Brutal Rape & Double Murder
I young and naive white female allowed a black male (drug dealer) into her home she shared with another white female. Result?
According to testimony Venus gave at trial, Woods "poured himself vodka" and expressed unhappiness about the fact that Jade was not awake. At the behest of Woods, Venus tried to awaken Jade[ pictured to right], but she did not respond. Woods, according to Venus, became irate and eventually shoved Venus onto the couch and attempted to unbutton her pants. Venus said that she escaped from Woods' grasp but that he managed to grab her again and "slammed" her head and neck against a door. From that point on, Venus has no memory of events that morning except for reoccurring "flashing" of memory in which she recalls struggling with Woods. After Woods completed his attack on Venus, he moved on to Jade. At about 7:30 a.m., Woods climbed into bed with Jade and forced her, at knifepoint, to get up. He then forcibly took her to witness the severely beaten Venus who was lying unconscious on the floor in one of the bedrooms. Woods proceeded to threaten Jade that if she did not comply with his demands, she would "end up looking just like your friend Venus.'" He then forced Jade to help him loot the trailer and to give him her automatic transaction machine (ATM) card together with her personal identification number. He then raped Jade orally and vaginally. While Woods was attacking Jade, Telisha came over to the trailer to retrieve some of her belongings. As she entered the trailer, Woods seized and bound her and forced her to stand against a wall in the bedroom. Jade, who was laying on the floor at this point, and "acting like she was dead," said that she "heard a baseball bat hit" Telisha's head. Jade was then hit in the head with the bat, knocked unconscious, and was unable to observe what happened beyond that point. When Telisha failed to return home later that morning, her mother, Sherry, became concerned and decided to go to the trailer. She arrived there at approximately 10:25 a.m. and found the door locked. While peering in through a window in the trailer, she saw a man, whom she later identified as Woods, alighting from the other side of the trailer. ... Despite the efforts of hospital personnel, Telisha expired without ever regaining consciousness. Jade initially responded favorably to medical treatment, however, her condition eventually worsened and she died the following day due to a blood clot.”
Convicted Rapist / Murderer:
Dwayne Woods, 26
* Telisha Shaver, 22 (w/f -- deceased)
* Jade Moore, 18 ( w/f -- deceased - pic)
* Venus Shaver, 20 (w/f -- the who brought Woods into the household -- she survived)
1358. Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 7, 2004
Public Abduction -Abuse Of A Child – Rape – Murder
A black male, Lindsay Bruce, 23 …kidnapped a little white girl (presumably to rape her) and then murdered her.
* Emily Rimel, 5
1359. Ray, Ohio, Nov. 3, 2000
Public Abduction – Murder
A black male,Gregory McKnight, 23 (convicted coldblooded murder at 15),…kidnapped a female co-worker (both worked at the same restaurant) and murdered her. Police found her in McKnight’s trailer home (curiously, no rape- just shot in the head).
* Emily Sarah Murray, 21 (college student)
1360. Rio Linda, CA, May 16, 1997
Ex-Con Allowed To Work AT Public High School - RESULT? Ambush - Rape - Murder
A black male,Alex Dale Thomas,34,…was a convicted felon who was - incredibly! - given a job working as a janitor at a 'white' high school. It was after school hours when the black male set his sights on a vulnerable young white girl. Thomas lured her to a room he knew was unoccupied and then raped her. In an effort to get away with his rape Thomas then murdered the girl.
* Michelle Montoya, 18
1361. Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Jan. 6, 2002
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male,Christopher McCowen, 33,…was allowed to work in a white community as a garbage collector. Evidently, McGowen saw a white female in the course of his garbage collecting and decided nothing was going to stop him from doing what he wanted to do: Rape. McCowen broke into the white female’s home then, at knife point, raped her. After the rape, McCowen, stabbed the white female repeatedly ...until she was dead. Her two-year-old child was found by police clinging to her.
* Christa Worthington, 46 (well known fashion writer)
1362. Nashville, TN, July 2005
Teen Ambushes White Adults - WOW!
A black male teen (and racist), Twain Vaughn,16,
…observed a car with three adult white people (son, mother, daughter) in it. He approached the car and then produced a gun and demanded cash. The driver (mother), startled by the gun, punched the gas peddle and tried to flee. Vaughn then fired a shot into the car striking an occupant and killing him.
* Kris Carlyle, 28
1363. Hazelton, PA, Nov. 13, 2010
PIMP - Murder
A black male, Benjamin Tyrell Westbrooks, 20,…forced a young and naive girl into prostitution - he was launching a career as a pimp. When Westbrooks thought the young girl was either holding out on him or refusing to make money for him, he took her to a secluded location and gunned her down.
* Alicia Weaver, 20 (deceased)
1364. Chula Vista, CA, April 10, 1986
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male (on parole for rape), George Williams Jr., 31(at time of crime),…broke into a white male’s home in the middle of the night, kidnapped his 14-year-old daughter, raped her, then murdered her. Williams then threw the little girl out of his car and onto the side of the freeway.
* Rickieann "Rickie" Blake, 14
And just what kind of predator was black male Williams? Here’s the list of his offenses:
--1981 rape of a 15-year-old girl
--1984 molestation of his 6-year-old daughter
--1985 rape of a 20-year-old woman in Oakland
--rape of a 24-year-old woman and also the RAPE of her 6-year-old daughter … one week after he killed Blake
Why on earth was this MONSTER even out on the streets after his second conviction?! Answer: Liberal court system in California.
1365. Conroe, TX, Aug. 1 , 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male teen, Glen Charles McGinnis,17… walked into a local dry cleaners and threw some of his jeans on the counter and told the white female clerk he wanted them cleaned. Before the woman could collect the jeans, McGinnis pulled out his gun and shot her right in the face. He then shot her three more times in the back. McGinnis then helped himself to $140.00 in the cash register. However, the dumb teen forgot his jeans, which had his name inscribed on the pockets.
* Leta Wilkerson, 30 (Leta w/ her children)
1366. St. Louis, MO, April 4, 1991
AMBUSHED - Two White Females Gang Raped And Murdered
* Julie Kerry, 20, (deceased - left)
* Robin Kerry, 19, (deceased - right)
* Thomas Cummins, 19 (survived)
** The rapists and the ones who planned the attack were the black males. The ones who decided the trio must die were the black males.
1367. Elyria, OH, Jan. 31, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male (serial rapist), Darryl Durr, 24,…went to a young white female’s home ( he claimed to police later is was to "to drop off a pack of cigarettes") and, discovering her parent(s) weren't home, barged in and raped her. Durr then kidnapped the young girl and took her to a secluded area … where he beat her to death.
* Angel Vincent, 16
Note: Durr was in jail awaiting trial for two rapes when his girlfriend came forward with her knowledge of Angle Vincent's murder.
1368. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Nov. 2007
Abuse Of A Child -Kidnapping - Rape- Murder
A black male, Marquis Bullock, 18… kidnapped and raped a 13 year-old white girl … then murdered her.
Victim :
* Cory Baker, 13
1369. Houston TX, Dec. 2010
Public Ambush - Murder
A black male, Lydell Grant, 33, a career criminal, was attempting to rob a white male at knife point when apparently the white male smacked him then took off. However, Grant was not going to allow the white male to escape and took off after him. And despite the fact that this was all taking place on a public street and outside a popular night club with numerous people watching, no one offered the white male any assistance. Grant ended up stabbing the victim numerous times. UPDATE:: (2019) Grant has been exonerated by the court after DNA pointed to another black male, 41-year-old Jermarico Carter, as the perp.
* Aaron Scheerhoorn, 28 (deceased)
1370. Nashville, Tenn. 1975
Abuse Of A Child - Rape - Murder

A black male, Jerome Barrett, 26,…kidnapped two white females in separate incidents, one a college student and the other a 9-year old, to commit rape. After the rapes, Barrett murdered both victims.
* Marcia Trimble, 9 (top pic)
* Sara Des Prez, 20
Note: Jerome Barrett boasted to investigators he killed “four blue-eyed bitches”.
1371. Michigan & Texas , May 1978-1983
In 1983, Coral Eugene Watts … was caught in the act of attempting to murder two white females in their apartment. Racist mass murderer Watts’ usual MO was to follow a white female to her home and, if he perceived the coast was clear, he would leap from his car, charge up to the female with a knife in his hand then bludgeon her to death on or inside her property (oddly, there were no rape attempts by Watts. He was apparently driven by pure HATE for white females). Note: Only because Watss deviated from his usual MO (charging up to a white female and stabbing her...then fleeing) was this serial racist black man caught. And only because he voluntarily told police about all his white victims did police find out about all his victims. Watts was offered immunity by police, who had no idea he was a mass murderer. Watts apparently proudly boasted of killing the white females)
Too many dead white females to list them all here. However, here are some of them:
From left to right:
* Linda Tilley * Anna Ledet * Helen Dutcher * Margaret Fossi
* Elena Semander * Emily LaQua * Elizabeth Montgomery * Jeanne Clyne
* Suzi Wolfe * Michele Maday
* Watts admitted to killing 13 white females
1. Jeanne Clyne & how she died:
Black male Watts decided to go driving around a white community near Detroit (Grosse Pointe Farms - 99% white in 1979) looking for a white female to ram with his 14-inch screwdriver. He noticed a white female, 44-year-old Jeanne Clyne (former food writer for Detroit News), walking on the sidewalk. Watts exited his car, ran up to her from behind ... and simply plunged his screwdriver into her back. Watts then fled, leaving Jeanne Clyne to die on the sidewalk.
Under the rules of forced integration, the black man gets to strike FIRST!
1372. Macon, GA, 1974
'Fair Housing Act' Murders
A black male, John Young,...decided the best way to make easy money was to invade the homes of elderly white people. In the course of his burglaries the black man would beat the elderly people (husband and wife) into unconsciousness. Three died as a result of his beatings.
* Coleman Brice
* Gladys Brice
* Katie Davis
* Three Elderly White People severely beaten
1373. New York City, NY, 1982
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape
Kelly McGillis (25-years-old)
Leroy Johnson, a 14-years-old black racist BULLY, along with another black male youth, staked out McGillis’ apartment. Apparently, when Kelly's roommate came home, the two black males entered behind her. The two blacks then immediately began threating Kelly and her roommate at knife point. Leroy Johnson was there for one purpose, to rape McGillis (the other black male was there to rob...but joined in on the rape). One could only imagine the look on McGillis face when this 14-year-old black boy with a knife demanded she remove her bathrobe and “get over there on that bed”.
McGillis: “I felt especially vulnerable because all I was wearing was a bathrobe. They had me backed up against a wall in the bedroom. One guy started looking through my things. All I had was some jewelry and about $10. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed a second knife, while the other one demanded that I get on the bed. When I refused he stuck me with his knife on my arms and chest. They called me a “white bitch” and asked if I had a bat, because they were going to beat the s— out of me just to teach me a lesson. They kept saying terrible things to me, awful racial slurs. I was arguing with them, “Please, I don’t have a bat. Leave.”
McGillis: He sodomized me and spit on me.”
McGillis was forced to endure rapes by both black males.
Leroy Johnson was eventually caught ...and was given a lengthy three year prison term. When he was released, two more white females would be raped at knife point in 1996.
1374. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 2004
Armed Robbery - Two Dead
A black male, James Walker, 23, fired from his job, returned to the business to commit robbery and murder. After black male Walker got his loot he ushered two employees (male and female) into the freezer … then executed them.
* Nicole Joslyn
* Alan Lowrie
1375. Poughkeepsie, NY, Feb. 2011
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Lee Welch, 27, ... murdered his wife then murdered a white police officer. Welch then committed suicide.
* Officer John Falcone, 44
1376. Winter Haven, CN, Nov. 8, 2010
The Black Male Bully Scenario: Mr. white male, if you ‘get into it’ with a black male, you are likely to experience one of the following (prison being no deterrent whatsoever!)::
1. The black male beats you down, and will not stop until you are unconscious – or dead.
2. The black male will pull a knife and stab you – with the intent to kill you.
3. The black male will pull a gun and shoot you right in the head.
4. The black male looses the fight but vows “I gonna get you cracker, son-of-a-bitch. You jus wait man.” The black male MEANS IT EVERY TIME. You will be ambushed with a gun, baseball bat, knife, or, the black male will return with a few of his (black) friends to sucker punch, pummel, stomp and kick you into unconsciousness – or death.
5. The black male got the worst of it … then calls the police to report he was attacked by a racist white dude, who punched and kicked him while yelling racial slurs. The police will arrest you every time and you’ll be charged with a hate crime.
Bottom line Mr. white male, there’s no way you can win here.
Ambush – Murder
A Black male, Jade Iree Mose, 16,…got into an altercation with a white male but, according to police, it was quickly broken up by others. Mose waited after school for the white male, then ambushed him, pulling a knife on the unarmed kid and stabbing him multiple times … until he was dead.
* Luke Kendall, 16 (deceased)
1377. Albuquerque, NM, Sept. 2010
AMBUSH -Murder
A black male & Hispanic male, Joe Allen, 26, ,Robert Sanchez, 27 (registered rapist),
…spotted a white male and simply stabbed him to death. No apparent motive.
* Michael Checkley, 24
Note: Both thugs have plead not guilty.
1378. Elkhart, IN, Jan. 28, 1991
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male (convicted rapist), Fred S. Mott, 39,
…kidnapped, raped then murdered a 16-year-old white female.
* Kari Nunemaker, 16
Note: Mott - convicted of rapes in Illinois & Indiana - was already in prison in California for another rape.
1379. Lee County, GA, March 4, 2008
Public Abduction – Attempted Rape – Murder
“They’re murdering our daughters!”
A black male, Courtney Lockhart, 23, …charged up to a young white female college student, pulled a gun and told her if she tried to resist he'd kill her. Lockhart then forced the white female into his car and drove to an ATM machine, where he forced her to withdraw money for him. He then took her to a secluded area and attempted to rape her. However, not wanting to endure the rape, and also seemly preferring death to rape, she fought him off and tried to escape. Lockhart then gunned her down.
* Lauren Burk, 18
1380. Nacogdoches County , TX, Dec. 2010
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Cordell Renard Green, 22,…is charged with murder of a white female. She was apparently abducted as part of a robbery/murder scheme (black male Green is an ex-con with a past conviction of armed robbery). The white female was found shot multiple times. UPDATE: Green takes plea deal to avoid death penalty --gets life in prison.
* Heather Doris, 25 (deceased)
Note: Black male Green was arrested Feb. 14, 2011.
1381. Wilson, N.C, 2005
Business Invasion - Murder
Three black males,
Corey Whitted, 25 (triggerman),
Antonio Barnes, 19,
John Holden Jr., 20,
…after an armed robbery of a Pizza business , gunned down two people (white male - Hispanic male). Whitted was a former employee of the business.
* Brandon Bass, 20 (deceased)
* Ceasar Raya, 18 (survived)
1382. Lexington, KY, April 29, 2010
White Police Officer Deliberately Run Over
A black male,Glenn Doneghy, 33, …apparently deliberately hit a white male police officer with his SUV. Doneghy is being charged with murder.
* Officer Bryan Durman, 27 (deceased)
1383. Jacksonville, Fl. Dec. 2, 1996
Abuse Of A Child – Rape – Murder
Cherie Morrisette, an 11-year-old girl, went missing on Dec. 2, 1996. The crime went unsolved until 2006, when DNA evidence on the little girl’s underwear was linked to...black male (long time sexual predator), Shelton Mitchell, 43.
In 2003, the Florida prosecutor obtained admission by black male Mitchell of sexual assault (rape) of the white child, However, not a confession of murdering her. The prosecutor apparently was unable to prove beyond a doubt that the black male murdered the little white girl, so he was forced to prosecute him for having illegal sexual contact with a child (avoided the death penalty but, nevertheless, serving a life sentence).
1384. New York City, NY, 2007
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
"routine" traffic stop
"Timoshenko was shot twice in the face and died a few days later, after lying in a coma. Yan's bulletproof vest intercepted a slug that might have proved fatal."
Black male Murderers: Dexter Bostic, 38, Robert Ellis, 37, Lee Woods, 30
* Officer Russel Timoshenko, 26
1385. Kent, OH, Jan. 23, 2010
Sucker Punch - Beat-Down Murder
A black male,John Ragin, 21,…sucker punched a white male Marine then, while he was down, continued to beat and stomp on him. The white male later died from his injuries.
John White, 28 (Marine)
1386. Nashville, TN, Nov. 11, 2003
Black Male Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Deon Velt Miller, 16, Anthony Lateze Robinson, 18, ... ambushed a white male at an intersection stoplight...and during the course of their armed robbery shot and killed him,
* Eric Scott Mansfield, 33 (w/m)
1387. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 8, 2007
Ambush - Murder
Three black males (unemployed & in a stolen car),
Alfred Marina, 20,
Gregory Hill, 21,
Maurice McCarty,19,
... tried to rob (rape?) a white female. When she attempted to flee in her car she was shot in the head and killed (police believe the triggerman was Hill).
* Kayla Fanaei, 20 (looks like a w/f - not sure, but she ain't black)
Note: The black males came back after briefly talking to the female (sitting in her BMW). No doubt in my mind, they were going to abduct and rape the girl, then kill her. At least she didn't have to endure a gang rape.
1388. Texas City, TX, March 1996
Public Abduction - Abuse Of A Child - Rape - Murder
A black male, Kevin Edison Smith, 29, …abducted a child to commit rape. After Smith raped the child, he murdered her and then tossed her into a river.
* Krystal Jean Baker, 13
Note: Keven Smith says he “didn’t kill anybody” but DNA evidence proves he did. At the time of this atrocity, Smith lived only a few mile from where the child was abducted.
1389. Kansas City, MO, Oct. 2010
White Father & Daughter Terrorized
Rape & Murder Slaughter Averted?
A black male, Jason E. Frazier, 30,…offered to be a Good samaritan to a white male and his daughter and lead them (in separate cars) to a destination. All that Frazier said he wanted for his good deed was some "gas money". It was a set-up from the get-go. Frazier had a gun and he was attempting to lead both to a secluded area - likely to rape the girl, then murder both of them. The father & daughter caught on as they was being lured away from their destination. When Frazier noticed the the car he was leading change course, he actually went after them.
Victims (survived):
* Samuel Schwer
* Katrina Schwer (daughter)
1390. Charleston County, S.C., June 2009
Ambush - Murder
Two people (black male-white female) , Ethan Mack, 29, (unemployed), Heather Kamp, 30, …brutally tortured then murdered a white female, that both had been acquainted with. Motive was robbery. However, some of the blame in this brutal murder has to fall on the victim. It was she, apparently, who introduced Kamp to Mack - a stupid thing to do that cost her her life. The female who hooked up with Mack ... she will likely get life in prison.
* Kate Waring, 28 (Pic Above)
1391. Harrisburg, PA, Oct. 2010
Public Ambush
White People Are Not Being Properly Warned!
HEADS UP HERE! When you see a black male, or a group of black males, lurking about, and you can plainly see that you must pass him/them to either leave whatever place you’re coming from or to get to where you're going, this is a CLASSIC black male ambush situation. Don’t test fate! Go back inside and call the police. Tell the police suspicious guys are lurking about. Anything. Get them out there or you will undoubtedly wind up a victim. Don’t ever think because you’re out in public that the black man won’t strike at you.
"But suddenly the car jerked backward, trapping her on the second floor. The men dragged her husband and a friend from the car and began pummeling them..."
Link below tell the harrowing tale of three white people tested fate … in a classic black male ambush situation.
1392. Chicago, IL, Jan. 21, 2007
Public Abduction - Murder

A black male, William McIntosh, 46, … was linked by DNA to the murder of young white female, 17-years-old. It’s unknown if the black man raped her but, …C’Mon
* Marlaina Reed , 17
1393. Memphis, TN, April 11, 2004
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
Two black males, Stanley Andrews, 23, Lontrell Williams, 27,..were knocking on doors in an apartment complex when, unfortunately, a young white female opened her door ... without FIRST checking through her peep hole. She paid the ultimate price. Motive was RAPE / robbery / murder.
* Rebecca Glahn, 24 (raped & tortured)
She would have been a star. Forced integration NEEDS to end!
1394. Haines City, FL, March 1998
White Police Officer Ambushed - Executed
“kill that cracker”
Five black males (career criminals), Charles Andrew Fowler (triggerman) , Christopher Gamble, Jeffrey Bouyie, Andre Paige,…were sitting in a stolen car and in the process of preparing to rob a bank when a white police officer happened on the scene and approached the car. Unbeknown to the officer, however, Fowler had exited the car before the officer arrived. While the officer was engaged with the car occupants, Fowler sneaked up behind the officer and put a gun to his head. Fowler made him give up his gun, then, hearing other blacks shout “kill the cracker”, Fowler shot him in the back of the head.
* Officer Christopher Horner
1395. Chicago, IL, 2010
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
A black male, Bryant Brewer, 24,…approached a white male police officer apparently with the sole intent of wrestling his gun away from him and killing him with it. And that’s exactly what Brewer did.
* Officer Thor Soderberg, 43 (deceased)
1396. Memphis, TN, June 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Aaron Jeans,…along with other family members (mother and grandfather) were hired by a white female to do handy work around her house. Jeans was somehow able to get the white female to let him into her home. Jeans then brutally attacked the woman, beat her, raped her, then murdered her and stuffed her in a closet. Jeans then stole the woman’s credit card and her car.
* Rebecca Neeley, 58
1397. Kent, OH, Nov. 2009
Racism – THRILL KILL Beat-Down Murder
Two racist black males,
Ronald Gene Kelley, 20,
Adrian Alexander Barker, 21,
… were arrested and charged with murder in an unprovoked and craven attack on Christopher Kernich, 23 (white male). Christopher’s fatal injuries resulted from his head being repeatedly stomped on and kicked.
1398. Florida, April 19, 1994
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Herman Lindsey,…walked into a pawn shop, pulled a gun on a white female clerk, then shot her in the head.
* Joanne Mazollo (deceased)
Note: The Florida Supreme Court reversed Linsdsey’s conviction. However, anyone reading the evidence against him would logically conclude (as the jury did) Lindsey was guilty as charged. Even his own girlfriend testified against him. Read link below to decide for yourself.
1399. Marion County, FL, Jan.17, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder - Home Invasion
A black male, Ian Lightbourne, 22,…broke into the home of a white female, raped her then brutally murdered her. Lightbourne was formerly employed by the family of the slain victim.
* Nancy Alberta O'Farrell
1400. Cincinnati, OH, 2006 -2009
Abuse Of A Child – Rape – Murder
A black male, Anthony Kirkland, 40, ….raped and murdered a young white girl. Kirkland also confessed to three other killings (two were black, one white).
* Esme Kenney, 13 (murdered in 2009 - pic included)
* Casonya Crawford, 45 (murdered in 2006)
1401. Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 4, 2010,
Public Ambush - Murder
A black male racist (ex-con -murder),Johnny Lee Wicks, 66…walked up to a white male working as a security guard at a federal court house and simply gunned him down. A deputy marshal was also injured. Slow-witted Wicks believed the federal gov’t was conspiring against him - because he was black - by reducing his Social Security check.
* Stanley Wayne Cooper, 72 (w/m - former police officer)
* 48-year-old U.S. Marshal
1402. Ocala, FL, July 21, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder - Husband Dead - Wife Survives
Three black males, Renaldo McGirth, 18, Theodore C. Huston, 17, Jarrord M. Roberts, 20, ...invaded the home of an elderly white couple and then gunned them both down execution style. Motive was burglary/robbery.
* Diana Miller, 63 (deceased)
* James Miller, 71 (survived)
1403. Dougherty County, GA, Dec. 23, 2010
Murder Of White Police Officer
A black male, Dontavius Thomas, 20,…had just committed a convenience store robbery when he was approached by a white male police officer. Thomas drew his gun and shot twice, striking the officer below his bullet proof vest and in the leg.
White Male:
* Lt. Cliff Rouse , 39 (deceased)
1404. Jacksonville, FL, Jan. 22, 1995
Public Abduction - Murder
Two black males, Pressley Alston, Dee Ellison…carjacked and murdered a white male.
* James Lee Coon, 19
Note: 99% sure this victim is white. Anyone with info on the race of Mr. Coon you can leave it below in the comment section.
Gang Attack
Also known as, Black Male Wilding.... Or, the MSM politically correct name, Flash Attacks
A growing problem for all law abiding people is the organized (blackberry coordinated) Black Pack Attack on American (non-black) businesses. I see no way to stop these Black Pack Attacks for the simple reason they are likely coordinated by texting only hours before the attack.
Recent Black Pack Attacks:
Feb. 2011 - St. Paul, MN :
Feb. 2011 - Chicago, IL :
Feb. 2011 - Philadelphia, Penn :
March 2011: Black Males from Mattapan, MA.(black community outside of Boston), Pack Attacked a male inside a McDonald’s.
1406. Chattanooga, TN, 2005
Police Officer Abuse Of White Females
A black male (police officer), Gerry Davis,
…raped a white female at knife-point because she filed abuse charges against him. Black bully Davis would also force himself on women (his favorite targets were blond haired girls), by showing them his police badge, then force them to have sex or perform a sex act on him.
Note: White people were warned of this type of bully behavior by black males if they were allowed integration into white male society. The chickens have come home to roost.
1407. Aberdeen, MD, 1996
Black Males - Military Rapes
Gene C. McKinney,46 …was accused by 5 females (all white women) of rape and other acts of sexual misconduct. McKinney claimed that all the females were lying (cuz they were all white and were conspiring to keep him from a cushy power job in the pentagon) and that he was being targeted because he be black.
"He has also said that race was a factor in the decision to bring charges against him. McKinney is the first African-American to become sergeant major of the Army, who advises the chief of staff. His accusers are white"
Year 1996
Aberdeen Proving Ground - 12 Black Males Accused Of Rape
Twelve black males, including, Delmar Simpson, 31 (Drill Sgt) , Derrick Robertson,, 10 other unidentified,… raped and forced themselves on over 50 female recruits (26 rape allegations). Any sexual activity among soldiers is a violation of military rules. The black males were certainly aware of that rule. Apparently, it just didn’t matter.
Note: No way of knowing how many of those raped were white females. Black male Simpson faced the most charges, including forcible rape and sodomy. He received 25 years in May 1997.
1409. Crestview, FL, April 24, 1996
Girlfriend And Child Murdered Over Child Support - Also To Collect On Insurance Policy
Two black males, Lamar Brooks, 23, Walker Davis,…murdered a white female and her child. Apparently, black male Davis thought he was the father of the child and didn’t want to have to pay child support. Davis enlisted the help of his cousin, Books, to do the murders. Davis also took out a life insurance policy on the child he thought was his and hoped with the child's murder he would collect on it.
Innocent White Victims:
* Rachel Carlson (w/f)
* Alexis Stuart , 3 months old (may be mixed)
1410. Tampa, FL, Sept. 2003
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male (homeless), Michael Lord Owens, 47…broke into the home of an elderly white female, brutally beat, raped , then rage killed her. Her daughter discovered her covered in blood.
* Dorothy Milk, 71
1411. Kenosha, WI, Sept. 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
Two black male teens (cousins), Kawanis N. Trotter, 14, Roddee Daniel, 15….broke onto the home of a middle-aged white female to steal her X-Box. The two walked into the white female’s bedroom armed with a baseball bat and beat her in the head (police claim it was Daniel).
* Capri Walker, 51 (deceased)
1412. Port Author, TX, 2005
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male, Gary Sinegal, 40,…was a serial killer of elderly white females. MO: Break into their homes, murder them, then burglarize the premises.
White Victims:
* Dorothy Barrett, 82
* Louise Tamplin, 81
* Margie Gafford, 86
* Brenda Choate
1413. Pensacola, FL, Jan. 23, 1991
Business Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Antonio Lebaron Melton, 19 , Bendleon Lewis…walked into a pawn shop and without cause or provocation killed a white male with a gunshot blast to the head. Motive (surprise) was robbery.
* George Carter
1414. Knoxville, KY, Dec. 12, 2005
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male (drug dealer on parole), Leslie D. Mollett, 31,…during a routine traffic stop ambushed a white male police officer when he walked up to the car window. While the officer was down, Mollett then exited his car and finished off the officer with a shot to the head.
* State Police Cpl. Joseph Pokorny
1415. Chillicothe, Ohio, April 21, 2005
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Identity unknown,…ambushed a white male police officer in an alley.
* Officer Larry Randolph Cox (deceased)
1416. Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina, May 25, 2008
Argument With A Black Boy Results In MURDER
A white male got into a dispute with two blacks, Demario Stukes, 17, Keion Griffin ...over a parking space. One of the blacks (surprise) was armed with a gun and pulled it and gunned down the white male.
* Corey Brooks, 20
1417. Port Arthur, TX. Feb. 6, 1998
* Atrocity! *
A black male, Elroy Chester, 27,…invaded the home of a white female with two teenage daughters. Chester first beat the adult white female then tied her up. He then turned his attention to the female’s two young daughters. They were forced into a bedroom and made to strip down and both were brutally raped. During the rapes, the girl’s uncle came into the home … and was immediately ambushed and gunned down by Chester. Done with his child rapes and murder, Chester then burglarized the home.
Reason for Chester‘s crime: "…hate for white people"
* Kim Ryman Deleon (survived)
* 14-year-old daughter (survived)
* 16 year old daughter (survived)
* Willie Ryman III (deceased)
Other Murders Admitted To:
* John Henry Sepeda, 78 (w/m)
* Etta MaeStallings, 87 (w/f)
* Cheryl DeLeon, 40 (w/f)
* Albert Bolden Jr., 35 (b/m)
1418. Miami, FL, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Matthew Guzman, 21,…murdered two white males. Guzman's first murder was his next door neighbor, whose home he invaded to burglarize (after he shot him). The other was the owner of a tire store who was shot as part of a robbery scheme.
* Harry Ray, 64 (murdered Nov. 18, 2010)
* Paul Barrow, 46 (murdered Dec. 16, 2010)
1419. Iowa County, IA, May 29, 2010
A black male, Peter Riggs, 31,…gunned down a white male rest-stop employee while he was in the restroom. No motive is known. Update: Apparently black male Riggs has "mental deficiencies".
* Jeffrey D McAdam, 46
Note: Yet another "mental deficiencies" made the black male it i,e. no motive ... murder of a white person. My question is, where are all the blacks going down like this and a white male is claiming he did it because he's mentally retarded? It's not happening. This appears to be nothing more than a racial hate kill.
1420. Youngstown, OH, Sept. 2010
Thrill Kill
Two black males, Kevin Agee, 25, Aubrey Toney, 29,…fired at a car driven by an elderly white male and his wife. The husband was struck and killed, the wife sustained a non-life threatening bullet wound. No known motive.
*Thomas Repchic, 74 (deceased)
* Jacqueline Repchic (wife - survived)
1421. Syracuse, NY, Feb. 27, 2006
White Police Officer Gunned Down
Three black males (career criminals), Marion Pegese, 33 Robert Ward, 28, Toussaint Davis, 38,…gunned down a white male officer while he was in pursuit of them following an armed robbery of a jewelry store.
* Officer Joseph Corr
1422. Athens, GA, March 2011
Murder Of White Police Officer - One Dead One Survives
A black male (career criminal),, Jamie Hood,..gunned down two white male police officers who responded to his carjacking attempt.
White Victim:
* Officer Elmer Christian (deceased)
* Officer Tony Howard (survived)
Note: Black Jamie Hood has yet to be tried for his crime.
1423. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 2009
Black Male Thrill Kill
A black male, unidentified, ..walked into a BP gas station, pulled out a gun and then gunned down a white male clerk...for no apparent reason.
* John Wesley Gerber, 40
1424. Palmetto, Fl, 1992
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Derrick Williams, 31,...abducted a white female in front of her home for the purpose of rape.
* Unknown identity (survived)
Note: There might be some question as to the guilt of Williams, though a jury convicted him. But thee is no doubt that the perp was a black male.
1425. Los Angles County, mid 1970 to late 1980s
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male, John Floyd Thomas Jr...who was never employed in the black community nor was he ever employed by a black male, used his jobs in the white community to prey on elderly white females. Black male Thomas would drive around white communities looking for elderly white females who lived alone. when he found a home during the evening hours, he would break into the home, then:
"The Westside Rapist would rape the seniors and then squeeze their necks. They would be found with blankets and/or pillows on their heads. 20 victims managed to survive. But, as police would find out, 20 survivors can have just as many eye witness accounts of their attacker. There was also no DNA tests back then like there is now. 17 victims would be attributed to the Westside Rapist in the mid-70's. "
Police finally caught up with the racist serial rapist/murderer in 2004, when a DNA match pointed to him in four unsolved murders.
1426. Jena, LA, December 4, 2006
Six black males BULLIES,
Robert Bailey,17,
Mychal Bell, 16,
Carwin Jones, 18,
Bryant Purvis, 17,
Jesse Ray Beard, 14,
Theo Shaw, 17,
…waited for a lone white male to come walking out a door at their high school. When a lone white male did exit , the six black thugs pounced on him, first delivering the infamous (cowardly) black male sucker punch. Then, when the white kid fell to the ground, the six BULLIES began stomping on him and kicking him.
When a white prosecutor tried to take a tough stand on this kind of cowardly thug behavior, he got calls of racism from America's biggest race-monger, black male BULLY AL Sharpton (BTW, without the MSM cooperating with Sharpton, he‘s powerless, isn‘t he?). And then, to aim one of the biggest insults toward white people since the launching of forced integration in 1964, Sharpton organized a protest ... a protest march for the black male BULLIES, claiming the white prosecutor was being too harsh. You see, it didn’t matter to Sharpton that the black BULLIES ganged up six against ONE; or that the black BULLIES tried to kill the kid - leaving him unconscious. What mattered to black male Sharpton (besides the media cameras being there – always a big thing) was a golden opportunity to send a couple of messages to America's white population:: 1) "White people, you don't count as victims." 2) "We can get anything we want by using protest BULLY marches." Black male Sharpton, not surprisingly, won on both counts.
* Justin Barker
NOTE: Read the black thug take on this incident here white people. You DON'T count!
1427. Leon County, FL. Aug. 12, 1984
Good Samaritan Murder - Rape -Torture - Burned Alive
* Jeanne Bickner, 38
Note: Because the white female was burned, no DNA evidence could be obtained to prove a rape. However, a black male abducts a white female and take her to a secluded area usually for only one reason: RAPE.
1428. Martel, FL, December 20, 1979
Business Invasion - Murder
A black male, Sonny Oats, Jr., 20,...walked into a convenience store, pulled a gun and demanded a white female clerk hand over the money in the register. After Oats received the money he gunned down the white female clerk.
* Jeanette Dyer, 50
1429. FL, June 14, 1982
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male, Kayle Bates,24,...kidnapped a white female from her State Farm insurance office to rape her. He forced her (maced her then dragged her) to a secluded area behind her building where he then attempted to rape her (police don't confirm a rape but the whole purpose of the abduction was RAPE, so...). The white female was then murdered (stabbed her to death) and robbed of personal items.
* Janet Renee White, 24
1430. Gainesville, FL, Nov. 9, 1977
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male, Stephen Todd Booker, 24,...broke into an elderly white female's apartment, raped her then used a knife to bludgeoned her to death. Of course, the black male didn't leave the elderly woman's apartment without ransacking it for items to steal.
* Lorine Demoss Harmon , 94
Note: 99.9% sure victim is white. Gainesville in 1977 would have been about 80% white. Raping elderly women is - my exhaustive research has shown - almost exclusively the domain of the black male. A challenge was made by the defense in the appeals stage contending racial bias of the prosecutor for excluding a jury person because she was African-American. These challenges are almost always done by blacks when the victim is white. The victim's great niece's name is 'Page McKean Zyromski.'
1431. Toledo, OH, Feb. 11, 2010
Ambush - Attempted Murder
Cruel & Inhumane - Deliberately Shot In The Spine
Two black males, Aaron McDonald, 20, Henry Johnson, 28,...
“ …placed a delivery order to a vacant home in order to rob the driver. When Keasler knocked, one of the men tried to pull her into the house, but she says she tried to fight him off. Then, she says one of the attackers shot her in the chest, because he could not get her into the house."
"I was telling them please don't kill me," said Keasler. "They could have anything or do anything, as long as I was alive."
"Once dragged inside, the attacker shot her in the spine -- leaving her paralyzed.”
Rebecca's sentence - black male's deliberate act to render her a cripple - is for life!
* Rebecca Keasler, 21 (survived, but paralyzed)
1432. Montgomery County, MD, March 2011
Black Female Murders Co-worker
Ambush - Overkill Murder
A black female (a known thief), Brittany Norwood, 27,…was caught by a white female co-worker stealing merchandise. To prevent the white female from reporting her stealing activities the black female ambushed the white female in the store after closing time. Police claim that the black female beat the white female for over 20 minutes, inflicting so many wounds on her skull that all of them could not be counted. The black female then staged a crime scene and reported that black males (?) had invaded the store and raped and robbed them, then murdered the white female.
* Jayna Murray, 30
1433. Jacksonville, FL, Sept. 16, 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Anthony Mungin, 24,…walked into a store and pulled a gun on a white female clerk and demanded money. After the white female gave Mungin all the money from the cash register ($59.02), he shot her in the head.
* Betty Jean Woods, 51 (deceased)
Note: I believe victim to be white. Awaiting confirmation.
1434. June 2011 Columbia, S. Carolina
Gang Attack - Attempted Murder
Eight black males, including, seven juveniles, Thyeem Henrey , ... brutally ganged up on a lone white male, punching and kicking him, then, when he dropped to the ground ...the typical black pack attack MO... the stomping and kicking his head began. When the black feral youths believed the white kid was dead, they then rifled through his pockets. The white male teen wound up in a hospital and in a coma.
* Carter Strange , 19
1435. Akron, OH, Feb. 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male (S. African immigrant) Muziwokuthula Madonda, 33,…DESPERATE for money knocked on the door of a 60-year-old white female. When she opened it, Madonda barged inside then brutally murdered her. He then burglarized her place. Police believe the African immigrant is a serial murderer.
* Jacquelyn Hilder, 60
1436. Palm Beach County, FL,Aug. 9, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Jerry Haliburton, 32, …wanted to see what killing a "cracker" was like, and whether he had the manly nerve to do it.
* Donald Bohannon
Note: Halibuton also raped a white female with a knife pressed to her throat.
1437. Racine, WI, Oct. 2010
Ambush - Elderly Rape - Murder
A black male (career sex offender), Wilbert L. Thomas, 65…followed a white female - Good Samaritan- and ambushed her, then forced her to a secluded area where he raped her. After the rape Thomas straggled the white female, hit her repeatedly with a wooden cane and finally broke her neck.
* Sandra L. Teichow, 67 (deceased)
1438. Hernando County, FL, Feb. 28, 1978
White Police Officer Gunned Down - Pregnant Female Raped And Murdered
Two black males,Freddie Lee Hall, 33, Mack Ruffin, Jr.,…abducted a white female from a public parking lot who was seven months pregnant. Initially, the criminal-minded blacks were after just a car to commit robberies, however, presented with a rape opportunity they decided to take the white female out to a secluded area and rape her. After the rape, the two Negroes mercilessly beat then murdered the white female.
Later in the day the two black criminals murdered a white male police officer.
Note: Black Freddie Lee Hall was out on parole (for attempted rape) when he committed the above atrocities. Hall was sentenced to death for the above crimes, however, his attorneys are still maintaining that their client is far to stupid - retarded - and therefore should not be eligible for the death penalty. So far its worked.
* Deputy Lonnie C. Coburn
* Karol Hurst, 21 (7 months pregnant)
1439. Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 2003
Ambush - Attempted Murder
Two black males, Marty Allen Armstrong, 21, Lamont Fulton, 19,…charged up to a white male in a parking garage and at gunpoint demanded his money. After the white male complied he was then gunned down.
* Michael Lahoff, 52 (survived, paralyzed)
1440. Cincinnati, OH, July 15, 1978
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
Two black males, Wayne Reed and Russell Bell,...after committing an armed robbery was pulled over by a white police officer. Reed immediately jumped out of his car and gunned down the officer.
Police Officer:
Officer Charles Burdsall (deceased)
1441. Cincinnati, OH, March 6, 1979
White Police Officers Ambushed - Two Murdered
A black male (career criminal), Gregory Daniels, 28,...was pulled over for an outstanding robbery warrant. As two white male police officers approached Daniels' car, he leaped out and started firing at the two officers. Both were struck, however, one of the officers got a round off striking and killing black male career criminal Daniels. Both officers died of their injuries.
Officer Dennis Bennington, 27 (deceased)
Officer Robert Seiffert, 31 (deceased)
1442. Charlestown, MA, Jan. 20, 2011
A black male, Deshawn James Chappell, 27, ...unemployed and having a long and violent criminal record, attacked and brutally murdered a white female - counselor - who befriended him at a counseling home for people with a troubled pasts and mental illness.
* Stephanie Moulton, 25
1443. New York City, NY, April 1980
Ambush - Racism - Murder
A black male (racist) Austin Weeks, 29, ...apparently was determined to murder a white male. He boarded a commuter train, sat down in front of two teenage white males, then, when the train made a stop, black male Weeks got up, turned toward one of the teens... and shot him in the head. Black male Weeks then fled. He was caught a few weeks later.
* Terry Zilimbinaks, 17
Note: Weeks claimed to police the 17-year-old he shot leaned into his ear and whispered mean racial slurs to him (again Weeks is 29-years-old). No one heard these slurs. One, the police believed he was lying and so did the prosecutor; and, two, a racial slur is NO reason to shoot someone in the head. A jury ACTUALLY acquitted Weeks of murder! Remember though, this was 1980...and the guilt-tripped white person, thanks to ABC, NBC and CBS, was everywhere.
1444. San Gabriel Valley, CA 1991
Ambush - Public Abductions - Murder
“The mall murders”
A black gang, John I. Lewis, Vincent Hubbard, Robbin Machuca (b/f), Eileen Huber (w/f),...committed five murders. The gangs' MO was to kidnap people (most of them from a mall parking lot), withdraw money from their ATM account, then murder them.
* Elizabeth Nisbet, 49 (w/f)
* Shirley Denogean, 56 (w/f)
* Willie Newton Sams, 40
* Jose Avina
* Agustine Ramirez
1445. Alameda County , CA, Aug. 1987
Serial Murderer - White Elderly
MO: Home Invasion - Rape- Murder
“The Day Stalker”
A black male, Franklin Lynch,32,…preyed on elderly white women for the purpose of rape, torture and murder.
* Pearl Larson, 76
* Adeline Figuerido, 89
* Anna Constantine, 73
1446. Rialto, CA, March 3, 1986
White Police Officer Murdered
A black male, Dennis Mayfield, 26,...was confronted by a white officer and "...was killed ... when [Mayfield] attacked him behind a gas station, grabbed his gun and shot him once in the head." Mayfield is currently (2011) on death row in CA.
White Male:
* Sgt. Gary Wolfley, 31
1447. West Covina, CA, August 31, 1983
White Police Officer Murdered
A black male, Michael A. Jackson,…was reported to police as behaving strangely. A white police officer showed up and tried to confront strange-acting Jackson, who simply ignored him and continued walking. A scuffle ensued which quickly turned into a fight. Jackson freed himself and raced to the officer's patrol car to get the shotgun hanging on the rack. The white officer had numerous and justifiable opportunities to shoot black male Jackson. Why he didn’t is a mystery. After Jackson obtained the officer's shotgun heit on the officer and shot him in the head.
* Officer Kenneth Scott Wrede, 26
1448. Los Angeles, CA, October 31, 1985
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
Three black males, Voltaire Alphonse Williams, Ruben Moss, Daniel Jenkins (triggerman),…wanted to prevent a white male police officer from testifying - against Jenkins - at an upcoming trial. The white officer was assassinated in front of his 6-year-old son (in a white community) while picking him up from school.
* Detective Thomas Williams, 42
1449. Pasadena, CA, Oct. 18, 1988
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
Inhumane Cruelty - Pregnant White Female
Two black males, Ronald A. Jones, George M. Trone,...stalked a white female at a shopping mall - in a white community. When she entered the elevator to the parking lot the the black males followed. It was all over for her from there. When she exited the elevator the black males jumped her. At gunpoint, they forced her to her car, then into her trunk. She was taken to a secluded area, raped and then murdered (shot in the head).
* Lois Haro, 26
Note: Family members of the deceased white female won a huge negligence suit against the mall where these two blacks abducted her.
1450. LA County, CA, Nov. 2004
Armed Robbery - Thrill Kill
A black male (career criminal), Steven Anthony Jones, 35, ... murdered a white male during an armed robbery. The list of Jones' other crimes are as follows:
--murdered a white female in a hotel room by beating her in the head with a hammer;
-- attempted to murder two other men on Dec. 12, 2004, at a Lancaster home where he had rented a room - both survived but with brain damage;
-- sexually assaulted a fellow inmate in concert with another prisoner at the Men's Central Jail on June 10, 2005;
-- battered a deputy trying to extract him from his cell following the above attack;
-- tortured and attempted to murder another inmate on Dec. 20, 2005.
Note: Jones currently resides on death row in CA.
White Victims:
* Neil Hacker, 24
* Sharon Ann Willis, 42
1451. April 2011
Sucker Punch - Beat-Down
Racist Black Female/ Beat-down -White female/male
( Extremely Brutal)
1452. San Diego, CA, Aug. 26, 1985
Armed Robbery - Murder - Torture
Two black males, Terry Bemore, 33, Keith Cosby, 29,...walked into a liquor store around closing time to commit armed robbery. In the process they beat and tortured a white male then stabbed him 37 times .... resulting in his death.
* Kenneth Muck, 55
Note: Black male Bemore was either a former police officer or a current police officer at the time - in the white community of Palo Alto, CA. Co-Defendant Cosby, on June 1, 1985, was also involved in another murder, that of Fred Harb, 49, who worked at at a mini-market. Race unknown (I believe is white).
1453. Clairemont , CA, Aug. 9, 1989
Abuse Of A Child - Home Invasion - Murder
A black male and a Latino male, Christopher Box, 20 (ringleader and murderer), Manuel Flores, 17, ...broke into a duplex and murdered (knifed, beat and strangled) three white people. Motive was robbery and burglary. The little boy, beaten and strangled, was thrown in an alley.
White Victims:
* April Gilhousen, 20
* Bryan Gilhousen, 3
* Kevin Morton Chandler, 29
1454. Orange County, CA, Aug. 14, 1997
White Police Officer - Executed In Front Of His Fiancée
UGLY Black racism
Two black males (crips members), Kevin Dewayn Boyce, 27, (triggerman), Andre Willis, 30,...walked into a hair salon in a white community to commit armed robbery. An off-duty white police officer was there with his fiancée. When black male Boyce demanded and received the white male's wallet, he discovered an officer's badge. Black male Boyce then shot the white male in the head, killing him. After the murder, black male Boyce stole the white female's wedding band.
* Shayne York, 26
1455. Milpitas, CA, October 31, 1980
Armed Robbery - Murder
Three black males, Willie Branner (aka James Willis Johnson), Miller Peter Hodges , Thomas Fields...walked into a jewelry store and gunned down the owner (white male - shot multiple times), then stole jewelry from the store. Police claim the triggerman was
* Edward Dukar
1456. Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 15, 2000
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Ruben N. Johnson, Quindell Carter,..shot and killed a white female to prevent her from testifying against Jarvis Ross (the white female was a witness against him in an armed robbery). The white female was shot and killed in her home in front of her four-year-old son.
* Stephanie Smith (mother of three children)
Note: Pretty sure female is white. Awaiting confirmation.
1457. Erie, PA, March 3, 2010
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Tyler S. Keys, 22,…broke into the home of his white neighbor then brutally beat her to death. Black male Keys claimed to police (are you ready?), the white female became angry at him when he refused her sexual advances, and then attacked him with a knife. After the murder, black male Keys set fire to the female’s apartment.
According to the autopsy, “Gaerttner suffered 72 injuries [knife wounds] and bled to death when Keys stabbed her in the neck and knocked her unconscious by crushing her skull with a fax machine.”
* Peggy Sue Gaerttner, 51
1458. Phoenix, AR, Dec. 31, 1980
Home Invasion Massacre
Three males, William Bracy (b/m), Murray Hooper (b/m), Edward McCall (w/m),…barged into a white family’s home, marched three occupants to the upstairs bedroom, then executed them by putting a bullet into each of their heads. Police believe Hooper was the executioner.
* Helen Phelps, 70 (deceased)
* Marilyn Redmond (survived)
* Pat Redmond (deceased)
Note: There are some who believe that Ron Lukezic, Mr. Redmond’s business partner and son-in-law, hired the three men to do the killing.
1459. Jasper, Ala., 1995
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, James A. Johnson, ...walked into a convenience store, pulled a gun and demanded money. When the young white female clerk gave Johnson the money from the cash register ... he shot her four times in the head.
* Sissy Lawson (deceased)
1460. St. Petersburg, FL, Jan. 2000
Home Invasion - Murder - THRILL KILL
A black male (habitual criminal), Emory Carter, 20,.. . walked onto the the property of a white male then up to a white male and began beating on him, mercilessly, then knifed him to death. Motive (surprise) was robbery/burglary & THRILL KILL.
* Mike Kelley
1462. Escondido, CA, 2003
Two White Females Kidnapped & Murdered
A black male, Bennette Lee Douglas, 19,…was somehow able to get into a relationship with a very young and, unfortunately, very naïve white female. The result? The white female plus her best friend were found dead a short time later. Since Douglas was found to have used duct tape and a shovel in the crime, it appeared to be premeditated. Perhaps Douglas was involved in an illegal activity and the girls found out about it. Or, more likely, Douglas was informed by the naive white female that she didn’t want to see him anymore and the black male believed the other white female had something to do with it. So he decided to "do 'em both."
* Jennifer Ross, 18
* Heather Ann Steimer, 18
1463. Montgomery County, PA, Jan. 31, 2005
Ambush Murder - Two Dead
Three Black Males, Maurice Jones , Harold Murray,27, Ernest Reginald Morris,…sought revenge for a an earlier robbery of drugs and money. A white female apparently got into a relationship with black man (Vern Brewer)… who made his living selling drugs and stealing whenever he could. The white female paid the ultimate price for this relationship - shot twice in the face.
* Jennifer Pennington, 30
* Unborn baby
Note: I don’t like to include drug related crimes here, however, the white female seems to be just an innocent go along with the criminal minded black man.
1464. Syracuse, NY, May 20, 1983
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Edward Kithcart, 25 …broke into the apartment of a white female (mother) brutally raped her then used a pillow to smother her to death.
Patricia Kilbourne
Note: Kithcart was already in prison for another rape conviction. Forced integration continues to take its toll on White America.
1465. Erie, PA, Aug. 2010
Home Invasion - Abuse Of A Child - Murder
A black male (career criminal), Aaron Noyer, 22,…broke into the home of a white family intending to commit a burglary, instead he kidnapped their 2-year-old child, sexually assaulted her…then murdered her. Note: To avoid the death penalty, Noyer's attorney's claimed he was completely retarded (IQ of only 70). It worked. He got life - no parole
* Elizabeth Neimeic, 2 (pic shows she may be of mix race)
1466. Clinton, MO. Dec. 2005
Home Invasion - Ambush - Murder
A black male, Joshua Rudolph, 19,…put on a ski mask and walked over to his neighbor's home - a white male - and knocked at the front door. When the white male opened the door (he forgot to check the peep hole!) Rudolph pulled his gun, barged in and demanded money. After the black male received money, he shot the white male in the head.
* Damon Womble, 25
1467. St. Petersburg, Fla., December 11, 2005
Ambush - Murder
Black male strikes at white employer
A black male,Wilson Saintil, 51,…murdered -bludgeoned to death with a knife - his former manager. Motive was robbery.
* Stephen Holmes, 29
INTRODUCING: The “Going Ghetto”
Four black males and three black females, …(all related) invaded a white female’s business to attack - GOING GHETTO - a black employee of hers. In the process they threaten her life and beat her.
1468. Boone County, IL, Aug. 5, 1976
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
"Please. Ah, C'Mon. Jus a cup of coffee... That all... " Relentless begging and badgering like this day after day from black male Johnny Wright, 33, the white female finally said ok. It costs her her LIFE.
* Becky Doisy, 23
Note: Becky's remains have never been found. She went out on a date with black male Wright (ex-con) and never returned. Wright refused to admit he murdered the white female. He was finally convicted in 2011 for the murder of Becky Doisy. Wright died four years later. As for the evidence against him, two people came forward and said he had bragged to them about the murder.
1469. Perry, FL, November 6, 1974
Armed Robbery - Two White People Murdered
Two black males, Douglas Ray Meeks, 21, Homer Lee Hardwick, 18,…walked into a convenience store - in the white section of Perry - and then pulled a gun on two teenage white people. The cashier, a female, was ordered to give up the money in the cash register, which she did ($35.00). The other white person (a teenage male), along with the white female were marched at gunpoint to the back of the store and then told to lie face down ... where they were both shot multiple times.
* Diane Allen, 18 (survived)
* Lloyd Walker, 16 (deceased)
1470. Los Angeles, CA, 1995 - 1996
Black Male Serial Killers
Four sadistic black males, Emanuel Brown, 26, Kendrick Loot, 25, Bruce Milsap, 30, Rashbone Colston,...in the course of numerous robberies murdered at least eight people in less than a year. Their MO was to murder - charge up to and execute - armored car guards and then steal the cash bags. Racial identity of most not known
* James Moon, 43
1471. New York City, NY, February 2, 2005
Public Ambush - Murder
A black male and black female, Rudy Fleming, 19,Tatianna McDonald, 14,
…were out looking for someone to rob when they spotted a trio of young white people. Fleming and his companion charged up the the white people, pulled out a gun and demanded their money. When the white female refused, black male Fleming gunned her down.
* Nicole duFresne, 28
Note: Don't anyone doubt that the sole reason for gunning down this young white female was to "send a message," to teach white people that you better "give it up" to the black man; and also SUBMIT TO and fear the black man - or he'll kill you. At some point, white people have to say Enough is Enough!
1472. Mead Valley, CA, Dec. 13, 1993
Home Invasion - Murder
Two Black Males,Albert Jones, 29, Unidentified 15-year-old, ...broke into the home of an elderly white couple, hog tied them, then proceeded to bludgeoned them to death with pocket knives.
Victims :
* James Florville, 82
* Madalynne Florville, 72
1473. Atlanta, GA, Feb. 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
Didn't want to appear "racist" cost the white female her life.
An unemployed black male, Shamal Thompson, 22,
... used his considerable amount of spare time to conceive of a ruse he thought would allow him to enter a high security luxury condo complex ($800,000 to 2.5 million) to commit burglary. He would simply tell the security guard he was there as a potential buyer. Once inside the complex the black male was likely just going to go door to door seeing if a door was left unlocked. However, his scheme didn't work quite the way he figured. Thompson was directed to an on-sight real estate agent... and, while conversing with the agent (probably figuring his ruse wasn't going to work and making a mental exit plan), a white female passed by and overheard them talking. She informed both ... "Don't forget about my place. It's for sale too." That comment would turn out to cost her her life. The black kid seized the opportunity and informed the security guard he wanted to see the lady's unit. When the security guard called the homeowner and told her a black male was inquiring about her place and whether she would like a guard to accompany him ... she refused. She didn't want to appear racist. When Thompson got inside the white female's unit one can only speculate as to what went down before the the brutal assault. But it's likely the white female started to ask some questions about his job and/or source of income. Naturally, the 22-year-old would have been short on answers here, and the white female would have demanded that Thompson leave her place. Thompson, the evidence shows, grabbed the white female by the hair and rammed her head repeatedly into a marble counter top, fracturing her skull. "He then hid her body in the kitchen pantry and proceeded to steal her money, credit cards, and jewelry."
Innocent White Female:
* Dr. Eugenia “Jeanne” Calle, 57
1474. El Cajon, CA, March 1, 2006
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Anthony James Miller, Jean Pierre Rices, 24 (triggerman), ..showed up at a convenience store at closing time and at gunpoint forced two clerks into a back room. After emptying the safe, the two clerks were told to get down on their knees ... then Rices shot both in the head.
* Heather Mattia, 22 (w/f)
* Firas Waahid Eiso, 23 (Arab)
1475. Los Angeles, Ca, June 30, 1991
Former Employee Returns To Commit Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, James Robinson, Jr, 22,..after acquiring a handgun, walked into the store he used to work at and drew his gun on two teenage white males (one was employed there, the other was his friend who had come to visit). After Robinson received the store's money he gunned down both white males.
* James White, 19
* Brian Berry, 18
1476. Richmond, VA, Jan. 1, 2006
Massacre Atrocity!
White Family
Two black males, Ricky Javon Gray, Ray Joseph Dandridge,…without provocation, attacked a white male early in the evening of Dec. 31, 2005. The white male survived multiple knife wounds and was in a coma for two weeks (when he awoke, he discovered he'd lost the use of his right arm). After this savage attack, the two black males then went to the home of a white family. They broke in then , at gunpoint, gathered the family members (husband, wife and two young daughter) and marched them - terrified, you could imagine - into the basement and bound them with duct tape. All their throats were then slit, the adult white male being left for last, apparently so he could witness the slaughter of his family. The innocent white people massacred are:
* Brian Harvey,49
* Kathryn Harvey, 39
* Ruby, 4
* Stella, 9
Note: These two black males had previously brutally murdered another young white female, a mother of three, on Dec. 18, 2005. She was shot three times in the head then hung. The black males had knocked on the white female's door and when she opened it (something whe should NOT have done), they used the classic black male set up line for white people: "Yeah, man. I was wonderin'... We got some car trouble and I was wonderin' if you can let me use your telephone." The white female fell for the con and let the black male savages into her home. The innocent white female victim is:
* Sheryl Warner, 37
----------------------------------------------------------------'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Brutal Murder -
Abuse Of A Child
Five black youths,
Van Roger Smith, 16,
Sherrod Nicholas Harrison,19,
Michael Graham Currie, 18,
Perry Ross Schiro, 19,
Ryan Jermar White, 18,
…broke into the home of a white family and discovered a 12-year-old child home from school. All five black teens ganged up on her, forced her mouth open, stuck a gun in then pulled the trigger. Of course, there is no way to know what this child was made to do before the black males murdered her.
* Emily Elizabeth Haddock, 12 (deceased)
** Emily is really a beautiful and sweet looking girl. There should have been a national media coverage of this black on white child murder (Rape? They ain’t sayin’).
1352. Knoxville, Tenn. 2007
Racially Motivated Public Abduction Atrocity - Rape - Torture - Murder
Four black males and a black female, Eric DeWayne Boyd, 34 Demaricus Davidson, 25, George Geovonni Thomas, 27, Letalvis Cobbins, 24, Vanessa Coleman (accessory after the fact),…were involved in the kidnapping, rape (both were raped) and torture – over two days – and then murdered of the two young people.
* Christopher Newsom, 23 (Deceased)
* Channon Christian, 21 (Deceased)
If you have the stomach and would like to know the gruesome details of how these black males made these two innocent white people suffer, here is the link to the details:
1353. Statesville, N.C., Dec. 16, 2007
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Andrew Ramseur, 21,... barged into a white male-owned Shell gas station and during the course of an armed robbery murdered two white people (male and female). Video surveillance shows the white female on her hands and knees when she was shot - twice.
* Jennifer Vincek, 28 (pictured - married and mother of two small children, ages 4 and 2)
* Jeffrey Peck, 52
http://jenny.hurleymultimedia.com/index.html (you can donate to help Jennifer's family if you wish)
1354. Marion, County, IN, Jan. 23, 2011
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Thomas Hardy, 60,...ambushed/ gunned down a white male police officer during a traffic stop. The officer was looking for a black male in his 50s, same model car, who had just robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. Note: It was Hardy that police were looking for. ...
* Officer David Moore, 29 (deceased)
1355. Egg Harbor City, NJ, Oct. 17, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Two black males , Mario Adams, 27, (triggerman),Dontay Matthews, 21,...ambushed a young white female and murdered her. Police believe a third black male, Rafael Olmo, 27, was also involved in the murder.
"A year earlier, family members said, Deanna Downs, 29, witnessed a murder in the same apartment complex and may have helped finger the trigger man, Rafael Olmo. Getting shot in the face was payback, they said."
* Deanna Downs, 29 (mother of two)
1356. Palm Beach, FL, Feb. 1, 2005
Public Ambush - 'Pocket Change' Murder
A black male (murderer out on parole), Steven Hayward, 35,...walked up to a white male and simply gunned him down. Hayward then rifled thru his pockets hoping to find pocket change.
* Daniel DeStefano, 32
1357. Spokane County , WA, April 27, 1996
Brutal Rape & Double Murder
I young and naive white female allowed a black male (drug dealer) into her home she shared with another white female. Result?
According to testimony Venus gave at trial, Woods "poured himself vodka" and expressed unhappiness about the fact that Jade was not awake. At the behest of Woods, Venus tried to awaken Jade[ pictured to right], but she did not respond. Woods, according to Venus, became irate and eventually shoved Venus onto the couch and attempted to unbutton her pants. Venus said that she escaped from Woods' grasp but that he managed to grab her again and "slammed" her head and neck against a door. From that point on, Venus has no memory of events that morning except for reoccurring "flashing" of memory in which she recalls struggling with Woods. After Woods completed his attack on Venus, he moved on to Jade. At about 7:30 a.m., Woods climbed into bed with Jade and forced her, at knifepoint, to get up. He then forcibly took her to witness the severely beaten Venus who was lying unconscious on the floor in one of the bedrooms. Woods proceeded to threaten Jade that if she did not comply with his demands, she would "end up looking just like your friend Venus.'" He then forced Jade to help him loot the trailer and to give him her automatic transaction machine (ATM) card together with her personal identification number. He then raped Jade orally and vaginally. While Woods was attacking Jade, Telisha came over to the trailer to retrieve some of her belongings. As she entered the trailer, Woods seized and bound her and forced her to stand against a wall in the bedroom. Jade, who was laying on the floor at this point, and "acting like she was dead," said that she "heard a baseball bat hit" Telisha's head. Jade was then hit in the head with the bat, knocked unconscious, and was unable to observe what happened beyond that point. When Telisha failed to return home later that morning, her mother, Sherry, became concerned and decided to go to the trailer. She arrived there at approximately 10:25 a.m. and found the door locked. While peering in through a window in the trailer, she saw a man, whom she later identified as Woods, alighting from the other side of the trailer. ... Despite the efforts of hospital personnel, Telisha expired without ever regaining consciousness. Jade initially responded favorably to medical treatment, however, her condition eventually worsened and she died the following day due to a blood clot.”
Convicted Rapist / Murderer:
Dwayne Woods, 26
* Telisha Shaver, 22 (w/f -- deceased)
* Jade Moore, 18 ( w/f -- deceased - pic)
* Venus Shaver, 20 (w/f -- the who brought Woods into the household -- she survived)
1358. Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 7, 2004
Public Abduction -Abuse Of A Child – Rape – Murder
A black male, Lindsay Bruce, 23 …kidnapped a little white girl (presumably to rape her) and then murdered her.
* Emily Rimel, 5
1359. Ray, Ohio, Nov. 3, 2000
Public Abduction – Murder
A black male,Gregory McKnight, 23 (convicted coldblooded murder at 15),…kidnapped a female co-worker (both worked at the same restaurant) and murdered her. Police found her in McKnight’s trailer home (curiously, no rape- just shot in the head).
* Emily Sarah Murray, 21 (college student)
1360. Rio Linda, CA, May 16, 1997
Ex-Con Allowed To Work AT Public High School - RESULT? Ambush - Rape - Murder
A black male,Alex Dale Thomas,34,…was a convicted felon who was - incredibly! - given a job working as a janitor at a 'white' high school. It was after school hours when the black male set his sights on a vulnerable young white girl. Thomas lured her to a room he knew was unoccupied and then raped her. In an effort to get away with his rape Thomas then murdered the girl.
* Michelle Montoya, 18
1361. Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Jan. 6, 2002
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male,Christopher McCowen, 33,…was allowed to work in a white community as a garbage collector. Evidently, McGowen saw a white female in the course of his garbage collecting and decided nothing was going to stop him from doing what he wanted to do: Rape. McCowen broke into the white female’s home then, at knife point, raped her. After the rape, McCowen, stabbed the white female repeatedly ...until she was dead. Her two-year-old child was found by police clinging to her.
* Christa Worthington, 46 (well known fashion writer)
1362. Nashville, TN, July 2005
Teen Ambushes White Adults - WOW!
A black male teen (and racist), Twain Vaughn,16,
…observed a car with three adult white people (son, mother, daughter) in it. He approached the car and then produced a gun and demanded cash. The driver (mother), startled by the gun, punched the gas peddle and tried to flee. Vaughn then fired a shot into the car striking an occupant and killing him.
* Kris Carlyle, 28
1363. Hazelton, PA, Nov. 13, 2010
PIMP - Murder
A black male, Benjamin Tyrell Westbrooks, 20,…forced a young and naive girl into prostitution - he was launching a career as a pimp. When Westbrooks thought the young girl was either holding out on him or refusing to make money for him, he took her to a secluded location and gunned her down.
* Alicia Weaver, 20 (deceased)
1364. Chula Vista, CA, April 10, 1986
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male (on parole for rape), George Williams Jr., 31(at time of crime),…broke into a white male’s home in the middle of the night, kidnapped his 14-year-old daughter, raped her, then murdered her. Williams then threw the little girl out of his car and onto the side of the freeway.
* Rickieann "Rickie" Blake, 14
And just what kind of predator was black male Williams? Here’s the list of his offenses:
--1981 rape of a 15-year-old girl
--1984 molestation of his 6-year-old daughter
--1985 rape of a 20-year-old woman in Oakland
--rape of a 24-year-old woman and also the RAPE of her 6-year-old daughter … one week after he killed Blake
Why on earth was this MONSTER even out on the streets after his second conviction?! Answer: Liberal court system in California.
1365. Conroe, TX, Aug. 1 , 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male teen, Glen Charles McGinnis,17… walked into a local dry cleaners and threw some of his jeans on the counter and told the white female clerk he wanted them cleaned. Before the woman could collect the jeans, McGinnis pulled out his gun and shot her right in the face. He then shot her three more times in the back. McGinnis then helped himself to $140.00 in the cash register. However, the dumb teen forgot his jeans, which had his name inscribed on the pockets.
* Leta Wilkerson, 30 (Leta w/ her children)
1366. St. Louis, MO, April 4, 1991
AMBUSHED - Two White Females Gang Raped And Murdered
“Let’s hurt some people”
Three black males and a white male, Marlin A. Gray, 23, Daniel Winfrey, 15 (tag-along white), Antonio Richardson, 16, Reginald Clemons, 20 … were driving across the Mississippi Bridge and noticed three young white people, two females and a male. Clemons then suggested this was an opportunity “to hurt some people”. They stopped their car and got out and approached the trio. They then drew guns and told them it was a robbery. The black males then grabbed the white females and took turns raping them. After the black males were done they made all three jump into the Mississippi, a 70 ft. drop. Two died.
* Julie Kerry, 20, (deceased - left)
* Robin Kerry, 19, (deceased - right)
* Thomas Cummins, 19 (survived)
** The rapists and the ones who planned the attack were the black males. The ones who decided the trio must die were the black males.
1367. Elyria, OH, Jan. 31, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male (serial rapist), Darryl Durr, 24,…went to a young white female’s home ( he claimed to police later is was to "to drop off a pack of cigarettes") and, discovering her parent(s) weren't home, barged in and raped her. Durr then kidnapped the young girl and took her to a secluded area … where he beat her to death.
* Angel Vincent, 16
Note: Durr was in jail awaiting trial for two rapes when his girlfriend came forward with her knowledge of Angle Vincent's murder.
1368. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Nov. 2007
Abuse Of A Child -Kidnapping - Rape- Murder
A black male, Marquis Bullock, 18… kidnapped and raped a 13 year-old white girl … then murdered her.
Victim :
* Cory Baker, 13
1369. Houston TX, Dec. 2010
Public Ambush - Murder
A black male, Lydell Grant, 33, a career criminal, was attempting to rob a white male at knife point when apparently the white male smacked him then took off. However, Grant was not going to allow the white male to escape and took off after him. And despite the fact that this was all taking place on a public street and outside a popular night club with numerous people watching, no one offered the white male any assistance. Grant ended up stabbing the victim numerous times. UPDATE:: (2019) Grant has been exonerated by the court after DNA pointed to another black male, 41-year-old Jermarico Carter, as the perp.
* Aaron Scheerhoorn, 28 (deceased)
1370. Nashville, Tenn. 1975
Abuse Of A Child - Rape - Murder

A black male, Jerome Barrett, 26,…kidnapped two white females in separate incidents, one a college student and the other a 9-year old, to commit rape. After the rapes, Barrett murdered both victims.
* Marcia Trimble, 9 (top pic)
* Sara Des Prez, 20
Note: Jerome Barrett boasted to investigators he killed “four blue-eyed bitches”.
1371. Michigan & Texas , May 1978-1983
Fair Housing Act Atrocities!
Houston police finally caught up with a black male mass murderer of white females – known to have killed at least 26 white females, possibly more than 80, mainly in Texas and Michigan.In 1983, Coral Eugene Watts … was caught in the act of attempting to murder two white females in their apartment. Racist mass murderer Watts’ usual MO was to follow a white female to her home and, if he perceived the coast was clear, he would leap from his car, charge up to the female with a knife in his hand then bludgeon her to death on or inside her property (oddly, there were no rape attempts by Watts. He was apparently driven by pure HATE for white females). Note: Only because Watss deviated from his usual MO (charging up to a white female and stabbing her...then fleeing) was this serial racist black man caught. And only because he voluntarily told police about all his white victims did police find out about all his victims. Watts was offered immunity by police, who had no idea he was a mass murderer. Watts apparently proudly boasted of killing the white females)
Too many dead white females to list them all here. However, here are some of them:
From left to right:
* Linda Tilley * Anna Ledet * Helen Dutcher * Margaret Fossi
* Elena Semander * Emily LaQua * Elizabeth Montgomery * Jeanne Clyne
* Suzi Wolfe * Michele Maday
* Watts admitted to killing 13 white females
1. Jeanne Clyne & how she died:
Black male Watts decided to go driving around a white community near Detroit (Grosse Pointe Farms - 99% white in 1979) looking for a white female to ram with his 14-inch screwdriver. He noticed a white female, 44-year-old Jeanne Clyne (former food writer for Detroit News), walking on the sidewalk. Watts exited his car, ran up to her from behind ... and simply plunged his screwdriver into her back. Watts then fled, leaving Jeanne Clyne to die on the sidewalk.
Under the rules of forced integration, the black man gets to strike FIRST!
1372. Macon, GA, 1974
'Fair Housing Act' Murders
A black male, John Young,...decided the best way to make easy money was to invade the homes of elderly white people. In the course of his burglaries the black man would beat the elderly people (husband and wife) into unconsciousness. Three died as a result of his beatings.
* Coleman Brice
* Gladys Brice
* Katie Davis
* Three Elderly White People severely beaten
1373. New York City, NY, 1982
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape
Kelly McGillis (25-years-old)
Leroy Johnson, a 14-years-old black racist BULLY, along with another black male youth, staked out McGillis’ apartment. Apparently, when Kelly's roommate came home, the two black males entered behind her. The two blacks then immediately began threating Kelly and her roommate at knife point. Leroy Johnson was there for one purpose, to rape McGillis (the other black male was there to rob...but joined in on the rape). One could only imagine the look on McGillis face when this 14-year-old black boy with a knife demanded she remove her bathrobe and “get over there on that bed”.
McGillis: “I felt especially vulnerable because all I was wearing was a bathrobe. They had me backed up against a wall in the bedroom. One guy started looking through my things. All I had was some jewelry and about $10. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed a second knife, while the other one demanded that I get on the bed. When I refused he stuck me with his knife on my arms and chest. They called me a “white bitch” and asked if I had a bat, because they were going to beat the s— out of me just to teach me a lesson. They kept saying terrible things to me, awful racial slurs. I was arguing with them, “Please, I don’t have a bat. Leave.”
McGillis: He sodomized me and spit on me.”
McGillis was forced to endure rapes by both black males.
Leroy Johnson was eventually caught ...and was given a lengthy three year prison term. When he was released, two more white females would be raped at knife point in 1996.
1374. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 2004
Armed Robbery - Two Dead
A black male, James Walker, 23, fired from his job, returned to the business to commit robbery and murder. After black male Walker got his loot he ushered two employees (male and female) into the freezer … then executed them.
* Nicole Joslyn
* Alan Lowrie
1375. Poughkeepsie, NY, Feb. 2011
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Lee Welch, 27, ... murdered his wife then murdered a white police officer. Welch then committed suicide.
* Officer John Falcone, 44
1376. Winter Haven, CN, Nov. 8, 2010
The Black Male Bully Scenario: Mr. white male, if you ‘get into it’ with a black male, you are likely to experience one of the following (prison being no deterrent whatsoever!)::
1. The black male beats you down, and will not stop until you are unconscious – or dead.
2. The black male will pull a knife and stab you – with the intent to kill you.
3. The black male will pull a gun and shoot you right in the head.
4. The black male looses the fight but vows “I gonna get you cracker, son-of-a-bitch. You jus wait man.” The black male MEANS IT EVERY TIME. You will be ambushed with a gun, baseball bat, knife, or, the black male will return with a few of his (black) friends to sucker punch, pummel, stomp and kick you into unconsciousness – or death.
5. The black male got the worst of it … then calls the police to report he was attacked by a racist white dude, who punched and kicked him while yelling racial slurs. The police will arrest you every time and you’ll be charged with a hate crime.
Bottom line Mr. white male, there’s no way you can win here.
Ambush – Murder
A Black male, Jade Iree Mose, 16,…got into an altercation with a white male but, according to police, it was quickly broken up by others. Mose waited after school for the white male, then ambushed him, pulling a knife on the unarmed kid and stabbing him multiple times … until he was dead.
* Luke Kendall, 16 (deceased)
1377. Albuquerque, NM, Sept. 2010
AMBUSH -Murder
A black male & Hispanic male, Joe Allen, 26, ,Robert Sanchez, 27 (registered rapist),
…spotted a white male and simply stabbed him to death. No apparent motive.
* Michael Checkley, 24
Note: Both thugs have plead not guilty.
1378. Elkhart, IN, Jan. 28, 1991
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male (convicted rapist), Fred S. Mott, 39,
…kidnapped, raped then murdered a 16-year-old white female.
* Kari Nunemaker, 16
Note: Mott - convicted of rapes in Illinois & Indiana - was already in prison in California for another rape.
1379. Lee County, GA, March 4, 2008
Public Abduction – Attempted Rape – Murder
“They’re murdering our daughters!”
A black male, Courtney Lockhart, 23, …charged up to a young white female college student, pulled a gun and told her if she tried to resist he'd kill her. Lockhart then forced the white female into his car and drove to an ATM machine, where he forced her to withdraw money for him. He then took her to a secluded area and attempted to rape her. However, not wanting to endure the rape, and also seemly preferring death to rape, she fought him off and tried to escape. Lockhart then gunned her down.
* Lauren Burk, 18
1380. Nacogdoches County , TX, Dec. 2010
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Cordell Renard Green, 22,…is charged with murder of a white female. She was apparently abducted as part of a robbery/murder scheme (black male Green is an ex-con with a past conviction of armed robbery). The white female was found shot multiple times. UPDATE: Green takes plea deal to avoid death penalty --gets life in prison.
* Heather Doris, 25 (deceased)
Note: Black male Green was arrested Feb. 14, 2011.
1381. Wilson, N.C, 2005
Business Invasion - Murder
Three black males,
Corey Whitted, 25 (triggerman),
Antonio Barnes, 19,
John Holden Jr., 20,
…after an armed robbery of a Pizza business , gunned down two people (white male - Hispanic male). Whitted was a former employee of the business.
* Brandon Bass, 20 (deceased)
* Ceasar Raya, 18 (survived)
1382. Lexington, KY, April 29, 2010
White Police Officer Deliberately Run Over
A black male,Glenn Doneghy, 33, …apparently deliberately hit a white male police officer with his SUV. Doneghy is being charged with murder.

* Officer Bryan Durman, 27 (deceased)
1383. Jacksonville, Fl. Dec. 2, 1996
Abuse Of A Child – Rape – Murder
Cherie Morrisette, an 11-year-old girl, went missing on Dec. 2, 1996. The crime went unsolved until 2006, when DNA evidence on the little girl’s underwear was linked to...black male (long time sexual predator), Shelton Mitchell, 43.
In 2003, the Florida prosecutor obtained admission by black male Mitchell of sexual assault (rape) of the white child, However, not a confession of murdering her. The prosecutor apparently was unable to prove beyond a doubt that the black male murdered the little white girl, so he was forced to prosecute him for having illegal sexual contact with a child (avoided the death penalty but, nevertheless, serving a life sentence).
1384. New York City, NY, 2007
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
"routine" traffic stop
"Timoshenko was shot twice in the face and died a few days later, after lying in a coma. Yan's bulletproof vest intercepted a slug that might have proved fatal."
Black male Murderers: Dexter Bostic, 38, Robert Ellis, 37, Lee Woods, 30
* Officer Russel Timoshenko, 26
1385. Kent, OH, Jan. 23, 2010
Sucker Punch - Beat-Down Murder
A black male,John Ragin, 21,…sucker punched a white male Marine then, while he was down, continued to beat and stomp on him. The white male later died from his injuries.
John White, 28 (Marine)
1386. Nashville, TN, Nov. 11, 2003
Black Male Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Deon Velt Miller, 16, Anthony Lateze Robinson, 18, ... ambushed a white male at an intersection stoplight...and during the course of their armed robbery shot and killed him,
* Eric Scott Mansfield, 33 (w/m)
1387. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 8, 2007
Ambush - Murder
Three black males (unemployed & in a stolen car),
Alfred Marina, 20,
Gregory Hill, 21,
Maurice McCarty,19,
... tried to rob (rape?) a white female. When she attempted to flee in her car she was shot in the head and killed (police believe the triggerman was Hill).
* Kayla Fanaei, 20 (looks like a w/f - not sure, but she ain't black)
Note: The black males came back after briefly talking to the female (sitting in her BMW). No doubt in my mind, they were going to abduct and rape the girl, then kill her. At least she didn't have to endure a gang rape.
1388. Texas City, TX, March 1996
Public Abduction - Abuse Of A Child - Rape - Murder
A black male, Kevin Edison Smith, 29, …abducted a child to commit rape. After Smith raped the child, he murdered her and then tossed her into a river.
* Krystal Jean Baker, 13
Note: Keven Smith says he “didn’t kill anybody” but DNA evidence proves he did. At the time of this atrocity, Smith lived only a few mile from where the child was abducted.
1389. Kansas City, MO, Oct. 2010
White Father & Daughter Terrorized
Rape & Murder Slaughter Averted?
A black male, Jason E. Frazier, 30,…offered to be a Good samaritan to a white male and his daughter and lead them (in separate cars) to a destination. All that Frazier said he wanted for his good deed was some "gas money". It was a set-up from the get-go. Frazier had a gun and he was attempting to lead both to a secluded area - likely to rape the girl, then murder both of them. The father & daughter caught on as they was being lured away from their destination. When Frazier noticed the the car he was leading change course, he actually went after them.
Victims (survived):
* Samuel Schwer
* Katrina Schwer (daughter)
1390. Charleston County, S.C., June 2009
Ambush - Murder
Two people (black male-white female) , Ethan Mack, 29, (unemployed), Heather Kamp, 30, …brutally tortured then murdered a white female, that both had been acquainted with. Motive was robbery. However, some of the blame in this brutal murder has to fall on the victim. It was she, apparently, who introduced Kamp to Mack - a stupid thing to do that cost her her life. The female who hooked up with Mack ... she will likely get life in prison.
* Kate Waring, 28 (Pic Above)
1391. Harrisburg, PA, Oct. 2010
Public Ambush
White People Are Not Being Properly Warned!
HEADS UP HERE! When you see a black male, or a group of black males, lurking about, and you can plainly see that you must pass him/them to either leave whatever place you’re coming from or to get to where you're going, this is a CLASSIC black male ambush situation. Don’t test fate! Go back inside and call the police. Tell the police suspicious guys are lurking about. Anything. Get them out there or you will undoubtedly wind up a victim. Don’t ever think because you’re out in public that the black man won’t strike at you.
"But suddenly the car jerked backward, trapping her on the second floor. The men dragged her husband and a friend from the car and began pummeling them..."
Link below tell the harrowing tale of three white people tested fate … in a classic black male ambush situation.
1392. Chicago, IL, Jan. 21, 2007
Public Abduction - Murder

A black male, William McIntosh, 46, … was linked by DNA to the murder of young white female, 17-years-old. It’s unknown if the black man raped her but, …C’Mon
* Marlaina Reed , 17
1393. Memphis, TN, April 11, 2004
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A knock on your door…
Don’t just open the door girls!!
This ain’t pre 1964
Two black males, Stanley Andrews, 23, Lontrell Williams, 27,..were knocking on doors in an apartment complex when, unfortunately, a young white female opened her door ... without FIRST checking through her peep hole. She paid the ultimate price. Motive was RAPE / robbery / murder.
* Rebecca Glahn, 24 (raped & tortured)
She would have been a star. Forced integration NEEDS to end!
1394. Haines City, FL, March 1998
White Police Officer Ambushed - Executed
“kill that cracker”
Five black males (career criminals), Charles Andrew Fowler (triggerman) , Christopher Gamble, Jeffrey Bouyie, Andre Paige,…were sitting in a stolen car and in the process of preparing to rob a bank when a white police officer happened on the scene and approached the car. Unbeknown to the officer, however, Fowler had exited the car before the officer arrived. While the officer was engaged with the car occupants, Fowler sneaked up behind the officer and put a gun to his head. Fowler made him give up his gun, then, hearing other blacks shout “kill the cracker”, Fowler shot him in the back of the head.
* Officer Christopher Horner
1395. Chicago, IL, 2010
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
A black male, Bryant Brewer, 24,…approached a white male police officer apparently with the sole intent of wrestling his gun away from him and killing him with it. And that’s exactly what Brewer did.
* Officer Thor Soderberg, 43 (deceased)
1396. Memphis, TN, June 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Aaron Jeans,…along with other family members (mother and grandfather) were hired by a white female to do handy work around her house. Jeans was somehow able to get the white female to let him into her home. Jeans then brutally attacked the woman, beat her, raped her, then murdered her and stuffed her in a closet. Jeans then stole the woman’s credit card and her car.
* Rebecca Neeley, 58
1397. Kent, OH, Nov. 2009
Racism – THRILL KILL Beat-Down Murder
Two racist black males,
Ronald Gene Kelley, 20,
Adrian Alexander Barker, 21,
… were arrested and charged with murder in an unprovoked and craven attack on Christopher Kernich, 23 (white male). Christopher’s fatal injuries resulted from his head being repeatedly stomped on and kicked.
1398. Florida, April 19, 1994
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Herman Lindsey,…walked into a pawn shop, pulled a gun on a white female clerk, then shot her in the head.
* Joanne Mazollo (deceased)
Note: The Florida Supreme Court reversed Linsdsey’s conviction. However, anyone reading the evidence against him would logically conclude (as the jury did) Lindsey was guilty as charged. Even his own girlfriend testified against him. Read link below to decide for yourself.
1399. Marion County, FL, Jan.17, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder - Home Invasion
A black male, Ian Lightbourne, 22,…broke into the home of a white female, raped her then brutally murdered her. Lightbourne was formerly employed by the family of the slain victim.
* Nancy Alberta O'Farrell
1400. Cincinnati, OH, 2006 -2009
Abuse Of A Child – Rape – Murder
A black male, Anthony Kirkland, 40, ….raped and murdered a young white girl. Kirkland also confessed to three other killings (two were black, one white).
* Esme Kenney, 13 (murdered in 2009 - pic included)
* Casonya Crawford, 45 (murdered in 2006)
1401. Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 4, 2010,
Public Ambush - Murder
A black male racist (ex-con -murder),Johnny Lee Wicks, 66…walked up to a white male working as a security guard at a federal court house and simply gunned him down. A deputy marshal was also injured. Slow-witted Wicks believed the federal gov’t was conspiring against him - because he was black - by reducing his Social Security check.
* Stanley Wayne Cooper, 72 (w/m - former police officer)
* 48-year-old U.S. Marshal
1402. Ocala, FL, July 21, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder - Husband Dead - Wife Survives
Three black males, Renaldo McGirth, 18, Theodore C. Huston, 17, Jarrord M. Roberts, 20, ...invaded the home of an elderly white couple and then gunned them both down execution style. Motive was burglary/robbery.
* Diana Miller, 63 (deceased)
* James Miller, 71 (survived)
1403. Dougherty County, GA, Dec. 23, 2010
Murder Of White Police Officer
A black male, Dontavius Thomas, 20,…had just committed a convenience store robbery when he was approached by a white male police officer. Thomas drew his gun and shot twice, striking the officer below his bullet proof vest and in the leg.
White Male:
* Lt. Cliff Rouse , 39 (deceased)
1404. Jacksonville, FL, Jan. 22, 1995
Public Abduction - Murder
Two black males, Pressley Alston, Dee Ellison…carjacked and murdered a white male.
* James Lee Coon, 19
Note: 99% sure this victim is white. Anyone with info on the race of Mr. Coon you can leave it below in the comment section.
Gang Attack
Also known as, Black Male Wilding.... Or, the MSM politically correct name, Flash Attacks
A growing problem for all law abiding people is the organized (blackberry coordinated) Black Pack Attack on American (non-black) businesses. I see no way to stop these Black Pack Attacks for the simple reason they are likely coordinated by texting only hours before the attack.
Recent Black Pack Attacks:
Feb. 2011 - St. Paul, MN :
Feb. 2011 - Chicago, IL :
Feb. 2011 - Philadelphia, Penn :
March 2011: Black Males from Mattapan, MA.(black community outside of Boston), Pack Attacked a male inside a McDonald’s.
1406. Chattanooga, TN, 2005
Police Officer Abuse Of White Females
A black male (police officer), Gerry Davis,
…raped a white female at knife-point because she filed abuse charges against him. Black bully Davis would also force himself on women (his favorite targets were blond haired girls), by showing them his police badge, then force them to have sex or perform a sex act on him.
Note: White people were warned of this type of bully behavior by black males if they were allowed integration into white male society. The chickens have come home to roost.
1407. Aberdeen, MD, 1996
Black Males - Military Rapes
Gene C. McKinney,46 …was accused by 5 females (all white women) of rape and other acts of sexual misconduct. McKinney claimed that all the females were lying (cuz they were all white and were conspiring to keep him from a cushy power job in the pentagon) and that he was being targeted because he be black.
"He has also said that race was a factor in the decision to bring charges against him. McKinney is the first African-American to become sergeant major of the Army, who advises the chief of staff. His accusers are white"
Year 1996
More Black Male Military Rapes
Aberdeen Proving Ground - 12 Black Males Accused Of Rape
Twelve black males, including, Delmar Simpson, 31 (Drill Sgt) , Derrick Robertson,, 10 other unidentified,… raped and forced themselves on over 50 female recruits (26 rape allegations). Any sexual activity among soldiers is a violation of military rules. The black males were certainly aware of that rule. Apparently, it just didn’t matter.
Note: No way of knowing how many of those raped were white females. Black male Simpson faced the most charges, including forcible rape and sodomy. He received 25 years in May 1997.
1409. Crestview, FL, April 24, 1996
Girlfriend And Child Murdered Over Child Support - Also To Collect On Insurance Policy
Two black males, Lamar Brooks, 23, Walker Davis,…murdered a white female and her child. Apparently, black male Davis thought he was the father of the child and didn’t want to have to pay child support. Davis enlisted the help of his cousin, Books, to do the murders. Davis also took out a life insurance policy on the child he thought was his and hoped with the child's murder he would collect on it.
Innocent White Victims:
* Rachel Carlson (w/f)
* Alexis Stuart , 3 months old (may be mixed)
1410. Tampa, FL, Sept. 2003
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male (homeless), Michael Lord Owens, 47…broke into the home of an elderly white female, brutally beat, raped , then rage killed her. Her daughter discovered her covered in blood.
* Dorothy Milk, 71
1411. Kenosha, WI, Sept. 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
Two black male teens (cousins), Kawanis N. Trotter, 14, Roddee Daniel, 15….broke onto the home of a middle-aged white female to steal her X-Box. The two walked into the white female’s bedroom armed with a baseball bat and beat her in the head (police claim it was Daniel).
* Capri Walker, 51 (deceased)
1412. Port Author, TX, 2005
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male, Gary Sinegal, 40,…was a serial killer of elderly white females. MO: Break into their homes, murder them, then burglarize the premises.
White Victims:
* Dorothy Barrett, 82
* Louise Tamplin, 81
* Margie Gafford, 86
* Brenda Choate
1413. Pensacola, FL, Jan. 23, 1991
Business Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Antonio Lebaron Melton, 19 , Bendleon Lewis…walked into a pawn shop and without cause or provocation killed a white male with a gunshot blast to the head. Motive (surprise) was robbery.
* George Carter
1414. Knoxville, KY, Dec. 12, 2005
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male (drug dealer on parole), Leslie D. Mollett, 31,…during a routine traffic stop ambushed a white male police officer when he walked up to the car window. While the officer was down, Mollett then exited his car and finished off the officer with a shot to the head.
* State Police Cpl. Joseph Pokorny
1415. Chillicothe, Ohio, April 21, 2005
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Identity unknown,…ambushed a white male police officer in an alley.
* Officer Larry Randolph Cox (deceased)
1416. Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina, May 25, 2008
Argument With A Black Boy Results In MURDER
A white male got into a dispute with two blacks, Demario Stukes, 17, Keion Griffin ...over a parking space. One of the blacks (surprise) was armed with a gun and pulled it and gunned down the white male.
* Corey Brooks, 20
1417. Port Arthur, TX. Feb. 6, 1998
* Atrocity! *
A black male, Elroy Chester, 27,…invaded the home of a white female with two teenage daughters. Chester first beat the adult white female then tied her up. He then turned his attention to the female’s two young daughters. They were forced into a bedroom and made to strip down and both were brutally raped. During the rapes, the girl’s uncle came into the home … and was immediately ambushed and gunned down by Chester. Done with his child rapes and murder, Chester then burglarized the home.
Reason for Chester‘s crime: "…hate for white people"
* Kim Ryman Deleon (survived)
* 14-year-old daughter (survived)
* 16 year old daughter (survived)
* Willie Ryman III (deceased)
Other Murders Admitted To:
* John Henry Sepeda, 78 (w/m)
* Etta MaeStallings, 87 (w/f)
* Cheryl DeLeon, 40 (w/f)
* Albert Bolden Jr., 35 (b/m)
1418. Miami, FL, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Matthew Guzman, 21,…murdered two white males. Guzman's first murder was his next door neighbor, whose home he invaded to burglarize (after he shot him). The other was the owner of a tire store who was shot as part of a robbery scheme.
* Harry Ray, 64 (murdered Nov. 18, 2010)
* Paul Barrow, 46 (murdered Dec. 16, 2010)
1419. Iowa County, IA, May 29, 2010
A black male, Peter Riggs, 31,…gunned down a white male rest-stop employee while he was in the restroom. No motive is known. Update: Apparently black male Riggs has "mental deficiencies".
* Jeffrey D McAdam, 46
Note: Yet another "mental deficiencies" made the black male it i,e. no motive ... murder of a white person. My question is, where are all the blacks going down like this and a white male is claiming he did it because he's mentally retarded? It's not happening. This appears to be nothing more than a racial hate kill.
1420. Youngstown, OH, Sept. 2010
Thrill Kill
Two black males, Kevin Agee, 25, Aubrey Toney, 29,…fired at a car driven by an elderly white male and his wife. The husband was struck and killed, the wife sustained a non-life threatening bullet wound. No known motive.
*Thomas Repchic, 74 (deceased)
* Jacqueline Repchic (wife - survived)
1421. Syracuse, NY, Feb. 27, 2006
White Police Officer Gunned Down
Three black males (career criminals), Marion Pegese, 33 Robert Ward, 28, Toussaint Davis, 38,…gunned down a white male officer while he was in pursuit of them following an armed robbery of a jewelry store.
* Officer Joseph Corr
1422. Athens, GA, March 2011
Murder Of White Police Officer - One Dead One Survives
A black male (career criminal),, Jamie Hood,..gunned down two white male police officers who responded to his carjacking attempt.
White Victim:
* Officer Elmer Christian (deceased)
* Officer Tony Howard (survived)
Note: Black Jamie Hood has yet to be tried for his crime.
1423. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 2009
Black Male Thrill Kill
A black male, unidentified, ..walked into a BP gas station, pulled out a gun and then gunned down a white male clerk...for no apparent reason.
* John Wesley Gerber, 40
1424. Palmetto, Fl, 1992
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Derrick Williams, 31,...abducted a white female in front of her home for the purpose of rape.
* Unknown identity (survived)
Note: There might be some question as to the guilt of Williams, though a jury convicted him. But thee is no doubt that the perp was a black male.
1425. Los Angles County, mid 1970 to late 1980s
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male, John Floyd Thomas Jr...who was never employed in the black community nor was he ever employed by a black male, used his jobs in the white community to prey on elderly white females. Black male Thomas would drive around white communities looking for elderly white females who lived alone. when he found a home during the evening hours, he would break into the home, then:
"The Westside Rapist would rape the seniors and then squeeze their necks. They would be found with blankets and/or pillows on their heads. 20 victims managed to survive. But, as police would find out, 20 survivors can have just as many eye witness accounts of their attacker. There was also no DNA tests back then like there is now. 17 victims would be attributed to the Westside Rapist in the mid-70's. "
Police finally caught up with the racist serial rapist/murderer in 2004, when a DNA match pointed to him in four unsolved murders.
1426. Jena, LA, December 4, 2006
Gang Attack
BULLY Beat-Down
Six black males BULLIES,
Robert Bailey,17,
Mychal Bell, 16,
Carwin Jones, 18,
Bryant Purvis, 17,
Jesse Ray Beard, 14,
Theo Shaw, 17,
…waited for a lone white male to come walking out a door at their high school. When a lone white male did exit , the six black thugs pounced on him, first delivering the infamous (cowardly) black male sucker punch. Then, when the white kid fell to the ground, the six BULLIES began stomping on him and kicking him.
When a white prosecutor tried to take a tough stand on this kind of cowardly thug behavior, he got calls of racism from America's biggest race-monger, black male BULLY AL Sharpton (BTW, without the MSM cooperating with Sharpton, he‘s powerless, isn‘t he?). And then, to aim one of the biggest insults toward white people since the launching of forced integration in 1964, Sharpton organized a protest ... a protest march for the black male BULLIES, claiming the white prosecutor was being too harsh. You see, it didn’t matter to Sharpton that the black BULLIES ganged up six against ONE; or that the black BULLIES tried to kill the kid - leaving him unconscious. What mattered to black male Sharpton (besides the media cameras being there – always a big thing) was a golden opportunity to send a couple of messages to America's white population:: 1) "White people, you don't count as victims." 2) "We can get anything we want by using protest BULLY marches." Black male Sharpton, not surprisingly, won on both counts.
* Justin Barker
NOTE: Read the black thug take on this incident here white people. You DON'T count!
1427. Leon County, FL. Aug. 12, 1984
Good Samaritan Murder - Rape -Torture - Burned Alive
How black male Joe Nixon, 22, schemed to get his rape...
Nixon, who had observed a white female go into a restaurant by herself, disconnected the battery cables to his car, then waited
Nixon, who had observed a white female go into a restaurant by herself, disconnected the battery cables to his car, then waited
for the white female come out.
When she did, Nixon approached her and pleaded ...and pleaded...to use her car battery to attach
his jumper cables. She agreed to help him. Naturally, the car wouldn't start.
The next phase of Dixon's plan - to rape, torture & murder the female - was to
get the white female to give him a ride down the street (you could image - Oh how
he pleaded, "jus right down the street. PLEASE"). Unfortunately, the woman agreed
(apparently, she didn't want to appear racist). The white female let her guard down and paid
the ultimate price. Nixon led her off the main street... then he punched her in
the face, rendering her semi-unconscious. He then dragged her to the trunk and
dumped her into it. The victim was taken to a secluded area, raped, tied to a tree,
robbed of her personal belongings, then, despite her BEGGING for her life,
Dixon tore the convertible hood off the car, wrapped it around the victim then
set it afire --burning her alive.
* Jeanne Bickner, 38
Note: Because the white female was burned, no DNA evidence could be obtained to prove a rape. However, a black male abducts a white female and take her to a secluded area usually for only one reason: RAPE.
1428. Martel, FL, December 20, 1979
Business Invasion - Murder
A black male, Sonny Oats, Jr., 20,...walked into a convenience store, pulled a gun and demanded a white female clerk hand over the money in the register. After Oats received the money he gunned down the white female clerk.
* Jeanette Dyer, 50
1429. FL, June 14, 1982
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male, Kayle Bates,24,...kidnapped a white female from her State Farm insurance office to rape her. He forced her (maced her then dragged her) to a secluded area behind her building where he then attempted to rape her (police don't confirm a rape but the whole purpose of the abduction was RAPE, so...). The white female was then murdered (stabbed her to death) and robbed of personal items.
* Janet Renee White, 24
1430. Gainesville, FL, Nov. 9, 1977
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Rape & Murder
A black male, Stephen Todd Booker, 24,...broke into an elderly white female's apartment, raped her then used a knife to bludgeoned her to death. Of course, the black male didn't leave the elderly woman's apartment without ransacking it for items to steal.
* Lorine Demoss Harmon , 94
Note: 99.9% sure victim is white. Gainesville in 1977 would have been about 80% white. Raping elderly women is - my exhaustive research has shown - almost exclusively the domain of the black male. A challenge was made by the defense in the appeals stage contending racial bias of the prosecutor for excluding a jury person because she was African-American. These challenges are almost always done by blacks when the victim is white. The victim's great niece's name is 'Page McKean Zyromski.'
1431. Toledo, OH, Feb. 11, 2010
Ambush - Attempted Murder
Cruel & Inhumane - Deliberately Shot In The Spine
Two black males, Aaron McDonald, 20, Henry Johnson, 28,...
“ …placed a delivery order to a vacant home in order to rob the driver. When Keasler knocked, one of the men tried to pull her into the house, but she says she tried to fight him off. Then, she says one of the attackers shot her in the chest, because he could not get her into the house."
"I was telling them please don't kill me," said Keasler. "They could have anything or do anything, as long as I was alive."
"Once dragged inside, the attacker shot her in the spine -- leaving her paralyzed.”
Rebecca's sentence - black male's deliberate act to render her a cripple - is for life!
* Rebecca Keasler, 21 (survived, but paralyzed)
1432. Montgomery County, MD, March 2011
Black Female Murders Co-worker
Ambush - Overkill Murder
A black female (a known thief), Brittany Norwood, 27,…was caught by a white female co-worker stealing merchandise. To prevent the white female from reporting her stealing activities the black female ambushed the white female in the store after closing time. Police claim that the black female beat the white female for over 20 minutes, inflicting so many wounds on her skull that all of them could not be counted. The black female then staged a crime scene and reported that black males (?) had invaded the store and raped and robbed them, then murdered the white female.
* Jayna Murray, 30
1433. Jacksonville, FL, Sept. 16, 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Anthony Mungin, 24,…walked into a store and pulled a gun on a white female clerk and demanded money. After the white female gave Mungin all the money from the cash register ($59.02), he shot her in the head.
* Betty Jean Woods, 51 (deceased)
Note: I believe victim to be white. Awaiting confirmation.
1434. June 2011 Columbia, S. Carolina
Gang Attack - Attempted Murder
Eight black males, including, seven juveniles, Thyeem Henrey , ... brutally ganged up on a lone white male, punching and kicking him, then, when he dropped to the ground ...the typical black pack attack MO... the stomping and kicking his head began. When the black feral youths believed the white kid was dead, they then rifled through his pockets. The white male teen wound up in a hospital and in a coma.
* Carter Strange , 19
1435. Akron, OH, Feb. 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male (S. African immigrant) Muziwokuthula Madonda, 33,…DESPERATE for money knocked on the door of a 60-year-old white female. When she opened it, Madonda barged inside then brutally murdered her. He then burglarized her place. Police believe the African immigrant is a serial murderer.
* Jacquelyn Hilder, 60
1436. Palm Beach County, FL,Aug. 9, 1981
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Jerry Haliburton, 32, …wanted to see what killing a "cracker" was like, and whether he had the manly nerve to do it.
* Donald Bohannon
Note: Halibuton also raped a white female with a knife pressed to her throat.
1437. Racine, WI, Oct. 2010
Ambush - Elderly Rape - Murder
A black male (career sex offender), Wilbert L. Thomas, 65…followed a white female - Good Samaritan- and ambushed her, then forced her to a secluded area where he raped her. After the rape Thomas straggled the white female, hit her repeatedly with a wooden cane and finally broke her neck.
* Sandra L. Teichow, 67 (deceased)
1438. Hernando County, FL, Feb. 28, 1978
White Police Officer Gunned Down - Pregnant Female Raped And Murdered
Two black males,Freddie Lee Hall, 33, Mack Ruffin, Jr.,…abducted a white female from a public parking lot who was seven months pregnant. Initially, the criminal-minded blacks were after just a car to commit robberies, however, presented with a rape opportunity they decided to take the white female out to a secluded area and rape her. After the rape, the two Negroes mercilessly beat then murdered the white female.
Later in the day the two black criminals murdered a white male police officer.
Note: Black Freddie Lee Hall was out on parole (for attempted rape) when he committed the above atrocities. Hall was sentenced to death for the above crimes, however, his attorneys are still maintaining that their client is far to stupid - retarded - and therefore should not be eligible for the death penalty. So far its worked.
* Deputy Lonnie C. Coburn
* Karol Hurst, 21 (7 months pregnant)
1439. Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 2003
Ambush - Attempted Murder
Paralyzing Wound
"He's confined to that bed in that room in that nursing home for the rest of his life," Pellegrini [prosecutor] said. "They have sentenced Mr. Lahoff to a death sentence, a sentence of loneliness and pain."Two black males, Marty Allen Armstrong, 21, Lamont Fulton, 19,…charged up to a white male in a parking garage and at gunpoint demanded his money. After the white male complied he was then gunned down.
* Michael Lahoff, 52 (survived, paralyzed)
1440. Cincinnati, OH, July 15, 1978
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
Two black males, Wayne Reed and Russell Bell,...after committing an armed robbery was pulled over by a white police officer. Reed immediately jumped out of his car and gunned down the officer.
Police Officer:
Officer Charles Burdsall (deceased)
1441. Cincinnati, OH, March 6, 1979
White Police Officers Ambushed - Two Murdered
A black male (career criminal), Gregory Daniels, 28,...was pulled over for an outstanding robbery warrant. As two white male police officers approached Daniels' car, he leaped out and started firing at the two officers. Both were struck, however, one of the officers got a round off striking and killing black male career criminal Daniels. Both officers died of their injuries.
Officer Dennis Bennington, 27 (deceased)
Officer Robert Seiffert, 31 (deceased)
1442. Charlestown, MA, Jan. 20, 2011
A black male, Deshawn James Chappell, 27, ...unemployed and having a long and violent criminal record, attacked and brutally murdered a white female - counselor - who befriended him at a counseling home for people with a troubled pasts and mental illness.
* Stephanie Moulton, 25
1443. New York City, NY, April 1980
Ambush - Racism - Murder
A black male (racist) Austin Weeks, 29, ...apparently was determined to murder a white male. He boarded a commuter train, sat down in front of two teenage white males, then, when the train made a stop, black male Weeks got up, turned toward one of the teens... and shot him in the head. Black male Weeks then fled. He was caught a few weeks later.
* Terry Zilimbinaks, 17
Note: Weeks claimed to police the 17-year-old he shot leaned into his ear and whispered mean racial slurs to him (again Weeks is 29-years-old). No one heard these slurs. One, the police believed he was lying and so did the prosecutor; and, two, a racial slur is NO reason to shoot someone in the head. A jury ACTUALLY acquitted Weeks of murder! Remember though, this was 1980...and the guilt-tripped white person, thanks to ABC, NBC and CBS, was everywhere.
1444. San Gabriel Valley, CA 1991
Ambush - Public Abductions - Murder
“The mall murders”
A black gang, John I. Lewis, Vincent Hubbard, Robbin Machuca (b/f), Eileen Huber (w/f),...committed five murders. The gangs' MO was to kidnap people (most of them from a mall parking lot), withdraw money from their ATM account, then murder them.
* Elizabeth Nisbet, 49 (w/f)
* Shirley Denogean, 56 (w/f)
* Willie Newton Sams, 40
* Jose Avina
* Agustine Ramirez
1445. Alameda County , CA, Aug. 1987
Serial Murderer - White Elderly
MO: Home Invasion - Rape- Murder
“The Day Stalker”
A black male, Franklin Lynch,32,…preyed on elderly white women for the purpose of rape, torture and murder.
* Pearl Larson, 76
* Adeline Figuerido, 89
* Anna Constantine, 73
1446. Rialto, CA, March 3, 1986
White Police Officer Murdered
A black male, Dennis Mayfield, 26,...was confronted by a white officer and "...was killed ... when [Mayfield] attacked him behind a gas station, grabbed his gun and shot him once in the head." Mayfield is currently (2011) on death row in CA.
White Male:
* Sgt. Gary Wolfley, 31
1447. West Covina, CA, August 31, 1983
White Police Officer Murdered
A black male, Michael A. Jackson,…was reported to police as behaving strangely. A white police officer showed up and tried to confront strange-acting Jackson, who simply ignored him and continued walking. A scuffle ensued which quickly turned into a fight. Jackson freed himself and raced to the officer's patrol car to get the shotgun hanging on the rack. The white officer had numerous and justifiable opportunities to shoot black male Jackson. Why he didn’t is a mystery. After Jackson obtained the officer's shotgun heit on the officer and shot him in the head.
* Officer Kenneth Scott Wrede, 26
1448. Los Angeles, CA, October 31, 1985
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered
Three black males, Voltaire Alphonse Williams, Ruben Moss, Daniel Jenkins (triggerman),…wanted to prevent a white male police officer from testifying - against Jenkins - at an upcoming trial. The white officer was assassinated in front of his 6-year-old son (in a white community) while picking him up from school.
* Detective Thomas Williams, 42
1449. Pasadena, CA, Oct. 18, 1988
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
Inhumane Cruelty - Pregnant White Female
Two black males, Ronald A. Jones, George M. Trone,...stalked a white female at a shopping mall - in a white community. When she entered the elevator to the parking lot the the black males followed. It was all over for her from there. When she exited the elevator the black males jumped her. At gunpoint, they forced her to her car, then into her trunk. She was taken to a secluded area, raped and then murdered (shot in the head).
* Lois Haro, 26
Note: Family members of the deceased white female won a huge negligence suit against the mall where these two blacks abducted her.
1450. LA County, CA, Nov. 2004
Armed Robbery - Thrill Kill
A black male (career criminal), Steven Anthony Jones, 35, ... murdered a white male during an armed robbery. The list of Jones' other crimes are as follows:
--murdered a white female in a hotel room by beating her in the head with a hammer;
-- attempted to murder two other men on Dec. 12, 2004, at a Lancaster home where he had rented a room - both survived but with brain damage;
-- sexually assaulted a fellow inmate in concert with another prisoner at the Men's Central Jail on June 10, 2005;
-- battered a deputy trying to extract him from his cell following the above attack;
-- tortured and attempted to murder another inmate on Dec. 20, 2005.
Note: Jones currently resides on death row in CA.
White Victims:
* Neil Hacker, 24
* Sharon Ann Willis, 42
1451. April 2011
Sucker Punch - Beat-Down
Racist Black Female/ Beat-down -White female/male
( Extremely Brutal)
1452. San Diego, CA, Aug. 26, 1985
Armed Robbery - Murder - Torture
Two black males, Terry Bemore, 33, Keith Cosby, 29,...walked into a liquor store around closing time to commit armed robbery. In the process they beat and tortured a white male then stabbed him 37 times .... resulting in his death.
* Kenneth Muck, 55
Note: Black male Bemore was either a former police officer or a current police officer at the time - in the white community of Palo Alto, CA. Co-Defendant Cosby, on June 1, 1985, was also involved in another murder, that of Fred Harb, 49, who worked at at a mini-market. Race unknown (I believe is white).
1453. Clairemont , CA, Aug. 9, 1989
Abuse Of A Child - Home Invasion - Murder
A black male and a Latino male, Christopher Box, 20 (ringleader and murderer), Manuel Flores, 17, ...broke into a duplex and murdered (knifed, beat and strangled) three white people. Motive was robbery and burglary. The little boy, beaten and strangled, was thrown in an alley.
White Victims:
* April Gilhousen, 20
* Bryan Gilhousen, 3
* Kevin Morton Chandler, 29
1454. Orange County, CA, Aug. 14, 1997
White Police Officer - Executed In Front Of His Fiancée
UGLY Black racism
Two black males (crips members), Kevin Dewayn Boyce, 27, (triggerman), Andre Willis, 30,...walked into a hair salon in a white community to commit armed robbery. An off-duty white police officer was there with his fiancée. When black male Boyce demanded and received the white male's wallet, he discovered an officer's badge. Black male Boyce then shot the white male in the head, killing him. After the murder, black male Boyce stole the white female's wedding band.
* Shayne York, 26
1455. Milpitas, CA, October 31, 1980
Armed Robbery - Murder
Three black males, Willie Branner (aka James Willis Johnson), Miller Peter Hodges , Thomas Fields...walked into a jewelry store and gunned down the owner (white male - shot multiple times), then stole jewelry from the store. Police claim the triggerman was
* Edward Dukar
1456. Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 15, 2000
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Ruben N. Johnson, Quindell Carter,..shot and killed a white female to prevent her from testifying against Jarvis Ross (the white female was a witness against him in an armed robbery). The white female was shot and killed in her home in front of her four-year-old son.
* Stephanie Smith (mother of three children)
Note: Pretty sure female is white. Awaiting confirmation.
1457. Erie, PA, March 3, 2010
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Tyler S. Keys, 22,…broke into the home of his white neighbor then brutally beat her to death. Black male Keys claimed to police (are you ready?), the white female became angry at him when he refused her sexual advances, and then attacked him with a knife. After the murder, black male Keys set fire to the female’s apartment.
According to the autopsy, “Gaerttner suffered 72 injuries [knife wounds] and bled to death when Keys stabbed her in the neck and knocked her unconscious by crushing her skull with a fax machine.”
* Peggy Sue Gaerttner, 51
1458. Phoenix, AR, Dec. 31, 1980
Home Invasion Massacre
Three males, William Bracy (b/m), Murray Hooper (b/m), Edward McCall (w/m),…barged into a white family’s home, marched three occupants to the upstairs bedroom, then executed them by putting a bullet into each of their heads. Police believe Hooper was the executioner.
* Helen Phelps, 70 (deceased)
* Marilyn Redmond (survived)
* Pat Redmond (deceased)
Note: There are some who believe that Ron Lukezic, Mr. Redmond’s business partner and son-in-law, hired the three men to do the killing.
1459. Jasper, Ala., 1995
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, James A. Johnson, ...walked into a convenience store, pulled a gun and demanded money. When the young white female clerk gave Johnson the money from the cash register ... he shot her four times in the head.
* Sissy Lawson (deceased)
1460. St. Petersburg, FL, Jan. 2000
Home Invasion - Murder - THRILL KILL
A black male (habitual criminal), Emory Carter, 20,.. . walked onto the the property of a white male then up to a white male and began beating on him, mercilessly, then knifed him to death. Motive (surprise) was robbery/burglary & THRILL KILL.
* Mike Kelley
1462. Escondido, CA, 2003
Two White Females Kidnapped & Murdered
A black male, Bennette Lee Douglas, 19,…was somehow able to get into a relationship with a very young and, unfortunately, very naïve white female. The result? The white female plus her best friend were found dead a short time later. Since Douglas was found to have used duct tape and a shovel in the crime, it appeared to be premeditated. Perhaps Douglas was involved in an illegal activity and the girls found out about it. Or, more likely, Douglas was informed by the naive white female that she didn’t want to see him anymore and the black male believed the other white female had something to do with it. So he decided to "do 'em both."
* Jennifer Ross, 18
* Heather Ann Steimer, 18
1463. Montgomery County, PA, Jan. 31, 2005
Ambush Murder - Two Dead
Three Black Males, Maurice Jones , Harold Murray,27, Ernest Reginald Morris,…sought revenge for a an earlier robbery of drugs and money. A white female apparently got into a relationship with black man (Vern Brewer)… who made his living selling drugs and stealing whenever he could. The white female paid the ultimate price for this relationship - shot twice in the face.
* Jennifer Pennington, 30
* Unborn baby
Note: I don’t like to include drug related crimes here, however, the white female seems to be just an innocent go along with the criminal minded black man.
1464. Syracuse, NY, May 20, 1983
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Edward Kithcart, 25 …broke into the apartment of a white female (mother) brutally raped her then used a pillow to smother her to death.
Patricia Kilbourne
Note: Kithcart was already in prison for another rape conviction. Forced integration continues to take its toll on White America.
1465. Erie, PA, Aug. 2010
Home Invasion - Abuse Of A Child - Murder
A black male (career criminal), Aaron Noyer, 22,…broke into the home of a white family intending to commit a burglary, instead he kidnapped their 2-year-old child, sexually assaulted her…then murdered her. Note: To avoid the death penalty, Noyer's attorney's claimed he was completely retarded (IQ of only 70). It worked. He got life - no parole
* Elizabeth Neimeic, 2 (pic shows she may be of mix race)
1466. Clinton, MO. Dec. 2005
Home Invasion - Ambush - Murder
A black male, Joshua Rudolph, 19,…put on a ski mask and walked over to his neighbor's home - a white male - and knocked at the front door. When the white male opened the door (he forgot to check the peep hole!) Rudolph pulled his gun, barged in and demanded money. After the black male received money, he shot the white male in the head.
* Damon Womble, 25
1467. St. Petersburg, Fla., December 11, 2005
Ambush - Murder
Black male strikes at white employer
A black male,Wilson Saintil, 51,…murdered -bludgeoned to death with a knife - his former manager. Motive was robbery.
* Stephen Holmes, 29
INTRODUCING: The “Going Ghetto”
Four black males and three black females, …(all related) invaded a white female’s business to attack - GOING GHETTO - a black employee of hers. In the process they threaten her life and beat her.
1468. Boone County, IL, Aug. 5, 1976
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
"Please. Ah, C'Mon. Jus a cup of coffee... That all... " Relentless begging and badgering like this day after day from black male Johnny Wright, 33, the white female finally said ok. It costs her her LIFE.
* Becky Doisy, 23
Note: Becky's remains have never been found. She went out on a date with black male Wright (ex-con) and never returned. Wright refused to admit he murdered the white female. He was finally convicted in 2011 for the murder of Becky Doisy. Wright died four years later. As for the evidence against him, two people came forward and said he had bragged to them about the murder.
1469. Perry, FL, November 6, 1974
Armed Robbery - Two White People Murdered
Two black males, Douglas Ray Meeks, 21, Homer Lee Hardwick, 18,…walked into a convenience store - in the white section of Perry - and then pulled a gun on two teenage white people. The cashier, a female, was ordered to give up the money in the cash register, which she did ($35.00). The other white person (a teenage male), along with the white female were marched at gunpoint to the back of the store and then told to lie face down ... where they were both shot multiple times.
* Diane Allen, 18 (survived)
* Lloyd Walker, 16 (deceased)
1470. Los Angeles, CA, 1995 - 1996
A 'Tag Team' Of Death
Black Male Serial Killers
Four sadistic black males, Emanuel Brown, 26, Kendrick Loot, 25, Bruce Milsap, 30, Rashbone Colston,...in the course of numerous robberies murdered at least eight people in less than a year. Their MO was to murder - charge up to and execute - armored car guards and then steal the cash bags. Racial identity of most not known
* James Moon, 43
1471. New York City, NY, February 2, 2005
Public Ambush - Murder
A black male and black female, Rudy Fleming, 19,Tatianna McDonald, 14,
…were out looking for someone to rob when they spotted a trio of young white people. Fleming and his companion charged up the the white people, pulled out a gun and demanded their money. When the white female refused, black male Fleming gunned her down.
* Nicole duFresne, 28
Note: Don't anyone doubt that the sole reason for gunning down this young white female was to "send a message," to teach white people that you better "give it up" to the black man; and also SUBMIT TO and fear the black man - or he'll kill you. At some point, white people have to say Enough is Enough!
1472. Mead Valley, CA, Dec. 13, 1993
Home Invasion - Murder
Two Black Males,Albert Jones, 29, Unidentified 15-year-old, ...broke into the home of an elderly white couple, hog tied them, then proceeded to bludgeoned them to death with pocket knives.
Victims :
* James Florville, 82
* Madalynne Florville, 72
1473. Atlanta, GA, Feb. 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
Didn't want to appear "racist" cost the white female her life.
An unemployed black male, Shamal Thompson, 22,
... used his considerable amount of spare time to conceive of a ruse he thought would allow him to enter a high security luxury condo complex ($800,000 to 2.5 million) to commit burglary. He would simply tell the security guard he was there as a potential buyer. Once inside the complex the black male was likely just going to go door to door seeing if a door was left unlocked. However, his scheme didn't work quite the way he figured. Thompson was directed to an on-sight real estate agent... and, while conversing with the agent (probably figuring his ruse wasn't going to work and making a mental exit plan), a white female passed by and overheard them talking. She informed both ... "Don't forget about my place. It's for sale too." That comment would turn out to cost her her life. The black kid seized the opportunity and informed the security guard he wanted to see the lady's unit. When the security guard called the homeowner and told her a black male was inquiring about her place and whether she would like a guard to accompany him ... she refused. She didn't want to appear racist. When Thompson got inside the white female's unit one can only speculate as to what went down before the the brutal assault. But it's likely the white female started to ask some questions about his job and/or source of income. Naturally, the 22-year-old would have been short on answers here, and the white female would have demanded that Thompson leave her place. Thompson, the evidence shows, grabbed the white female by the hair and rammed her head repeatedly into a marble counter top, fracturing her skull. "He then hid her body in the kitchen pantry and proceeded to steal her money, credit cards, and jewelry."
Innocent White Female:
* Dr. Eugenia “Jeanne” Calle, 57
1474. El Cajon, CA, March 1, 2006
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Anthony James Miller, Jean Pierre Rices, 24 (triggerman), ..showed up at a convenience store at closing time and at gunpoint forced two clerks into a back room. After emptying the safe, the two clerks were told to get down on their knees ... then Rices shot both in the head.
* Heather Mattia, 22 (w/f)
* Firas Waahid Eiso, 23 (Arab)
1475. Los Angeles, Ca, June 30, 1991
Former Employee Returns To Commit Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, James Robinson, Jr, 22,..after acquiring a handgun, walked into the store he used to work at and drew his gun on two teenage white males (one was employed there, the other was his friend who had come to visit). After Robinson received the store's money he gunned down both white males.
* James White, 19
* Brian Berry, 18
1476. Richmond, VA, Jan. 1, 2006
Massacre Atrocity!
White Family
Two black males, Ricky Javon Gray, Ray Joseph Dandridge,…without provocation, attacked a white male early in the evening of Dec. 31, 2005. The white male survived multiple knife wounds and was in a coma for two weeks (when he awoke, he discovered he'd lost the use of his right arm). After this savage attack, the two black males then went to the home of a white family. They broke in then , at gunpoint, gathered the family members (husband, wife and two young daughter) and marched them - terrified, you could imagine - into the basement and bound them with duct tape. All their throats were then slit, the adult white male being left for last, apparently so he could witness the slaughter of his family. The innocent white people massacred are:
* Brian Harvey,49
* Kathryn Harvey, 39
* Ruby, 4
* Stella, 9
Note: These two black males had previously brutally murdered another young white female, a mother of three, on Dec. 18, 2005. She was shot three times in the head then hung. The black males had knocked on the white female's door and when she opened it (something whe should NOT have done), they used the classic black male set up line for white people: "Yeah, man. I was wonderin'... We got some car trouble and I was wonderin' if you can let me use your telephone." The white female fell for the con and let the black male savages into her home. The innocent white female victim is:
* Sheryl Warner, 37
1477. St. Petersburg, FL, March 21, 1983
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Derrick Johnson , Derrick Tyrone Smith, ... summoned a taxi for the sole purpose of committing an armed robbery and murder. The taxi driver (white male) was directed to a secluded area, then murdered.
* Jeffery Songer
1478. Compton, Ca, Feb. 22, 1991
Two Police Officers Ambushed - Murdered
A black male, Regis Thomas, ...was pulled over in Compton, Ca. When both officer got out of their squad car, black male Thomas leaped out of his car and began firing at both officers. Incredibly, he hit both , but only wounding them. Black male Thomas then went up to the white officer, stood over him and executed him. He then went to the the officer and did the same thing.
* Officer K. Burrell, 39 (b/m)
* Reserve Officer Jimmy MacDonald, 23 (w/m)
1479. Fulton County , Georgia, Dec. 27, 2010
White Police Officer Ambushed - Murdered

A black male (career criminal just released from jail), Gregory Favors, 30,..was being pulled over by a white male state trooper, however, Favors sped away, eventually crashing into a wall. The white officer likely believed the driver was seriously injured - a mistake that would cost him his life. When the white male got up to the car (gun still in his holster), Favors leaped out and gunned down the officer.
* Chadwick Thomas LeCroy , 38
1480. Woodland Hills CA, Feb. 8, 1999
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Kirell Taylor, 25, Boris George ``Booney'' Graham, 27,
...followed a white male home (he was driving a Bentley) and when the white male pulled into his garage, the black males charged up to him and at gunpoint forced him into the trunk of his car. They then went through his home looking for valuables. The white male's wife was home at the time with their three children and was able to spot the intruders undetected. She and the children hid out on the roof (the black males had brought duct tape for her and anyone else in the house). While on the roof, she used her cell phone to summoned police. The white male was abducted and died when while the black males, attempting to flee pursuing police, crashed the car.
* Christopher Rawlings, 30 (deceased)
1481. Dallas, TX, July 1991
Military Dishonored - Armed Robbery - Murder
Three black males, including, Pvt. Kevin Bivins, 22, two others unidentified,...were in the process of robbing two young women by beating their heads into the ground and punching them. Two people came to their rescue (one white and one black). The three black robbers fled, two to a waiting car, the other went the opposite way down the street and was chased by the good Samaritans. When the two caught up with the black male robber, the car with the other black males returned. Bivins then exited the car and shot both men. The good Samaritans survived the shooting; however, the white male was left a cripple for life, taking a bullet that hit his spinal cord.
* Steve Palermo, 41 (w/m)
* Terrence Mann (b/m)
http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2009/may/11/umpire-tuspan style=rned-hero/
1482. San Diego, CA, June 23, 1995
Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Brandon Arnae Taylor, 22,...broke into the home of an elderly white female while she was sitting in her living room conversing with her sister, who was visiting from out of state. Taylor simply sat down right between the two elderly women. When one elderly woman go/font-family: span/spant up and angrily demanded to know what he was doing, Taylor sprang into action. He forced both woman into a bedroom. where he began raping one of them. However, the other female ran outside and summoned help. Black male bully Taylor was apprehended coming out of the house.
* Rosa Mae Dixon, 80 (deceased)
A black male Harry Nicks, ...robbed a pawn store at gunpoint then instructed two white people lie face down on the ground. Black male Nicks then shot both of them in the head.
* Robert Back (deceased)
* Debra Lynn Love (survived a bullet to the head)
Public Abduction - Rape
Wendy (victim): "He managed to pick me up and throw me to the ground and do what he did," said Wendy.
A black male, Robert Tyler Wilson,…spent 13 years in prison for the rape of a white female. The black male rapist was released (2005) and less than a year later raped another white female - in the same park he raped a white female 25 years earlier.
1484. Chesterfield County , VA, Aug. 22, 2007
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Detavis J. King, 17,...pulled a gun and gunned down a young white male. The first bullet , however, struck the white male youth in the back and didn't kill him, it just paralyzed him from the waste down. As the young kid was trying to crawl away, sadist King ran up to the kid and put a final bullet in his head.
* Ryan Matko, 16
1485. Arizona, Aug. 2005 to June 2006
The “Baseline Killer”
Single Black Male Terrorizes an Entire City - Rape and Murder
A black male (ex-con), Mark Goudeau,…raped, murdered and terrorized the city of Phoenix between 2005 and 2006.
Note: I am more than a bit incredulous that Groudeau can be responsible for all the crimes police attribute to him.
1486. Dade City, Florida, 2006
Teen Murders An Adult
Argue with a 16-year-old black boy can get you killed - even if you happen to be an adult. Well, that’s exactly what 48-year-old Felipe DeJesus-Reyes did. The angry 16-year-old black boy, Walter Vickers, raced home, retrieved his .357 handgun, then raced back to where he had argued with Mr. Reyes. Vickers then shot the 48-year-old pointblank in the face, killing him instantly. Vickers then went home and took a nap.
1487. Jacksonville, FL, Dec. 25, 1999
Very Determined Black Man Gets His RAPE
A black male , Luther Douglas, 25, had been waiting most of the afternoon and well past midnight the following day for his opportunity to rape a young white female that had unexpectedly wound up in his car earlier that day. The white female was a friend of a black female he was acquainted with and she brought along the white female. The white female had no choice but to tag along with Luther Douglas, as he had the car. After midnight, black male Douglas dropped off the black female acquaintance first , then took the white female out to a seclude area ...
"She was positioned on her back in a shrub line with her legs stretched out in front of her. {Her] body was nude from the waist down, except for her black socks. Her knit top and black bra were torn and pushed up to her shoulders, exposing her breasts. A few feet from [her} body, the police found a tire lug wrench, a rubber car part and a blood soaked maroon jacket." The autopsy "...noted that [she] had suffered extensive injury, particularly to her head. Dr. Areford concluded that she died of blunt head trauma. Dr. Areford testified that while [she] was alive she received at least ten separate blows to her face, seven blows to the back of her head and seven to ten blows to her hands and arms. Her -5- jaw and nose were broken, several of her teeth had been knocked out and her right shoulder was dislocated."
Note: Black male Luther Douglas remain on Florida death row (2018).
* Mary Ann Hobgood, 18
1488. Mobile, AL, June 1, 2007
Infamous Sucker Punch On Elderly School Teacher
Two black males (teenagers), Dominick Harris, 16, Randolph Parker, 16…planned an attack on an elderly white school teacher. Black male Harris recorded the attack (so he could show his buddies), while the other black teen waited for the elderly white female to walk out of the classroom. When she did, Parker sucker punched her in the face.
Here is another black male attacking a white school teacher.
1489. Grand Blanc, MI, March 10, 2011
Home Invasion - Ambush (In A White Community)
Two black male, Lorenzo D. Releford and Dantoine M. Brown, both 26, barged into a white female's apartment (in her presumably safe white community) with a loaded BB-gun and, once inside, proceeded to strangled her to death. Both black males were later arrested while driving the dead white female's car. Also taken from the innocent white female was a DVD player, TV and laptop.
Jeanne Hank, 47
1490. Pontiac, MI, July 5, 2005
Carjacking - Robbery - Murder
Two black teens , Christopher Eugene Jackson, 17, Cordero Landrum, 18,… at gunpoint carjacked a white male, robbed him of his wallet then ordered him in the trunk. At this point the white male fled. However, the black males were not going to let him get away. They took off after him and eventually cornered him inside a gas station ...where black male Jackson gunned him down.
* David Lee Bingham, 38 (deceased)
1491. England, 2004
* Crimes That Shake Our Conscience *
It’s Happening In Britain Too ... Black male Rapes A White School Teacher
A black boy, Dwayne Best, 15,...simply decided he wanted to rape the white 28-year-old school teacher, and no one was going to prevent him. The black boy was forced to settle for oral sex.
Note: The black boy was given life in prison for the attack on the white female, which means in England he'll eligible for parole in 4 ½ years.
1492. Nashville, TN, July 14, 2005
White Police Officer Gunned Down
Officer Daniel Alford (white male), 33, was gunned down by MarShawn L. Lytie, (black male), 21, while attempting to arrest him for a drug related crime.
Despite being shot twice, miraculously, officer Alford survived the black male‘s attempted murder .
1493. Philadelphia, PA., July 15, 2006
(Temple University)
Home Invasion - Terrorizing - Attempted Murder - Rape
"The boy was beat unmerciful, I mean he couldn't even open up his eyes, it's sad."
Two black males (identities unknown) staked out an off-campus apartment occupied by two white females. When the white females arrived home late at night, along with a white male, and as the three walked into the apartment the black males raced up to them and forced them inside at gunpoint. The white male was set upon first. He was beaten, kicked and pistol whipped until he was unconscious. The black males then went to work on the white females, raping and beating them for hours. After the black males were done, they stole personal property and then fled in the white male’s car.
Note: In the link below, note how the race of the perps has been removed.
1494. Akron, OH, July 4, 2009
Public Racism - The Infamous Sucker Punch
A white family of four and a couple friends of theirs (male and female) were leaving a stadium after a fireworks display, when they came face to face with a pack (twenty or more) of racist black teenagers. A white male (middle-age) was immediately subjected to the infamous black male sucker punch, which knocked him to the ground. The blacks then started to kick him relentlessly and mercilessly. The white male’s adult friend tried to intercede but he too was set upon by the feral and hate-filled black youths, also being punched and kicked. According to one of the adult white males:
''My thing is,'' Marshall [middle-age white male] said, ''I didn't want this, but I was in fear for my wife, my kids and my friends. I felt I had to stay out there to protect them, because those guys were just jumping, swinging fists and everything"
''I'm lucky. They didn't break my ribs or bruise my ribs. I thank God, they concentrated on my thick head because I do have one. They were trying to take my head off my spine, basically.''
Note: None of the white victims who've been fortunate to survive a predatory attack by racist black males ... have received one dollar in compensation from the federal gov’t for their pain and suffering. Nor have white family members of the dead received one dollar of compensation for their loss(es).
1495. City of Shreveport, LA, Dec. 23, 2000
Public Abduction - Carjacking - Rape - Torture - Murder
When white female, Vickie Lynn McGraw, 48, drove into her apartment complex , she had no idea five black males had just spotted her... The black males were waiting for a white female who was alone and Vickie fit the plan. Vickie was carjacked, ATM robbed, kidnapped, beaten, raped, sodomized, humiliated, tortured and then shot in the head.
The black male predators are:
Derrick D. Bouya, 21
Aaron C. Wilson, 17 (rape/ triggerman...sentenced to death)
Leon "Fat" Bagley III, 22
Kevin D. Dodson, 19
Torius Scroggins, 19
One of Vickie’s close friends described her as “full of love, life and laughter. She was so contagious. You couldn’t be around her without feeling the love and laughter."
1496. Terre Haute, Ind. March, 1981
Sucker Punch ... With a Baseball Bat
In a dorm cafeteria at Indiana State University, a group of young white males, who were members of the University's wrestlers’ were eating dinner when a black male made his way toward the table carrying a baseball bat. When the black male reached his intended target, he cocked his bat and, with all the strength he could muster, slammed it into the back of the head of an unsuspecting white male. The wrestler’s head collapsed into his plate of food. The black male then pulled a knife to threaten the one person who got up to confront him ... and headed for the door and made his escape.
(Identify of victim and perpetrator unknown, as well as any subsequent information regarding condition of victim or apprehension of the perpetrator. Also unknown is the motive for this black male attempted murder).
1497. Santa Monica, CA, Dec. 18, 1968
*A Sign Of Times To Come *
A young elementary school teacher named Caroline Olsen and her husband, Kenneth, were approached by two black males on a Santa Monica tennis court. One of the black males pulled a gun (.45 caliber) and then ordered the white couple to give up their cash and jewelry, which they did. They were then ordered to lie down face-down on the ground. The black male with the gun then emptied his .45 caliber into their prone bodies. Caroline died of her wounds while Kenneth, miraculously, survived. Kenneth Olsen picked Geronimo Pratt out of a line-up and he was charged with the murder; and ultimately convicted despite the efforts of Johnnie Cochran, then an unknown young attorney on the make.
1498. Palm Bay, Fl. 1992
Home Invasion - Robbery - Murder - Abuse of the Elderly
Dorothy Berger, a kindhearted 80-year-old white female, felt sympathy and pity toward her neighbor, a black male, Johnny Hoskins, 28.
Hoskins was seemingly always unemployed and consequently in need of money. Ms. Berger allowed Hoskins to do odd jobs for her and paid him generously. It seems Hoskins was just “playing” the elderly white female, slowly working on her so she would let her guard down and invite him into her home. Eventually, she did. And that’s when Hoskins attacked her. He first raped the 80-year-old woman, then, for reasons that were never made clear, he tied her up, put her in the trunk of her car and drove 250 miles to Georgia, where he strangled her to death. He then dumped Mrs. Berger in a field and buried her.
1499. Apple Valley, CA. March 3, 2006
Armed Robbery - Murder
William Gould (a white male) was at work at a 7-11, supporting his wife and 4 children and paying for college.
On March 3rd, 2006, two black male (identities unknown) entered his store to commit a robbery. The cooperative Gould was killed after the black males completed their robbery- total take was less than $100. The black males are still being sought by police.
Serial Rapist Of White Females
Dubbed “The BP Oil Rapist” of Louisville
A black male predator, Daniel Gene Cummings, 23, …pleaded guilty in March, 2003, to attacking 14 women from 1998 to 2002 in south central Jefferson County. Ten of the females were sexually assaulted. He received 470 years. He preyed on white and black females.
1501. Trenton, NJ, Nov. 2002
Home Invasion - Murder - Abuse Of The Elderly
A black male and a black female, Thomas Briggs, 37, Milagros Maldonado, 42,…invaded the home of an elderly white male, beat him , then slit his throat. The black males then took what valuables they could carry and fled.
* Ralph DeQuinzio, 79
1502. Flint, Mich. July, 1997
*Racially Motivated Atrocity! *
Racism - Humiliation
Three young white kids jumped a train in a rural part of Michigan and wound up in a black community in Flint , Michigan. I will defer to another site (link provided below) in describing what happened next:
"The Highland Township [white] teenagers who hopped the CSX train on June 18 were far from pros. Afraid to jump off at Holly, they froze and wound up 25 miles north in a rough section of Flint. One of the boys, Michael Carter, 14, ended up dead. Another, Dustin Kaiser, 15, was beaten brutally before taking a bullet in the head. And the third, Nicole, 14, whose family asked that only her first name be used in this story, was pistol-whipped and shot in the face after being forced to perform oral sex."
The Black Male Feral Racists / Rapists / Murderers:
Christopher Darling, 18
Anthony Hollis, 23
Adrian Hollis, 20;
Terrance Reyes, 18
Tyrone Reyes, 16
Shannon Gould, 16
Note:The link below can give you all the details in this despicable black male hate crime against those innocent white kids.
1503. West Knox County, Tenn., Aug. 20, 2001
Home Invasion - Rape - Torture - Murder
A black male (and ex-con), Roger Eric Broadway, 23,…was given a job as a door to door salesman. When Broadway knocked on the door of an elderly white female, she answered, but inquired whether Broadway had a license to be going door-to-door. At this moment Broadway barged in and began to beat on her. He then dragged the woman up the staircase to a bedroom where he sexually assaulted her. After that was over, the female was dragged downstairs where Broadway retrieved a knife then plunged it into her throat, so hard that it went through her throat and actually pinned the elderly white female to the floor. Broadway then searched the house for items to steal. When he completed his search he helped himself to a coke and a cigarette. When Broadway finished his cigarette … he put it out by smashing it in the face of the dead white female.
* Eskalene De Borde, 66
Note: Rodger Eric Broadway, a resident of New York City, admitted to the crime and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Yes, he retired now...
1505. New Jersey, June 9, 2004
Home Invasion - Robbery - Murder - Abuse Of The Elderly
A black male, Azriel Rashad Bridge, 17 (door-to-door salesman)…asked an elderly white female if he could use her bathroom. Unfortunately, she let the black male into her home. Once inside, the black male tried to steal the elderly woman’s checkbook but was caught. That’s when Bridge attacked and beat the elderly white female (with a fireplace poker iron) and killed her.
* Shirley Reuter, 77
1506. Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 3, 2006
Home Invasion - Abuse Of The Elderly
A black male, Brandon Foster, 23…went over to a white female’s home (former girlfriend?) and stabbed her to death. Foster also stabbed to death the white female’s great grandmother.
* Samantha Zenszer, 21
* Violet McCall, 79
1507. Denver, CO, 1992
Home Invasion - Rape - Abuse Of A Child
A black male, LC Jackson, 21,…broke into a female’s home to commit rape and burglary. The black male, discovering two white females present, mother and daughter (daughter was 9-years-old) raped both of them , then burglarized the premises and fled.
* Identities of victims unknown.
Note: I do believe based on the MO here, that the victims are white. Anyone with evidence regarding the race of these two victims, e-mail me or leave response below.
1508. Lancaster, CA, April 2005
Sucker Punch - With A Baseball Bat
A black boy, 13 (name not revealed), became angry at a white male kid, who was fifteen, walked up to him from behind and slammed a baseball bat into his head, killing him. The black youth then lied about the white teen using a racial slur.
Jeremy Rourke, 15
"Despite the Tuesday night fight and its tragic ending, the two boys had no history of problems, said Tony Trevino, who coached the Dodgers that night."
"That's what's so shocking and so appalling," he said. "What happened? What did we miss as a community? What did we miss as parents."
1509. Houston, TX, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Charles Anderson, 47,… was walking around a white residential community when he spotted a 57-year-old white female working in her garage. Anderson charged up to the woman with a knife in his hand, demanding she get into her car. She complied and she was driven to a dingy motel where she was raped. After the back male finished with her, he made her get back in the car, intending to take her to a secluded spot and execute her. However, the white female was able to escape by leaping from the moving vehicle.
* Identity of white female unknown
Note: I believe the victim to be white. Heritage Village, where the abduction took place, is located in Northwest Houston, a small , almost entirely white collar community (83% of households). Anyone with info. regarding racial identity of this victim, please include it in the comment section below - with source.
1510. Des Moines, IA, 1997
Home Invasion - Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Rosemary Pascente, a 64-year-old white female, was found dead January 5th, 1997, stabbed multiple times and her throat slit. Robbery appeared to be the motive.
A 29-year-old black male, Charlie Jones, was later prosecuted and convicted for the murder/robbery
Rosemary was a school teacher.
Note: Black male Charlie Jones was also linked to another killing (and RAPE) by DNA. The innocent white female victim was Patricia Lange.
1511. Los Angeles, CA, 1981
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Hercules Butler, murdered a 30-year-old white female, Adriana Percono (name may be misspelled), who was a resident of Venice, California. Butler stabbed her multiple times, killing her, then he encased her in cement and buried her in his back yard (case represented on the TV program LA Forensics). The motive for this terrible crime has remained a mystery.
1512. Crestwood, VA, May 24, 2007
Home Invasion - Elderly Rape
A black male, Clayton Vines, 43 … broke into the home of an 82-year-old white female and repeatedly sodomized her. The black male then burglarized the elderly female’s home. Identity of female unknown.
1513. Long Island, NY, 2002
Home Invasion - Elderly
A black male (ex-con), Jonathan Uzzell, 39, …posed as a female and got a job as a home health care aid inside the home of an elderly white female, who was recovering from a major surgery. Five weeks into the job, the black male (still posing as a female) ransacked the elderly lady’s place and stole her bank card.
* Clara Migden, 84
1514. Houston, TX, 2007
Public Abduction - Rape Of White Males - Robbery
A black male, Keith Chester Hill, 19,… developed a liking for kidnapping young white males at gunpoint (its amazing what you can make someone do with a gun pointed at their head). Hill would drive around white communities (sometimes he would just follow his intended victim home) until he found the right profile of victim he wanted (always a young white male). He would then exit his SUV and calmly walk up to the unsuspecting young white male, where he would then pull his gun and demand the white male get in his vehicle. The black male would then duct tape his mouth, tie his hands, then drive him to a secluded location, where the black male would make his captive perform oral sex while he beat him .
* The identities of the young white male victims are not revealed.
1515. Buffalo, NY, May 16, 2006
Ambush - Murder
Justin Kelly, a 19 year-old black male, was looking for an unsuspecting white person to rob. The community where this predator was stalking was a middle-class [white] North Buffalo neighborhood.
Kelly spotted an adult white male, 47 year-old Paul J. McCabe, a married man and father of two teenage boys, out in his front yard. The black male teen approached McCabe and, displaying a knife, demanded his cell phone and his wallet. McCabe refused to surrender either to the predator, whereupon the black male attacked the unarmed white male with his knife. Paul’s wife heard the commotion from inside the house and ran outside. She attempted to help her husband, causing herself to be stabbed. Paul McCabe died from his wounds, his wife survived.
Justin Kelly was picked up by the police the following day. Faced with an eyewitness and the recovery of the knife he used in the murder, Kelly confessed.
1516. Cuyahoga County,OH, Dec. 31, 2007
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Attempted Robbery
Six black males,
Jerome Edwards, 17,
Miles Cole, 15,
Demetrius Lang, 16
Brandon Goodwin, 16
Joshua Bray, 16
Joseph Wilson , 19
….attacked a white male adult while he was out jogging. The white male described his attack as follows:
“McDermott explained that "the first kid came at [him]," and tried to hit him with his fist. Another "kid" hit him in the arm with a wooden pole, while at the same time, another was punching him in the stomach. Someone said to him, "[w]e're going to fuck you up," and someone else said, "[w]e're gonna' kill ya." When McDermott tried to run away, someone hit him with a metal rod on his right knee and "just obliterated it." He fell to the ground.
While [*5] McDermott was laying on the ground, he said that Wilson pulled out a knife and started "sticking it at me." Wilson said to him, "I'm going to cut you with the knife if you don't shut up." McDermott further testified that Wilson said, "[g]ive me your money," and McDermott replied, "asshole, I don't have any money. I'm out jogging." McDermott described the knife as having "a six-inch blade"; it was more like a "fishing" knife, not a switchblade knife.
McDermott explained that each male was involved in the attack and none of them tried to stop it. He said he was "absolutely" certain that Wilson was equally involved in the attack "because [he] thought that [Wilson] was the last person [he] was going to see on this earth." This was because he heard one of the "kids" say, "[c]lip him," and he saw a gun in another "kid's" pocket.”
* Kevin McDermott, 52
1517. Cleveland, OH, Feb. 22, 2009
Black Pack Decides Ta Have Some Fun - Attempts To THRILL KILL Two White Males
Six black males,
Ralfeal King, 17,
Cornelius King, 26,
Joaquin Hicks, 29,
Perry King, Jr., 21,
Reginald Day, 28,
Bryan Elliot, 17,
…without any provocation, ambushed two white males at a public shopping center. They were both gunned down, then their pockets riffled through searching for any valuables.
* Jory Aebly, 26 (survived a gun shot to the head “by a centimeter”)
* Jeremy Pechanec, 28
1518. Newberry County. SC, Jan., 2008
Home Invasion - Terrorizing White Family
Three black males, Austin Partlow, 27, Roy Johnson, 27, Chauncey Partlow, 27, …broke into a white male’s home to commit a burglary. The three blacks duct taped an adult male and his young daughter (who was disabled) and then beat them while demanding to know where the household valuables were.
White victims:
* Rick Cofer,
* Robin Cofer,
* Unidentified disabled daughter
Note: I believe victims to be white. Evidence to the contrary please contact me at my email address with your information, or provide it below.
1519. Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN, Jan. 1, 2008
Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, identities still unknown,…(at 2 am) followed a white male and his wife back to their suburban home. When the two entered their home the two black males were right behind them, and forced their way into the home at gun point. A struggle ensued and the white male was gunned down. The two black males then searched the pockets of the victim and fled. However, they must have realized they left behind a person who could identify them, so they returned a few minutes later, but found the female had already locked the door. They tried a few times to break down the door, then fled. According to police, the MO of this crime fits another home invasion of a white couple a few weeks earlier.
* Jamis Marks, 28,
* Police are looking for 2 "dark-skinned black males," described as being in their 20's. One suspect is 5'11" to 6' tall, weighing 175 pounds. The other is described as 6'1" to 6'3", weighing 250 pounds or more.
1520. Cleveland, OH, Dec. 15, 2007
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Terrance James Feaster, 19, …broke into the home of a white male to commit a burglary. When he was confronted by a white male with a gun he shot the white male and killed him, and wounded a female house occupant. The black male intruder was also shot.
* Dustin Cline, 18
1521. Long Island, New York, Sept. 11, 2006
Racism -- Gang Attack
A 46-year-old white male, Richard Berkhout, was walking home when a car suddenly raced by far exceeding the residential speed limit. Richard yelled at the car to slow down. The car slowed down, then it stopped. Three black males leaped out and ran up to the white male. Without any words spoken, the black males began beating on him, kicking him and, when he fell to the ground, stomping on his head. When they thought he was dead, they fled. Incredibly, Richard survived the attack and was able to identify his attackers.
The three black males who attacked the innocent adult white male are:
Darrell Taylor, 28
Darian Taylor, 28
Christopher Robinson, 25
Note: The sentencing of the three “brave” black men went as follows:
“…defendants - twins Darian and Darrell Taylor, 29, were found guilty of first-degree gang assault and first-degree assault last year. Darian Taylor, of Center Moriches, was sentenced to 14 years in jail, while his brother got 12 years.
Their half brother, Christopher Robinson, 28, of Mastic, was sentenced to 20 years for the gang assault.
Robinson and Darian Taylor said nothing in the courtroom, but Darrell Taylor burst out in a rage after his sentence was given, exclaiming "I got kids!"
1522. Essex, Vermont, Aug. 24, 2006
Home Invasion - Ambush - Two Murdered
A painfully unattractive white female, Andrea Lambesis, befriended a homeless and unemployed black male, Christopher A. Williams, 27. The white female allowed Williams to stay in her house, which she shared with her mother. However, the white female not only became frustrated with constantly being forced to provide for the black male, but also putting up with his his bizarre behavior. She finally demanded he leave. The day she required Williams to be gone, the black male went over to a friends home and acquired a gun. Williams then went back to Andrea’s house to kill her mother, 57-year-old Linda Lambesis. After he shot her to death, Williams next went to Andrea’s place of work, Essex Elementary School, to kill her. When he couldn’t find her, he decided any white female would do, and walked into the classroom of 56-year-old Mary Shanks and killed her. He then shot another female, Mary Snedeker, 52. (Mary miraculously survived the black male’s attack).
1523. New York City, N.Y. Sept. 2006
Racially Motivated Murder - Elderly
An elderly white male decided to go for a walk on a Saturday afternoon in Queens. It would be the final walk of his life. As the elderly man was walking, unbeknown to him, lurking in the bushes, was a black male, William Scott, 28,… who harbored a hatred for white people. The elderly white male made for an easy target. Scott waited for the elderly man to pass then he leaped on him, knife in hand, and proceeded to stab the man repeatedly until he was dead.
* Carmine Randazzo Sr., 78
1524. Baton Rouge, LA, 2003
Serial Rapist Of White Females
Home Invasion - Robbery - Rape - Murder -Public Abduction
A black male, and serial rapist, Derrick Todd Lee, 34, … according to police, his DNA linked him to five rapes and murders.
* Carrie Yoder, 26, (w/f)
* Gina Wilson Green, 41, (w/f)
* Charlotte Murray Pace, 22, (w/f)
* Pam Kinamore, 44, (w/f)
* Charlotte Murray Pace (w/f)
* Geralyn DeSoto (w/f)
* Trineisha Dene Colomb, 23 (b/f)
1525. Mt. Morris Township, Michigan
Child Ambushed Murdered In Her Classroom
Kayla Rolland, a 6-year-old, white girl, went to school on Feb. 29, 2000. While Kayla sat in her classroom, a 6-year-old black boy walked up to her from behind and pulled a gun he'd been concealing, then shot her pointblank in the head. She died on the spot. The black boy had brought the gun for the specific purpose of murdering the white girl. He told police he did it because he "I hate that girl".
Kayla Rolland has an Internet site dedicated to her memory.
Again, we MUST take note of the complete unpredictable nature of the black temperament. Too many in the white community are dying.
1526. Wilson County, NC, June 2004
Public Abduction - Rape - Robbery - Murder
Two black teenage males, James Arthur Johnson, 18, Kenneth Maurice Meeks, 16,…abducted a white female teenager from a shopping mall to commit robbery, rape and murder. When the black males were done with the white female...they shot her in the head.
* Brittany Tyler Willis, 17 (deceased)
Note: Meeks claimed it was only he who was involved in the abduction, rape and murder.
1527. Sumter County, GA, Oct. 2004
Armed Robbery - Vicious Beating On Elderly Woman
Four black males, Lakedrick Johnson, 25, Anthony Bridges, 30, Bobby Williams, 24, Trevor Hart, 28,…after robbing a convenience store brutally and savagely beat two elderly white females. The savage beating was all caught on video surveillance tape.
* Emma Wainwrigh, 64
* Unknown
1528. Pinetta, FL,
Ambush - Murder
Postal Service carrier Immogene Rodgers,42, disappeared while in the course of her delivery. Police determined that the mail delivery stopped at the address of a black man by the name of Joe Williams, 39. when presented with DNA evidence Williams confessed. Apparently, the black man wanted sex and when the innocent white female fought back, Williams beat her then strangled her to death. (featured on the TV show ‘Forensics‘).
* Race of perp positively ID’d.
1528. Remington, Indiana, OH, Sept. 2005
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two white females were working at the Family Express store in Remington, Indiana. according to the surveillance tape, a black male, Melvin Keeling, 43 (found deceased)…entered their store, robbed it at gunpoint, then gunned down and both of the white female clerks. Keeling was eventually identified when the store’s surveillance tape was shown to the public.
Keeling was also forensically linked to the killing of a 13-year old white girl in Ohio, on Sept. 19, 2005. The three white female victims are:
* Lisa Kendall, 29,
* Kendora Furr, 38
* Katie Caudill, 13
1529. Minneapolis, MN, May 16, 2004
Armed Robbery - Murder

Marvin Haynes, Jr., 16,
…barged into a flower shop and, displaying a pistol, demanded a white female fork over some money. At that moment a white male interrupted the robbery. The black teen then, without any provocation, shot and killed the white male.* Harry “Randy” Sherer, 55
1530. Miami, FL, Nov. 24, 2005
Public Abduction - Rape
Three black males, Hakim Porter, 21, Michael Simmons, 20, Jamal Harris, 23,…abducted a 22-year-old Japanese exchange student, took her to an isolated place where she was raped by all three. The black males then stole what money she had and fled.
1531. Richardson, TX, Nov. 11, 1992
Employee Commits Armed Robbery And Murders Co-Workers
The black males, Joseph Lave, 28, Tim Bates, 27, James Langston,26, ...broke into a sporting goods store with the intent to commit robbery and murder. During the course of the robbery three white people were savagely beaten with hammers and baseball bats, then each of the victims had their throat slit. Two died and one survived.
* Justine Marquart, 18
* Frederick Banzhaf, 18
* Angela King, 22 (survived)
Note: Langston was a current employee at the store. Obviously he planned the robbery and also planned not to leave any witnesses behind.
1532. Drew County, Ark, April 2001
Home Invasion -- Rape - Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
Black male Kenneth Isom, 34, was arrested for murder and rape. According to court testimony, on April 2, 2001, this is how it went down:
“Dorothy Lawson [white female] testified that she had been assisting Bill Burton, age 79 [white male], her deceased husband's brother-in-law, in his rehabilitation following hip surgery. Mrs. Lawson was at Mr. Burton's trailer home the night of April 2, 2001, and was watching television with Mr. Burton when she heard someone knock on the door. It was about 7:45 p.m. but still light outside. She opened the front door, and a man pushed passed her. She recognized the man as the person she had seen next door. She later identified that person as Mr. Isom [a black man]. He walked over to Mr. Burton and, standing near him, said, "I want some money."
“Mr. Burton replied that he currently had no money but that his social security check was coming tomorrow. Mr. Isom pulled a pair of broken scissors from his pants' back pocket and threatened Mr. Burton. Mr. Burton gave him two $100 bills and another forty dollars. Mr. Isom became angry and said he wanted more. He made Mr. Burton stand up and walk towards the bedroom. He then made Mr. Burton lie down on the floor in the hallway. Mr. Isom next grabbed Mrs. Lawson and told her to remove her pants and underwear and lie down in the hallway near Mr. Burton. Mr. Isom raped her vaginally, forced her to have oral sex with him, and raped her anally. During the rapes, Mrs. Lawson testified that she could clearly see his face. When she complained about the pain, Mr. Isom said: "It's going to be worse than this before the night's over." There was a knock at the back door, and Mr. Isom said: "Don't say a word. If you do, I'll kill you. I'll kill you now."
“Whoever was at the back door apparently left. Mr. Isom forced Mrs. Lawson into a closet. When she later looked out and told Mr. Isom to stop standing on Mr. Burton's head because he was old, Mr. Isom forced her back into the closet and said: "I know he's old. That's why I want to hurt him." She next saw Mr. Isom lying on top of Mr. Burton. She [tried to push] Mr. Isom [off of Mr. Burton] and in the process cut her hand on his scissors. She bled on Mr. Isom, which enraged him, and he said: "You're going to get it now." He [t address. Williams (a black male) was found to be the killer. He strangled the white female with her mail bag. Motive for this savage crime appeared to be (surprise!) attempted rape (featured on the TV show hen] d address. Williams (a black male) was found to be the killer. He strangled the white female with her mail bag. Motive for this savage crime appeared to be (surprise!) attempted rape (featured on the TV show emanded the diamond rings worn by Mr. Burton. Mrs. Lawson gave Mr. Isom her ring instead. Mr. Isom took her into the bedroom and knocked her unconscious. When she awoke, Mr. Isom was choking her. Mrs. Lawson testified that she could plainly see his face. She passed out again, and when she awoke some time later, she was alone. There was warm blood on the back of her head and rattling in her chest due to internal bleeding. She discovered that she was paralyzed on one side. On April 3, 2001, Erma Shook, a neighbor and relative of Bill Burton's, entered the side door of his trailer home after 8:00 a.m. and heard Mrs. Lawson crying for help. Ms. Shook dialed 9-1-1 from Mr. Burton's trailer home. Donald King, a patrol sergeant with the Monticello Police Department, was the first to arrive at the scene. He testified that he found Mr. Burton dead, lying on the floor in the hallway, and Mrs. Lawson lying on the floor in the master bedroom. The cause of death of Mr. Burton was later determined by associate medical examiner, Dr. Charles Kokes, to be multiple sharp and blunt force injuries. Mrs. Lawson told Sergeant King that a black male who lived next door was the assailant.”
1533. Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 22, 2001
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Jason Thompson, 22,…carjacked a young white female college student to commit robbery and rape. When Thompson was finished with the white female he murdered her then dumped her in a park in Culver City.
* Roberta Happe, 23
1534. Palmdale, CA, Aug. 29, 2006
Like Father Like Son - Black Male Follows In Fathers Footsteps - Rapes 10-Year-Old Child
An unemployed sexual predator (whose dad was also a registered sex offender), black male Marque Clark, 31 ...staked out a bathroom in a theater complex waiting for a female to use it. A 10-year-old girl approached the bathroom and was accosted by Clark. He grabbed the little girl and then dragged her at knife point into an empty theater, then raped her. UPDATE: Child rapist Clark was sentenced to 63 years in prison. Will be eligible for parole when he's 88-years-old.
* Unidentified victim
1535. Houston, TX, July 23, 1991
Armed Robbery - Pregnant Girl Murdered
Two black males, Darell Carr, 21, Odis Hadley, 21,…walked into a convenience store intending to commit robbery and murder. Both black males went to the counter and were greeted by a 7-months pregnant white female. Carr then pulled out his gun and, without provocation, shot her in the head. The white female delivered her baby by C-section. She was taken off life support two weeks later. Total take in this robbery/murder was $30.00.
* Priscilla Rangel, 16
1537. Kansas City, MO, March 7, 2004
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Henry Lee Polk, 40 …robbed and murdered (by slitting his throat) a white male. The innocent white is:
* Stephen M. Nolte, 41
1538. St. Augustine, FL, Oct. 24, 2002
Former Employee Returns To Business To Commit Armed Robbery And Murder
A black male, Roy Lee McDuffie, 42 …walked into a convenience store - his former employer - around closing time and pulled a gun on two white female employees. After McDuffie received the cash he shot both white females. When McDuffie ran out of bullets, he pulled out a knife and stabbed both females repeatedly. Both victims McDuffie was formerly acquainted with. The two innocent white females are:
* Dawnielle Beauregard, 27 (deceased)
* Janice Schneider, 39 (deceased)
1539. Prosper, TX. Dec. 10, 1990
Eric Lynn Moore, 23,
Anthony Bruce, 15,
Kenneth Bruce, 19,
Sam Andrews, 19,
… … drove out to a rural home occupied by a white male and his wife. The two Bruce brothers knocked on the front door and when a middle-age white male answered the two black boys told him they had car trouble and needed jumper cables. Unfortunately, the white male agreed to help them and invited the two black boys into his house. As the first two entered, the other two black males entered behind them and pulled their guns. They forced the white male and his wife upstairs into their bedroom and told them to lie face down. While lying face down, both were shot, the white male in the back, intentionally aiming for his spinal cord (it was clearly a shot intending to render him a permanent cripple). The female was shot in the leg. The black males then left the room and went looking for household valuables.
A few minutes later the sadistic black youths came back to finish the job. The white female was shot in the head and died instantly. The white male, however, well, there was a different plan for him. He was going to to be left alive, but shot one more time, this time in the right shoulder, attempting to leave him with only a functioning left arm (Kenneth Bruce admitted to being the triggerman, but it could very well be that it was his 15-year-old cousin and the older one took the blame). The white male did survive, but, as planned, paralyzed from the waist down.
* Helen Ayers, 55
* Richard Ayers, 58 (survived - paralyzed)
Note: Again, it was obvious by the black males' actions they wanted to render the white male a cripple. They could have easily finished him off. But they (police say it was Andrews) deliberately shot the white male in the spin, then the shoulder, desiring him to have just a single functioning arm - and no wife. The black males made sure they finished the white female off, right? A bullet to the head. Sick!
* Nothing to compare to this type of crime prior to 1964...
1540. Houston, TX, Nov. 8, 1988
Ambush - Pocket Change Murder
A black male, Roy G. Smith, 30,...walked up to elderly white male on a public street, pulled out a gun and, without provocation, shot him five times. Smith then went through the white male’s pants pockets looking for pocket change. He found $4.00 and some coins.
* James Whitmire, 67 (deceased)
1541. Amarillo, TX, April, 4, 1990
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Gregory Van Alstyne, 26, Rickie Allen, 28…were lying in wait for a pizza delivery driver. The plan was to order a pizza and wait for the unsuspecting driver to arrive, then jump him, kill him, take his money, his car and the pizza. The unfortunate driver in this predatory scheme was a white male.
* James Atkinson, Jr., 45 (deceased)
1542. Seattle, WA, February 1991
Racially Motivated Sucker Punch Beatdown Murder
During a Margi Gras celebration, a black pack-attack against innocent white people erupted. While TC cameras were rolling, a hate-filled black male, Jerell Thomas, 17, who had already attacked two innocent white people, decided to go for a third. Thomas saw Kristopher Kime, 20, a white male, who had his back to him, and charged up to Kime then socked him right in the side of the head. Kristopher fell to the ground, where Thomas then jumped on top of him and proceeded to pound his head repeatedly into the pavement - right in front of TV cameras! Kristopher Kime died from a fractured skull.
Also charged with second degree assaults on whites that day was a 20-year-old, 6 foot 3 inches tall, 260 pound black male predator named Aaron Slaughter. Aaron lived with his mommy (no father) and was unemployed at the time of his unprovoked attacks on Whites. Slaughter’s attacks were also caught on tape.
1543. Pasadena, CA, August 27, 1979
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Prentice Snow,…took a short break from his trial for robbery and walked over to a pharmacy and gunned down the owner (white male). The white male pharmacist had been a victim of black male Snow’s robbery for which he was currently on trial. Snow thought by eliminating the witness (the white male) he couldn’t be tried for robbery.
* Alfred J. Koll (w/m)
1544. Rochester, N.Y. 1993
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male, Willis Knight,…abducted New York State Assemblyman David Koon’s 18 year-old daughter from a shopping mall to rob her and commit rape. After Knight robbed and raped the young girl, he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger.
* Jennifer Koon, 18 (deceased)
1545. Rochester, NY, Oct. 6, 2009
Public Abduction - Carjacking - Rape
Two black males, Devon Davis, Dwight Fowler,…evidently took a bus into a white community for the purpose of committing a carjacking, rape and robbery. The black males abducted a pregnant white female, forced her into the back seat and made her remove her clothes. Both black males then took turns raping her - while she pleaded with them to stop, fearing for the safety of her unborn child. The two black males eventually dumped her off on the side of the road.
1546. Baltimore, Maryland, August 2001
Teenage Kids Plan Abduction, Robbery, Carjacking And Murder
First, here are the guilty black youths (that taxpayer will be forced to provide for in prison for the rest of their lives):
Jamal D. Barnes, 23
Larry Walker, 16,
Brian Wilson, 15,
Bryan McMillan, 18
And now for the description of their planned atrocity:
The black youths decided they gonna have some fun ... and also get some spending cash for the night. Here's what they cooked up: They would ram the back of a white female's car , get her to pull over and when she got out they would jump her, steal her car, then drive to an ATM where she would draw out the max. The white female would then be taken to a secluded spot and murdered. All they needed to do was find the right white female, alone, and driving a car that looked like she had money – that is, money in her ATM. The black youths drove around a white community until they finally spotted their victim. The plan worked perfectly. They got the white female’s car (silver 2001 Acura CLS), money in her bank account and they took her to a secluded area - and despite her pleading to be let go - murdered her. Fortunately, they also got caught, and rather quickly.
The innocent white female in this atrocity (that the main-stream media has kept everyone from knowing about) is:
* Yvette Adrienne Beakes, 26
"Beakes' mother, LaVerna J. Cordova, carried a single red rose and a framed photograph of her daughter into the courtroom, where she tearfully described from the witness stand how Beakes' life "was brutally and senselessly taken for $500.""
1547. Austin, TX, Nov. 17, 1983
Public Abduction - Robbery - Rape - Carjacking - Murder
Two black males, Tommy Ray Jackson, 27, James Otis Clary,...ambushed a white female college student as she was getting into her car. They kidnapped the girl, took her to an ATM and had her withdraw money. After that, the white female was taken to a secluded area where she was (surprise) raped by both black males. After the rape the girl was murdered.
* Rosalind Robison, 24 (resident of Terre Haute)
1548. Jan. 1, 1986
White Police Officer Murdered
A black male murders a white police officer.
1549. Stillwater, OK, Dec. 12, 1990
Public Abduction – Rape – Robbery – Murder
A black male Kelly Lamont Rogers , abducted a white female college student, robbed her ATM account, raped her then murdered her.
* Karen Marie Lauffenburger, 21
1550. Greenville, N.C. June 30, 2001
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
A black male, Andre Edwards, 31,…spotted a white female and decided he was going to abduct, rape and murder her. When her husband went into a convenience store, Edwards pounced on the young white female, who was holding her baby. He forced her into his car and drove off. Edwards took the white female to a secluded area where he raped her, then beat her to death with a tire iron. Edwards then tossed the white baby into the blazing hot sun, hoping it would a die slow and painful death. The baby was miraculously rescued before it died.
* Ginger Hayes, 23
1551. Los Angeles, CA, April, 2005
Public Ambush - Murder
A young 32-year-old white male, Eric Gelman, had just finished his night shift at the Marmalade Café - a restaurant in a predominately white community in Los Angeles. As he was walking to his car he was attacked by a black male with a knife. The unsuspecting, unarmed and innocent Eric Gelman was killed, then robbed. Eric Gelman was an aspiring actor from Florida.
A black male, Kim McMurray, 44, was eventually arrested and convicted for the killing.
1552. San Diego, CA, 1998
Abuse Of Children
A black male, Advil Scott, 28,…was convicted of raping two white females (13 and 14 years-old). He was also convicted of running a prostitution ring. Most of girls were white and were forced to engage in prostitution under threat of violence. He was eventually caught and sentenced to life in prison.
1553. Lenexa, Kan. Dec. 16, 2005
Home Invasion - Murder
“No Way To Protect Yourself Against This Type Of Crime”
A black male, Charles K. Riddle, 22,…was driving around a white community when he noticed an open garage door. Riddle stopped in front of the house, got out of his car and then quickly walked into the open garage, then right into the house. The black male, armed with a knife, was immediately confronted by an adult white male. In the short struggle that followed, the white male, with dozens of knife wounds, was left to bleed to death on the floor. The black predator took the white male’s wallet, credit cards and a few dollars he had in his pockets. The innocent white male, who had a wife and two young daughters (age 6 and age 9) is:
* Nigel Marcotte, 42
Note: The black male will be eligible for parole at 42 years-old.
Killing Spree Results In 10 Dead
Two black males, Lee Boyd Malvo , John Allen Muhammad,…achieved notoriety by launching a sadistic killing spree in Sept. of 2002. It finally ended on Oct.. 13. Ten people were fatally shot in the Washington area. Four others died in various other places around the country. The majority of the victims were white. Many of the victims were gut-shot, in an obvious attempt to ensure a maximum amount of suffering before death.
1555. Nashville, AR, May 12, 2006
Public Abduction - Murder
"Arkansas State Police detectives say Lofton took them to a wooded area in Nashville, where they found Littleton dead."
A black male, Demeche Shaun Lofton, 27… abducted a young white female. Her lifeless body was later found in a field. Police determined she had died of strangulation. Motive appears to be robbery.
* Heather Littleton, 22 (college student)
1556. Clearfield, UT, Feb. 15, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Robert Cameron Houston, 17 (already a career sex offender),…asked a young white female for a ride (Houston was a current resident of a home for troubled youth). Unfortunately, the white female agreed. When the white female arrived at the destination Houston pulled a knife and forced the white female to get out of the car. She was marched inside an empty house, where she was raped then killed - by slitting her throat.
* Raechale Elton, 22
1557. Birmingham, Al, May 31, 2006
Dedrick Griham, 35, …charged up to a Lexus with a female inside (likely he'd been stalking her at her place of work). He put a gun to her head and told her to move over. She complied and the black man sped off. Many people were witness to this public abduction and called police (apparently this black man had to have this white female and didn’t care of the consequences). The white female was found alive at a motel a few hours later.
* Sandra Eubank Gregory, 34 (survived)
Note: NOTHING any white female can do about this type of crime.
1558. Beloit, WI, April, 2006
Armed Robbery- Attempted Rape- Murder
A black male, Shawn Brooks, 35…waited in the early morning hours for a white female to arrive for work. When she did Brooks pounced on her and killed her. Motive, police claim, “appeared " to be an attempted robbery.
Victim: :
* Julienne McGuire, 44
1559. Orlando, FL. May 24, 2006
Ambush - Murder
Two black Males, Kyle Keys, 20, Toris Oliver 23… charged up to a white female who had just stepped off a bus and, without provocation and without warning, gunned her down. The black males then grabbed her purse and fled.
* Deborah Culin, 46 (mother of 3 daughters)
1560. Wayne County, N.C., May, 2006
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Timothy W. Alston, 17… without cause or provocation shot to death a teenage white male.
Victim :
* John Paul Setliff, 17
1561. New Cumberland, PA, Aug. 19, 1994
White Police Officer Gunned Down
A black male, Seifullah Abdul-Salaam,…along with a black male accomplice were in the process of an armed robbery when a white male police officer arrived on the scene. Adul-Salaam gunned him down.
* Patrolman Willis Cole
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1562. Norfolk, VA, 2007
Racially Motivated Attack - White Victim Survives
Five black youths (names not released due to age) attacked an innocent white male teen, Damin O'Rourke, 13, and left him with sever bruises.
"They were kicking me and punching me in the face. They weren't aiming for nothing except my face."
Black Male Racism? You be the judge...
* At the end on the video is the infamous sucker punch
1563. Columbus, OH, July 22, 2003
Home Invasion Massacre
Three black males,
Vernon L. Spence, 30
Todd Bensonhaver, 27
Rodell Rahmaan,
…broke into a home where three young white people where living and murdered all of them in what police describe as “a robbery gone bad”.
Police: “The three victims were bound by electrical wire and shot execution-style in the back of the head.” The innocent white victims are:
* Aaron Grexa, 23,
* Erik Hlass, 22
* Kayla Hurst, 21
1564. Volusia County, FL, May 29, 1981
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male,Ted Herring,…walked into a convenience store and handed a white male clerk a note claiming this was a robbery. When the white male gave him the money from the register, black male Herring shot him in the head, then leaned over the counter so he he could shoot him two more times while he was laying on the ground.
Herring: “…now there's one less cracker."
Innocent Victim:
* Norman Dale Hoeltzel, 29
1565. Murfreesboro, TN, Sept. 25, 2007
Middle Tenn. Sate University - Sexual Assault - Attempted Murder
A black male, Kevin Sisco, 18…lured a white female into his dorm room. Paramedics arrived a short time later and found her barely breathing. A police officer described what he found in the dorm room:
“[Officer] Wortman said [the white female] had puncture wounds almost an inch deep, one ear that was almost severed from her head and a deep gash in the back of her scalp. He said it also appeared that she had been strangled.”
The innocent white female is:
* Ashley Manis, 18 (survived)
1566. Green Valley, NV, July 11, 2008
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Deonte Marshall, 28, …walked into a convenience store with a sawed-off shotgun, pointed it in the face of a white male clerk and demanded the money in the cash register. The white male complied. Once the black man received his money he pulled the trigger, blowing the face off of the white male.
Innocent white male:
* Steve Inman, 60 (survived a short time then died)
Victims daughter-in-law: "Putting [Marshall] in jail doesn't make Steve's leg work today or it doesn't get him off the ventilator, and it doesn't get rid of the double lung pneumonia or the bacterial infections, or the fact that he's been lying in a hospital bed for three months,"
1567. Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2008
Thrill Kill
A black male, Gerald Q. Davison, 16, …was in the passenger seat of his friend's car, along with three high school girls in the back seat. For reasons that aren't exactly clear, black male Davison pulled out a hand gun. The car drove by a group of four high school students (three white and one Hispanic). The driver then slowed the car and Davidson leaned out the passenger window and fired at the group four times, striking one of the white male students in the chest.
The white male teen died that evening.
Police speculate that Davidson shot at the group solely to impress the girls in the car (and the thought of going to prison for 25 to life was also, obviously, no deterrent).
* Christopher Privett, 15
1569. New York City, NY, April, 19, 1989
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Rape - Torture
Black and Hispanic youths go “wilding” and attack white people in Central Park
“One of the bicyclists, Gerald Malone, a burly 35-year-old advertising executive, said he and his fiancee, Patricia Dean, were pedaling north on the East Drive near 97th Street at about 9:20 in a tandem bicycle when a group of youths, covered to their eyes with hoods, jumped out in front of them. Fearing for his life and terrified for his fiancee behind him, Mr. Malone said he thought they would catch him and he aimed his bicycle at the youth he thought ''was the leader of the pack.''"
The black and some Hispanic racist youths who were caught are:
Raymond Santana, 15
Antron McCray 16,
Yusef Salaam, 16
“One final question remains: if the black intellectuals are correct when they tell us that a deep awareness of race is every black person’s constant companion, then wasn’t the gang rape of the white woman in the park also a racist hate crime? Or are we to believe that just as they began kicking her, stomping her, punching her, tearing her clothes off, mounting her, slashing her with a knife and smashing her face in with a rock, their hearts were miraculously swept clean of all racial consciousness. Perhaps it was just a hate crime against women. Either way it deserves to be called a lynching.”
1570. Holly Springs, ARK, June 20, 1997
Armed Robbery - Double Murder
Two black males, Ezekiel T.Harrison Jr. , Sedrice Maurice Simpson, 25,…walked into a grocery store where two white females were working . They demanded money from the cash register, which the girls complied. After the two black males received the money (about $300) both girls were gunned down with shotgun blasts to the their head.
* Wendy Pennington, 25
* Lena Sue Garner, 18
Note: The two girl victims here are believed to be white. However, in 1997 blacks made up about 75% of the Holly Spring’s population. If anyone has any information that can confirm the race of these two victims, indicate it below or e-mail me
1571. Little Rock, Ark., 1990
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Alvin Bernal Jackson, 20,…murdered a white businessman during an armed robbery.
* Charles R. Colclasure, 47
Note: In 1995, Jackson murdered another white male, corrections officer Sgt. Scott Grimes, 41.
1572. Lexington County, S. Carolina, July 12, 1977
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Larry Gilbert, 32, and J.D. Gleaton, 22, during an armed robbery of a white-owned gas station, gunned down the owner.
* Ralph Stoudemire, 44 (shot 5 times)
1573. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016
Ambushed - Shot To Death - Four Bullets In The Head - By Black Female Acquaintance
Black Female Arrest/ convicted:
Breyiana Brown, 23 (30 year sentence - good behavior, she'll be out in 15 years))
White Female:
Michelle Verasmende , 19
1574. Memphis, TN, March 3, 2011
Ambush - Murder
Another pizza delivery driver goes down...
Two black males, Spencer Earnest , 17, unidentified... accosted a white male pizza delivery man at an apartment complex and demanded his cash. When the white male refused to hand it over, [police claim] black male Earnest gunned him down. A witness later came forward claiming that Earnest bragged about murdering the delivery driver. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted (Jan. 2012).
* Claude "Ron" Brake, 56
UPDATE: Black male gets away with murder. Jury acquits black male Earnest.
Racially Motivated Murder Of Elder White Female By Neighborhood Teens
NOTE: Gary Ind. in 1984 was about 90% black. White people had fled because of black racism and vicious racial attacks. The elderly white female WAS certainly selected because of her race.
" It was a bright spring day in 1985. Paula Cooper [ age 15-years-old) and three of her friends were on their lunch break at Lew Wallace High School in Gary Indiana. Feeling bored, the teenage girls thought they needed something to do. So they decided to go out and burglarize somebody’s house.
The group first got high on marijuana and wine. Then, armed with a knife, they went to the home of 78-year-old Bible teacher, Ruth Pelke. They told Mrs. Pelke they were interested in her Bible lessons, and she invited them in. Once inside they immediately attacked the elderly woman, hitting her on the head with a vase and knocking her to the floor. They demanded that she give them money.
In the words of Prosecutor Jack Crawford, when Mrs. Pelke said that she didn’t have any money, Paula Cooper “started torturing her, slicing her with the butcher knife across her chest.”
According to court records, Cooper personally stabbed Mrs. Pelke in the chest and stomach 33 times, killing her. One thrust was so powerful that it went clear through the victim’s chest, leaving a mark on the floor beneath her. As she lay on that floor dying, Mrs. Pelke was saying the Lord’s prayer." (SOURCE)
The group first got high on marijuana and wine. Then, armed with a knife, they went to the home of 78-year-old Bible teacher, Ruth Pelke. They told Mrs. Pelke they were interested in her Bible lessons, and she invited them in. Once inside they immediately attacked the elderly woman, hitting her on the head with a vase and knocking her to the floor. They demanded that she give them money.
In the words of Prosecutor Jack Crawford, when Mrs. Pelke said that she didn’t have any money, Paula Cooper “started torturing her, slicing her with the butcher knife across her chest.”
According to court records, Cooper personally stabbed Mrs. Pelke in the chest and stomach 33 times, killing her. One thrust was so powerful that it went clear through the victim’s chest, leaving a mark on the floor beneath her. As she lay on that floor dying, Mrs. Pelke was saying the Lord’s prayer." (SOURCE)
Ruth Pelke, 78
1576. Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 4 , 2012
1576. Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 4 , 2012
White Male Takes Black Male In As Roommate - MURDER
Ambush - Murder
A black male, D'Andre Michael Williams, 29,...murdered a white male who took him in as a roommate. No other details available. Note: Williams has been arrested for murder. Case has yet to be prosecuted.
John Joseph Sullivan, 53
1577. Richmond, VA, Feb. 2011
Ambush - Murder
A black male & black female, Kevin M. Scott, 18,
Briana Johnson, 16,
...penniless and desperate for money , contacted an acquaintance (Hispanic male) and told him he wanted to buy a small amount of marijuana and they set up a meeting. The Hispanic male brought with him a white female. When the black male got into the car he pulled a gun and shot the male in the head, and, as the white female attempted to flee, she was shot in the back.
* Barbara A. Stinnett, 26 (deceased)
* Miguel Rustin (bullet wound to the head -race unknown)
1578. Anderson County, TX, Jan. 26, 2000
Four blacks, Danielle Simpson, 20 (male) , Jennifer Simpson (wife), 16 , Lionel Simpson (brother), 15 and Edward McCoy, 13... broke into the home of an elderly white female and, while they were looking for valuables, the elderly lady had the great misfortune of returning home. The black youths abducted the elderly white female, tossed her in the trunk of her car ... and then drove around visiting various friends and acquaintances, showcasing their captive prisoner – who was still alive and pleading to be let go. The black kids then went to a bridge, took the elderly white female out of the trunk and threw her on the ground, where black male Danielle Simpson took a running start and booted her in the face. The elderly white female, still conscious, then had a large rock tied to her and was tossed from the bridge into the river.
* Geraldine Davidson, 84
Note: This is yet another of many, many examples of urban black teenagers with the attitude that they're going to do whatever the hell they want to do, and whenever they want to to do it. And, unfortunately for those in the white community, under the current forced integration system there is absolute no way to protect yourself. Black males have been given the right to strike at you whenever they to do so.
1579. Henrico County, VA, March 2011
Armed Robbery - Attempted Murder
Two unemployed black males, Khaleel H. Hamlin, 48, Christopher J. Turner, 47 (triggerman)...desperate for money robbed a bank then gunned down an innocent white male customer.
* Unidentified (survived a bullet wound to the stomach, however, he is paralyzed for life)
1580. Carlsbad, CA, Aug, 13, 2000
"Sexual Obsession" Leads to
A black male, Calvin Lamont Parker , 33, was (incredibly!) allowed to move into an apartment of a pretty white (Brazilian descent) female. There was no sexual activity and the female intended to keep it that way. However, and not surprisingly, the black male became sexually obsessed with her; and also angry that he wasn't "gettin' any" and left only to masturbate over her. "Parker wrote about his infatuation with Gallego and superimposed her face on the pictures of at least 75 of the hundreds of women in sexual positions that he had on his walls, his bed and in duffel bags." Parker began to hate her to the point that he planned her murder. Of course, before the murder, he also planned to rape her. However, this was not going to be just a rape and murder. All of Parker's sexual rage came out against the white female:: beating, hand-cuffing her to the beg, sodomy. For more than a day she had to endure the torture of Parker's sexual abuse...until he finally decided to end it by slitting her throat. Parker then dismembered the body and scattered her parts in dumpsters in various cities.
Innocent White Female:
* Patricia Gallego, 29
1581. Oxford, Alabama, Sept. 9
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Donquavious Dyvontae Russell , 18, Brandon Hawkins, 21 ...during an armed robbery of a pizza business gunned down a white female. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted.
* Barbara Exum, 56
1582. N. Carolina , July 21, 1991
Good Samaritan Murder
Two black males, Marcus Reymond Robinson , 18, Roderick Williams,
... asked a young white male for a ride and (incredibly!) the naive young white male agreed and allowed the black males into his car. "[t]he boy kept begging and pleading for us not to hurt him, because he didn't have any money." After ordering [the boy] out of the car, he was made to lie down. According to [Robinson], Williams then shot [the boy] in the face with the shotgun. [Robinson] then took [boys]'s wallet and split the money with Williams."
The prosecution presented evidence that Robinson said he wanted to kill a "whitey"...........
* Erik Tornblom, 17
1583. Middlesex County, NJ, Oct. 30, 2003
Public Ambush - Double Murder
A black male thug, Michael Ross II, 25, ...murder (ambushed and gunned down) two innocent young white males in a public parking lot in what police call a murder because of mistaken identity.
Victims (Russian immigrants):
* Alesky Bautin, 26
* Sergey Barbashov, 21
1583. Louisville, KY, Dec. 2010
Attempted Murder Of White Police Officer
A black male, Danta Watts, Jr. 20,...walked up behind a white police officer and shot him in the back.
* Officer Jody Speaks (survived)
1584. Handford, CA, August 4, 1997
Home Invasion - Abuse Of White Elderly - Murder
A black male, Thomas James Potts,...broke into the home of an elderly white couple - in their 70s - and murdered them. Motive was burglary/robbery.
* Fred Jenks
* Shirley Jenks
1585. Atlanta, GA, October 18th, 1998
Massacre At A Hotel
A black male, Timothy Carl Dawson, 38 ... barged into a hotel room and pulled a gun on three white males. Dawson then told the three to lie face down on the ground. All three were then shot in the head.
* Ronald Gutkowski, 51 (deceased)
* Philip Dover, 31 (deceased)
* Gerrold Shropshire, 50 (deceased)
1586. O'Fallon, IL, October 26, 2010
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Carey Breshers, 52,... kidnapped a white female from her place of business and took her to a secluded area where raped her repeatedly. Incredibly, the black male let the white female female go without physically harming her.
Carey Lonnell Breshers, Jr.
1587. Stationed in Germany ((Grafenwoehr) , Feb. 27, 1979
AMBUSH - Rape & Murder In The Military
A black male, Pfc. Wyatt L. Matthews, 22, waited for a military liberty to empty so he could rape a white female librarian. When the library did empty Mathews asked the white female (he had previously asked her out on a date but she flatly refused) to locate a book for him that he knew was in the back of the library. Mathews quickly locked all doors and corned the helpless white female. Armed with a pair of scissors, he attacked the white female and then raped her. After the rape, Mathews took his pair scissors and killed her - bludgeoned her 51 times.
* Phyllis Jean Villanueva, 29
1588. COLUMBUS, Ind.
Home Invasion - Child Rape - Murder
A black male, Demetrick Shepherd, 20, ... broke into a white female's apartment and when he spotted a sleeping teenager on the couch, naturally, a rape opportunity now existed and black male Shepherd wasn't going to pass it up. The teenager was raped then bludgeoned to death with a knife.
* Chelsea Porter, 14
1589. Franklin County, MO, Nov. 3, 2009
Black Male Murders Girlfriend
A black male, Vernell J. Loggins Jr.37,..when his white girlfriend tried to leave, according to her friends, black male Loggins wasn't going to allow that. "The murder in the first degree was outrageously or wantonly vile, horrible or inhuman in that it involved torture or depravity of mind . . . in that the defendant, while killing Stephanie M. Fields or immediately thereafter, purposely mutilated or grossly disfigured the body of Stephanie M. Fields by acts beyond that necessary to cause her death."
Stephanie Fields
1590. Hardin County , KY, July 2008
Armed Robbery - Murder
Two black males, Jermaine Kirkland , Jamah Harris ... barged into a white male's business and and in the course of their robbery murdered the white male business owner.
* Chuck Dole , 56
1591. Homewood, AL, 2008
Public Abduction - Murder
A black male, Joacquas Haywood, 25 ..., according to police, kidnapped a white female from her place of work. her whereabouts are unknown and she is presumed dead. This is most likely a rape and murder deal. Case has yet to be prosecuted.
Nadia Kersh
1592. Staten Island, NY, March 28, 2009
Home Invasion Ambush - Murder
A black male, Calvin Lawson, 28, ...ambushed and murdered a white female because - the black male believed - she told his girlfriend he (Lawson) was cheating on her.
* Caroline Wimmer, 26
1593. Gwinnett County, GA, March 2011
Armed Robbery - White Male Beat In The Head With A Hammer
Black males (unknown) in a take-over robbery of jewelry store , as one of the black males was exiting the store, without cause or provocation, slammed a hammer into the head of an innocent elderly white male, in an obvious racially motivated desire to kill him.
1594. Cleveland, OH, June 12, 2009
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Bobby King, 54 ...penniless and unemployed, demanded a white male business owner cash a stolen check. When he refused King stabbed him repeatedly...until he was dead. Note: No update yet regarding prosecution of this case (Feb. 2012).
* Maher Dayem, 39
http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2011/03/sentencings_arraignments_and_t.htmquot;Times New Romanl
1595. Volusia County , FL, Oct. 31, 2011
Black Male Knockdown Game Continues
The first white person I seez, I gonna whack um'...
Two black males, members of the California University football, Darnell Harding, 20, Michael Chambers, 23, with sucker punching thn stomping and kicking an innocent white male. Police claim it was part of a prearranged plan to beat-down "the first white person" they saw.
Name of white male victim not given
1596. Cleveland, OH, June 2 to June 18, 2009
A black male , Jeremiah Jackson, 27 ...was "convicted of 40 charges including aggravated murder, kidnapping and aggravated robbery stemming from a crime spree that terrorized victims in three counties, "... One of his white victims is represented below. Jackson was sentences to death and currently resides on death row in Ohio.
Innocent White Male:
Tracy Pickryl, 38
1597. Henderson, N. Carolina, 2011
Racially Motivated Attack
""At the best, they were stomping him in his throat," Angela said. "That night it was (showing with hands) this big all the way around."
She says her husband is still recovering and is no longer the same person."
When a white male , Eric Loznicka, accidentally struck a black male with his car, six feral black males raced to the white male's car and dragged him out. Then the beat-down began, stomping and kicking his head.
The six people who were arrested were charged only with misdemeanors. Yeah, you got it. All feral blacks males are to be charged with a misdemeanor.
Here be the blacks arrested for their cowardly gang attack (6 on 1) :
Lonny Hargrove,
Less Raglan,&nspan style=bsp;
Damien Trowbridge
Avon Fouch
two unidentified
1598. LA County, CA, July 17, 1990
Ambush -Thrill KILL
Two black males, Paul Sodoa Watkins, 21, (triggerman) Lucien Martin, 18, ...waited in a hotel parking lot with their car hood up, waiting for a gullible white person to come along and offer assistance. Unfortunately, a white male did come along, or was flagged down by the criminal-minded blacks, When the white male pulled up to the blacks' car, Watkins pulled a 9-mm semiautomatic handgun and demanded the white male's wallet. After the white male surrendered his wallet, Watkins gunned him down.
Innocent White Male:
* Raymond Garrett Shield, 61
1599. Lancaster County, PA, 2008
Ambush - Murders Former Girlfriend
A black male, Kenneth Brown Jr., couldn't stand the idea that a white female finally had had enough of him. The black male temperament kicked in and he wrapped his hands around the woman's neck.... and despite another person being there and trying to pry his hands from her neck, he would not let go until the white female was DEAD.
Tonya Fetrow, 28
1600. New Port Beach, CA, October 11, 1981
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, James Andrew Melton... answered an ad in a gay newspaper from a white male, who lived in the wealthy community of New Port Beach , and who was looking for a partner to settle down with. Since Melton wasn't gay, it was an obvious premeditated scheme to burglarize, rob and murder the elderly white male. The jury saw it the same way and sentenced him to death.
*Anthony DeSousa, 77
1601. Santa Barbara, CA, February 1986
Ambush - Murder
A black male , unemployed, George Herbert (Spider) Wharton , 35, ...was sentenced to death - in 1987 - for killing his [white] girlfriend, Linda L. Smith, 45, by beating her to death with a hammer. The murder appears to be an attempt by the black male to steal all of the white female's possessions and then sell them for whatever he could get, which explains the death sentence.
"Leighton Smith [former husband of Linda] contacted police when he discovered a hammer lying under a daybed. He also noticed many of the victim's possessions were missing, including coins, furs, jewelry, china, a television, a camera, a microwave oven, and a stereo."
"There was evidence that, in order to buy cocaine, defendant sold the victim's property after, and possibly before, her death."
White Victims Of Wharton:
* Robert Pierce -- murdered - UC Santa Barbara English professor in February 1975
* Rape of 61-year-old white female 1975 - she opened the door to him and he barged in with a butcher knife.
1602. Las Vegas, NV, May 10, 2006
Ambush - Murder
A black male and a Mexican male, Swuave Lopez, 17, James Carter Jr., 16, …wanted the Mustang that belonged to a young white male. They lured him out to the desert on a ruse, then gunned him down (police believe Lopez was the shooter). The white male was then dowsed with gasoline and set afire.
* Kyle Staheli, 18
1603. Akron , OH, 1972
White Police Officer Gunned Down
He sure do look like a victim in America, don't he? Yeah, America sure done him wrong |
A black male, Charles Hunt ...was pulled over by a white male officer and when the officer reached the driver side window, Hunt shot him in the stomach. He then exited his car and shot another white male officer.
* Patrolman Stephen Ondas (deceased)
* Phil Brady (wounded--survived)
1604. Torrence, CA, July 11, 1979
Armed Robbery - Two Murdered
Two black males, Melvin Turner, 19 (triggerman), Teague Hampton Scott, 19 (a parolee given a job at the airport), ...walked up to two white people (male and female) at an airport hangar and pulled a 38-caliber handgun and demanded they lie face down on the ground, where they were then bound and gagged. After stealing the woman's car keys (they were there primarily to steal her sports car) and her cash and credit cards, and the male's wallet, both were then shot in the head.
* Dr. Joseph Hill, 35
* Joella Champion, 44
1605. Springfield, IL, March 13, 2010
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Eric Denson, 21, ... deliberately stabbed a young white male to death during a birthday party. Denson was found guilty of 1st degree murder with premeditation. However, the prosecution offered no motive for the black male's attack.
* Conor W. Reynolds , 18
1606. Waterbury, CT, Dec. 18, 1992
White Police Officer Ambush - Murder
A black male, Richard Reynolds, ...was spotted by a white male officer who believed he was likely ready to , or did, pull some criminal act ( it was 4 a.m.). When the officer got out of his car to question Reynolds, he pulled a gun and shot the officer in the head.
* Officer Walter Williams, 34 (deceased - wife, baby on the way)
1607. St. Paul MN, 2007
Former Girlfriend Is Strangled To Death
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Kristine Larson |
1608. Oak Lawn, IL, May 13, 1999
Prison Escapee Guns Down Four People In Armed Robbery
A black male, Ricardo Harris, ...an escapee from Michigan Dept. of Correction, walked into a liquor store and, without cause or provocation, shot two people to death (store owner and his wife). After Harris helped himself to the cash in the register and he was heading toward the door two white females walked into the store. Both of of them were immediately shot.
Dipak Patel ( Indian descent, store owner, shot in the back)
Ambala Patel (Indian descent, deceased)
* Helen Chisnick (w/f -- miraculously survived a bullet wound to her abdomen)
* Christine Chisnick (w/f -- miraculously survived THREE bullet wounds, two to her abdomen and one to her pelvic area)
1609. Pittsburgh, PA, July 2010,
Public Abduction - Abuse Of Child - Rape- Murder
A black male (career sexual predator), Tushon Brown, 35, ...abducted a 14-year-old white girl , raped her then murdered her. Browns's wife ratted him out.
* Lauren Deis, 14
1610. Griffith Ind. April 2011
White Female Leaves Bar
With Black Male - RESULT?
He was unemployed and lived with his mommy...A black male Robert Lewis III , 38 AKA 'Dollar Rob' - who lived at home with his mommy and was unemployed - met a white female at a local restaurant//bar and, at around 2 am, he pleaded with her to give him a ride home (he had no car). The white female agreed. She was found the next day at a schoolyard nude, raped and murdered. Note: Lewis claims he innocent and that he never left with the white female. However, video surveillance shows him doing just that. Case yet to be prosecuted. UPDATE:: Robert Lewis was found guilt of rape and murder...and received an 88 years prison term.
* Jennifer Kocsis, 37
1611. San Bernardino County , CA, between January & March, 1992
Depravity Rape -Murder
The "Red Dragon" Rapist
A black male, Johnny Duane Miles, 25, among his many rape victims was a white female, who was also murdered after Miles finished his "deed." Miles was dubbed the Red Dragon rapist because he always wore a red hat when he committed one of his numerous rapes.
Cost of terrorizing innocent people: "The woman who was raped also wrote a letter to the judge in which she said, "I beg you please keep him away from me and my loved ones forever." The woman also said Miles appears in her nightmares. In a pre-sentencing report, she said she was unable to return to work and continues to receive counseling."
Innocent White Female:
* Nancy Willem, 35 (decease)
1612. Oak Park, IL, July 31, 2003
Home Invasion - Murder
Innocent White Female:
* Catherine McAvinchey, 44
1613. Indianapolis, IN,October of 2007
Home Invasion - Depravity Rape - Murder
A black male, Nathaniel Anderson, 21... climbed through a window of a white female's home and when she confronted him he beat her then stabbed her to death. Anderson then decided not to waste an opportunity to rape the dead corpse, which he did. Anderson then burglarized the place and fled. Anderson was nailed later through a DNA hit. If only he hadn't had sex with the dead white female.
* Jane Pepper , 44
1614. San Jose, CA 1981
Ambush - Rape - Murder
A black male, Melvin Forte,...carjacked then raped and murdered a white female.
White Victims:
* Ines Sailer, 23 (German visitor)
Other White Victims of Black Male Forte:
* Dawn O'Malley (1982 -murdered in a home invasion - fiancée to David Wallace)
* David Wallace (1982- murdered in a home invasion)
1615. Miami, FL, Dec. 2010
Ambush - Mail Carrier Gunned Down
* Bruce Parton, 60
1616. San Mateo County, CA, June 2, 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male (career criminal), Tyler Hutchinson , 21 ...broke into the home of an elderly white male and in the course of his burglary mercilessly beat the white male homeowner. The elderly white male died two weeks later from his injuries.
* Albert Korn , 88
1617. DeLand, Fl, Nov. 8, 2010
It Only Took ONE Date ... And She Was DEAD
A black male ,Willie Hicks Jr., 32, unemployed, met a white female singles ad in the newspaper. She agreed to a date with Hicks ... and no one ever saw her alive again. Police found her stuffed in her car trunk. Hicks was quickly arrested and charged with her murder. He's also charged with raping another female with a knife pressed to her throat. She luckily survived. UPDATE: Hicks was found guilty and received a term of life in prison.
Danielle Santangelo, 34 (deceased)
1618. Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 2005
Stalker Finally Got His Victim
A black male , Phillip Busey, 46,...homeless and just released from prison (he was sentenced to 23-years and served only one year), had apparently been stalking a white female for at least a few days (in her predominantly white community), watching her routine, which included leaving early in morning to go to work. When the opportune time came for Busey's much anticipated rape, he armed himself with a brick and, as the white female was leaving her house in the morning, Busey grabbed her, wrestled her to the ground, raped her twice (apparently, outside her home), then bludgeoned her to death with the brick.
* Kathryn Hauser , 52
1619. Moore County , N. Carolina, June 2010
Armed Robbery - Murder
Four black males,
Leroy Richard Medley, 20,Randy Joel Williams, 17, (triggerman)
Paris Yusef Mack, 17, (charged as get-away driver)
Demarcus James Dennison, 18,
...barged into a white-owned convenience store and, before they left, gunned down two elderly white people.
* Grace Kelly, 75 (survived)
* Angus Kelly, 78 (deceased - pic)
1620. Akron, OH, May 28, 2010
Home Invasion - Elderly Rape - Murder
A black male, Devon Owens, 38, .. climbed in through a bedroom window and beat, raped and then murdered an elderly white female.
* Clara Virginia Wilfong, 73
1622. Dearborn MI, Dec. 8, 2009
Ambush - Murder
He stole her husband's life...
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Innocent victim |
Christopher Cser, 31
1623. Snellville, GA, April 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two black male, unidentified, barged into the home of a white couple, terrorized them and shot a white male.
"The two invaders are described as two black males....
He adds, " A third black driver might have been involved. The group all left in a red sedan passenger car".
* Mr. Marvin Tyus, 47 (deceased)
1624. Omaha, NE, April 5, 2011
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Tyrese Phillips, 23, got into an argument with a young white male, then pulled his concealed gun and shot him multiple times.
* Joseph Piper, 19 (deceased)
1625. Indianapolis, IN, September 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Murder
Robert Williams, 41, ... broke into the home of of a white female and in the course of his burglary was confronted by the white female. She ended up being knifed to death. Note: Because of forced integration (specifically the Fair Housing Act), Williams was allowed to live next door to the white female. I also find it very strange that there was no reported rape in the incident.
"He was linked to the crime by DNA evidence."
* Sandy Bartenbach, 58
1626. Jacksonville, FL, Oct. 5 , 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two black males, Lamar Desean Hayes, 22, Marvin Vincent Jenkins, 20, ... gunned down a white male in his apartment.
* Timothy J. Pemberton (college student)
1627. Jefferson County, AL, May 22, 2009
Ambush - Murder
A black male,Anthony Lane, 21 ...spotted a white male by himself washing his car at a public do-it-yourself car wash. Lane apparently couldn't resist the opportunity to ambush the white male. Land charged up to the white male and , at gunpoint, demanded his wallet. When Lane received the wallet, without cause or provocation, he gunned down him down.
* Frank Wright, 57
Read Frank's obituary.
1628. Gwinnett County , GA, Feb. 5, 2009
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Marcus Huff, 35...was loaned money by a kindhearted white male. However, Huff didn't want to (or couldn't) repay the loan, so he figured an easy way out of his "problem" would be to just murder the white male. Huff ambushed the white male and bludgeoned him to death with a knife (over 30 stab wounds). UPDATE: Huff, during his trial has claimed the white male was a homosexual and was so eager for sex with black male Huff, that Huff was forced to defend himself - with a butcher knife. No proof of this homosexuality exists. The jury also didn't buy Huff's obvious tall tail and convicted him of murder.
* Daniel Aftowski, 42
1629. Alameda, CA, April, 29, 2011
Ambush - Murder
Three black males, Richard Ezell, 22, , Charles Kimbrough, 29 and Christopher Donaldson Jr., 22, were booked for the murder of a white male. The charges include lying in wait to commit a robbery, and special circumstances were added for the murder of the white male during the commission of the crime.
William Adrian Falcon Sapp, 32 (deceased)
1630. Kansas City, MO, March 2012
Young White Male Set On Fire By Blacks
'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'"
A sixteen year-old white male was approached by a group of black youths, and without any provocation, doused with gasoline then while he was struggling to get into his home , a black male with bic- lighter said, 'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'" The identity of the black youths were not given.
The boy was rushed to the hospital.
1631. SPRINGFIELD, Mass, March 2010
Another 'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Murder
Two black males, Anthony Moore, 23, unidentified, broke into the home of a white female and when she came home during the burglary, Moore and his accomplice fist shot the white female in the leg. Apparently, the shot in the leg was to force the female to to tell them where the household valuables were. Once the black males located all the household valuables, Moore then shot the white female in the head. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted. UPDATE: Black male Moore was found guilty. Received LWOP.
* Margaret Przewozniak, 22
1632. Pasco County , FL, July 28, 2006
Ambush - Made His Would-Be Victims BEG - Murder
Two black male, Luc Pierre-Charles Jr.18, ,Wesley Chapel,... took advantage of a naive white male who gave rides to classmates for gas money. The black males used him to cart them to drug deals and other criminal activities. When the white male was asked by a friend to take him to get some marijuana, he took his friend to see Charles. The two were never seen alive again.
"[LucPierre-Charles} He talked about how he made the victims beg for their lives.
He bragged about how he emptied his gun into their backs.
He even demonstrated how he did it"
* Derek James Pieper , 17
Raymond Veluz (Asian male)
1633. Steubenville, OH, July, 29, 2006
Ambush - Murder
Three black males, Antonio Clifford, 19, Byron Johnson, 20, Patrick Thurman, 19, murdered a white male in a parking lot. According to police, the white male was shot in the head while he sat in his car (only about 100 ft from a police station).
* Joshua Ryan Sweat, 28
1634. Shreveport. LA, October, 2007
Ambush... MURDER
A black female, Lisa Chantelle Robinson, 20, became angry at a white male (roommate?) and retrieved a knife... then stabbed him repeatedly...until he was dead. Jury convicted Robinson of 2nd degree murder.
* Richard England, 24 (member of US Air Force)
1635. Ramsey County , MN 2008
Family Massacre
Mother (innocent victim) |
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White female brings a black male into a white household - MURDER
An unemployed black male mooch, Johnny Lee Ellis, Jr., 39, hooked up with a white female, Angela Lynn Vigen, 40 , and was able to con his way into her household. When the white female told Ellis to get out, that's when he went berserk and massacred three people : girlfriend, her mother and sister.
Victims of Daughter's Boyfriend ::
* Jolyn Hazel Vigen, 75
* Jennifer Gail Vigen, 35 (daughter )
1636. Bronx, NY, Jan. 5 , 2011
Abuse Of Elderly - Murder
A black male, Tyrone Ragland, 50, approached an elderly white female and DEMANDED money (he was a crack addict). When the white female refused, Ragland pulled a knife and bludgeoned her to death. Black male Ragland found $80 in her purse.
Ethel Klein, 70
1637. Wilmington, DE, August 2011
Ambush - Beatdown - Attempted Murder
Pack of blacks attack a food delivery man...and literally beat him into unconsciousness.
"According to investigators, the victim told them he was making a delivery when he was met by an unknown black male. The victim said six other black males appeared and began to strike him in the head and face until he lost consciousness."
1638. Terre Haute, Ind, April 3, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male, Anton Grant , 43, broke into a white male's home and beat him to death with the butt of a shotgun. Motive unknown. Case yet to be prosecuted. UPDATE: Black male cops plea...and is given a whopping 10-tear sentence for the brutal murder.
Victim's wife after sentence: “I didn’t see any remorse with this person,” she said of Grant. “It was just like it was a laughing matter.”
* Raymond Hamilton, 53
1639. Snohomish County, WA, Oct. 22, 1979
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - - Murder
White female brings a black man into a white community...Result? MURDER
A black male, Gregory D. Johnson, 26, became angry at a white female who had WARNED her best friend (presumably a white female) to not see him anymore. When Johnson heard of this warning, he drove over to the white female's home, barged inside and then shot her in the head. Johnson was nailed 31 one years later.
Innocent White Female:
* Susan Schwartz, 26
1640. Houston, TX, June 2004
Public Ambush - Murder
Two black males…saw an easy target in a young white male. It was 3 am and they had a gun. The unidentified black males charged up to the white male, who had just dropped off his girlfriend, pulled their concealed gun and made him give up his wallet. When he asked for the empty wallet back, the blacks gunned him down.
* Russell Reagan, 21
NOTE: Only ONE web site remaining on this incident.
Pic of Russell and a sketch of the perps can be found on link below.
1641. Mobile, AL, October 2008
Ambush - Thrill Kill - Murder

A black male, Jarvis Williams , 14, ...was hangin' out when a young white male drove up and inquired about buying $5.00 worth of marijuana. Instead, the black youth pulled a gun on him. When the white kid surrendered all his money (the $5.00), the little black fiend gunned him down.
Cory Landrum, 19
1642. Portland, OR, 2006
Public Abduction - Rape
A black male, Michael Allen Nunley, …abducted a white female and took her his home where he repeatedly raped, tortured (with a blow torch and lit cigarette butts) and humiliated her by dragging her around his home naked. The white female survived by escaping when the black male left the home. She was found - nude - in the street by police.
1643. Brewton, Alabama, 1988
Ambush - Rape- Murder
A black male, Edward Russell Dubose, ...somehow obtained knowledge that a young white female worked alone in a church (she cleaned up to earn money for college) and decided a very good rape opportunity existed -- and black male Edward Russell Dubose certainly wasn't going to let that opportunity pass by. He walked into the church, located the white female, beat her mercilessly, raped and sodomized her, then strangled her to death.
* Stephanie King , 16
1644. South Bend, IN, 2009
Ambush - Murder
Two black youths, Dentrell Brown , 13, Joshua Love , 18... tried to sell fake crack cocaine to a white male crack addict, but when the white male noticed it was fake he threatened to go the police if his money wasn't returned. For black male fiend Dentrell Brown, this was now cause to murder him. So he took out his concealed handgun - that he always kept with him - and shot the white male in the head.
Gerald Wenger, 35
1645. Amarillo, TX, April 18, 2009
Home Invasion - Ambush - Double Murder
A black male, Wilbert Banks, 27, ...broke into the home of a white couple looking for a female, Natasha Coil, his ex-wife. He rounded up all three then proceeded to gun them down. However, when Banks pointed the gun at Coil, the gun jammed.
* Stephanie Beard, 24 (deceased)
* Daniel Britten, 24 (deceased)
1646. State Of Washington 1990
Sexually Depraved - Sadistic - Black Male Serial Killer Of White Females
The "Vampire Killer"
A black male, George Waterfield Russel , who liked hanging around the white community, developed a casual way that would allow white females to let their guard down to him. Little did these white females know how mentally depraved - SICK - this black man really was. Apparently, he started his sadistic killing spree [on white females] at age 32. Three white females, between June and Sept. 1990 fell victim:
1. "Mary Ann Pohlreich (WF, 27), by strangling her outside;
postmortem poised body so that legs and arms were crossed with a pinecone
underneath hands as if in coffin; also, covered her eye with a plastic top"
2. "Carol Beethe (WF, 35) by beating in the head; bit her on arms;
post-mortem: kicked, shoved gun 5.5 inches up vaginal area, wrapped head in plastic
wrap,covered with a large pillow, and posed body so legs were spread towards the door"
3. "Killed third victim, Andrea Levine (WF, 24), by stabbing 250 times; bashed back of
skull in, shoved an electric sex toy down her throat, and placed the book More Joy of
Sex in her left hand."
1647. Poteau, Oklahoma, February 2012
White Female Doused With Gasoline And Set On Fire
Black Male Arrested For Murder:
Donnie Lee Harris Jr., 29
* Kristi Ferguson, 25 (languished for days before finally succumbing to burns)
1648. Augusta, GA, Aug. 26 , 2009
Home Invasion - Murder
A black male , Kelvin S. Johnson, 25 (ex-convict), broke into the home of an elderly white couple and then murdered them. He then helped himself to household items and fled. Note: Case is being prosecuted. UPDATE: Black male murderer admits guilt... is then sentenced to LWOP.
"Johnson shot her through the neck then stepped over her body as she lay dying to steal the couple’s television set, said District Attorney Ashley Wright."
* Martha Greene, 69 (deceased)
* T.C. Green (survived)
1649. Savannah, GA, April 2011
Ambush - Pocket Change Murder

A black male (career criminal), Pedro Walker, 41, waited for a white male insurance agent to arrive at his address. When he did, back male Walker attacked him, stabbing him multiple times ...until he was dead. Walker then rifled through his pockets for whatever change he could find.
* Christopher Shuman, 33
1650. Albany, NY, June 13, 2010
White Male Beat-Down - Left In Coma
Judge: "I've been a judge for 17 years," Herrick said. "I've never seen injuries to a victim such as the injuries to the victim in this case."
Three black male fiends, Lukee Forbes, 15, Roscoe Irving, 18, and Quayvaun Young, 20, ...decided they wanted to have some innocent fun. One of the teens had a tree branch and was dyin' to use it on any white person. The three blacks spotted an adult white male, charged up to him, then began beating him in the head...until they thought he was dead. They then rifled through his pockets looking for some spare change.
Grumblings of a psycho: "I don't think that I should be here!" Lukee Forbes, 16, told Judge Stephen Herrick, whom he accused of railroading him. "I was going to be a foreign-exchange (student) ... this is not fair."
* Louis Stelling, 31
1651. Michigan City, MI , March 2012
Sucker Punch
A black male, Shelly S. Miller, 37, who was apparently summoned by his daughter to "take care of " the white assistant coach , who was making her run laps for (surprise) fighting, walked up to the coach, then landed the infamous (and cowardly) black male sucker punch. Not surprisingly, the black male coward, once the white male was on the ground and unconscious, continued to beat him in the face and head.
Note: I'm assuming the daughter sicked her animal dad on the coach since , the way the story is written, it sounds like the black male simply walked up on the white male and punched him. Well, how did the black male know this particular coach was the one who made his daughter run the laps? Only one way::daughter called cowardly dad by cell phone.
Will this sucker puncher get a lawsuit? I hope so!
INCREDIBLY! Miller actually entered a not guilty plea, even tho many other people watched his sucker punch beat -down. Also, he broke his wrist punching the white male in the face.
1652. Bakersfield, CA, 2010
Home Invasion - Abuse Of White Elderly - MURDER
A black male and two vicious black females, Katila Nash, 15, David Moses, 17, Angelique Nash, 17, ...broke into the home of an elderly white female and literally beat her to death. Case being prosecuted. Also, 15-year-old black female is being tried as adult.
* Dorothy Pauline Session
1653. Columbia, S. Carolina, May 2007
Ambush - Murder
Five blacks,
Walter Fayall, 25, (triggerman),
Jerome Washington , 26 (accessory after fact),
Asia Prioleau, 24, (accessory after fact)
Brian Smalls, 28 (accessory after fact),
Asia Arlene O’Neil, 24,
... were pulled over by a white male constable for some in unknown traffic offense. When the officer reached the car, Fayall (police claim was the triggerman) gunned him down.
* Constable Robert Bailey, 67
1654. Brazil & Terre Haute, IN, 2000 to 2004
White Females
A black male, Kevin L. Hampton, 43, stalked , raped and murdered three women, two of them young teenage white females.
* Tanette "Toni" Dickison, 18 (kidnapped, raped and murdered in 2004 by black male Hampton)
* Diana Lehman, 18 (raped and murdered in a home invasion - in 2000)
Cassie M. Harris, 48 (b/f) - known prostitute
1655. Jefferson County, TX, March 2012
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Bartholomew Granger, 41, went on a shooting rampage at a courthouse, where his 20-year-old daughter apparently gave testimony against him , claiming he had raped her. Shot were his ex-wife, his daughter and an elderly white female.
* Minnie Ray Sebolt, 79 (deceased - gunned down for the sheer thrill of it)
1656. Allegheny County , PA, March 14, 2010
Ambush - Walk-Up MURDER
Another Pocket Change MURDER
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Tyrone, he be on the left -- Cordell, he be on right. How'd you like THESE two living in your community? |
Two black male teens ( high school dropouts & unemployed), Cordell Brown, 18 (accused triggerman), Tyrone Thomas, 17, walked up to a middle-aged white male while he was walking his dog, and simply gunned him down. Then rifled through his pockets hoping to find pocket change. Oh, Tyrone is also waiting trial for standing out front front of a house occupied with a "bunch" of people and firing into the house. (Yeah, black kid Tyrone just never got a break in racist America. He deserve PITY).
* Mark Barry, 55
Note: Two other black males were also involved but were not identified. No way for a white person to defend himself against this kind of predatory AMBUSH.
1657. Oakland, CA , Aug. 9, 1974
"Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape Of White Child - MURDER
A black male,Curtis Tucker, 23, somehow became aware of a 13-year-old white female home alone. He posed as a delivery man and knocked on the door. When the young girl confirmed she was the only one in the home, that's when black male Tucker attacked her. He first beat the little girl, then he raped her. After the vicious rape, Tucker retrieved a blunt object , and while the terrified little girl was crying and begging to be left alone, Tucker beat her to death.
Julie McElhiney, 13
Note: Tucker in 1972 posed as a delivery man in an attempt to get entry into w white female's home. Once inside, Tucker attacked the white female and tried to rape her. However, Tucker was unaware another white female was there and during the vicious attack she clocked Tucker in the head with a lamp, rendering him unconscious until police arrived.
1658. St. Louis County, MO, Aug. 29, 2000
Ambush - School Teacher Gunned Down
Joyce was a school teacher |
Note: Luster was nailed in 2006 with DNA evidence. Luster took a plea deal that will allow him to get out of prison before he hits 50.
White Female:
* Joyce Belrose, 57
1659. Levittown, PA, Dec. 28, 2011
Home Invasion - Murder
Four [presumed] blacks, including a black female, Danasia Bakr, 17, who police claim was the getaway driver, were involved in a home invasion murder of a white male -- and very popular musician. The three [presumably] black males are still being sought. Police will not yet release their names to the public.
* Danny DeGennaro, 56
1660. Jacksonville, FL, December 2009
Another Pizza Driver Ambush...MURDER
Three black teens,Gregory Byrd Jr., 17, Keon Sams, 16, Jonathan Hartley, 15, (apparently the triggerman),...thought they'd figured out an easy way to get some quick pocket change and also a FREE PIZZA. They phoned in a pizza delivery and then waited to ambush the driver. Unfortunately, a white female was sent on the run and when she got to the apartment complex she was was - as planned -gunned down by the black fiends. Total take by the black mastermind teens was less than $40.00.
* Sarah Hotham, 57
1661. Cunningham, KY, March 2012
White Male Beaten To Death - Three Blacks Arrested
Arrested were black males, Kendrick Hunt, 20, Jeremy Irons, 25, and Connel Mounday, 26. They are being charged with kidnapping, robbery, and capital murder.
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White male victim, Derek Moore, is on far right |
* Derek Moore, 30
1662. Hastings, MN, Aug. 4, 2008
Ambush - Man Brutally Beat-Down Then Stomped To Death
Hastings police::: "was the worst act of violence ever reported at the state-operated veterans home."
A black male, Randall Sears, 45, who lived at a residence home for veterans, which treats veterans with mental health issues or those involved with drug dependencies, got into an altercation with a white male and the white male was literally beat and stomped to death. Note: My keen sense for black criminal behavior tells me this was likely a robbery situation and the white male caught the black man in the act of stealing.
* Richard L. Jackson, 54
1663. Sherman Oaks, CA, March 26, 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Mother Recalls TERROR by Phone From Son...As he's dying
Three black males, Daryl Sconiers Jr.,26, Kenyon Aikens, 25, and Marquise Edwards, 22, believing there was marijuana and cash in the apartment (wasn't), and using a ridiculous ruse, barged into the apartment of a white male and beat him, then shot him in the face and back. Before he died he called his mother and pleaded for her to save him. The blacks apparently gained entry to the white male's apartment by claiming "we be police officers - workin' undercover", and the white male - obviously- bought the tall tale. It cost him his life.
* Brian Caufield, 31
1664. Kansas, City, MO, March 2012
Racially Motivated Gang Attack
A group of six black males were out hunting for a white person (male or female) to beat-down. They found a 50-year-old white male walking alone (from the store) and strolled up to him and asked if he could give them directions - classic set-up line for the infamous sucker punch. When the feral black youths got within sucker punch range, the designated sucker puncher socked the white male in the face. Then the typical beat-down and stomping and kicking in the head began. The blacks then ran off giggling. The white male was rushed to the hospital and suffered numerous injuries, including a fractured hip. No arrests have yet been made.
White male victim's name withheld
1665. Charlotte, N. Carolina, April 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Murder
A black male, Gordon Franklin McMullen, 47, (career criminal) broke into an elderly white female's home, beat her mercilessly demanding to know where all her money and valuables were, then stabbed the woman to death.
* Mildred Clontz , 92
1666. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, April 29, 2011
Ambush- Cabbie Murder
Awhite female cab driver allowed a black male Johnathan D. Mitchell, 33 , into her cab ( at night!), where she was taken to a secluded location, then shot in the head in an apparent robbery attempt. Apparently the white female, even with a gun pointed at her, refused to give up her money.
White Female:
* Cathy Stickley
1667. Baton Rouge , LA, May 2011
Ambush - Murder
"Police said Collins and another suspect, identified only as a 28-year-old man, pulled guns on eight people standing outside the home and told them to empty their pockets."
A black male, Mohammed Collins, 19, during an attempted robbery, gunned down an innocent white male.
Note: Case Yet to be prosecuted.
* Jonathan Calvert, 28
1668. Marion County, KY , May 25, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Young white male forgot to check the peep hole! It costs him his life.
Two black males, Adrian Lamont Benton, 26, Raymond Larry Wright, 24,... walked up to a house (in a white community) and knocked on the front door. Unfortunately, a young white male failed to check in the peep hole as who was at the door. The door was opened and one of the black men, apparently Raymond Wright, pulled a gun and demanded money. For unknown reasons, Wright pulled the trigger and killed the young kid.
* John Graves Mattingly III, 23 (college student)
1669. San Bernardino County, CA, April, 8, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Rayford "Hen" Newsome, 29,Lewis Wade, 38 , observed a couple of black females fighting and charged over to the scene. When two young white males tried to break up the fight, Newsome drew a gun and, for no reason what-so-ever, shot at both of them, striking one of the white males. Wade has plead guilty to his involvement in the attempted double murder and agreed to testify against Newsome.
* Michael Subacz, 19 (deceased)
* Mitchell Welsh (survived murder attempt)
1670. Sussex County, New Jersey Nov. 2009
TERROR...Elderly White Female Ambushed By Her [Black] Taxi Driver After He Dropped Her Off At Her Home - Brutal Murder
A black male taxi driver, Leslie Small, 51, picked up an elderly white female and drove her to her home. Apparently, the elderly white female needed to go inside her home to get money for the cabbie and Small followed her, then stabbed her to death.
June McCarson, 78
1671. San Fransisco, CA, Aug. 8, 2010
Gangbanger Shootout - -Murder (German Tourist)
Five black males,
Raheem Jackson, 17,
Marcus Blueford, 19,
Phillip Stewart,
Delvon Scott,
Willie Eason,
...were shooting at rival gangbangers. One of the bullets fired hit a German tourist and killed her. UPDATE: All the black criminals in this case pleaded guilty...to "lesser charges" and will receive minor prison terms ranging from 5 to 10 years.
* Mechthild Schroer, 50
1672. Carlisle, PA, Jan. 23, 2009
Public Abduction - Rape -Murder
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Such handsome guys. Yeah, what white female, even in the dead of winter, could resist back alley sex with them? |
White Female:
Sheila Kline, 45
1673. Las Vegas, NV, March 1, 2012
Black Male Kids Continue To Strike At White Adults - MURDER
Three black males, Daniel Jarod Goodman, 18, Jurdoun Foger Holmes, 18, Tyler John Ashley, 15, phoned an auto salvage yard telling a white male office manager they had two cars to sell him, hoping the white male would show up with cash to buy the cars. Naturally, there were no cars. And, unfortunately, the white male fell for the black ruse. When the white male showed up at the designated spot to meet the black teens, he was immediately gunned down.
* Wallace David Zarza, 44
1674. Salt Lake City, UH, Jan. 1, 2010
Good Samaritan Ambushed - Attempted Murder
A kindly elderly white woman would often allow people to live in her large house. On one occasion she allowed a homeless black male, Arthel Martin, 45, to live in her basement. Result? The black male ambushed her and beat her mercilessly, then tried to smother her. Lucky for the elderly white female, other house guest heard the screams for help and rushed to her aid. They ended up saving her life. The attack was so brutal the elderly white female has blotted it out from her memory. But she knows something very terrible happened to her. That much she knows...and will know for the rest of her days.
"Anne Smart-Pearce can't sleep at night anymore."
* Anne Smart-Pearce, 86
1675. St. Louis, MO, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
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A loser like this can destroy many lives before he's finally incarcerated |
* Paul Reiter, 58
1677. Dothan, AL, Sept. 26, 1981
Ambush - Murder
Nathaniel Dennis, 27, walked up to a white male, demanded cash, then , after receiving the cash, Dennis gunned down the white male. Dennis was nailed 30 years later through DNA evidence.
* Ernest Russell Douglas, 45
1678. Greenwood, LA, April 1, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Sadistic Murder
Two black males,Felton Dorsey, 35, Randy Wilson ...approached the home of an elderly white female and knocked on the door. When she answered the blacks claimed they were interested in the car in her driveway. They were actually determining if she was home alone. When Dorsey and Wilson believed she was alone in the home, at gunpoint they barged inside. In the course of the burglary elderly woman's son confronted the the black males and was then brutally pistol whipped, tied up, then, as he lay semi-conscience, Dorsey doused him with a flammable liquid and burned him to death --as his mother watched.
* Joe Prock, 52
1679. Tulsa, OK Sept. 2013
Two Black Males Ambush And Gun Down Three People In A Home Invasion
Motive, according to police, was armed robbery.Case not yet prosecuted.
Darrelle Goff, 24
Jordan Batice Mitchell, 20
Christian Dehart , 22 (pic - died from injury)
Unidentified (critically wounded)
Unidentified (treated at hospital and released)
1680. La Crosse , Wis, March 2012
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Izelia Golatt , 44, career criminal and convicted murderer, and also known crack dealer, met a white female addict telling her he could get get her some crack. Apparently, Golatt lured the white female to a secluded arena, and either he didn't have the crack or he just didn't want to give it up, and, desiring the $10.00 of cash the woman had to buy the crack, Golatt murdered the woman. UPDATE: Golatt was convicted and received LWOP.
* Kristen Tabbert Rodgers, 35
1681. Detroit, MI, March 17, 2010
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Kevin Hill, 34, got into a an argument with a [white] male valet. Hill then used his car to run over the defenseless person, which was caught on video surveillance. Hill was nailed after he produced a phony driver's license to officers at a traffic stop. UPDATE: No known disposition to this case is available on the internet..
* Jeremy Wagner
1682. West Jordan, UT, July 2009
Black Male Ambush - Murder
Black Male Murders Young White Kid Over IPod
A black male, Joshua Buie, 17, was convinced a white male stole his IPod. He decided to get even. And since he had a gun he knew the best "black" way to settle the score. He was going to gun him down. Bruie walked to to the defenseless white male, pulled a gun and shot him point blank tree times. The dopey black male received a sentence of life in prison --over a friggin IPod!
Innocent White Male:
* Stephen Lasiloo, 21
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Elderly White male beat to death for his wallet...
A black male (unkown identity) was captured on surveillance video exiting an apartment occupied by an elderly white male, who was later found viciously beat to death.
Innocent White Male:
* Joseph Sibilla, 83
1684. Decatur, IL, Aug. 24, 2009
'Knock Down' Game - Black Racism
A group of nine black male youths decided to have some "black" fun. They were gonna play the 'knock down' game. This game involves walking up to a white person (usually a middle-aged male) and then a designated black male socks him in the face. The objective is to deck him with one punch - then you a man. Another black male usually films the attack (it's often sold in the "hood"). Once the white male is on the ground, then the other black youths jump in and the head kicking and stomping begins. The objective is to kill.
Blacks Arrested For Murder
Elliott T. Murphy, 18
Deonta "Fuss" Johnson, 16
7 other black feral youths unidentified
"They were jumping on him like he was a trampoline, basically."
White Male Victims:
* Jerry Newingham, 61 (deceased)
* Kevin S. Wilson, 46 (survived with very serious injuries)
1685. Seneca, S. Carolina, March 17, 2012
Gang Attack - Racist Beat-Down
A group of six blacks men, Teryn Robinson, 18, Tray Holland, 19, Justin Alexander, 20, Derick Williams, 22, Kino Jones, 25, and Montrez Jones, 22, have been arrested and charged with a hate crime hate crime. The six are accused of ganging up on a lone white male and literally beating him into unconsciousness.
Name of injured white male not released
1686. New York, NY, Oct. 30, 2007
Ambush - Murder
housekeeper strikes at white employer...
Natavia Lowery, 27, apparently was caught stealing (10s of thousands of dollars) from her white employer and when confronted with the theft, Lowery retrieved a blunt object (a yoga stick) and began beating the white lady...until she was dead. The black female, when asked why she did it, claimed the white lady
"blew marijuana smoke in my face." Oh, and, naturally, the black female claimed the white lady
"made a racial slur". Police quickly deduced Lowery was not only a vicious murderer and thief but was also a pathological liar. She got the maximum sentence - 25 to life.
* Linda Stein , 53
1687. St. Louis, MO, August 14, 1986
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Five black males, Milton Griffin-El, Antoine Owens, three other unidentified (waited outside until murders were complete),…planned a home invasion of a white couple’s apartment ... just to obtain a free stereo and TV set. Since Griffin-El knew the victims, he had decided before the home invasion to kill the occupants. The attack on the couple was , suffice to say, extremely brutal.
* Jerome Redden, 22
* Loretta Trotter, 19 (girlfriend of Redden and mother of a four-months old child)
1688. Grandview, Missouri, Nov. 21, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Two Murdered
Two Black males (brothers), Roy Ramsey, 34, Billy Ramsey,…went to the home of an elderly white couple to commit burglary and murder the occupants of the home. The elderly couple were both shot in the head.
Elderly Victims:
* Garnett Ledford, 65 (deceased)
* Betty Ledford, 63 (deceased)
Note: Apparently, the Ramsey family is nothing but a pack of criminals. There are 10 Ramsey males, of which 9 have criminal records.
1689. Prince William County, VA, Aug. 16 1991
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Carl Chichester, 26, Sheldon Maurice McDowell…charged into a pizza business where a white manager was on duty, and demanded cash from the register. When the white male refused to give up the cash he shot twice in the head. The black male thieves left empty handed.
* Tim Rigney, 30 (deceased)
1690. Sacramento, CA, 1980
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion -- Elderly - Murder
A black male, Manuel Pina Babbitt, 26…invaded the home of an elderly white female for the purpose of rape and burglary. Babbitt had become a career thief by 1980.
* Leah Schendel, 78
1691. Missouri, 1988
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
A black male and career criminal, Jesse Lee Wise, 35…invaded the apartment of a white female and murdered her when she refused to give him money. This was Wise’s second murder of a white person. He was given parole for the first murder in 1984.
* Geraldine McDonald, 49
* Ralph Gianino, 39, w/m (murdered by Wise in 1971)
1692. Alabama, March 14, 1977
Public Abduction - Rape - Murder
Two black males,
Brian K. Baldwin, 18
Edward Horsley, 17
…carjacked 16-year-old white female and headed to Alabama ( the two blacks had just escaped from a youth detention center). Along the way the black males decided to rape the young girl. After the rape the girl was beat to death with a hatchet.
Note: This is one of countless cases in which one black male blames the other as being the murderer.
1693. Almeda, TX, March 17, 1980
Armed Robbery - Murder
A black male, Kenneth Dunn, 20…gunned down a young white female bank teller during an armed robbery.
* Madeline Peters, 21
1694. Dallas, TX, April 13, 1987
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Charles Boyd, 27…broke into the apartment of a white female and sexually assaulted her , then forced her into a bathtub and drowned her. Black male Boyd was responsible for two other similar rapes and murders (race of victims unknown).
* Mary Milligan, 21
1695. Houston, TX, 1981
Armed Robbery - Two Dead
A black male, Robert Anthony Carter, 17,…was already a vicious career criminal, who had no misgivings whatsoever gunning someone down, no matter how old or how young, or which race. During the course of two separate armed robberies, black teen Carter gunned down a Hispanic female and a white male.
* Sylvia Reyes, 21
* R.B Scott, 63
1696. Houston, TX, Aug. 10, 1983
Lying In Wait - Murder
A black male (ex-con on parole for attempted murder), Charles Livingston, 21,… waited at a grocery store parking lot for a white female to drive in and park. When a white female finally did come into the parking lot and park, Livingston charged up to her, pulled his gun, and demanded her purse. When the white female refused to give it up, Livingston gunned her down.
Innocent White female:
* Janet Caldwell, 38 (deceased)
1697. Houston, TX, July 1, 1986
Workplace Massacre
Fired Employee Comes Back And Murders Co-Workers
Three black males, Richard Wilkerson, 19, Kenneth Ray Ransom, 20, James Edward Randle, 16…murdered four people in an armed robbery. According to police, a former employee of an amusement park, Richard Wilkerson, came back to the business seeking revenge for being fired - and to rob the place. He brought with him two other black males - who seemly had no problem with committing mass murder…for what they had to know would probably amount to only a few hundred dollars.
* Roddy Harris, 22 (w/m)
* Arnold Pequeno, 19 (h/m)
* Anil Varughese, 18 (h/m)
* Joerene Pequeno, 18 (h/m)
1698. Seattle, WA, May 2010
Infamous Sucker Punch
A young white male was asked by a black male for a light, which the white male gave him. Then came the infamous black male sucker punch. When the white kid fell to the ground, two men (black and Asian - both unidentified) then began to stomp on him. The white kid was left unconscious, barely recognizable and barely alive.
* Shane McClellan, 16 (survived)
1699. Angleton, TX, Jan. 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Husband And Wife Murdered
A black male, James Harris, Jr., 52, desperate for money, got an elderly white couple to pity him...and they gave him some yard work to do. After the black male was finished, he approached the elderly white couple and asked if he could have more money, to pay his rent. The couple said they couldn't afford to give him what he was asking. At that point, Harris barged into the house and pulled a knife. He then stabbed both husband and wife repeatedly. The husband died. The wife was left in critical condition.
Alton Wilcox, 85
Darla Wilcox, 69
1700. Cleveland, Ohio, June 28, 1998
Racially Motivated Attack - Murder- Abuse Of A Child
A black male, Anthony Harris, 13… walked up to a white child and stabbed her in the neck, causing her death. The black kid was reported to have told police, “She got what she deserved.”
* Devon Duniver, 5
1701. Edgewater, FL, April 25, 1994
Racially Motivated Ambush & Murder
A black mob of seven racist teenagers attacked an adult white male and beat and stomped on him…until he was left unconscious. The white male died later of his injuries. There was no national media attention, though it was clearly a hate crime. Many racial epithets were said by the blacks toward their prone - and dying - white victim.
Black Male Racist/Murderers:
Carl ''Junior'' Moore, 16,
Edwin Renard ''Naughty'' Haynes, 17,
Cory McIntyre, 14,
four others unknown
* John Edward DeVoe, 37 (deceased)
1702. Bronx, NY, Dec. 19, 2008
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Murder
Two blacks, Sharell Butler (AKA Lady Red), 15, Robert Pastore, 19 a male and a female, believed a young white male was communicating to police about their illegal activities, so the two broke into his home and murdered him.
* John Hopkins Drago, 22
1703. Buffalo, NY, Oct. 2, 1998
Racially Motivated Gang Attack - Murder
A group of black kids decided they were going to have some 'black' fun and pack-attack an adult white male. They spotted a white male on his property…and charged at him. He had no time to react. The white male was subsequently beaten and stomped to death.
* Gary Traska, 41
1704. Tampa, Fla., April 4, 2001
Racially Motivated Attack
Two black youths, Telly S. Warren, 14,, James Taylor, 17,… deliberately threw a brick into the windshield of a passing car ... because the occupants were white. No one was seriously injured.
"A black acquaintance stated that Taylor had said, "I'm gonna kill all White people"...
1705. Toledo, OH, 1973 to 1981
Serial Killers /Rapists - All Victims Were White...
Child Abduction - Ambush - Rape -- Torture -- Murder
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Vicki small |
Two black males, Anthony & Nathanial Cook, were serial rapists and murderers of white people --and only white people.
Cook Brother's White Victim's List:
* Todd Sabo (shot and stabbed in the neck--survived)
* Leslie Sawicki (survived)
* Peter Sawicki (deceased)
* Tom Gordon, 24 (deceased --murdered so the two black rapists could rape his girlfriend))
* Tom Gordon's Girlfriend (un-named -- raped and then stabbed repeatedly and left for dead --survived)
* Vicki Small (deceased -- Anthony posed as a Good Samaritan and offered her a ride. Result? Raped and murdered)
* Scott Moulton, 21, (deceased - murdered by Anthony so he could rape his girlfriend)
* Denise Siotkowski, 22 (deceased - raped and murdered by Anthony)
* Connie Thompson, 19 (deceased -- both brothers offered her a ride - posing as Good Samaritans. Result? Gang raped and murdered)
* Daryl Cole, 21 (deceased--murdered so Anthony could rape his girlfriend)
* Stacey Balonek, 21 (deceased -- raped and murdered)
White Child Abduction - Rape - -Torture- Murder:
* Dawn Backes, 12 (deceased)
1706. Cincinnati, OH, 2001
Racially Motivated Attack
Shouting “Kill Whitey”
Black youths went on a rampage targeting white people because a white police officer shot and killed a black male criminal. While TV cameras were rolling ... feral black youths pulled a white male from a truck and beat him mercilessly. Only ONE black teen was arrested, however, he was not - incredibly - charged with a hate crime.
1707. Annapolis, MD, July 21, 2001
Racially Motivated Attack
Three black teen-agers, Tacarra Tyler, 17, two unidentified 14-year-olds,... ran up to an adult white female (waitress) in downtown Annapolis and threw a rock in her face - intending to cause serious injury. When she fell to the ground, the black teens beat her and stomped on her.
* Tracy VanDagna, 22 (broken nose and needed plastic surgery)
1708. COLUMBUS, Ohio , Jan. 2011
'Pocket Change' Ambush - Attempted Murder
Two young black males, unidentified, after receiving help from a young white male (he helped them with some computer issues), they waited for him to leave the library and then charged up to him and slammed a brick into his head. Motive (surprise) was robbery.
* Young white male -- 17-year-old -- miraculously survived
1709. Fall River, IL 1999
Racially Motivated Attempted Murder
Three black males, Damien Gouse, 20, William Wheeler, 22, John Baker, 19,…were looking for a white person to shoot. When they spotted their target, Gouse raced up to the white male and shot him twice.
Rui Botelho, 17 (survived)
1710. New Orleans, Feb. 14, 2002
Sucker Punch - Murder
A white male, Mark Thornton, 16, was approached by three black males on school grounds. One of the black males, Omar Witt, 21, accused the young kid of harassing a black female. The kid denied the accusation then turned to rush to class. Once the white kid's back was turned, this was black male Witt's cue to sucker-punch him, which he did, right in the side of his head. The black male sucker punch caused the white kid to collapse. He died later that day.
1711. San Francisco, CA, 1999
Abuse Of The Elderly - Murder
A black male, Lavonne Adams, 42,…pushed to the ground an elderly white female using a walker, then began kicking her. She later died because of the injuries related to the attack. Adams was arrested and charged with manslaughter. White female is unidentified.
1712. Edwardsville, IL, Aug. 1999 -
Racism - Murder
Nature of the black pack-attack mentality: "Defendant recalled that [black] people from the crowd were kicking and jumping on [the white guy]Richard Skelton. Defendant testified that once he entered the crowd of people attacking Richard Skelton, he swung the stick into the crowd, trying to hit Skelton, but that he did not, however, think that he hit him with the stick."
A black man, Taiwan Davis, 17,...was part of a black mob that beat a white male to death. Davis gave a statement to police in which he claimed he beat an unarmed white male to death with a broom stick. The altercation began when the white male, along with some of his family members, went into a black community in search of their stolen TV. According to police, numerous racist blacks told the white people, "You in the wrong neighborhood."
* Richard Skelton (deceased)
1713. Springfield, TN, Jan. 14, 1995
A total of seven blacks, Freddie Morrow, Damien Darden, unidentified five others,…became angry when they saw a Confederate flag on a vehicle driven by a young white male. The blacks chased the vehicle then shot into it killing the white male driver.
Michael Westerman, 19, (deceased - father of twins)
Hannah Westerman (survived)
1714. New Orleans, LA, April 7, 2010
Ambush - Murder
Two black males, Terrell Simmons, 26, Kentell Simmons, 23, (relatives)), became angry at a white male over a minor traffic incident. Result? While the white male waited at a stoplight, the black males drove up to him, Kentell then leveled a shotgun at his head and then fired. UPDATE: Kintell Simmons received 40 years for manslaughter.
Kentell Simmons |
* Justin Lachute, 24 (deceased)
Brutal Beat-Down On 83-Year-Old White Female
The elderly, the children, females or males, NO ONE is immune from the black male ambush -sucker punch beat-down.
BTW, anyone EVER see a white male beat-down an elderly black female like this?
1716. New York , August 19, 1977
Serial Rapist/Killer
A black male, Lemuel Smith, was known to have murdered six people (all presumably white).
* Robert Hedderman, 48 (Nov. 1976-- murdered)
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Donna Payant |
* Joan Richburg, 24 ( raped & murdered Dec. 1976 )
* Maralie Wilson, 30 (raped & murdered July 1977 )
* Marianne Maggio, 18 (raped & murdered Aug. 1977)
* Donna Payant (w/f female prison guard May 15, 1981 --raped and murdered)
Note: Waiting for race confirmation on first five)
1717. Beaumont, TX, April 8, 1982
Armed Robbery - Double Murder
Two black males, Elliot Rod Johnson, Maurice Andrews,…while in the process of robbing a jewelry store gunned down two people (White, Hispanic), in what police describe as "execution style" murders.
* Joseph Granado, 67, (owner of Jewelry store)
* Arturo Melindez, (h/m)
Two black males, Van R. Solomon, Brandon Aston Jones,…in the course of an armed robbery murdered a white male manager of a gas station/ convenience store. According to police, before the black males eventually killed the white male they decided to first beat him, then shot him in the both legs and both arms. (yeah, they be having some fun.... SICK).
* Roger Tackett, 29
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$50,000 REWARD! For Arrest Of Black Male Murderer |
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Carlos Luis Pinelas-Mejia , 20, murdered a white female in her apartment. He then fled back to the Dominican Republic. Mejie was arrest in 2011 in the Dominican Republic and extradited.
Innocent White Female:
* Amber Marie Schiavone, 23
1722. Danville, VA, Nov. 1996
Home Invasion - Abuse Of White Elderly - Three Murdered
A black male, Percy Levar Walton, 19, broke into an elderly white couple's town home and,
"Mr. Kendrick's hands were “clasped, and above his head, clinched together.” The police found the body of Mrs. Kendrick on the floor in the den. A portion of her body was covered with a sheet, and the upper portion of her body was wrapped in a “pinkish-orange material.” Mrs. Kendrick's shirt had “been rolled up, and then taped” and was loosely tied around her neck with a slipknot. She had on undergarments below her waist, her pants had been cut from her body, and her body had been dragged across the floor."
White Victim's
* Jessie Kendrick, 80 (shot in the head)
* Elizabeth Kendrick, 81 (shot in the head)
* Archie Moore, 33 (Home Invasion-- shot in the head in Greensboro, NC Nov. 1996)
1723. E. Toledo, OH, April 2012
Black Racism -- Abuse Of White Elderly - Beat-down - Robbery
"While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, "[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon ... Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man]," according to a police report."
"One boy, he said, put his foot on the back of the victim's neck, with another shouting, "Kill him."
Six black males, including an 11-year-old, and all younger than 18, attacked an elderly white male as he was walking home from the store. First came the sucker punch. Them when the elderly white male was on the ground, came the kicking and stomping on this head.
* Dallas Watts, 78
1724. Philadelphia, PA, Mach 2006
Sucker Punch - 'Knockdown Game' - MURDER
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Ganged Up on--Sucker Punched-- Beaten- Shot Dead --by a hoard of black racist youths |
"McCall was among six African-American teens, then aged 13 to 16, who came from North Philly into the Art Museum neighborhood March 23, 2006, with the intention of beating and robbing white people, according to the teens' testimonies."
Black male Quinzell McCall, (16 at time of murder), though all of his comrades stated only he had the gun that killed ayoung white male teen, was acquitted of 1st degree murder. He was only found guilty of a weapons charge - about 5 years. Good behavior, McCall will be back on the streets in about 3 years.
Other Black Male Racists Arrested For Murder:
George Graves, 16
Dawud Thomas, 15
Malik Loper, 14
Demietrius Tadlock, 13
Brian Crosland, 15
* Robert Pierson, 17
1725. Lawton, OK, 2007
Ambush - Two People Go down Here...
Crazy Brain Boyfriend Guns Down Ex-White Girlfriend PLUS Her Girlfriend
A crazy brain black male, Xavier Adams, 19, got into a relationship with a white female, Bianca Ward, 18. She quickly broke it off. But it wasn't over according crazy brain Xavier Adams. When he spotter her talking to another guy, that was a good enough reason to murder her. He followed her to her friend's apartment, kicked the door in, then gunned down not only Bianca Ward, but also her girlfriend, Jennifer Brown, 20.
Here's a LINK to many, many more white victim's of a black male/white female relationships.
1726. Atlanta, GA, 2011
Ambush - Attempted Murder - Burning Her Alive
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Scarred for life |
He he couldn't have her, no one else was going to even want to look at her again...
* Rachel Brokaw, 29
1727. Allentown, PA, May 2009
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Peter Rojas, 36, a career criminal and drug dealer approached a white male, whom he apparently knew, and told him he had some drugs for sale (what kind of drugs is unknown). The white male was led to a secluded area where black male Rojas produced a knife then slashed the white male's throat. Since it was a young kid , the take in this murder/robbery was likely less then $20.00.
Note: The story of a "drug purchase" came from Rojas. There is no other evidence this white male was a drug user. Since it was very late at night, the white kid could ( I believe likely) have been looking for a prostitute.
* Mark Holdren, 23
1728. W. Palm Beach, FL, March 1995
Ambush - Murder
16 years later and he a FREE man
A black male,Neal Evans, 31, during an armed robbery gunned down a white male - who was a relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves. In 2012 Evans was released from Florida state prison.
Dave Shotkoski, 30
1729. Baltimore, MD , 2012
White Male Beaten And Stripped Naked By Blacks --
Dozens of Blacks Giggling & Laughing
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White male in black neighborhood. White male then sucker punched in the face |
The 'KNOCKDOWN GAME' Continues...
1730. Charleston, S. Carolina, 2009
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
A black male, Jessie James Murphy, 21, broke into the home of a white female, ransacked the home looking for valuables, then forced the terrified female homeowner into the trunk of her car. She was taken to a secluded place, where there was an alligator infested pond, raped, then shot in the head. Murphy then dragged the body to pond and dumped her into it - hoping the alligators would eat the woman. Murphy then decided to try to eliminate evidence in the car by burning it. Police were altered by people who saw smoke coming from the wooded area. Officers discovered the burning car then followed trace evidence to the pond and recovered the dead white female.
Kathryn Keener, 49
Note: Murphy was not charged with rape because the pond contaminated DNA evidence, however, there's only ONE reason to take the white female to a secluded place: a leisurely and long RAPE ordeal. I've seen this MO from black males many times.
Kathryn Keener, 49
Note: Murphy was not charged with rape because the pond contaminated DNA evidence, however, there's only ONE reason to take the white female to a secluded place: a leisurely and long RAPE ordeal. I've seen this MO from black males many times.
1731. Westfield, NJ, March 1976
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Black Teen Rapes & Murders Adult Neighbor
"It didn’t seem to make much sense why someone would hurt this woman."
A black male, Carlton Franklin,15, decided he was going to rape his white neighbor. It didn't matter that the "quiet" female was 57-years-old. It was a rape opportunity and the black teen was not going to let it slip by. The white female lived alone so it was just a matter of getting into her place unnoticed. When neighbors became suspicious about not seeing the white female for a few days they called police. Police found her naked, raped and strangled to death (and people want to know why prior to 1964 ... white males desired to keep black males OUT of their neighborhoods?).
* Lena Triano, 57
1732. St. Petersburg, FL, May 2011
Ambush - Shot Him In The Back Of The Head
A cowardly, lazy, not very bright - and very ugly - black male , Bradley Bolden, 20, also a member of 54 Boyz" street gang (code for unemployed black youths not yet in prison), walked up behind a young white male security guard walking the grounds of an apartment complex, put his gun to the head of the white male, then pulled the trigger. Bolden then shot him a few more times at pointblank range just to make sure the white male was completely DEAD.
"There was no confrontation," the major said. "No issues between the two of them, nothing historical."
* Mathew F. Little, 26
1733. Moulton, TX, 2005
Child Ambushes School Teacher - Murders Her For Pocket Change

"He said Young's friends told him that Young said he had beaten Jester and had taken money from her."
* Judy Jester ,55
Note: Young was found guilty of capital murder, however, since he was only 15, the judge was limited to sentencing him to life & no parole.
1734. Missouri , December 12, 1985
White Male Ambushed & Gunned Down...For His Car
Two black males Roosevelt Pollard, 22 (out on parole for murder), Robert Sands, (not arrested), ...were at a rest stop along an Interstate highway in Missouri (Pollard's jalopy broke down) and a white male drove into the rest stop, parking one spot over from Pollard, exited his [brand new 1984 Pontiac] car , then went into the restroom. Then,
" [Roosevelt Pollard] told his remaining companion, Robert Sands, "I want that car. I'm going to get that car." Appellant then removed the loaded rifle from his trunk. After [the white male] had returned from the restroom, appellant stood in the space between [his] car and [the white male's] car, near the driver's window of [the white male's] car. [Pollard] shot [the white male] through the window, turned and looked at Sands, then turned back and shot Alford two more times."
* Richard Alford
UPDATE: Well, it turns out that Rosevelt Pollard, he be retarded. I don't believe it, but that's what his attorneys are saying i.e. he's too retarded to be executed. The state has removed him from death row.
1735. Boston, MA, Dec. 12, 1973
Police Crack A 40-year-old Cold Case - 'Fair housing Act' Home Invasion Rape And Murder
Possible Serial Rapist & Murder Of White Females
"Authorities say they’ve linked a convicted rapist [ black male Micheal Sumpter ] who died more than a decade ago to a near 40-year-old cold case murder, the second they believe the man committed as he allegedly tormented women on Beacon Hill and Back Bay in a murderous spree of sexual assaults in the 1970s. DNA evidence helped identify Michael Sumpter, who died of cancer in 2001, as the man responsible for raping and strangling 24-year-old Mary Lee McClain [pic] inside her Beacon Hill apartment in December 1973. Her murder is the second that police have linked to Sumpter since his death. Authorities tied him to the 1972 rape and murder of Ellen Rutchick, 23.
1736. Jacksonville, Miss., Jan. 29, 2012
Ambush Strong-Armed Robbery/ Bully Beat-Down
UPDATE: Charges have been upgraded to MURDER
Two black males, David Thomas, 25, Jontez Garvis, 29,...walked up to a white male while he was working, then beat him into unconsciousness. Motive, according to police, was robbery & possible hate crime.
* Fred Jackson, 61 (in a coma - now deceased)
1737. Clayton, NJ, Oct. 2012
Teens Ambush & Murder 12-Year -Old ... For Her Bike -- WOW!
Two black males, Justin, Robinson, 15, and his brother Dante Robinson, 17, ambushed a 12-year-old white girl and then brutally murdered her ... solely because they wanted her bicycle. Note: The two have already confessed to the crime.
* Autumn Pasquale, 12
1738. Tuscaloosa, AL, March 25, 1995
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly White Female Attacked - Raped - Sodomized- Then Executed
A black male Arrested For Home Invasion, Rape & Murder:
Eddie Powell III,
"Before sunrise, 70-year-old was brutally attacked, raped, sodomized and shot to death in her home. After the shooting and assault took place in the bedroom of her home, Mattie was able to walk across the street to the front yard of her neighbor and before collapsing told her than a black man had raped and shot her. Shortly after making this statement, Mattie Wesson died. Powell and a friend, Bobby Johnson, lived in a home across the street from Mattie Wesson. Powell borrowed Johnson's leather jacket and left the Johnson home in the early hours on the day of the murder. Powell denied knowing anything about the murder, but the physical evidence told a different story. Powell's semen was found in the victim's mouth, rectum, and vagina."
* Mattie Wesson, 70
1739. Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2012
Another Racially Motivate Attack In Baltimore By Eight Or More Racist Black Males
The white male pleaded that he didn't want to fight the eight or more black males. That didn't matter to the pack of racist blacks. They wanted a white male beat-down - sock in the face, head stomping and head kicking. In other words, the blacks wanted to murder the white male...just for for kicks.
* John Mason, 32 (currently in medically induced coma)
1740. Hamilton County , OH, Nov. 12, 1997
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - THRILL KILL
Rayshawn Johnson ... "lived so close to Marks and her husband, Norman, that he could look out his apartment window into the windows in Marks’ East Walnut Hills home."
A black male, Rayshawn Johnson, 20, who didn't pay rent and mooched off his grandmother, broke into his [white] neighbor's home for the sole purpose of murdering a white female - Johnson bludgeoned her to death with a baseball bat.
* Shannon Marks, 29
1741. Muskogee , OK, 2011
'Fair Housing act' Home Invasion - Teens Terrorize A Group Of Young White Males - Murders One Of Them - Beats Another In The Head With A Baseball Bat
Six black Males,
Deandre Clark, 18,
Tommy Dean Jr., 19,
Frederick Watson, 18,
Troy Dufur, 17,
Jordan Miller, 17,
...armed with a gun and a baseball bat, barged into a home occupied by four young white males. One white male was slammed in the head with a baseball bat, while another was gunned down. Motive was burglary / robbery.
"Muskogee County District Attorney Larry Moore said the six teenagers went to the house and robbed four teenagers who were there of personal items that included billfolds and cellphones."
White Male Victim:
Unidentified victims struck in the head (apparently survived)
Ryan Satterfield, 17 (deceased)
1742. CHELSEA, Vermont, 2007
EX-White Wife Doused With Industrial Chemical - Burns Her Face Off - Survived ... But Disfigured & Blind
A black male, Herbert Rodgers, claiming he was angry over believing his [white] ex-wife was seeing another man (likely a lie since his ex-wife didn't even recognize him when he broke into her home),, mixed some industrial-strength lye with detergent and, after first beating his ex-wife with a baseball bat, then doused her with the chemical mixture. She was burned over 90% of her body. But, obviously, black male Rodgers was most interested the white female's face...as well as her eyes.
Carmen Tarleton, 40 ( 39 skin grafts and 45 total operations, including a cornea transplant)
1743. Florida, 1989
The Ninja Killer [Of White People]
Black Male Ambushes White People In Their Homes - Firing Through Their Back Windows -
"On the evening of December 20, 1989, [black male] Louis Gaskin spotted a light in the Palm Coast home of [white couple] Robert and Georgette Sturmfels. Gaskin parked his car in the woods and, with a loaded gun, approached the Sturmfels home. He saw the Sturmfels in the den and fired two shots through the window, striking Mr. Sturmfels.
When Mrs. Sturmfels rose to leave the room, Gaskin shot her once and Mr. Sturmfels once more. Mrs. Sturmfels crawled into the hallway, and when Gaskins saw her through an outside door, he shot her again.
Gaskin then pulled out a window screen, broke a window, and entered the house. He fired one more bullet into each of the Sturmfels’ heads and covered the bodies with blankets. Gaskin then burglarized the house, taking lamps, VCRs, cash, and jewelry.
Gaskin then went to the home of Joseph and Mary Rector, whom he also found in the den of their home. While Gaskin cut their phone lines, the Rectors turned off the lights and went to bed. He threw a log and rocks at the house to rouse the Rectors, and when Mr. Rector went to investigate the disturbance, Gaskin shot him from outside the house.
The Rectors managed to escape in their car, with Gaskin firing shots at the car."
Note: Gaskin is STILL on Death Row! Why?!
1744. Dallas, TX, Oct. 28, 2008
Ambush ...For Which There Is NO DEFENSE
Elderly Woman Murdered On A Public Street For Pocket Change
A black male, Theron Lacey, Jr. 27, charged up to an elderly white female, who was of no acquaintance to him, and in broad daylight repeatedly bludgeoned her with a pocket knife - until she was dead. Lacey then rifled through her purse hoping to find some pocket change.
"When Pfeifle, the prosecutor, asked if Lacey showed any remorse, LaShaunda Johnson replied: “He said if it made me feel better, I could just think she was prejudiced.” She testified that according to her boyfriend, Reiter probably didn’t like black people, “and her family probably owned slaves.”"
Dorothy Reiter, 69
1745. Fort Sanders, TN, Oct. 13, 2011
Ambush - Murder
A black male, Devin A. Jamison, ... was arrested for the armed robbery murder of a young white male. Note: Case yet to be prosecuted.
* Sawyer Webb, 19
1746. Marshall County, Miss., Jan. 26, 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Elderly - Beaten Into Unconsciousness
“She [91-year-old white female] was savagely beaten,” Dickerson said. “And it was a physical assault, no weapons, they used their hands. And they rendered severe blows to her head. And as she was attempting to call for help, they struck her again with another severe blow to the head.”
Blacks Arrested For Beatdown / Attempted Murder:
Maquel Donyel Morris, 21, and his brother, Dillon Dewayne Williams, 17
1747. Edgefield County, S. Carolina, 2011
Black Female Murders White Male
Lakashia Rochelle Walker, 27, murdered a white male. According to the police report, the white male allowed the black female to live with him. Police did not reveal a motive for the murder. Nor did they reveal how she murdered him.
Barrett Scott Stephenson, 35
1748. Nanuet, NY, 1981
Brinks Heist By BLA (1981) - Three White Males Gunned Down
"The Brink's robbery of 1981 was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members; including Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), Cecilio "Chui" Ferguson, Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines); several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert (w/m), Samuel Brown (b/m), Judith Alice Clark (w/f), Kathy Boudin (w/f), and Marilyn Buck (w/f)..."
Note: The black males did all the killing.
White Victims Of Unemployed Black Males:
* Edward O'Grady (deceased)
* Peter Paige (deceased)
* Joe Trombino (shot multiple times, severely injured - miraculously survived)
1749. York County, VA, 1996
White Male Abducted - Force To Withdraw Money From His ATM - Taken To A Field AND Executed
"Around midnight on August 16, 1996, ... [black male] 18 year old Daryl Atkins and his accomplice, [black male] William Jones, walked to a nearby convenience store where they [ at gunpoint] abducted [white male] Eric Nesbitt, an airman from nearby Langley Air Force Base. Unsatisfied with the $60 they found in his wallet, Atkins and Jones drove Nesbitt in his own vehicle to a nearby ATM and forced him to withdraw a further $200. In spite of Nesbitt's pleas, the two abductors then drove him to an isolated location, where he was shot eight times, killing him."
Note: Atkins was sentences to death, however, liberal judges intervened and - based on flimsy evidence claiming Atkins is retarded - commuted his sentence to life
1750. Ball State University, IN, 2004
Another White Person Goes Down Offering To Be Good Samaritan
Three black, males, Damien Sanders, 23, (80 years in prison), Brandon L. Patterson, 18, (50 years in prison), unidentified 14, ...needed a ride home from a college house party. Then, "Sanders testified that he shot Harford during the robbery that netted Harford's attackers only $2. Harford's body was found later in an alley"
* Karl Harford, 20
1751. Detroit, MI, July 2012
Two Young White Males Kidnapped And Executed For Pocket Change & Car Parts
Two black males,Sherman Wagner, 31 Stephen Boyd, 28, were arrested by Detroit police in connection with a kidnapping and execution-like slaying of two young white males. Yet to be prosecuted.
"Autopsies revealed Jake was shot multiple times and Jourdan sustained a bullet to the back of the head."
* Jourdan Bobbish, 17
* Jake Kudla, 18
1752. Reno, NV, Aug. 7, 1994 / Feb. 3, 1995
A Sexual Predator Tortures And Murders
White Females
A black male, David Middleton,33, who was convicted of rape while being a police officer in Miami (white female victim), was hired by a cable installing company in Reno, NV(obviously the black man did not tell his employer he was a convicted rapist). This job , of course, allowed Middleton to get access to white females' homes. No one should doubt that this was the main reason for the convicted rapist taking the job. A client of Middleton's cable company, who was a white female, was kidnapped by Middleton and taken to a remote storage facility, where Middleton had a special surprise waiting for her:: a modified freezer. How many days he raped and tortured the white female remains a mystery. She eventually died of suffocation by being trapped in the freezer without enough oxygen. Black male Middleton also did the same to another white female using the same MO.
White Victims:
Katherine Powell, 45,
Thelma Amparo Davila
Note:: Middleton is a suspected serial killer of white females. He had many female's underwear in a storage facility. Police, however, could only prove two murders - two being enough tho to put the black man on death row.
1753. Jacksonville, FL, 1984
'Fair Housing Act'
Rape & Murder
Child Rape & Murder Case Solved After 28 Years- It Was The Neighbor After All
A 10-year-old white child was kidnapped, raped and murdered in 1984. A cold case unit, 28 years later, with the help of preserved DNA evidence, nailed James Leon Jackson, 60. The white child was abducted from her front yard.
* Tammy Welch, 10
1754. Mobile, Ala., 2012
Black Teen Thug Guns Down 40-Year-Old White Female - She Told The Car The Teen Was In To Slow Down - THRILL KILL
Trayon Omar Washington, 17 (yet to be prosecuted)
UPDATE: Black male thug/ murderer was found guilty - in just 4 hrs by a jury - and given a life sentence....at taxpayers' expense. Another black male, Pat Brown, also in the car, was also found guilty and sentenced to 30 years.
UPDATE: Black male thug/ murderer was found guilty - in just 4 hrs by a jury - and given a life sentence....at taxpayers' expense. Another black male, Pat Brown, also in the car, was also found guilty and sentenced to 30 years.
* Wendy Fisher, 40 (mother of two)
1755. Daytona Beach, FL
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
'Neighbor' Breaks Into White Female's Home And Murders Her
"On the afternoon of 09/05/90, Marlys Sather returned home from work on her lunch break and discovered her neighbor, [unemployed crack-head black male]Chadwick Willacy, burglarizing her home."
"When Willacy noticed that Sather was in the house, he struck her over the head several times with a blunt object hard enough to fracture and dislodge part of her skull. Willacy bound her hands and ankles with wire and duct tape. He then wrapped a telephone cord tightly around her neck in an effort to strangle her. When this failed to work, Willacy doused Sather with gasoline and set her on fire. Medical examiner’s reports indicate that Sather died from smoke inhalation. "
1756. 2005
Young White Female Ambushed And BEAT Into A Coma
The white female weighed under 100 lbs and stood about 5''3". The Cowardly black man stood over 6 ft. and weight over 200 lbs.
* Missy Townsend
1757. Wilmington, DE, Feb. 2013
Police Officer Ambushed - Shot In The Face
"Wilmington Police Patrolman Justin Wilkers, 34, a 3-year veteran of the force, was shot in the face at 3:50 p.m. Sunday in the 1200 block of Peach Street in the city's Southbridge section."
The officer was shot in the face after stopping a vehicle with three black males inside. Two of the black youths jumped out of the car and fled. However, unbeknown to the white police officer... a black male, ready with a loaded gun, still lurked inside the vehicle. As the officer approach the vehicle and then looked inside, he was shot him pointblank in the face. The officer, after extensive surgery to his face, is expected to survive.
1758. Buffalo, NY, Dec. 5, 2006
Officer Shot By Teen - Left Paralyzed - Has Died
A Varner Harris,19, fired multiple shots at two white police officer, striking both of them. The officers were responding to a fight outside a gas station. Note: Murder charges are now being considered against Harris.
* Patricia Parete, 48 (paralyzed - died Feb. 2013)
* Carl Andolina (wounded but survived)
http://www.wkbw.com/news/local/Remembering-Patricia-Parete-189761201.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1759. Saginaw County, MI, Jan. 31, 2013
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Torture - Murder
Lashon T. Hollman, 20, either broke into a white female's home (he was her next door neighbor) or conned his way in. Once inside Hollman brutally stabbed the white female to death - 54 stab wounds. Then, for no apparent reason, Hollman picked up a television and slammed into the head of the dead white female. Note; According to Holman's friend, Hollman showed him scratch marks he said he received form the victim. This tells me it could very likely had been a rape attempt and the white female decided to fight to the death.
* Cassandra Nelson, 27
1760. Riverside, CA, 2013
Two White Police Officers Ambushed And Gunned Down
A racist black police officer (Los Angeles PD), Christopher Dorner, was fired for lying. He then decided to go on a murdering rampage, killing four people --two were white police officers.
Michael Crain
Jeremiah McKay
1761. Maryland , May 1994
'Fair Housing Act' Double Murder
A black male, Scotland E. Williams, 31, a career burglar who had just been released from prison, broke into an upscale home of white couple, two prominent attorneys and, at gunpoint, woke them. Then, while they were still in their beds, Williams made them give up their security numbers to their ATM cards. Once Williams got the numbers, he shot the couple.
Jose Trias, 49
Julie Noel Gilbert, 48
1762. Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 28, 2010
Ambush - Murder - THRILL KILL
White Male Gunned Down In Walk-Up Murder
Ricardo Woods, 34, walked up to a white male sitting in his car and simply shot him in the head and neck. The shots, however, did not immediately kill the white victim. In the hospital, tho he was left completely paralyzed, the victim, by blinking his eyes was able to communicate and he ID'd Woods as the shooter. Note: Victim eventually died from his injuries. Woods, thru his white attorneys, says he didn't shoot nobody.
* David Chandler, 35
1763. Pensacola, Fla, March 2013
Home Invasion - Torture - Murder

White victim, Melinda Sue McCormick, 33, was beat with a crow bar - 40 whacks to the head. Intruders wanted her Social Security ID card.
Blacks Arrested For The Home Invasion /Torture /Murder:
Anthony L. Pressley, 26,
Gregory E. Williams, 21,
Kiesha L. Pugh, 28
1764. Smith County TX, 1990
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
Home Invasion - Rape
A black male, Rickey Lynn Lewis, 28, out on parole from a 25-year sentence for a B&E, broke into the the home of a white couple, murdered the white male, then raped his fiancee'. Note: Lewis was recently executed for this murder.
George Newman, 45
Fiancee' - survived
1765. Newport News, VA, Sept. 24, 1997
Ambush - Murder
White male invites black male over to his house to sell a car...RESULT? MURDER
A white male, Harry Kyzer ,35, wanted to sell his 1984 Porsche and put an ad in the paper. When a black male called to and asked to take a look at it, unfortunately, Mr. Kyzer agreed to meet him at his house. When the black male came over, Mr. Kyzer allowed him in his house. The black male then pulled a gun. Mr. Kyzer was tied to a chair then shot in the head.
James Gatling, 21 (b/m)
1766. Iceland Military Base Aug. 14, 2005
Did He Or Didn't He? - No REAL Doubt About It - He Did Murder Her
Note the handcuffs::Such a familiar sight these days
Airman Calvin Eugene Hill, 20, acted friendly to a white female, however, she wanted nothing to do with his sexual advances but was agreeable to being friends. Hill saw an opportunity there: he would wait for the right time to steal her credit card and ATM card. When the white female found out her credit card and ATM card were missing, she went to the base commander, and he then went to the police. Hill was caught on surveillance video pulling money from her ATM card ($2,700 - how he got her security code is a mystery). Facing a certain count-marshal, Hill thought he could eliminate the only witness against him, then claim:: "She gave it to me. Prove me wrong."
UPDATE: The 'murderer' Calvin Hill, tried in a Washington D.C. court (mostly black there) was found NOT GUILTY. However, there's ONLY one person who could have murdered the white female, only one with a motive: Calvin Hill. I wonder what the racial make-up of that jury was?
Victim: Airman 1st Class Ashley Turner, 20
North Union Township, PA 2013
Ex-Girlfriend Gets Restraining Order After Numerous Life-Threating Beatings - Angry [Black] Ex-Boyfriend Kicks Down Her Door...Then Beats And Stabs Her To Death
"Court records indicate Crawford has a lengthy history of violence toward women, including an active protection from abuse order that forbade contact with [the victim]"
A white female, Lisa Faye Tupta, 49, thought she could simply file a restraining order against a former boyfriend, Henry Clay Crawford, 56. Didn't work. Crawford simply walked up to the front door of the white female's residence and then kicked it in. Knife in hand, Crawford charged into the female home and went after her. The victim died at the scene from multiple knife wounds. Obviously, prison was no deterrent whatsoever to Crawford.
Beating Incident ONE: Beat her into unconsciousness. She awoke with a knife pressed to her throat.
Beating Incident TWO: Showed up at her place of work and waited for her to exit. Barged into her car and beat her, then dragged her out by her hair. He then began chocking her.
White females in relationships with black male LINK
1767. Harrington, DE, June 22, 1991
'Fair Housing Act' Murder
Gilbert Cannon, 41, broke into an elderly woman's home and, while she slept, stabbed her to death. There was no burglary/robbery. DNA linked Cannon to the crime scene and he eventually gave a full confession.
Victim: Dorothy Donovan, 70
1768. San Antonia, TX March 24, 2012
'Fair Housing Act'
A black male, Leandre "Dre" Vonzell Hill, 22, broke into the home of a white male and murdered him.
Another white male was also shot. "Dre" and his [black] crew barged into the white male's home while a party was going on.
* Randall Perkins, 20
* Paul Benavides, 24 (survived)
1769. Tulsa, OK, Jan. 2012
Brutal 'Fair Housing Act' Murder
Black Males Kick In Front Door And Murder Elderly White Male
"[A white male]and his girlfriend Sandra Lee were sorting Christmas photos in their house Jan. 16 when strangers kicked in the dining room door, took Zachary's wallet and then shot him in the head."
Arrested For Home Invasion/Murder:
Darrelle Johnson, 27 ; DeAndre Wright, 16; Montre Brown, 18; Uriah Mitchell, 18; Marquis Powell, 18
* Bill Zachary, 66
1770. Mobile County, AL 2009
Public Abduction By Teen - Murder
"A white female came skidding across the road in her car and she jumped out.
I had to slam on my brakes and throw my car into park to keep from hitting her.
She jumped in my back seat and said 'I been shot."
Spanley E. Harris, 19, was 16 year-old (2006) when he broke into a neighbor's home to rape a 12 year-old girl. He has since been convicted of capital murder in the kidnapping and murder of a white female in 2009.
* Karen Tillman, 41
1771. Nashville, TN, Aug. 2007
Ambush - Robbery - Murder
White Males Pulls A Gun As Black Male Robber is Walking Away With His Wallet - Instead Of Firing ... White Male Orders Robber To Stop - Black Male Turns And Fires His Gun ... Killing White Male
A black male pointed a gun in the face of a white male and ordered him to give up his wallet. When the black male received the wallet he turned to walk away, however, the white then pulled a concealed gun and, instead of just firing, he ordered the black male to stop. The black male then turned around and gunned down the white male. Black male perp is still (five years later) unidentified. The white male had his chance to kill the black male...but didn't.
* David Martin, 27
1772. Oakland, CA, 2013
Black Teens Ambush White Male - THRILL KILL
A white male pulled up to a stop sign and when he came to a stop he was ambushed by a gang of black teenagers, one being armed with a gun.
"The 34-year-old Boyer was stopped at the sign in the Oakland hills when a car pulled up beside his car and he was shot in the head at what was described as point-blank range."
Six black teens, 13 to 16, were arrested and charged with the white male's murder. UPDATE: State alleges the motive for the murder was a carjacking. The teens had stole another car earlier but wanted a bigger car. David McNeal, 17, the trigger-man, received 48 year prison term.
* Quinn Boyer, 34
1773. Chicago, IL, 2006
'Fair Housing Act' Atrocity
Cable TV Installer Shows Up To Install Service - Instead He Commits Rape And Murder
Anthony Triplett, 25, was hired to install cable TV service (Comcast). On a service call, while in the house Triplett decided it was a good opportunity to rape the female. After the rape...Triplett murdered her. No information on the MONSTER financial settlement Comcast was forced to pay out to the victim's family members.
* Urszula Sakowska, 23
1774. Houston, TX 2013
Good Samaritan White Male Gunned Down By Black Male - THRILL KILL
An elderly white male offered to help a black male, Joshua Mayfield, 33, start his car. The white male went home and and retrieved jumper cables and then went back to Mayfield's home. After the car was started, Mayfield then went into his home, found a gun, came back outside and then, for no apparent reason whatsoever, gunned down the elderly white male.
* Donald Waguespack, 70
1775. Ocala, FL 2013
Workplace MASSACRE
Three Young Bouncers Gunned Down
A black male, Andrew Lobban, 31, angered over being passed over for a promotion, that instead went to a Latino, came to work and gunned down three co-workers.
Josue Santiago, 25
Jerry Bynes Jr. ,20 (w/m)
Benjamin Howard, 23 (w/m)
Note: Lobban concocted a story about being "pranked" in a video by the three he gunned down, however, police believe the video does not exist.
1776. Minneapolis, MN, April 2012
White Male Riding His Bike Is Ambushed - Gunned Down For Pocket Change
A white male was delivering food to a neighbor when he was ambushed by a group of blacks. They first demanded - at gunpoint - his bike. When the white male got off his bike he was gunned down. Black perps still on the loose.
* Jody Lynmarvin Patzner Jr., 22
1777. Mahanoy City, PA April 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Brutal Murder
A black male, Jarvin Malik Huggins, 18, broke into the home of a white male (neighbor) for the purpose of burglary and murder.
"Investigation disclosed burglary of a laptop, cash, prescription medication and other items taken from victim which led to the arrest of Huggins, who was found in possession of the laptop, and was seen driving the victims' car after the body was found."
Note: Case yet to be prosecuted. Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Huggins is pleading not guilty.
Victim: Gene M. Slavinsky, 49
1778. New Albany, MS, 2011
Drive-By Shooting Leaves White Female Dead - Husband Wounded
Craig Baker, 20, shot at a white female and male while they were on their front porch. The white female was struck and died as a result of her injury. Baker has been charged with capital murder.
Amanda Price, 31 (w/f -- deceased)
Ron Price (survived)
UPDATE: Craig Baker, to avoid death row, pleaded guilty to murder and received a life sentence.
1779. Oklahoma City, OK Sept. 6, 2011
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - -Rape - Murder
"Cotton lives with his mother and her husband just a few houses away"
A black male, Dartangan Cotton, 20,...overcome with a sexual obsession to rape his next door neighbor, broke into her home (or made up a ruse to get in). Once inside, Cotton viciously attacked the woman, tied her hands behind her , then raped her. After the rape, Cotton beat the woman to death.
* Paula Martin, 56
1780. Aiken, S. Carolina, Dec. 2011
Teen Guns Down White Police Officer During Routine Traffic Stop
Stephon Carter, 19, when pulled over by two police officers (both white) gunned down one of the police officers and shot the other in his bullet-proof vest. Note: There is a dashboard video of the shooting, however, the judge in Carter's capital murder trail ordered it sealed-- until after the trial.
* Officer Scotty Richardson, 33 (deceased)
* Other officer unidentified - survived
1781. Albany, NY, July 3, 1994
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Double Murder
A black male with a long criminal rap sheet, Johnny Blanchard, 27, who was, and not surprisingly, homeless and unemployed, broke into an elderly white woman's home to commit murder and burglary. When he was confronted by two white people, he beat both of them to death.
Josephine Zurek,81
Walter Paszkowski ,54
1782. ATCHISON, Kan. Dec. 9, 2011
White Police Officer Ambushed And Murdered
A black male, Skyler Barbee, 26, for no apparent reason that police know of, gunned down a white police officer. Barbee then turned his gun on himself and committed suicide.
Sgt. David Enzbrenner, 46
1783. San Bernardino, Ca, Nov. 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Rape / Murder
Jerome Anthony Rogers, 55, unemployed and with a long rap sheet, discovered a home occupied by a lone elderly female and decided it would be an easy opportunity to commit rape, murder and loot the house.
* Mary Elizabeth Blaskey, 76 (deceased)
Could you just imagine being an elderly woman ... and seeing the face of THAT man in your home?! WOW!
1784. St. John Parish , LA 2010
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Rape & Murder Of 15-Year-Old
Earnest Joseph III, 26, who lived with his mommy, evidently became aware a young white female, who lived down the street from him, was often home alone at night as her mom worked the graveyard shift. It appears Joseph knocked on the door and simply hoped the young girl would answer. When she did, Joseph barged inside. He first raped the girl, then beat her to death with a frying pan. Joseph pleaded guilty and got a mere 28 years. He'll be eligible for parole before he turns 50.
"Coroner Christy Monegut has confirmed that Adams' body showed evidence of sexual activity within a 48-hour window preceding her slaying."
* Taylor Adams, 15
1785. Jefferson County, AL, 2010
Young White Female Jogger Attacked - Raped - Sodomized- - Rapists Gets 228 Years
Black male , Nathaniel Lee Baker, 20, staked out a jogging trail and waited for a white female. When a white female jogger did pass by ... Baker grabbed her and at knife point dragged her into the nearby woods. He then began his sadistic attack, which included rape, beating, and sodomizing the young woman. For this brutal attack, Baker was given a monster 228 year prison sentence.
"The sentence is almost racial because he is black and the lady is a white female..."
White female survived the attack.
1786. Cobb County, GA July, 1, 2013
The Hate Attacks Just Keep Coming...
Pack Of Racist Teens - 'jus havin' fun' -Attack Lone White Male - Beat Him & Head-Stomp Him Into Unconsciousness And Leave Him In Middle Of The Street - Victim Is Eventually Run Over
![]() |
White Victim: * Joshua Heath Chellew, 36 (deceased) |
Racist Blacks Arrested:
Jekari Oshay Strozier, 19
Antonio Shantwan Pass, 18
Johnathan Donald Anthony, 18
Kemonta Bond, 18
1787. Sanford, Fl, 2012
White Male Gets Pistol Whipped And Beaten By Racist Black Male - White Male Defends Himself and Shoots Attacker - HOWEVER, White Male Gets Arrested & Charged With 1st Degree Attempted Murder
"Witnesses said Long, who is African-American, according to police reports, called Rose, who is white, a racial slur before hitting Rose in the face with his .40 caliber Glock."
Racist gun-wielding black thug:: Brandon Long (survived)
Victim:: Corey Rose, 30, charged with attempted first degree murder
1788. Wayne County, MI 1998
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder by Burning
Tyrone Yelverton, 18, broke into a prominent white female's home, kidnapped her, raped and beat her, then murdered her. To cover up his rape, the white female was burned. NOTE: Final disposition of this case is unknown.
Mollie Ellis, 76http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/123655/
1789. Luzerne County, PA 2002
Unemployed Boyfriend Persuades His White Girlfriend To Take Him To A White Person's Home To Steal Money - Result? Murder
A black male, Larry Tooley, 46, a loser, heroin user, career criminal, mooch and unemployed, hooked up with a not too bright white female, who was a heroin user --or became a heroin user after she met looser Larry Tooley. The white female, Tina Young, 33, had knowledge (thru her girlfriend) of a 16-year-old white male who had saved $2000 for a car. Looser Larry talked the gullible white female into telling him where the young kid lived. Looser Larry t then, along with his heroin-using white female, went over to the kid's house and once Looser Larry got the money he executed the 16-year-old . Tina Young got 20 to 40 years. Looser Larry got Life.
Casey Zalenski, 16 (w/m)
1790. Mesa, AZ, March 21, 1986
Workplace Water Cooler Is Spiked With Enough Cyanide To Kill 150 People
In an effort to kill his wife, black male Lewis Allen Harry Jr., 32, went to her place of work and loaded a water cooler with cyanide. However, another office worker drank the poisoned water before Harry Jr.'s wife did and she then alerted others not to drink the water. She died later that day.
Julie Williams, 46 (w/m)
1791. Dearborn, MI, July 2013
Armed Robbery- Two Are Murdered
Lavere Bryant, 34, walked into a convenience store and pulled a gun on two employees. After Bryant robbed the cash register he gunned down the white male. As for the white female, well, Bryant had a different fate awaiting her. She was abducted and taken into nearby woods, then gunned down. Police discovered the body of white female about two miles from where she was abducted. NOTE: Police, curiously, are not reporting a rape. But there's only one reason for someone to abduct a pretty young girl : RAPE. Case yet to be prosecuted.
* Brenna K. Machus, 20
* Lavere Bryant, 34
1792. King County, WA, 1995
'Fair Housing Act' Atrocities
Predator Stakes Out Two White Females' Apartments - Invades Their Homes - Rapes Them ...Then Murders Them
A black male, Robert Parker, 27, (career criminal) discovered what he thought was a perfect scheme to rape (and murder) white females :: Parker would find an apartment complex that had an adjacent wooded area, and then hide behind trees or shrubs under the cover of night and wait for a white female to come out of her apartment carrying her laundry to the outside laundry machines. He would expect the white female would not lock her door. That's the scenario that played out perfectly against two white females. Both wound up raped and bludgeoned to death with a butcher's knife. Their places, naturally, where also burglarized. Before Parker left, he torched the bodies of the two white females. Note: Parker's girlfriend rated him out.
Renee Powell, 43
Barbara Walsh, 53
1793. Foley, AL, Dec. 1997
Two White Females Murdered In The Course Of His Armed Robberies
A black male (career criminal and unemployed),... "Calvin Stallworth, [27-years-old], was indicted for two counts of capital murder for murdering Nancy Dukes and Linda Morton during the course of a robbery. Both Dukes and Morton were employees of convenience stores off Highway 59 in Foley."
Note: Stallworth was found guilty of both murders and sentenced to death.
Nancy Dukes, 43
Linda Morton, 49
1794. Lucas County, OH, 2005
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Atrocity
Convicted Rapist Out On Parole - Kidnaps (At Knife Point) 16-Years-Old White Girl From Her Front Yard -- Rapes And Terrorizes Her
"You sit back and you think that this will never happen to your family, which I probably thought that the other day," said the victim's father. "I guess you just never know."
The victim's father believes the neighborhood should have been warned after Quinn got of prison last week because he has a violent history, including other rapes. "And, if the neighborhood would have been alerted that he was out, maybe it could have been prevented." Note: Quinn claimed he was convicted because he was black and the victim was white.
Arrested For Rape/Kidnapping:
Jeremy Quinn, Jr, 26
UPDATE: Quinn was convicted and , because he was a repeat offender, given a monster 70 year sentence
1795. Chesterfield County , VA 2013
White Female's Relationship Gets Her Mother Killed
WOW! Crazy Brain Stalks & Terrorizes Ex- Girlfriend For Four Years - Finally Murders Her ... AND HER MOTHER
>>>MUST READ<< Insight into just how crazy this man is.
Arrested For Murder::
Herbert Bland Jr , 23
Elisabeth Fassett, 42 (deceased)
Barbara Fassett, 65 (deceased)
1796. Tulsa, OK, Jan. 2013
Massacre Atrocity In Tulsa... Four Females DEAD
White Female Lived In Black Community
NOTE: This trial is still going on (as Sept. 2013).
Know facts are these: Rebeika Powell, 23, dated a black man (unknown identity) and became pregnant. She had a black baby. Not surprising, the black man did not support his kid, so Rebeika went on welfare. She also, being in poverty, lived in a run-down black community - a living decision that would play the pivotal part in this massacre. Rebeika then started dating another black man (9-years older than she was), Allen Hayes, 32. A black female, who saw "valuables" in Rebeika's apartment, reported what she saw to her boyfriend, Cedric, who invited his criminal-minded brother , James, in on a "lick".
Colorado Springs, CO 1991
Gang Attack- Sucker Punch Beat-Down - Murder Of White Soldier
"On Saturday night, September 21, 1991, Moore and several of his companions gathered near a popular street corner, the intersection of Pikes Peak and Nevada Avenues in downtown Colorado Springs. Moore and his friends left a party they considered too crowded, for a location Moore liked to frequent. The group encircled a group of soldiers and began to shove and yell at them, with Moore ordering them, “Get off our block.” A fight ensued. Several soldiers got into their cars and fled. A soldier who was being beaten in the street escaped by leaping into a passerby’s car. Three soldiers got into another car. Through an open window Moore attempted to punch a person seated on the passenger side of the car. Moore kicked the side of the car, denting it before the car was driven away. Enraged, Moore began kicking in newspaper stands near the intersection.
Approximately twenty minutes after the soldier escaped into the passerby’s car, and ten minutes after the newspaper stands were kicked, another incident occurred. Two more soldiers approached the intersection walking north on Nevada Avenue. Layne Schmidtke (Schmidtke) and Joseph Reeves (Reeves) were walking through town to Schmidtke’s residence on Greenview Court. A young woman shouted a warning to them. Consequently, they made an effort to avoid Moore’s group on the sidewalk.
As Schmidtke and Reeves were stepping from the sidewalk onto the crosswalk, Moore shouted angry words to the effect of “Get off. What are you doing on my block?” or “This is our corner.” Reeves heard a commotion and saw the first blow to Schmidtke, a fist striking Schmidtke behind the right ear. Then Reeves was struck in the face.
Schmidtke and Reeves tried to retreat across Pikes Peak Avenue. Schmidtke fell to the street, whereupon Moore and others began to kick him about the head and body. Schmidtke curled up with his hands above his head, going limp and unconscious. The kicking continued. Likened to the force of kicking a football off the ground, the beating continued while Schmidtke lay motionless on the street. A crowd gathered. A witness shouted three times, “They’re killin’ ’im!” A group of girls in a tan car got out and screamed for the perpetrators to “Stop!”; “He’s had enough!” and someone said “Oh, my God, he’s dead, he’s dead!” Reeves was severely kicked while lying atop Schmidtke’s unconscious body, attempting to ward off more blows to his friend. A witness who pleaded with Moore to stop was told by him, “So, I don’t care. If you want to, you can be next.” An autopsy the following day ascribed the cause of Schmidtke’s death as blunt trauma to the head."
Approximately twenty minutes after the soldier escaped into the passerby’s car, and ten minutes after the newspaper stands were kicked, another incident occurred. Two more soldiers approached the intersection walking north on Nevada Avenue. Layne Schmidtke (Schmidtke) and Joseph Reeves (Reeves) were walking through town to Schmidtke’s residence on Greenview Court. A young woman shouted a warning to them. Consequently, they made an effort to avoid Moore’s group on the sidewalk.
As Schmidtke and Reeves were stepping from the sidewalk onto the crosswalk, Moore shouted angry words to the effect of “Get off. What are you doing on my block?” or “This is our corner.” Reeves heard a commotion and saw the first blow to Schmidtke, a fist striking Schmidtke behind the right ear. Then Reeves was struck in the face.
Schmidtke and Reeves tried to retreat across Pikes Peak Avenue. Schmidtke fell to the street, whereupon Moore and others began to kick him about the head and body. Schmidtke curled up with his hands above his head, going limp and unconscious. The kicking continued. Likened to the force of kicking a football off the ground, the beating continued while Schmidtke lay motionless on the street. A crowd gathered. A witness shouted three times, “They’re killin’ ’im!” A group of girls in a tan car got out and screamed for the perpetrators to “Stop!”; “He’s had enough!” and someone said “Oh, my God, he’s dead, he’s dead!” Reeves was severely kicked while lying atop Schmidtke’s unconscious body, attempting to ward off more blows to his friend. A witness who pleaded with Moore to stop was told by him, “So, I don’t care. If you want to, you can be next.” An autopsy the following day ascribed the cause of Schmidtke’s death as blunt trauma to the head."
Arrested For Murder:
Kevin Moore, 18 (black male - repeatedly stomped on and kicked white male's head - got 12 years)
Anthony Phenix, 18 (black male, convicted of 2nd degree murder - sucker puncher, started beat-down - got 24 years)
Sean Stencil, 17, (black male, got 16 years)
Dominique Herrea, 16 (Hispanic - got 16 years)
Dan Davis, 15 (white male - got probation)
Robert Dean, 14 (race unknown-got probation)
1797. Rome, NY 2013
White Female's EX-Boyfriend Returns - Two Are Stabbed To Death...
Aaron Welch, 26
Stephanie Morrison, 22 (murdered by ex-black boyfriend)
Shawn Kessler, 31 (innocent victim of white female's ex-black boyfriend)
1798. Roseland. IL 2012
THRILL KILL - 16-Year-Old Girl Gunned Down While She Sat In A Car With Her Friends
This could be a gang initiation THRILL KILL. Case yet to be prosecuted
Arrested For 1st Degree Murder:
Deon Brandon, 18
Taylor Fitting, 16
1799. Franklin County, Ohio, 2013
16-Year-Old Attacks White Female For No Reason - THRILL KILL
A black male, Jordan T. Stewart, 16, was arrested for the unprovoked murder of a 55--year--old white female while she was walking a a public jogging trail. Steward, who had been kicked out of his grandmother's home for being too unruly, was living in a group home paid for by white taxpayers. He was apparently lying in wait for the victim.
Note: No defense against this kind of determined HATE.attack.
* Jane E. Juergens, 55
1800. Reno, NV 2013
Black Male With Criminal Rap Sheet That Stretches Back To The 1960s Murders Elderly White Male In A Bank Holdup
A black male career criminal, Van McDuffie, 66, was arrested and charged with murdering an 80-year-old white male during a bank robbery. Black male McDuffie has over 62 arrests dating back to 1967!
Charles Sperry, 80
1801. Sacramento County, CA 1993
Ambush - Murder
A black male , Glen Cornwell, 34, ... "[was]convicted of shooting [white male] 63-year-old William Reagan, a retired civil engineer and World War II veteran. Reagan was shot in the neck as he walked into his girlfriend’s 16th Street check-cashing business carrying a briefcase with $9,500 in cash."
Note: Cornwell, convicted and sentenced to death in 1995, is still on death row.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/03/31/3518978/death-row-inmates.html#storylink=cpy
Huntsville , AL 1994
Armed Robbery - Sexual Depravity Murder Of Young White Female
A black male teen (career criminal), Derrick O'Neal Mason, 19 barged into a convenience store where a lone white female worked. At gunpoint, O'Neal forced the white female to a back room, then made her strip naked. Mason then shot the white female in the face twice.
Angela Michele Cagle,25
1802. Palm Beach, Fl. 2007
Apartment Maintenance Employee Kidnaps Tenant - Beats Her - Rapes Her Repeatedly - Terrorizes Her - Robs Her ATM
Incredibly, after more than three hours of terrorizing, raping, robbing her ATM, threats to kill her with a machete, the black male left the female alive. He was arrested the next day.
Arrested For Kidnapping/Rape (convicted and sentenced to life)::
Bobby Broomfield (b/m)
Jessica Carbone (very, very fortunate to be alive today)
Note: The only reason this white female is alive is because when the black man asked her if she knew him, she claimed she'd never seen him before.
1803. Berkeley County, S.Carolina, Oct. 2013
White Female Allows Black Boyfriend To Move In ... With Her And Her 8-Year-Old Daughter - RESULT? Mother & Daughter Wind Up Dead
Jacob Philip22, got into a relationship with a gullible female, who also had an 8-year-old daughter. It didn't take long for the Philip to murder his girlfriend AND her 8-year-old daughter. NOTE: I have a sickening feeling here...that Philip went after the 8-year-old and was caught. So he murdered both. What other reason could it be?
>>> Philip was employed by the white tax base --in the US Navy. His rank is third lowest possible: Petty Officer 3rd class. His pay...only 12-thousand a year. So who paid the rent and the bills?
Victims ::
Katherine Kaney, 26 (nativity that cost her LIFE...and her daughter's life)
Riley Burdick, 8
Riley Burdick, 8
1803. Orlando, FL Oct. 3, 1991
'Fair Housing Act' Atrocity
(in her white community)
Sexual Predator Beaks Into Apartment Tool-Shed -- Obtains A Ladder - Uses Ladder To Climb To Second Story Window Of Female Victim
Darius Kimbrough,18, stalked a white female apparently trying to figure out a scheme to rape her. When he observed a maintenance worker put a ladder in the tool shed, he decided that ladder was going to be the ticket to his rape. Kinbrough simply retrieved the ladder and climbed his way to the second story balcony of this obsession. One can only imagine the terror this white female felt when she discovered this black male in her apartment -- she had to know exactly what he was there for. After Kimbrough viciously beat the female, he then raped her. After the brutal rape ... came another brutal beating. The white female died as a result of her second beating. Note: Kimbrough was nailed by DNA obtained from a second rape victim (most likely an another white female victim)
Denise Collins, 28
1804. Essex County, New Jersey 2013
Public Ambush - Murder
http://nypost.com/2013/12/21/four-arrested-in-deadly-nj-mall-carjacking/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1805. Chatham County, GA Sept. 2012
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion - Rape - Murder
Shan Cheley,37, broke into a young female's home (or ambushed her outside and forced his way in), brutally raped her, then strangled her to death. He then wrapped her in a blanket and dumped her in her car trunk, then set the body on fire. Cheley when he was arrested for the rape & murder claimed to police he had consensual sex with the white female and left her alive in her car. A jury didn't buy it ... and convicted him of murder. Note: Black male Cheley was not tried for because the white female was burned. I've seen this tactic many times from the black male, after a rape, murder her, then burning the white female to destroy DNA evidence.
Victim: Amber DeLoach, 18
1806. St. Louis, MO July 27, 1991
Armed Robbery - Husband & Wife Gunned Down
Two black males, Herbert L. Smulls,33 (triggerman-executed), Norman Brown,...walked into a jewelry store then shot the husband and wife owners of the store. The husband died - from three gun shot wounds - at the scene, while his wife suffered permanent injuries from her gun shot wounds.
Stephen Honickman, 51 (deceased) Florence Honickman (survived, tho suffered permanent injury)
East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office, Louisiana, 1963
White Male Police Officer Ambushed And Murdered
A black male, Henry Montgomery, 17, with a stolen gun, ambushed and killed a white male sheriff's deputy. Sentenced to LWOP in 1963, however, he is now being considered for parole (2017).
Charles Hurt, 39 (father of two)
1807. Oxnard, CA 1980
'Fair Housing Act' Home Invasion Atrocity
Cold Case Cracked After 32 Years! DNA LINKS Man To Home Invasion - Rape - Murder Of 15-Year-Old Girl
Arrested For Rape - Murder:
Thomas Young, 65 (33 at time of home invasion, rape & murder of white female)
Stacy Knappenberger, 15
Callahan County, TX Jan. 2015
Home Invasion - Senseless Murder
Three blacks,
Michael Duane Wallace, Jr. 19,
Briana Payne, 18,
Shaliko McGee, 20
... were arrested and charged with home invasion and capital murder - Payne is charged with aggravated robbery. Case yet to be prosecuted.
White Victim:
Misty Mashburn
Baton Rouge, LA, Dec. 11, 2005
Ambush - Murder - THRILL KILL
Mother and father of 22-year-old victim |
For no apparent reason, two black male thugs, Anthony Johnson, 17 (triggerman), Robert L. Edwards, 17, decided to murder a young white male, who was just driving along in his car and minding his own business. The young white male was shot three times. Anthony Johnson received LWOP.
Daniel Magee, 22 (deceased)
Ark. 1993
Home Invasion / Rape Of Neighbor - MURDER

Innocent white female:
Debra Reese, 26 (had a son, 6-years-old)
Note: Her husband so feared the black man living next door, he gave his wife a tire iron to protect herself . The sexual predator/murderer was put to death on April 20, 2017. Yes, this worthless beast is gone (that the white tax base had to house & feed for 24 years). But it doesn't bring back Debra.
Little Rock, Ark. 1994
Public Abduction - Rape -Murder -
Mother Of Two
A black male, Marcel Williams, 23 (at time of crime), kidnapped a white female for the sole purpose of raping her. He also planned to murder after the rape - which he did. Note: Williams was executed by the state of Arkansas in 2017.
Stacy Errickson, 22
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wicomico County, MD 2013
Home Invasion / Rape Of Neighbor Sets DNA Precedent
(i.e. police can now legally get your DNA after any arrest and put it in national data base)
Way To Go Alonzo Jay King Jr...
Oh, Alonzo, who was 19-years-old in 2003 when he raped and terrorized a 52-year-old woman (his neighbor -- while donning a pull-over mask, kicked her door in), got a life prison term for his home invasion / rape -- from a white female judge. Race of victim unknown.

“The fellas and I were hanging out on our corner one afternoon when the strangest thing happened. A white boy … came pedaling a bicycle casually through the neighborhood. … Somebody spotted him and pointed him out to the rest of us. ‘Look! What’s that motha doin’ ridin’ through here?! Is he crraaaazy?!’
… We caught him on Cavalier Boulevard and knocked him off the bike. … Ignoring the passing cars, we stomped him and kicked him. My stick partners kicked him in the head and face and watched the blood gush from his mouth. I kicked him in the stomach and nuts, where I knew it would hurt. Every time I drove my foot into his balls, I felt better … one dude kept stomping, like he’d gone berserk …
When he finished, he reached down and picked up the white dude’s bike, lifted it as high as he could above his head, and slammed it down on him hard. … We walked away, laughing, boasting, competing for bragging rights about who’d done the most damage.
This is REALLY SICK STUFF folks. Even though I know this is most likely a made-up story for his for-black-only readers (if dopey sold more than 100 books I'd be shocked), still, the fact that dopey thinks this kind of black racism would appeal to his people says volumes about the impossibility of ever achieving racial harmony between whites and blacks in America. The black race needs to be master of its on destiny. The time is now!
Part : [I], [II], [III]
ummm, # 553 b. jackson was black, not white.
You state that you are not this or not that, but yet still you create a site that concentrate on ONLY black crimes. Yes blacks must be masters of their own destiny, as each and every other person who walk upon this Earth. I can create the same type of web/blog showing White crimes, Arab crimes, Native Amer. crimes, etc. In my view, this is total an act of hate, if you believe what you believe, why plaster all this negativity and not give some solutions that can help blacks out of these plights?
ReplyDeleteWhat would the white crimes be exactly? Going to work and paying taxes to support black welfare garbage who serve no purpose in a civilized society, 2/3 of backs should be sent back to Africa with the rest of the garbage, or better yet send em to the gas chamber.
DeleteShould I be ashamed of being a black teenager?
DeleteI did go through each and every one of them on the list and yes it is awful that people are like this, however, its really not just black on white crimes. the sad thing it is black on black crimes that are just as bad as black on white. you are free to do whatever you like, that is good thing about America, free speech. Im just trying to understand why is it just black on white crimes and not just black crimes period? My brother got killed at 17 by a black man so why is it that you are only posting about black on white crimes or hate crimes. there are just as many white on black crimes. the name of your site is and quoted: Violent Crimes: Black On White & White On Black, however i didnt see any white on black crimes. i will continue to search to see if there is a link or tab somewhere on here but so far i have not seen it. I do notice that this is a part 3 so i will look for the others. I am far from racist and i read what you said along the side about you not being racist as well or have nothing against black people. Crime is crime and it is all sad that either of these women, men, elderly, etc had to go through this. Sad part is times are harder and it is not just one race. true, you can choose to pick out a race and discuss it but it far more crimes that can be discussed. you say its been going on for 48 years...you say that as if white on black crimes have stopped. true in deed it is what it is but if you are going to say something like that at least take in to consideration what black people had to go through to even get this far and we are talking 48 plus years of white on black crimes. you can count white on black crimes in the state of Georgia along. im just saying. your site is definitely educational for a white female but its not too informative for black females. as a black female, we are raped, stabbed, beaten, left for dead, etc. so if you are going to talk about black crimes please try to include it all and not just on white people. like i said, i will check the MAIN MENU page to see what else you have here.
ReplyDeleteWell this explains why they're more black men in prison than white men. Even their own race has stated this many times. Go figure!!! Most of them are uneducated to begin with & in gangs.
ReplyDeleteVery ,very few blacks are in gangs. Most black are in jail for low level drug charges(crack dealing),There are more white men in prison.Last,most blacks are not uneducated. Get your facts straight!
ReplyDeleteBlacks are a third world people and their brain functions different than white people's brain. If the black man created just ONE political system supported by his business tax dollars I would think different, that maybe there's a chance. Looking at the casualty/ victim's list here...I think separation is a MUST.
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